Monday, February 18, 2019

Multiple Issues Shown.

The nervous system is one of the most important parts of the human body. It helps to transmit signals to and from different parts of the body. It has many jobs. It can detect environmental changes that impact the body. It works with the endocrine system to respond to these events. Vertebrates have two major parts of the nervous system. One is the central nervous system or the CNS. The other part is the peripheral nervous system of PNS. The CNS is made up of the brain and spinal cord. The PNS is mainly made up of nerves. Nerves are enclosed bundles of long fibers or axons that link to the CNS and to every other part of the human body. Nerves that transmit signals from the brain are called motor or efferent nerves, while those nerves that transmit information from the body to the CNS are called sensory or afferent. Spinal nerves serve both functions and are called mixed nerves. The PNS is divided into three separate subsystems, the somatic, autonomic, andenteric nervous systems. Somatic nerves mediate voluntary movement. The autonomic nervous system is further subdivided into the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous systems. The sympathetic nervous system is activated in cases of emergencies to mobilize energy, while the parasympathetic nervous system is activated when organisms are in a relaxed state. The enteric nervous system functions to control the gastrointestinal system. Both autonomic and enteric nervous systems function involuntarily. Nerves that exit from the cranium are called cranial nerves while those exiting from the spinal cord are called spinal nerves.

The nervous system has cells. The type of cell in that system is called the neuron or nerve cell. Neurons have structures to allow them to send signals quickly and precisely to other cells. They send these signals in the form of electrochemical waves traveling along thin fibers called axons, which cause chemicals called neurotransmitters to be released at junctions called synapses. A cell that receives a synaptic signal from a neuron may be excited, inhibited, or otherwise modulated. The connections between neurons can form neural pathways, neural circuits, and larger networks that generate an organism's perception of the world and determine its behavior. Along with neurons, the nervous system contains other specialized cells called glial cells (or simply glia), which provide structural and metabolic support. The nervous system is found in most multicellular animals. They are diverse. Sponges, placozoans, and mesozoans have very small body plans and have no nervous systems. The central nervous system gives signals from one cell to another from one part of the body to others. They receive feedback too. Malfunction of the nervous system can exist by physical damage, genetic issues, infection, or aging. Neurology is a medical subject that constantly studies the nervous system and finds ways to treat and help those with nervous system issues. Multiple sclerosis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis are disorders involving nervous system issues.

The nervous system has nerves or cylindrical bundles of fibers. Nerves were known by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. The microscope helped researchers to examine them. A microscopic examination shows that nerves consist primarily of axons, along with different membranes that wrap around them and segregate them into fascicles. The neurons that give rise to nerves do not lie entirely within the nerves themselves—their cell bodies reside within the brain, spinal cord, or peripheral ganglia. A neuron has a nucleus, the soma, and the dendrite. They are linked with the axon, the myelin sheath, the Schwann cell, the node of the ranvier, and the axon terminal. Synapses are membrane to membrane junctions having molecular machinery that allows for rapid transmission of signals, either electrical or chemical. The axon is a protrusion that extends in the body. Glial cells are non-neuronal cells that give support, nutrition, maintain homeostasis, form myelin, and work in the signal transmission of the nervous system. The Bhuman brain has many glias.  Recent findings indicate that glial cells, such as microglia and astrocytes, serve as important resident immune cells within the central nervous system. The CNS is made up of the brain and the spinal cord. Nerve signals can travel over 100 meters per second. The nervous system helps to control the body. In a synaptic transmission, a wave goes into the axon of the neuron. When it reaches a synapse, it caused a small amount of neurotransmitter molecules to go into the receptor of the target cell. Synapses may be electrical or chemical. The nervous system deals with the skin and muscles. Learning about the nervous system is key to learn about our lives in general.

