Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The Day is Here.

 Michael Cohen has talked with the Congress (at the Senate Intelligence Committee) in closed doors about the corruption that Trump has done. His public testimony is on Wednesday. He will talk about the threats on his wife and father in law from the Trump administration. Cohen also details the racism, financial corruption, and motive behind him lying for Trump. Cohen feels like he wants to get the story straight. Michael Cohen was once the fixer of the Trump team. He was one of the Trump biggest allies. Later, he is exposing the administration because of guilt and a willingness to come clean. Cohen will start his prison sentence by May 6, 2019 involving perjury to Congress. Right now, the House Judiciary is looking into whether Matthew Whitaker perjured himself in his testimony according to the Wall Street Journal. It is obvious that Trump wants people favorable to him to led the investigation of the Russian probe. That's obvious. There is no question that Trump has enacted actions that definitely relates to covering up information or trying to impede the investigation. The reality is we want unbiased, fair people to head the investigation not Trump acolytes.

Recently, Spike Lee wanted voters to do the right thing. This came around the Oscars. Spike Lee criticized the victory of the Green Book as winning best picture. The truth is that much of the criticism of Green Book escapes the real point. There is nothing wrong with a feel good movie. Yet, the Green Book is just historically inaccurate as it characterized the African American musician Don Shirley as some musician who had to experience the South to learn about his Blackness. The truth is that Dr. Don Shirley knew that he was black and worked hard in the Civil Rights Movement being friends with many black leaders. Shirley's family has set the record straight to the cast members of the Green Book apologizing to them. Trump criticized Spike Lee as promoting racism since Spike Lee criticized Trump. Trump is wrong since Spike Lee said nothing racist, but he wanted more love to be advanced. Also, Trump has said racist words for years and he is hypocritical to lecture anyone about racism. Don Shirley was raised around black people and was very close with his family (which contradicts the film's portrayal of him). The Green Book in real life was a guide for African Americans on where to eat or have fun safely in the Deep South. Don Shirley was part of the march on Selma and he was friends of Dr. King, Sarah Vaughan, etc. These facts weren't in the Green Book because of the obvious reason.

The events in Venezuela are chaotic because of Western imperialism. It is no secret that Trump and Pence wants the far right puppet Gauido to govern Venezuela now. We see Venezuela have a humanitarian crisis, because of Western sanctions and an economy that lacked true diversity (i.e. it relied too much on oil exports). Now, you have people fighting in the streets. Guaidó represents no democracy as he is an ally of the anti-democratic person Donald Trump. Guaidó and his far-right Popular Will party has increased power. Trump wants the oil resources found in Venezuela. This situation has grown as a product of the economic sanctions and much of the pro-capitalist policies of Maduro. Maduro is in error in some of his actions like even turning to repression against socialists and union activists. Neo-liberal Democrats like Biden and Gillibrand has praised Gauido. While Trump executes his global crusade against socialism, historically socialism brought us labor rights, the 40 hour work week, Social Security, foreign aid, and were active in promoting civil plus voting rights. At the end of the day, Trump wants Western corporations to dominate Venezuela while falsely calling Maduro a true socialist. So, we have to support the people of Venezuela not imperialists.

I heard that Ryan Coogler is directing a biopic about Fred Hampton. Fred Hampton worked hard in Chicago to not only grow the Black Panther Party. He organized gang truces, he used programs to help the poor and the sick, and he was a lifelong social activist. When he was in school, he was an advocate of civil rights. Later, he joined the Black Panther Party in Chicago to condemn police brutality and other injustices in order for the power laced in the hands of the people can be made into a reality. He and Mark Clark were murdered by the CPD in December of 1969 with the help of a traitorous informant. Yet, Fred Hampton's vision motivates us in our time of early 2019.

Recently, India bombed Pakistan. Both nations have been at odds for decades. They split by the late 1940's as Pakistan is mostly Muslim while India is mostly Hindus. Their disputes have been religious and political. Both nations are nuclear power and that is why this issue is very serious. Pakistan's spokesman for the army vowed to retaliate and surprise India in its future response. The Indian government said that they bombed forces who are from Jaish-e Mohammed (JeM), which is an insurgent group. Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other senior government and military officials had repeatedly vowed Pakistan would be punished militarily for a suicide bombing that killed 40 soldiers in the paramilitary Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) near Pulwama, in Indian-held Kashmir, on February 14. According to Islamabad, the Indian fighter jets were chased off by Pakistani warplanes and their precision bombs fell in forested areas, with one injured civilian the lone casualty. The neo-con Bolton has not criticized India. The U.S./India alliance is real since the U.S. wants India to be a counterbalance against China (who is a growing superpower).

By Timothy