I sent this email to Brother Eric Jon Phelps a week ago.
Dear Brethren in Christ Jesus and fellow truthseekers,
The following are pics are very telling of the power of the Luciferian Sons of Loyola over the governments of the world and the woman which sitteth on seven mountains/hills-the whore of Babylon riding the scarlet coloured beast-the Roman Catholic Institution headquartered at the Vatican which is controlled by the Black Pope from the Church of Gesu-the international headquarters of Freemasonry and the Illuminati. [Masonic] Vatican Seceretary of State Angelo Sodano, right, shakes hands [note the position of Sodano's knuckles] with [his Masonic brother] Lebanon's Prime Minister Fouad Saniora (L) during a private audience at the Vatican, July 26, 2006. Benedict had accepted today July 11, 2006 [Opus Dei] Navarro-Valls' resignation and had appointed Father Federico Lombardi, the Jesuit director of Vatican Radio and Vatican Television, to succeed him. CITY-JUNE 26: Pope Benedict XVI meets President of Philippines [Jesuit-trained] Gloria Macapagal Arroyo at his private library on June 26, 2006, in Vatican City. Benedict XVI meets Frà Andrew Bertie, Prince and Grand Master of the Order of Malta during a private audience at the Vatican, June 23, 2006. Benedict XVI meets British Prime Minister [SMOM and Freemason] Tony Blair during a private audience at the Vatican, June 3, 2006. [they exchanged a Masonic grip] Benedict XVI meets with Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez (L) during a private audience at the Vatican May 11, 2006. Chavez arrived in the Italian capital Wednesday to meet politicians and Pope Benedict XVI during his first stop in a tour of five countries in Europe and North Africa. Chavez's anti-clerical fascade is exposed here. He knows who his master and king is and he answers to him. Just as the Red Communist Chinese government did after the death of JPII. They paid homage to him because the Jesuits who control it want their Antichrist worshipped and adored by all including the atheistic Chinese.
From"The Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association is a division of Beijing's Religious Affairs Bureau, and has oversight over China's Catholics. According to the American Catholic magazine, Commonweal, [1] the CPCA is neither a Church itself, nor are China's Catholics required to be members of the organization. It is the only organizational body of Catholics in China as officially recognized by the government of the People's Republic of China.""When Pope John Paul II died in 2005, churches throughout China held special memorial services to commemorate and mourn his passing. Such activities are permitted, though official policy toward the Pope in Rome remain the same. Many Chinese Catholics, often with no awareness of any political implications or the rift between the two sides, expressed that they would have liked him to visit China, as he had once indicated was his desire." Benedict XVI meets British prime minister's wife, Cherie Blair during a private audience at the Vatican, April 28, 2006.
Pope Benedict XVI meets President of European Commission Jose Manuel Durao Barroso at his private library, May 5, 2006, in Vatican City.The European Union and European Commission answer to the Papacy because they belong to it. Benedict XVI meets with [Masonic and Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor] Mr. Shimon Peres in a private audience at the Vatican, April 6, 2006. Peres is a Jesuit assassin having murdered disobedient Jewish Freemason Yitzhak Rabin in conjunction with the SMOM and Nazi-trained Mossad and disobedient Ariel Sharon by the poison cup which Barry Chamish proved. Before Sharon suffered a massive stroke he had met with Peres and the mastermind of this plan was apostolic nuncio Pietro Sambi. to Barry Chamish's " The Vatican's Victory in Lebanon" Shimon Peres promised the pope East Jerusalem in May of 1992 and the Vaticanwants to cash in now. But Ariel Sharon wasn't playing ball. In July of lastyear he actually banned diplomacy with the Vatican.
So the Vatican tried working around him. In September they invited both Israeli chief rabbisto Rome to threaten the Jews if the holy sites of Jerusalem weren'thanded over to them. In November, they hatched the Mount Zion plot,trading a Spanish church for the Last Supper room. President Katsav flewto the Vatican but Ariel Sharon still said no."Finally they knew Ariel Sharon had to go. Enter the apostolic nuncio PietroSambi. He plotted with Shimon Peres to finish Ariel Sharon and possibly supplied the poison Ariel Sharon drank in his final meeting with Shimon Peres on Dec. 18. On thingis certain, 18 hours before, after 8 1/2 years in Jerusalem, Sambi flewout for a new assignment in Washington. "Once Ehud Olmert and Shimon Peres won the election, Shimon Peres flew to the Vaticantaking with him a letter from Ehud Olmert to the pope. No one will say whatwas in the letter, but you can be sure he promised the pope 'his land'and the war drastic enough to give it to him."
