Monday, August 14, 2006

A Breeze and Focus

Anti-New World Order is one of my many mottos. News excelerate rapidly throughout the world. Many human beings are focused and writing about the Israel/Hezbollah conflict, the "terror" plot defused, and other themes. The result of the terror plan prevented has created a more hostile environment not only against all Muslims (and all Jews), but an anti-civil liberties agenda. JONATHAN KARP and LAURA MECKLER writing for the Wall Street Journal on August 14, 2006 delved into the dreaded biometrics technology for a solution for "terrorism." The U.S. Transportation Security Administration promotes a new device dealing with people's temperature, sweet, and other factors to figure a person's truthfulness. Really, they are testing a biometric scanner device. Polygraph tests are proven to be inaccurate and now, the TSA must this new technology to incovient more people who just want to travel from point A to point B. The Screening Passengers by Observation Technique, or SPOT is a related program at Boston's Logan Airport dealing with "airport security." The Sun tabloid reports that babies with their mothers might be a terrorist threat. That's insane, yet this is a world we live. People like Glen Beck and Bill O'Reilly gloat over this stuff, because they want the sacrifice of our liberty for "security." In actuality, you only more government control into people's lives and a decrease of the rights found in the Bill of Rights and Constitution. With false terror alerts proven (even some in the FBI admit to this), what makes this new terror threat real. The recently London terror scare isn't what is seems. According to Wayne Madsen, Rashid Rauf (called by the mainstream media as a link to the Lashkar-e-Toiba terror group) was funded by the Pakistani ISI. The ISI is a CIA front group and both agencies worked together for a long time. This isn't unusual, because author John Loftus admitted that the "mastermind" of the 7/7 London bombing (named Haroon Rashid Aswat) was tied to MI6.

John Hankey created his new film about the death of John Kennedy Jr. As many know now, JFK's assassination was connected to the Jesuits, high level Freemasons, the Knights of Malta, and other groups. The real power structure in this world abhor JFK's insistance of destroying the CIA, planning to send 1,000 troops home from Vietnam in December 1963, disagreeing with Israel having nuclear weapons (to the dismay of Labor Zionist Ben Gurion's government), and getting rid of the Federal Reserve Banking system. John Hankey's other film about JFK proved that he was murdered with more than one bullet at different directions denoting a basic conspiracy. Bonesman Henry Luce, Freemason Allen Dulles, Knight of Malta William Buckley Jr., and many others had connections to JFK's death or cover up. Hankey film about JFK Jr. showed that he was his own man and believed that his father was murdered as a product of the conspiracy. You can easily buy his video at this link or watch it on google video at this location.

In America, freedom is limited. Plus, it's the same in the United Kingdom. You have Kevin Barrett intimidated by Neo Con talk radio and TV for just speaking his mind in disagreeing with the offical story of 9/11. Also, Henry Porter from the London Observer on August 13, 2006 have the UK government preventing Douglas Giles from talking about Middle East matters. Frankily, I may not agree with Giles on every issue of the Middle East, but it is wrong to prevent legitimate differing points of view from being expressed in an university. HOPE YEN from the AP on August 14 2006 have Homeland Security head Michael Chertoff wanting even more executive powers. This includes more electronic surveillance, detentions of "suspected" terrorists for an indefefinite period of time, and tribunals. I don't why Chertoff want more powers now since the NSA have violated our privacy with monitoring our electronic information for decades, the CIA have detention centers worldwide (some say torture is going on), and a lot of the people detain in Gitmo have no links to al-Qaeda at all (not to mention that many of them were accused of no hostile acts). It's time for more and more people to embrace freedom, not tyranny and evil secrecy. As for Joel Rosenberg, I agree with a lot of his theology, but I don't agree with him in Iran. The Iranian leader is an extremist, but Iran isn't a real threat to America. It has no nuclear weapons and PNAC document want war with Iran. I've changed my mind about Joel Rosenberg. Rosenberg seems to be a Neo Con who yearns for an invasion of Iran if necessary.

