The Bilderberg Group for decades has a large influence in politics, business, and other aspects of the modern international system. Daniel Estulin and other scholars have done great work to document the Bilderberg’s long, controversial history. The first Bilderberg Group existed in 1954 in Oosterbeek, Netherlands by Prince Bernhard. The majority of them are from America, Canada, and Western Europe. Many famous members include David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Bill Clinton, Gordon Brown, Angela Merkel, Alan Greenspan, other heads of state, senators, European royalty, media leaders, Pentagon members, NATO leaders, etc. Some are also members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the IMF, the World Bank, the EU, and the Trilateral Commission. Some are members of the Federal Reserve, the ECB, and the Bank of England. It has only been in a few years when widespread coverage of the Bilderberg Group has existed. The 2017 Bilderberg meeting took place in Westfields Marriot in Virginia. That is less than 50 miles from the White House. This meeting is historic as it comes during the first term of the Trump regime. Bilderberg meetings include foreign and domestic policy discussions. HR McMaster, Wilbur Ross, Chris Liddell, and Henry Kissinger attended the 2017 Bilderberg meeting. Usually, the meetings include from 120-150 people. In 2001, Denis Healey, a Bilderberg group founder and a steering committee member for 30 years, said, "To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not wholly unfair. Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn't go on forever fighting one another for nothing and killing people and rendering millions homeless. So we felt that a single community throughout the world would be a good thing." The Bilderberg Group is rather overt in recent years about their agenda. They admit that they want to promote free market capitalism and Altanticism (or building the bonds of Europe and America). They desire globalization and economic integration as scholars have documented for years and decades. According to James A. Bill, the "steering committee usually met twice a year to plan programs and to discuss the participant list." The Bilderberg Group is known for its undisclosed nature of its proceedings. That is why we believe in transparency and accountability in researching for the truth.
Right now, Leah Remini is the most famous ex-Scientologist in the world. She has courageously exposed Scientology in a creative way by giving interviews and being part of a TV series. She has allowed personal stories about many ex-Scientologists as well to be shown in public. First, an overview of Scientology must exist. Scientology is a religious cult created by L. Ron Hubbard (who lived from 1911 to 1986). Hubbard formed a program called Dianetics in order to promote his views. They claim to use E-meter and auditing in order to deal with people’s emotions. Its leader today is David Miscavige. It is based in its headquarters in Gold Base Riverside County, California. Hubbard was deeply involved in the occult. In fact, he moved into the Pasadena mansion of Jack Parsons (another occultist and Thelemite. Parsons followed the views of the OTO, which was run by Aleister Crowley. Crowley was a magician and very controversial, sick person). Parsons and Hubbard worked on the project called “Babalon Working.” This was a sex magic ritual to summon the incarnation of Babalon or the supreme Thelemite Goddess. Hubbard worked in hypnosis. Part of Scientology is trying to use auditing to get rid of bad, traumatic experiences. Hubbard faced criminal charges throughout his life. In 1979, as a result of FBI raids during Operation Snow White, eleven senior people in the church's Guardian's Office were convicted of obstructing justice, burglary of government offices, and theft of documents and government property. Scientology teaches the erroneous view that 76 trillion years span the claims of memories. Scientology opposes psychiatry and psychology. Psychiatry rejected Hubbard's theories in the early 1950's and in 1951, Hubbard's wife Sara consulted doctors who recommended he "be committed to a private sanatorium for psychiatric observation and treatment of a mental ailment known as paranoid schizophrenia." Thereafter, Hubbard criticized psychiatry as a "barbaric and corrupt profession.” In 1978, a number of Scientologists, including L. Ron Hubbard's wife Mary Sue Hubbard (who was second in command in the organization at the time), were convicted of perpetrating what was at the time the largest incident of domestic espionage in the history of the United States, called "Operation Snow White".