From "Why the Cypriot Racketeer Racketeers"Sharon's doctors confessed. They murdered the Prime Minister, and on April 27 said so on the Channel Two show, Uvda, meaning, fact. They should have said, "Peres blew the first attempt on Dec. 19 because Sharon didn't drink enough poisoned tea. So these thugs cornered us and made us murder Sharon for good." But they coordinated their testimonies. They were all "frustrated" that they killed Sharon. Yes, they found his weak brain veins and prescribed an anti-coagulant guaranteed to pop them. But they weren't alone. They got lots of help from the secret service, the Shabak. Benedictus XVI meets [Black Pope] Father Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, superior general of the Society of Jesus, during the private audience with the writers of "La Civiltà Cattolica" at the Vatican, Feb.17, 2006. Benedict XVI meets Laura and Barbara Bush at at his private library , February 9, 2006 in Vatican City.They are completely dressed in black. Bush standing with Jesuit Gregory Boyle founder of Homeboy Industries - Homeboys and homegirls gather with Los Angeles Mayor [Roman Catholic] Antonio Villaraigosa and [his master who also one of the masters of the Archbishop of Los Angeles Roger Cardinal Mahony] Jesuit Father Greg Boyle to celebrate the groundbreaking of the new Homeboy Industries headquarters, Homeboy Bakery, and Homegirl Café and Catering in Los Angeles March 10. Photo by Ellie Hidalgo I believe Jesuit Boyle is taking gang members and making them into fanatical Romanists in preparation for the coming race riots.
From"Activist priest and founder of Jobs for a Future and Homeboy Industries, Father Gregory Boyle delivered the day's keynote presentation, sharing personal anecdotes from his roles as advisor, counselor, employer, father and friend to thousands of at-risk and gang-involved youth. Homeboy Industries, whose mission is to find jobs for ex-gang members, now runs five businesses of its own, including a silk-screening operation, landscaping service, bakery, cafe and a graffiti-removal service. Believing that community is the truest antidote to gangs, Father Boyle gives his young subjects a sense of belonging, a sense of purpose and a sense of responsibility -- unlike what many have ever experienced." Jesuit Boyle is getting them to work for the interests of the most notorious gang on earth-the Company of Satan.
-Brother Nicholas N. Rivera
Alexandra: Isn't Alex Jones a Catholic himself?I'm sure your average Joe Catholic thinks the Jesuits to be very pious. However, I don't think Jones is your average Joe Catholic.As Jack Chick points out, a Catholic's first loyalty is to the Vatican. So it's impossible to be a good Catholic and a patriot.
Me: Alex Jones claimed on his show that he isn't a Catholic today.
Alexandra: That's funny, because I remember reading somewhere that he was. Either someone's mistaken or Jones is lying...or he left Rome.*shrugs*
tlthe5th: I have just one question. Where did Alex Jones go to school? It's impossible to find out anything about Alex. Thats one of his problems.
2tuff: Alex Jones teams up with Illuminati TV station Channel 4 from the U.K, the biggest promoter of the New World Order agenda with programs like Big Brother.Alex Jones enters the Bohemian Grove which no one else has ever been able to achieve, along with the Illuminati Channel 4.Alex Jones films pretty useless information about the Grove, he captures zero people of importance. He doesn't show any of the more sinister rituals just the pretty Cremation of Care. Alex Jones denys the Catholic power whilst HEAVYWEIGHTS out way before Alex Jones expose the Catholics. So lets ask Sherman Skolnick, Antony J Hilder, Jordan Maxwell, Tom Heneghan, Michael Tsarion, Eric Jon Phelps and many more what they think and they know who rules the roost and its Vatican and Mafia.
Alex Jones promotes Opus Dei members such as Mel Gibson and his father. Hes sold Catholic published products.People who won't admit out right Catholic power still admit the Catholics are up there with the best (their fantasies). So why doesn't Temporal Coadjutor Jones address them properly. All Jones is doing is controlling the opposition to the establishments normal line and thats it. Jones is their more sneaky plant where as Michael Moore is so in your face a Temporal its incredible. Jones does not report red hot information unlike a couple of outlets. Jones has massive bandwidth and many sites whilst the real truth outlets need subscription and have small bandwidths and one sight.
So when Jones talks about the Order of Death hes simply meaning the JESUIT ORDER but of course he won't go there. Jones knows his masters will let him speak to a certain degree but they will not allow him to stay as he is if he dare talks of the Jesuit Order.So whilst Jones is talking about an 18th century secret society known as The Order of Illuminati, he forgets the 16th century Jesuit Order. How can anyone just not tell you whos behind Rothschild and how theres many Italian Black Nobility families far more powerful. So when they promote `The City' as the ultimate just remember the real power is within Italy and especially Rome.
For godsake its well known by many who controls the CIA (and all the rest) and everyone knows the power of the CIA.I've made a thead about this cretin so check it out!Now how many mainstream TV stations Alex Jones been on? Now we see him in the Cinemas in that Dark Scanner film. Realise who controls Hollywood and you see the SMOM and Mafia. Do you see Jordan Maxwell, Antony Hilder, Eustace Mullins ect in films??????????? Its called CONTROLLED OPPOSITION!
tlthe5th: of very good pictures of Black Pope. just click the links down the left hand side.