There can be no mention about what is going on without mentioning information about the documentary Surviving R. Kelly which was shown in Lifetime. It has been debated, loved, and hated. Now, the truth is known by a wide spectrum of people. The overall point of the documentary is criticizing R. Kelly's abuse of girls and women by showing the stories of the victims. Most people on Earth agree that R. Kelly is a terrible person who exploited the lives of so many girls and women including the great singer Aaliyah. There is no excuse for a grown man to try to marry a teenage girl. There is no excuse for a grown man to have sex with underage girls period. Therefore, the Surviving R. Kelly documentary did a great service to paint a light on the epidemic of the sexual abuse of black girls and black women (which some unfortunately ignore or minimize). We can’t ignore it. Statistics, stories, and other documentation document this epidemic. For example, more than four in ten black women experience physical violence. A 2015 Violence Policy Center study finds that Black women were two and a half times more likely to be murdered by men than their White counterparts. More than nine in ten Black female victims knew their killers. More than 20 percent of Black women are raped during their lifetimes—a higher share than among women overall. Black girls aged 18-19 were four times more likely to be imprisoned than White girls. Girls and women of color are the fastest growing populations in American prisons. About 60% of Black girls experience sexual abuse by age 18. According to a 2014 study, about 22% of Black women reported being raped and 41% experienced other forms of sexual violence. Therefore, we know the truth. We have to protect the lives of girls and women. Malcolm X was right that black women are the most disrespected, unprotected women on Earth. As black people and as human beings period, we are obligated to protect black girls and black women. For anyone to try to minimize this epidemic shows their disrespect and treason to humanity. Now, other people including sexists and Hoteps (like Tariq Nasheed and The Black Authority. Tariq Nasheed called black people dumb in an interview with the sellout Jesse Lee Peterson. Also, Tariq promotes books on macking while refusing to repudiate his past music as the character of T-Flex degrading women. Tariq also promoted misogynistic views about especially black women) have exploited the legitimate criticism of anti-black men stereotypes (and the real double standards in society involving race and class) as an excuse for them to promote the #First Them movement. Tariq Nasheed has fetishized women overseas and called them the curse words too. He is on tape saying that single women shouldn’t have reparations. This liar Tariq said that once he never said anything about primping or he is a pimp. Yet, in an interview with Michael Moore years ago, Tariq Nasheed admitted that he wrote a book on pimping and said that he is a pimp (he wrote a book called “The Art of Gold Digging"). So, he’s a liar. The truth is that it isn’t about First Them.

All people, who do rape or sexual crimes, ought to be brought to justice regardless of their race or sex. So, The FirstThem movement is about minimizing the value of black lives while only targeting white perpetrators first (when all perpetrators of sexual assault should be punished regardless of color ASAP). Tariq Nasheed’s disrespect of the black woman Pearl Jr. (even wanting to punch her if he was in a relationship with her. He said to her “I would beat the s__ out of you.” He’s a coward and his views can go to perdition) in an interview shows how fake he is. We can agree that many white folks receive a slap on a wrist for sex crimes (which his wrong and racist) while maintaining the view that black people deserve to be safe from rape or abuse at the same time. Instead of #First Them, it should be #Hold All Abusers Accountable. Also, there are extremists who want R Kelly to be the face of black men. That is wrong too as the vast majority of black men aren’t racists, but rape is a serious problem in the black community. Rape should be addressed not sugarcoated. We shouldn’t judge all black people negatively by the actions of the few, and we should make sure that the victims of rape are respected as well.  It is important to note that rape victims exist among every background. Many black men and black women are victims of rape or sexual abuse. It is important to give black women and black men victims of sexual abuse the full opportunities to allow their voices to be heard. Surviving R. Kelly was created by Dream Hampton (who worked in the hip hop industry and is an activist on many issues). We must be clear in our agenda. We both realize the epidemic of sexual abuse in the world while recognizing that the majority of black women and the majority of black men are not sexual predators or violent. Far too often, some folks will legitimately expose black sexual criminals, but minimize or ignore the brutality of white criminals (which disrespects all victims of rape since all criminals regardless of color should be equally punished). R. Kelly is a symbol of not only the imperfections of society, but the guilt of the bystanders and facilitators of his crimes. R. Kelly isn’t the only one guilty. Those who knew and did nothing to stop him, those who funded him and did nothing about his actions, and those who saw the other way are just as guilty as R. Kelly (and they should experience accountability too). It is important to expose hypocrites who once joined up in R. Kelly in music or business actions during this decade and now they are distancing themselves from him like Lady Gaga and others. During the 1990’s and early 2000’s, tons of people knew about how R. Kelly got down, but minimized it or ignored it shamefully (because the victims were black people). Not to mention that mainstream society and the international system of racism seeks to destroy black men and black women. That is proven by history. So, we understand the evil of rape, and we recognize the duty of us to support the victims of rape. Additionally, we must combat the system of racism that seeks to slander black people collectively. Part of ending racism is to stop rape completely. R. Kelly needs to experience justice just like every other abuser. We owe it to the victims of R. Kelly’s abuse to stand up for them 100 percent. Building a strong, safe black community is our aim.