This involved infiltrating, wiretapping, and stealing documents from the offices of Federal attorneys and the Internal Revenue Service. Scientologists are known to this very day to harass their critics from journalists, politicians, former Scientologists, etc. Yes, L. Ron Hubbard is known to make racist statements throughout his life. He made the following racist statement: “…The South African native is probably the one impossible person to train in the entire world — he is probably impossible by any human standard…” (L. Ron Hubbard, PAB No. 119, 1 September 1957, as published in Level 0 PABS (c.1968, The American St. Hill Organization). Scientology teaches that mankind is an immortal being (called a Thetan) not originally from this planet, and that man is trapped by matter, energy, space, and time (MEST). This is very similar to Gnosticism. Salvation for a Scientologist comes through a process called “auditing,” whereby "engrams” (basically, memories of past pain and unconsciousness that create energy blockage) are removed. Auditing is a lengthy process and can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. When all engrams are finally removed, the Thetan can once again control MEST instead of being controlled by it. Until salvation, each Thetan is constantly reincarnated. A lot of Scientology is very similar to other doctrines. Since 1953, Scientology has deceived many, but people like Leah Remini has courageously spoke her mind. Raised as a member of the Church of Scientology from childhood, Remini left the organization in 2013 and began public criticism of Scientology. Two years later, she released Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology, her memoir about her experience with Scientology and reasons for leaving it. In 2016, she followed up her memoir with an Emmy Award-winning documentary television series on the A&E network, Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath, to highlight other former Scientologists' experiences. This is why we can never seek infallibility in L. Ron Hubbard. We should research the facts and find the truth independent of any nefarious organization.
The movie about LBJ has been directed by Rob Reiner. The movie was written by Joey Hartstone. It is about the complicated legacy of President Lyndon Baines Johnson. LBJ has a dual legacy of the combination of the legitimately good things that he has done and the terrible foreign policy actions that he has executed (not just involving the Vietnam War, but him supporting radically far right anti-Communist movements worldwide from Greece to other places. He explicitly supported the policies of militarism and imperialism from 1963 to 1969. One example is how Johnson supported the military intervention via Marines in the Dominican Republic back in 1965). The film has dedicated actors and actresses involved in the project. The role of Lyndon Johnson is played by Woody Harrelson. Other actors and actresses involved in the movie include Richard Jenkins, Bill Pullman, Kim Allen, Michael Stahl-David, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Jeffrey Donovan, Doug McKeon, C. Thomas Howell, and Michael Mosley. Rob Reiner said that as a youth, he viewed LBJ as a militarist extremist as Reiner opposed the Vietnam War back then. Later, he said that he found out more about the complex character of the late President. LBJ was a President who was vulgar and said racist comments in private, but signed some of the most powerful, important, excellent, and progressive legislation in world history. That sums up a lot of his personality. The film heavily revolves around from the end of the Kennedy administration (via the evil JFK assassination in Dallas, Texas back in November 22, 1963) to the development of the Johnson administration. The film primarily focuses on his early years in office. Back then, Congress was heavily divided on issues of war, civil rights, the economy, a growing Vietnam War, and the role of government in general. During the beginning of his Presidency, he saw a healthy economy, steady growth, and low unemployment as inherited from the Kennedy administration. Lyndon Johnson desired to continue many of the policy proposals that JFK had. Both JFK and Johnson had similarities and differences. JFK looked at nuance on issues while Johnson was much more aggressive to talk with his political adversaries. JFK was very hesitant in committing extensive ground troops in Vietnam while Johnson accelerated military involvement in Vietnam more so than any American President.
In the days following the assassination, Lyndon B. Johnson made an address to Congress saying that "No memorial oration or eulogy could more eloquently honor President Kennedy's memory than the earliest possible passage of the Civil Rights Bill for which he fought so long." The grief to Kennedy’s death gave momentum to Johnson to pass civil rights legislation. This goal wasn’t easy. Dixiecrats and conservative Democrats resisted attempts to gain civil rights and voting rights legislation. LBJ formed the War on Poverty in late 1963 and spoke about it heavily by early 1964. According to Caro, it was ultimately Johnson's ability to convince Republican leader Everett Dirksen to support the bill that amassed the necessary Republican votes to overcome the filibuster in March 1964; after 75 hours of debate, the bill passed the senate by a vote of 71–2. After filibuster, Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act on July 2, 1964. His Great Society agenda ultimately is Johnson’s domestic legacy. The Great Society was his proclamation to promote urban development, modern transportation, a clean environment, anti-poverty measures, health care reform, crime control, and educational reform. It was the biggest involvement of government in the lives of the people since the New Deal. He won re-election in 1964 and passed the Voting Rights Act too including the Immigration and Nationality Act in 1965. He funded educational programs. He faced rebellions in urban communities caused by economic oppression, racism, police brutality, and other oppressive conditions. LBJ had a rivalry with Robert F. Kennedy over personality and ideology (RFK would oppose LBJ’s views on Vietnam by the late 1960’s. RFK and LBJ didn't get along). The film LBJ looks into a man who represents social change and the contradictions of a fallible man who supported an unjust war. So, while we should be thankful of progressive legislation of the 1960's, that legislation didn’t exist by one man. It existed by the sacrifice of activists, who gave their lives in many cases, to cause those great laws to be signed in the first place. We can’t be naïve about Lyndon Baines Johnson. We should acknowledge his actions which were correct and not omit his errors (as it relates to Vietnam and other matters) either.
