Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Defense of Democracy.

It is no secret that Trump hates socialism and he probably doesn’t know what it means. He believes that socialism is about the ruling class viciously dominating all resources in a nation and brutalizing its people. That is a lie. The truth is that socialism is an economic system that people have the right to agree or disagree with. Folks have the First Amendment or free speech right to believe in it or not without persecution. Socialism is an economic system where the means of production are controlled by social ownership or by the workers in a collective fashion. This social ownership can be public, collective, or a cooperative ownership. There are different variations of socialism too. Trump spoke of socialism in negative terms since he wants to prop up the puppet leader of the nation of Venezuela. Also, Trump is an authoritarian himself who is part of the billionaire class. He studied the speeches and writings of Hitler. He has promoted an executive order that circumvents Congressional power, he has disrespected the press, slandered NFL protesters, and is a known racist.

The Trump administration even stated that, if necessary, they will use military force to end Maduro’s tenure and replace him with another person named Juan Guaidó (who is an overtly right wing politician). Maduro claims to be in favor of the revolution. Yet, Maduro must issue a moratorium on external debt and use policies to address the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela. There is critique from the left on many policies of Maduro, but the ultimatum of either Venezuela must submit to Western interests or face possible military action is totally imperialist, militarist rhetoric. We have to be clear to condemn the Guaido government, to critique the errors of Maduro, and to oppose U.S imperialism all at the same time. Foreign policy is complex, and we have to respect the self-determination of the Venezuelan people. This world have seen teacher strikes, more strikes in general, and the rising of people opposing oligarchy.

These developments make the ruling class afraid of the powerful of grassroots people. That is why more rhetoric condemning socialism comes about. Likewise, we are clear that freedom revolves around economic justice and social justice. We want democracy, and we want the oppressed to have their liberation too. We desire to live in a world where there is a radical redistribution of political and economic power wherefore the people govern their own lives without injustice. The New York Times reported that Trump asked Whitaker to allowed an appointed attorney to oversee an investigation about Trump. Trump denies this story, but if this story is true, this is a clear case of obstruction of justice. Trump is a notorious enemy of freedom. We know for a fact that the Trump administration has pressured people to submit to their aims involving the investigation.

Yesterday, some sad news is that Brother Donald Newcombe passed away at the age of 92. He was a great pitcher who played for the Negro Leagues and the MLB. For a long time, he was entertained crowds, stood up for our rights, and had a blessed family. He overcame so much in his life. He met Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. just before his passing too. Now, he is at peace with the Creator who gave him his life. His legacy extends beyond baseball. It dealt with helping the less fortunate, being a voice to empower the young, and realizing that life is a precious gift that must be cherished by giving to help another person. He broke down barriers as a man born in New Jersey. Now, it is up to our generation and future generations to carry the torch in ensuring that liberty and justice are enacted for all.
Rest in Power Brother Donald Newcombe.

President Barack Obama and Step Curry recently had a discussion about toxic masculinity. As we know, toxic masculinity is evil, because it promotes the falsehood that men must act irrational, act like a brute, or disrespect other people in order to be a real man. Obama made the great point that being a man is about being a good human being filled with compassion, integrity, honor, and humility. This is a fight for our survival since we want a world where women and men are treated equally and given the opportunities to fulfill their own life destinies. Curry also made great points in the discussion. Both agreed that we have also give spaces to black men, men of color, black women, women, and women of color to outline their views, to show their emotions, and to seek solutions in our lives. Men will have to continue to call out other men who are doing the wrong thing. A man shouldn't be disrespected because he desires to seek out spaces to handle issues of vulnerability or mental health issues. Many men need to realize that you don't have to fake an image in order to be a man. If you be yourself and treat people right, then real people will respect you automatically. That point should always be emphasized.

By Timothy