Heroes are still here, despite the negativity in the world. I've been through lies against me and debates for years. I'm used to the adversity. Adversity can give human beings strenght in conquering their challenges. Jerome R. Corsi from Human Events on August 21, 2006 wrote about some heinous events. Corsi writes that Chinese slave labor is flowing NAFTA goods. Tons of people already realize the horrendous human rights abuses of the Chinese government, yet China is reaping an economic boom. the Laogai Research Foundation believes that slave labor goods still flow into American markets. The U.S. government has tried to stop it, but it still occurs. The Laogai Research Foundation believes that over 1,000 prison camps are in China today. These camps began under the reign of Mao in the 1950's. China imports tons of toys into America. Corsi connects this to the NAFTA Superhighway spreading from Mexico into America and even Canada. The elite plan to make the highway as wide as 4 football fields. Israel's leader Ehud Olmert and others in the government are facing a sex scandal. Olmert if of the Kadima party, which is nothing more than a offshoot of the Likud Party. The Kadima party acts like they are left leaning. Presently, there is a cease fire. I found Brother Nicholas Rivera's comments interesting. His comments were about how Ariel Sharon banned diplomatic relations with the Vatican and then later he is now sick. I do respect Rivera's explosure of the Jesuits and the Vatican. I always make a note to expose all evil in the world, not just specific groups.
GERRI PEEV from the Scotsman on August 18, 2006 discussed on how all European airports plan on using fingerprinters all of its passengers. This is odd. This system has been promoted by EU interior ministers. John Reid, the Home Secretary of the UK, pronounced that human rights ought to be balanced for the sake of insuring security. The reality is that there is no extent of more stripping of our liberty, which makes no guarantee to prevent tyranny from forming. Reuel Marc Gerecht, a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, said on ABC's This Week, that an invasion of Iran by America might occur in the next 12-18 months. Already, many neo-cons want an attack on Iran soon. They want a war if necessary. The good news is that the vast majority of the American people oppose such a plan. The Iraq War really didn't result in real freedom for the Iraqi people when you see depleted uranium and American G.I.s dying. Reuters on August 18, 2006 reported on how some military officers hid Haditha evidence dealing with possible U.S. war crimes against Iraqis. Special facts that the Bush supporters don't want people to know is that the CIA supported the sucessful Ba'ath coup of 1963 and that American companies plus European companies gave Saddam chemical and biological weapons in the 1980's.
Steven Ertelt from LifeNews.com on August 21, 2006 wrote about how pregnancy emergency centers are trying to help inner cities. They are trying to achieve this by preventing abortion. The reason is that minorities like black Americans and Hispanics have a higher level of abortion (in proportion to their populations) than white people do. For example, About 36 percent of all abortions are done on African-American women, who make up only 13 percent of the female population in the United States. Hispanic women are about two and a half times more likely to have an abortion than white women. Dr. Lillie A. Epps is a clergyman fighting for this in a program called CareNet. I found this out recently. It appears that a new using adult stem cells and reporgramming them with germ lines can be just as potent as embryonic stem cell.
This further ends the debate and refutes the charge by many that we must use embryonic stem cells all of the time. Scientists reprogram the cells to try to make any cell of the body. Now, scientists from PrimeCell Therapeutics made human heart, brain, bone, cartilage and liver cells from adult germ cells. Scientists in Germany have found similar success. This is great news in that we don't have to kill human beings to find cures and treatments for diseases. This is the beginning, because a Datafolha poll have most Brazilians opposing abortion on demand and a Sexton Marketing survey in Australia have 51% of them opposing human cloning. It's beyond human dehumanization where over 50 million unborn babies have died in abortion. It also involves RFID chips in livestock, the problems with the CIA, sodium flouride, deception in some "preachers," mainstream news monopoly going on, and the population control agenda.
Yesterday, I saw the interesting History Channel documentary called "Exodus Decoded." The above image are the Semites of ancient Egypt. The image is called the Beni Hasan Painting. These Semites are the Hebrews, Arabs, Hyksos, etc. Ancient Egypt has black people, whites, etc. I have to say that I'm was impressed. It showed information that I knew and other information that I didn't concieve off. Also, it was fair and balanced describing the reality of Semite tribes like the Hyksos migrating into Egypt and leaving in a sudden fashion. It's interesting to note that the ancient Eygptian Ipuwer Papyrus is similar to the plagues upon Egypt mentioned in the book of Exodus. Well, I have a rebirth. It's a dedication to find the truth, be moral, and live out in true reality.
By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)