The movie Green Book has been experiencing massive controversies. It has been legitimately critiqued by people involved in the real life story of the musician Dr. Don Shirley. It is no secret that many Hollywood films distort the essence of the stories of black life for years and decades. The Green Book film is filled with so much fiction that the family of Dr. Don Shirley had to come out to make people apologize for it. More people are speaking up to advance the truth that black narratives shouldn’t be sugarcoated to suit the interests of mainstream society. Dr. Donald Shirley was a world famous African American classical and jazz pianist. He was a composer too. Back in 1962, he came to a concert tour from New York City to the Deep South in 1962. He wanted a driver. So, his driver was the racist Italian American nightclub bouncer Tony Lip. The film was wrong to portray Lip as some black ally who showed Dr. Shirley what an African American man should be. That is not only disrespectful, but racist to assume that African American men must be monolithic in order to be black. Dr. Shirley’s brother Maurice Shirley Sr., his sister in law Mrs. Patricia Shirley, and his niece Mrs. Karole L. Shirley-Kimble defended his character. Green Book advances the overtly stereotypical “white savior” archetype. The film portrayed Dr. Shirley as being raised by a single mother when he was born in a two parent household. His father was Pastor Edwin Shirley Sr. and his mother was Mrs. Stella Shirley (a school teacher). Dr. Shirley had four siblings. Their names were Calvin, Lucille, Edwin Jr, Donald, and Maurice. His mother died when he was nine years old. His father raised them or his children. Many of them were physicians. Dr. Donald Shirley was close to his family until his passing in 2013. He never panhandled for money. He has shown musical talent since he was 2. He lived in an upper middle class background in Pensacola, Florida. Dr. Shirley was never an alcoholic. The movie falsely assumed that Tony Lip introduced Dr. Shirley to the music of Little Richard, Aretha Franklin, R&B, or soul. Dr. Shirley knew all types of music. According to Karole, the Black community was, “…the center of his world…he pulled from African proverbs and spirituals…he was a Black man…”

He loved his Blackness. He was friends with Lionel Hampton, Count Basie, Duke Ellington, Leontyne Price, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Paul Robeson, William Warfield, Harry Belafonte, etc. Dr. Shirley and his mother never panhandled for money. Dr. Shirley rode in black limousines not a green Cadillac. Also, Dr. Shirley didn’t like Tony. According to Mr. Maurice Shirley, "there was no friendship relationship between Donald and Tony…in fact, Donald could not stand him. He fired Tony.” The falsehoods in the film must be known since we have to show the truth that Jim Crow apartheid was not some game. The movie uses stereotypes against African Americans. In reality, Dr. Shirley earned doctorates in Music, Psychology, and Liturgical Arts. He was fluent in eight languages and was a great painter. The film falsely showed Tony as some white hero who made Dr. Shirley connect with his roots. The truth is that Dr. Shirley loved his roots and knew that he was a black man. He supported the Civil Rights Movement too. The real life story of Dr. Shirley shown in film in the correct manner would inspire people much more than the fantasy of a film that we have in Green Book. The racist mythology and ideology that a white man must rule and control all non-white peoples have been shown in films (and this racist lie promotes colonialism instead of human liberation). Dr. Wilmer Leon has made excellent points about the falsehoods found in the Green Book too. At the end of the day, unapologetic Blackness have the right to be truthfully shown in film or in any other medium.

By Timothy