Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Review: V for Vendetta


V For Vatican

Review: V for Vendetta

by Anonymous Note:

The following review was sent to WING TV by Vyzygoth, host of From the Grassy Knoll V is of course a muti-layered film and, at one of the important levels, it has a historical story which most people do not know. Guy Fawkes was a Jesuit Roman/Vatican agent who, along with some other conspirators (in the true sense of the word), intended to blow up the English Parliament on its opening session (Nov. 5th), when the king would be present along with the rest of the members of parliament. This is the famous Gundpowder Plot. Fawkes was caught and executed. The intention of this plot was to bring England back into the fold of Rome, from which it had departed beginning with Henry VIII. This rift with Rome had grown greater under the reign of Elizabeth I--against whose life many attempts had been made by Jesuit/Roman agents. This continued under James I, who suceeded Elizabeth I in 1603, and was the king whose life had also been targeted by Fawkes and his associates. In reality, Fawkes was anything but a victim:

He had committed treason and suffered the consequences under English law. The movie paints his counterpart, V as a victim, which is not historically accurate regarding Fawkes. But the real powerful symbolism in this movie is found in the two buildings that are blown up: the Old Bailey and the English Parliament. The Old Bailey represents conmon law, the very foundation of democracy and the freedoms that we enjoy today in western countries (especially those nations whose laws are based on English common law, i.e., England, Canada, the U.S., Australia and New Zealand in particular, but including as well all the commonwealth countries such as India). Common law gave us two very important and foundational principles without which it is not possible to have a free society:

1) trial by jury;
2) innocent until proven guilty. The opposite of common law is canon law--the law of the Roman Catholic institution. This law is not religious but, rather, the constitution upon which all laws were formed in Catholic countries. Under canon law no one except the pope has any rights, and this is as true today as it was in the middle ages. All rights are vested in the pope (more accurately in the men who control the office of the papacy), and it is the pope who distributes any and all rights as he pleases.

Thus under Canon law no one except the pope has any inherent rights. What Guy Fawkes had been contracted to do was to eliminate the protestant king and parliament thus paving the way for a Catholic, Rome-controlled monarch to be installed in the place of James I, thus replacing common law in England with canon law once again. We are all too aware how fast our rights are eroding, and this movie sends the coded message (whether as a warning or a sign of the triumph of Rome) that common law has been blown away (the Old Bailey being blown up), exactly that which Guy Fawkes set out to do. And what will be left is canon law: all power and rights vested in a very few men who control government leaving the rest of us as serfs. Even more troubling is the blowing up of the English Parliament, which brought us modern democracy and gave rights to common people, a concept that was pretty much unknown in the medieval world.

Three important freedoms that were granted to all people were freedom of the press; freedom of conscience; freedom of thought. Believe it or not, under canon law all three of these freedoms are anathemized, that is, they are cursed by canon law even today. Yes, under canon law a man is not free to think for himself or to follow the dictates of his own conscience, but must bow to the will of the church. He is not free to think what is right or wrong, but must accept as right or wrong that which the church tells him is right or wrong. Since England split from Rome in the 1500s, it has been the stated goal of Rome to bring England back to the fold. By blowing up her parliament, the most important symbol of freedom in the world (not the Statue of Liberty), the message is being conveyed that the experiment of parliamentary self-governance has come to an end. It is important that, in the movie, this event takes place after Guy Fawkes dies. The message, however, is that what Guy Fawkes died for has at last been accomplished 400 years after his death. Rome never forgets and Rome at last has its vendetta. More foreboding messages in the movie are the destruction of the United States (and Canada by extension) through biowarfare and civil war, both distinct possibilities as many researchers have warned us.

The movie on the surface may seem to be promoting freedom in the face of totalitarianism, but its symbols foreshadow a completely totalitarian world that will be brought about through disease, warfare, and "natural" disasters. To those who believe that Rome is ancient history, keep these facts in mind: for the past 1000-plus years, all secret societies have directly or indirectly originated from within the Roman Catholic church. The Knights Templar, from whom came the Knights of Malta and Knights of Columbus, are all Catholic; the Jesuits, the Priory of Sion and, in more modern times, Opus Dei have all had their genesis in the Roman religion. Freemasons are also an offshoot of the Knights Templar and very much in bed with the Vatican. The CIA was originally formed mostly by Nazi Germans who escaped Europe on Vatican passports.

From its very beginning, the CIA and all other secret agencies (which is a more accurate term than intelligence agencies) have been tied to the Vatican. So is the Vatican a spent force? Hardly. And it is my assessment that V might even stand for VATICAN and, on a deeper level, shows the triumph of Rome and Roman canon law. V truly foreshadows the coming dark ages: rampant disease, civil wars, rioting, curfews, govenment agents everywhere, listening in on us, watching us, instilling fear everywhere, exactly as it happened all over Europe for 600-plus years of The Inquistion. The first Matrix was a very intelligent movie, more so than V in my opinion, but I believe both movies are agenda movies. They seem to promise hope and freedom, but if we dissect them, the message both these movies convey is the opposite of hope and freedom. Major Hollywood motion pictures always have an agenda. Movies such as V show us the problem, then offer a solution which furthers the agenda of the very totalitarianism they supposedly oppose. History repeats itself because people do not know real history. Guy Fawkes was an enemy of free thought, and he represented the most totalitarian form of government ever conceived by man. By having people wearing Guy Fawkes masks at the end of the movie, the movie makers make a mockery out of history and present the enslavers as the emancipators. "There are none so hopelessly enslaved as those who think that they are free."

I know many folks might disagree with my interpretation of this film, but from a historical point of view, I think my conclusions are correct. I used to be accused of being some right wing Protestant. I was born and raised in India as a Sikh. I have no affiliation with any organized religion, but I am an avid student of history and call it the way I see it and, historically speaking, Guy Fawkes was no friend of the people.

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