One of the most bizarre and mysterious structures in the world is the Sanservero Chapel. It is found in Naples, Italy and legends surround it. It has tons of art with symbolism. Symbols reveal and conceal a diversity of meanings. The whole chapel is bizarre since it claims to promote spirituality, but it has macabre displays of human bodies. It is also filled with Masonic symbolism. It was created from the 17th century. There are many sculptures there. Some believe that the chapel has esoteric, allegorical messages. The chapel has the bizarre human images with an entire nervous system on display called “Adam and Eve.” They are referred to as “anatomical machines.” The chapel was created by Raimondo di Sangro or the Prince of Sansevero. He was an inventor and philosopher. Some people accused him of being a cruel magician who killed people in order for him to conduct his sick experiments. He was educated in a Jesuit College in Rome. By 1730, at the age of 20, he came into Naples with the title of “Prince of Sansevero.” He joined many secret societies. According to Rino Di Stefano, he joined the Rosicrucians and learned about alchemical rituals. Rino said that he was involved in alchemy. He was also head of the Neapolitan Masonic Lodge. He could speak Hebrew and Arabic. He also been accused of doing other disgusting things that I can’t mention here. So, this person was a person with a controversial life. The Catholic Church excommunicated him from the Catholic Church because of his involvement with Freemasonry. The excommunication was later revoked by Pope Benedict XIV via the influence of the di Sangro family. His chapel represented the old alchemical and Masonic views of "illumination." In the chapel, there is the statue of the god of the Nile. He made the statue of the Veiled Christ. It was done to show Christ after crucifixion. Many of the sculptures do look very life like. Scholars believe that one statue is modeled after the Veiled woman archetype. In the veiled woman archetype, it represents wisdom, Isis, and the usage of initiation. In occult symbolism, Veiled Isis is the ultimate representation of occult mysteries where the truth is veiled to the profane until true esoteric initiation. With The Chastity on the left (representing the female principle), Disillusionment on the right (representing the male principle) and Veiled Christ in the middle (representing the “perfected man”), some believe that this esoterically represents the hermetic principles of duality to make the perfected being. The masculine and the feminine energy to form the Perfected Being is a very ancient teaching. It’s like Isis and Osiris uniting to create Horus. Raimondo di Sangro wanted to overtly show his views and intentions with his chapel. For centuries, many people didn’t know what he was doing, but this is a new generation. This is the 21st century and more people know about Raimondo di Sangro. He destroyed his scientific archives before he died. Many of his other writings were destroyed. Today, he still has mysteries to this very day.
In this brutal Hurricane season, many celebrities (and other people) have stepped up to the plate to help the victims in the Caribbean, in Florida, in Texas, and in other places of America. Involving Hurricane Harvey, J. J. Watt, Tyler Perry, Jamie Fox, Keven Hart, and others have send money and resources to help the victims. This situation of rebuilding areas is a long process. Also, celebrities have helped the victims of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico has an urgent end for bottles of water, blankets, medical supplies, electricity, and other infrastructure in order to assist human beings who live there. As for this Hurricane season, a lot of people have shown a great deal of kindness. Part of expressing that kindness involves charitable donations sent to the victims suffering throughout the continent of North America. These times continuously teach us that when one person is suffering, then we all suffer. Not to mention that many people feel alone and giving them a helping hand can make all of the difference in lifting up the spirits of our fellow human beings. We have never given up the faith either. After long years and decades, we still harbor the same Dream in our hearts. We believe in the creed of altruism and we will permanently advocate for love and justice.
By Timothy