Friday, August 11, 2006

2tuff's words




Henry Makow: Banker toadies are not shy about this goal. On CNN, Glenn
Beck declared Wednesday, "World War Three has begun" and wondered when we would
have the "Duke Ferdinand moment." He is referring to the assassination of
Archduke Ferdinand, a false flag operation that started World War One. According
to "The Red Symphony" Leon Trotsky, a Rothschild agent, masterminded it. Bankers Bash Bush; Pump Global War


Silician Count Mariano Rampolla was the right hand man of Pope Leo XIII & trained by the Jesuit Order, OTO and also a high Knight of the Sovereign Military of Malta. Rampolla was groomed to be Pope & one of the key men in the Holy office of the Inquisition. His ELection to the Papacy was frustrated in 1903 by a Polish cardinal exercising "the veto", who was loyal to Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria-Hungary. The Veto was immediately done away with after the "ELection" of Pius X and Rampolla's defeat, Franz Ferdinand was murdered in 1914 and the Habsburg dynasty ended in 1918 all for crossing the Superior General (Black Pope) of the Society of Jesus's Rampolla. -EJP --- So folks beware of Jew blamer Makow whos well aware of the Society of Jesus yet still promotes the Jews at the top of the pyramid. He continues to blame the Rothschilds for almost everything whilst forgetting their no where near the most wealthiest family and ignores the highest Italian Black Nobility. The Rothschilds are simply the keepers of the Vatican Treasury as quoted by the Jewish Enclylopedia. Now ask Makow to answer how if the Zionists (Talmudic Masonic labor jews) rule the world then why does the VATICAN own 60% of Jerusalem and of course most importantly TEMPLE MOUNT! Henry will simply not be able to answer. Henry also forgets to inform you that International Banking was created by the Vatican via their Knights Templars. He also forgets to tell you that International Maritime Admiltary Law, the law of Banks is based on Vatican CANON law. -2tuff


Peter Hans Kolvenbach The Superior General of The Society of Jesus (The Most Powerful Man on the Planet)



2tuff: Jews? What a shock! Funny how its the Gentile run Sovereign Military of Malta who're in charge of all Banking/Finance & commerce and their controlled by the Jesuit Order. Over 10,000 knights worldwide and the only group allowed permanent observation in the United Nations. Remember folks its the Sovereign Military of Malta who rule the Council on Foreign Relations thus controlling the Americas and the RIIA in London. The SMOM control banking etc through New York, The City, Switzerland and Dubai. Now once again if people keep promoting the MYTH that Jews run the world then why does the Vatican own 60%+ of the Jerusalem lands including Temple Mount? If jews run Hollywood why is it really run by the SMOM and MAFIA? International banking was created by the Templars and who are these now? The SMOM! If jews run the world why did the SMOM/TEMPLAR/TEUTONIC knights burn jews in synagoges during the crusades? you've all been scammed



is the link of it. It had so much deception that I wouldn't waste my time showing the link here since it has the link. I can answer these people flawlessly. This is the new era we're in I guess. It's a good thing that people here and other place have the guts to expose the real criminals in the world. Bruce Campbell doubts that Steampfle wrote Mein Kampf for Hitler. The truth is that Edmond Paris (in his book "The Secret History of the Jesuits"), Alberto Rivera, and other credible scholars believed that Steampfle wrote Mein Kampf for Hitler. There has been so much information proving a Vatican/Jesuit/Knight of Malta connection to WWII that it's overwhelming. One simple connection is that Hitler was funded by many Knights of Malta and high level Freemasons including Franz von Papen, Reinhard Gehlen, Henry Ford, and Thomas Watson. It was the Roman Catholic party of Zentrum that propelled the Nazis to control the German Republic and turn it into a dictatorship. Hitler compared the Jesuits to the SS and many Jesuits were in the SS as admitted by Himmler. Also, the Vatican Ratlines sent Nazi war criminals into the Americas and other locations globally. Why is it prospertious for this Bruce Campbell character to believe that the Labor Jewish Zionists are subordinate under Rome. Wasn't the Jews slaughtered by the dictates of Rome centuries. Assaults against them are occuring now in Europe. The truth is that the Labor Zionists existed from the Frankists and Sabbeateans in the Middle Ages.

One of them were Jacob Frank, who converted to Romanism. Today, the Labor Zionist government and the Vatican have colloborated on many ventures. One was allowing the Vatican to control many artifacts in Israel. As for the Rothschilds, they had the title of Vatican gaurdian of the treasures for years. Also, the Black Nobility Families are more wealthier and have more political power than the Rothschilds. That's why Fritz Springmeier (a real truthseeker who's in jail now) said that 50% of the Knights of Malta are related to the Black Nobility families. That's why Fritz wrote that the Merovingians (who are in Black Nobility I might add) are more stronger than the Rothschilds also. Many of the Knights of Malta are in leadership positions of our banking, intelligence, and political bases of the world. Some are in the 1001 Club and the Pilgrim Society, which are stronger than the Masonic Jewish Zionists. Dov Zackheim and Ari Fleischer and Michael Chertoff and John Bolten are Masonic Jewish Zionists. Ari isn't even in the administration. Once again, no one denies the influence of Zionists in the USA government, but it's secondary. All of these groups existed from the Ancient Mystery Schools of Babylon and Egypt, before modern pro-Talmud, pro-Sabbatean Zionism existed. As for President Wilson, he was a Gentile and advised Freemason (not Zionist) 'Colonel' [Edward Mandell] House and others. The Versailles Treaty was created by Europeans. The Masonic Jewish Zionists that Bruce Campbell obsesses about like the Rothschilds, Bronfmans, etc. are either under or work with the CFR, Bilderberg Group, and other organizations. Sharon has worked with the CFR for years.