Feng Changle from the Epoch Times on August 14, 2006 told the fact that 51 Chinese Christians Renounce the Communist Party. This is good, because Communism was faciliated by the internationalists and Secret Societies. The end result of Communism (being talked about from Plato, the Jesuits' Communes in Paraguary during the 1600's, etc. before Karl Marx) isn't helping the poor, but centralizing wealth more and more into the elite. This is similar to feudalism where independent enterprise and individual private property rights are suppressed. It's important to outline the plight in the Third World. In reality, it's worse in the Third World than here in America. For example, (according to Jason Miller's research), three billion human beings survive on less than $2 per day, about 1.3 billion people subsist on less than ONE DOLLAR, The income of the wealthiest 1% of the world's population equals that of the poorest 57%, and 3 billion people lack access to sanitation while 2 billion have no electricity. This is further made worse by the World Bank, evil multinational corporations, and anti-national sovereignty trade agreements like CAFTA.

I also want to comment on this new bashing of Conservative Christians and Evangelicals by certain alternative media people. Many of them are ecumencials tied to Rome like Knight of Malta Pat Buchannan intimidating Bible believing Christians. They lie and say that real Christians aren't talking about real issues like gun control, biometrics, the American Union, etc. There are apostates and pseudo-Christians like Billy Graham (Eric Jon Phelps, Jim Shaw, and Texe Marrs writes that Graham is a 33rd Degree Freemason. Graham now says that secular humanism and Buddhists might go to heaven). Billy Graham is an ecumencial and one proof is that he received an honorary doctorate from Catholic priests at Belmont Abbey College in 1967, Pat Robertson, and other spewing the support of Bush, globalization, forced abortion in China, etc. On the other hand, that doesn't mean that the remnant is lost. People should correct errors, yet encourage the remnant without mocking real Biblical prophecies of increased knowledge, false Christs, etc. Also, I further realize the complexities of the Middle East with the Sunnis, Shiites, Druzes, Jews, Christians, etc. Just because people dissent with Islamic teaching, doesn't mean people hate Muslims or hate Arabic people.

Also, many anti-Jewish hypocrites say we worship Israel. The truth is that no nation is perfect and Israel isn't a perfect nation. Just because Israel isn't a perfect country, doesn't mean we should omit the activities of radical Muslims (killing people in Nigeria, Sudan, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc.) Just recently, new DNA tests prove that the Kohanim are related to theTribe of Levi. This is one in a long list of evidence proving that the Ethoipic, Indic, Yemeni, North African, Sephardic, etc. Jewish people today are clearly descended from the ancient Hebrew people. I'm not the type to unfairly mock prophecies or creeds, but to inspire and fight against evil. You have the mainstream liberal crowd. Barbara Steisand Gives $1 Million to Clinton Charity. She doing this in her mind to help the environment. Streisand should learn that many of the big environment groups want to get private property and control the world's land. Many of them like Ted Turner want depopulation and diseases to flourish to cause lowering the Earth's population like Freemason Prince Philip.

It's certain to me that governments have made terrorism or false flag operations a reality (just look at
the CIA 1953 coup of Iran called Operation Ajax [using folks like Kermit Roosevelt],Operation Gladio, the US funding Osama bin Laden[who was connected to the Masonic Muslim Brotherhood. The Saudis gave millions of dollars to the Jesuit University], the Gulf on Tonkin resolution, American and European companies aiding the Third Reich [proven by Anthony Sutton's research], and the US aiding Muslim radical terrorists fighting the Serbs in the late 1990's). So, the government shouldn't be trusted 100%. Government regularly exploit terrorism to try to control people. There are still problems in America like the evils of abortion (about at least 50 million unborn babies being murdered), AIDS spreading, flouridation common, etc. So, I don't believe in calling America all holy. Many people in the government like George W. Bush want us to be afraid. Well, I'm not afraid of anything except God. We should live our lives as moral as we can, yet be aware of the corruption around us and expose it plus fight against it. I'm glad that more people are exposing the Knights of Columbus (whose logo has the fasces symbol used by fascists like Hitler and Mussolini). Third Degree Knight of Columbus Jeb Bush, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, and James Towey are famous K of C members. There's a nice breeze outside, but I'm still focused.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

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