Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Defending What I Believe In

No compromise of my core convictions is a strong creed within me. The political elites for years have promoted an one world government, but that's evil for nationalism and national soveriegnity are important to maintain. The Terror plot "prevention" of London is finally exposed for what it is. It's an event with the so-called "mastermind" Tayib Rauf, having links to the Pakistani ISI, the Bush administration knowing about it for a long time, and the promotion of more anti-civil liberty acts as a result of this "scare." The BBC on August 16, 2006 talk about the UK seeking more police powers. The Association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo) are even considering on whether they can punish people without going to court. The BBC reported on this. They also want justice for "anti-social behavior," which can be ambigious. I still hear constant demonizing of Bible believing Christians. It isn't just coming from the usual suspects like far left wing liberals (Ted Turner and Janeane Garofalo). Neo Con Bill O'Reilly compared Christian fundamentalists to Neo-Nazis days ago. That's a lie for Hitler and the Nazis were for abortion, endorsed paganism plus the occult (i.e. the swatika itself was orginally a pagan sun symbol utilized by Hindus and Native Americans thousands of years ago), they were radically pro-gun control, etc.

The reign of the [occult inspired, Jesuit influenced, and Knight of Malta allied] Nazis (from 1933-1945) resulted in the murder of millions of human beings through murder, torture, and a host of horrendous acts. Today, Neo-Nazis hate Jewish people and advoacate violence against minorities in America. That isn't symymous with conservative Christians (who are fundamentalists) at all since real Bible believers have a strong love for the Hebrew/Jewish/Israelite people of today. O'Reilly has some nerve, because O'Reilly was accused of adultery (with Fox intern Andrea Mackris), is a notorious liar, and a omitter of numerous real issues in the world (like the new world order, the American Union, and RFID chips). The Falun Dafa Information Center on August 16, 2006 responded to Harry Wu about Chinese torture. Chinese torture is a reality and that's admitted by people from all political ideologies. China's vicious one child policy is going on and even sex-selection is occuring in Canada. As for me, life preserved is better than human life belittled. Life respected is much more joyous than seeing life abused as cattle.

Hillary Clinton (whose husband Bill is a Demolay, Jesuit trained, and a Rhodes Scholar) continues to battle against a Republican for the NY Senate seat. Hillary classified the Bush administration as permitting the nation to experience open borders and a lax attitude to protecting U.S. ports. That's true, yet Hillary remains a big government Democrat. She may have intensions of running for President in 2008. Her Republican opponent, John Spencer, made a controversial commerical about her. The commercial claimed that Hillary was soft on national security. It pictured her with Osama bin Laden. As for the Republican Senator George Allen from Virginia, he recently said a racial slur to an Indian American. I don't agree with that. Allen apologized, yet the Indian who experienced the slur said that he met with Allen before. Jim Webb is Allen's opponent. Our issues are bigger than Hillary. We have a shadow government created by George W. Bush, a institution of RFID-laced passports (this is real), and a Former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray says the alleged transatlantic liquid bomb plot is staged-managed propaganda on behalf of Bush and Blair. AFP on August 13, 2006 have Seymour Hersh writing that the Bush White House and Israel colloborated to fight Hezbollah plus America is planning to fight Israel. The Pentagon denies it.

The Iraq War is very similar to the British colonalization of Iraq in the early 1900's. The British ruled Iraq after they've defeated the Ottoman Turks after World War One. The United Kingdom divied Iraq into 3 regions (which were called Ottoman vilayets or regions) called Mosul, Baghdad and Basra. During British rule, the Iraqi people resisted occupation. They forced the British out of Iraq (at October 26, 1947) to form their own country. Lloyd George wanted to rule Iraq, yet Baron Law in November 1922 condemned the British as a "policeman" of the world. In Iraq, America is having trouble sending "democracy" to Iraq. Bush's intensions are clear of wanting a "new order of the ages" and a democratic revolution (promoted by Sir Francis Bacon in the late 1500's). Prime Minister Maliki is the newest leader of Iraq protected by the American military. Problems still transpire in Iraq, most Americans oppose the way the war is going, and the furture is unknown. If the British using the policies of occupation didn't work, the same policy of Bonesman Bush (of staying the course) might not work in the future.

I wish Iraq to improve itself and be a prospertous nation, but we must learn the lesson of fighting wars when it's necessary and not when it's convienent. on August 16, 2006 have Webster Tarpley refuting Gergen on how the CIA had links to Osama bin Laden. People like me are winning. A poll showed that about a third of all Americans believe that 9/11 was an inside job. This is exposed by real conservatives not just liberals. Neo Con outfit World Net Daily (with tools like Jonathon Moseley) are slandering folks in the 911 Truth Movement. The truth is that Building Number Seven was not hit by aircraft, yet it fell symmetrically, NORAD made mistakes in preventing the aircraft from hitting the Towers, governments have a history of creating terrorism (like Operation Gladio, Operation Barbarossa of June 22, 1941, and other events throughout history) witnesses (like firefighters and other citizens) heard explosives in the Buildings, Steven Jones have research of thermite found in NYC, and other facts destory the 911 Offical story. A vast array of deluded souls either don't want to or can't comprehend the truth.

I'm not too found of the Movie "V" for Vendetta, because it praised the terrorist, pro-Jesuit Guy Fawkes. I do find this video above interesting, because it quickly outlines the many events of the 21st century. Many things change, but some things stay the same. Just because fake terror alerts and paranoia rules the time, doesn't mean we should do nothing. We should act by telling people, going on the Internet and show information, writing, protesting, and letting our voices to be heard. The New York Times on August 15, 2006 had an article written By RICK LYMAN about the rapid group of immigrants. On example is about how the number of immigrants living in American households rose 16 percent over the last five years. The writer writes that this is because of the influx of immigrants from Mexico. I enjoy legal immigration, but illegal immigration is morally wrong and must be put under control. If you don't believe we are not really free, just look at the Freedom Iniatative, FEMA planned detention centers, the Patriot Act, militarized police, eminent domain, religious liberty being suppresed, etc. The writings on the wall, but I would say that more and more human beings globally are waking up more than ever. Well, I defend what I believe in whether with stats and other evidence. Rejecting Secret societies like the Freemasons, Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Rosicrucians, etc. is a must for me. I oppose and reject all occult secret orders as well. That's my persona.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

1 comment:

Timothy said...

I hate pornography and I will not click on your links at all.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)