There is no evidence that Bush is an agent of Sharon. In fact, Sharon is in a coma, so Sharon isn't dictating anything. The Fed is controlled by the CFR, Bilderbergers, Knights of Malta, high level Freemasons, and others. The FED itself was invented by many high level Freemasons and SMOMs. David Icke has clearly stated that the City of London is run by Freemasons (many Mayors of the city were Masons as mentioned by David Icke) and the Vatican (yes, David Icke admitted to this in one of his books. That suprised me that he would say this). Bush sent troops into Iraq to protects the interests of the people controlling the Vatican and Israel. Also, many of the military generals were trained in a Jesuit school at Georgetown like Pace and Roman Catholic Donald Rumsfeld. The Israeli people aren't benefiting from the Iraq War at all. In fact, they are blamed for it and it's creating more anti-Jewish sentiment worldwide. Most people in America now don't agree with the Iraq War and differently don't agree with making a war with Iran. Chaibi, one of the architects of the Iraq war, was trained in a Jesuit college in Baghdad. Another leading man heading the Iraq War is Roman Catholic, Jesuit trained John Abaizad. Not to mention that most people who were involved in the Project for a New American Century agenda that lead to the war on terror, were mostly non-Jews and members of the Council on Foreign Relations as well.

The US Congress is filled with Jesuit trained officals, CFR members, Vatican members, and other folks. The White House is headed by CFR members and one Bonesman. The Talmud is from the rabbis in 500 AD. It is a tradition that isn't equivalent to the Bible. All of the unscriptural traditions of old related to Babylonianism not authentic Judaism. Bush met with John Paul many times. Also, hundreds of heads of state met with the Pope in his funeral. It's a known fact that during the Dark Ages, Rome ruled most of the lands in Europe and killed Jews, Arabs, real Christians, and others. The Bolsehivic Revolutions were funded by high level Freemasons, bankers, and others. Eric, Nicholas Rivera, and others have proven that many Jesuits supported it. The persecutions didn't involve Roman Catholics mostly, but Orthodox Christians, Baptists, Lutherans, and even Jewish people in the millions. There's a difference Campbell. Also, Stalin hated Zionism and persecuted Jewish people ( is a link proving it).

As for John Paul II, does it matter if he has some Jewish heritage? The truth is that he is mostly Polish (in his total ancestry) and accepted the dictates of his church. The church isn't an agent of Zionists, which is a big Lie. If that were the case, why has the Vatican never attempted to apologize for its crimes against Jews until recently. Why have they still colloborate with Muslim groups. Why have the Vatican never condemned the Council of Trent damning to hell Protestants, Baptists, and Orthodox Jews who don't accept the Eucharist, baptismal regeneration, freedom of conscience, and freedom of religion.Also, the Jesuits weren't dancing in 911. On the other hand, Knight of Malta George Tenet was executing a war game in 9/11. Roman Catholic Cheney allowed the stand down of aircraft. Roman Catholic Rudy allowed the steel from the Twin Towers to be shipped into China. According to Eric Jon Phelps, "Buzzy" Krongard is a Roman Catholic that was involved in the put stock options before 9/11. As for foreknowledge, Jewish people and Gentiles were warned about the attack. Mostly Gentile generals were warned about an attack in September 2001, so it's not totally a Jewish deal. Any major involvement by Masonic Jewish Zionist is secondary under Gentile leadership. That's history. Accept it. The Inquisition, bible suppression, evil Council of Trent, assassinations, wars, etc. proves that the Vatican was evil before Vatican II, regardless of Miss Ross says. Oh, I'm back. I thank everyone at this forum, because you guys are very smart and amazing. Most Jews don't want to divide Catholics and Protestants.

It is the leadership of the Vatican (not all Catholics) that seek to unite Protestants and Baptists under Rome in ecumencialism. Also, no one doubts evil Jewish people in the world. What we doubt is that the Jews rule the world. There's a real difference. Anne Emmerich was a mystic whom inspired Mel Gibson to create his Poision of the Antichrist film. Now, Anne Emmerich was known to use the occult and according to many Christians, her visions were anti-Semitic and included divination ( talks about it further). Funny how people like Bruce don't want to discuss the Vatican link to the Vietnam War, the Jesuit assassination of Abraham Lincoln (written by CT Wilcox recently), the Vatican support of illegal immigration, and the occult nature of the Order of the Jesuits.

Your little cheap shots and tricks don't work Campbell. Everyone here has your back, Greg Szymanski

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

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