Monday, March 03, 2008

The Beginning of March






March is here. PETER ALLEN from the Daily Mail at March 2, 2008 described another actress questioning the official story of 9/11. She's a French actress named Marion Cotillard. She is 32 years old and won an Oscar for her performance as the singer named Edith Piaf in film entitled "La Vie En Rose." She questioned the official story on a French website. Marion commented that planes have hit Towers before and they don't collapse like one building in Spain. Actually, no planes hit the Spanish Madrid Building, but I see her point. The Building in Madrid burned for hours. Fire was all throughout the building unlike the Twin Towers with limited fires. Yet still, the Madrid Tower never collapsed. The steel skeleton was shown in the Madrid Building alone. On the other hand, Twin Towers did collapse in a relativiely short period of time. She believed that the Twin Towers were of an old 1960's design and collapsed in order not build a newer version of it (for the means of profits among corporate interests). She questioned the 1969 Moon landings as well. What do I think of this? It's perfectly legitimate to ask questions about 9/11 since we still don't know everything about it. This is America and free speech along with free inquiry is one quintessential definition of being an American. The offical story has many holes in it. The facts shutting the official story down is like the government funding Muslim radicals, and the standdown of NORAD (Norman Mineta in a sworn testimony admitted that Dick Cheney refused to allow the military to intercept the plane hitting the Pentagon. That's on the record). In February 2007, 20-year Marine Corps infantry and intelligence officer, the second-ranking civilian in U.S. Marine Corps Intelligence, and former CIA clandestine services case officer Robert Steele went on record as saying that Cheney organized 9/11 exercises to allow 9/11 to allow. The W199I signed document restricted investigations of extremists, witnesses heard explosives in the Twin Towers (even way below the plane impact zones), and other facts transpire making the official story null and void. I reject the official 9/11 story. The main reason for that persistence rejection is of the inconsistencies of it. Warnings sent to the US Government occured numerous times via foreign governments. These foreign nations sending the warnings include Britian, Israel, Jordan, Morocco, France, etc. On September 11, the National Reconnaissance Office (which runs the spy satellites), was conducting a "plane into building" scenario with the CIA at the NRO's Virginia headquarters (near Dulles airport). NORAD conducted at least 5 wargames which disabled the response of aircraft in the attacks. 9/11 was allowed and created as an inside job as a pretext for the West to control the Middle East, the grab by Western powers of oil resources, and to create a new world order. This is spelled out in the documents of the Project for a New American Century from September 2000 (This sinister work was created by neo-cons), "The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives," which is a book written by Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1997, and new articles outlining plans of the White House desiring to invade Afghanistan and Iraq before 9/11. Michel Chossudovsky from Global Research at March 1, 2008 shown execellent research into the criminal enterprises of the leadership of Kosovo and the United Nations. He proves that the newly indepedent state of Kosovo is a US/EU protectorate under NATO military rule. That's true since the US and the European Union endorsed Kosovo's existence despite their history of brutalizing the Serbian people (along with Kosovo's leaders having connections with drug runners and KLA terrorists). Even the UN 2000 report given unto then Secretary General Kofi Annan found that the KPC or the Kosovo Protection Force has been involved in criminal treatment, torture, illegal policing, etc. Google Video from Sunday, at March 2, 2008 reported on prisons for immigrant families. This prison also house nursing and pregnant women. It's located in Taylor, Texas and it's operated by the Corrections Corporation of America.  The video says that the prison is housing non-criminal immigrant families. Even if you disagree with illegal immigration (like I do), I don't believe in arbitrary jailing innocent, pregnant people into prisons. There should be strict punishments on illegal immigrants like fines, etc. Although, there ought to be a measure of compassion unto those who are non-violent illegal immigrants. In another level, the prison-industrial complex exploits these matters into a big business. There are millions of dollars made on the suffering of those in prison. Some of them aren't even guilty. A specific numbers of prisoners are composed of convicted non-violent drug offenders. In my eyes though, if you are a felon and an illegal immigrant, you should be deported as soon as possible. SIMON WALTERS from UK Daily Mail at Sunday, on March 2, 2008 focused on the EU Presidency. Walters writes that a senior member of Sarkozy's inner circle said that Nicolas Sarkozy supported Tony Blair as EU President for a quid pro quo deal with the EU Commissioner Mr. Mandelson. In other words, Mandelson assisted Sarkozy to achieve the French Presidency. Hence, Sarkozy is helping Mandelson in order for Tony Blair to gain the EU Presidency. Sarkozy wants to mimic his Presidency of France to Tony Blair's Presidency in Britian. It seems that the now-British Prime Minister Bilderberger Gordon Brown doesn't like Mandelson for switching sides into Blair's Labor Party years ago. If this Sarkozy, Blair, and Mandelson coalition is true, it isn't the first time that such a coalition existed. Each of them promote the new world order agenda. Sarkozy called for a  Mediterranean Union. Tony Blair was an envoy to the Middle East. Even Gordon Brown called for a new world order recently. Bob Unruh from World Net Daily wrote about the anti-homeschooling extremism promoted by a California court. The deal is that a California court ruled that several children in one homeschool must attend a public school or a "legally qualified" private school. This is fascist since this policies grants the government the power of dictating the lives of how children are educated by force or coercion. No one has a right to force education unto anyone. There should be a basic, inherit value of educational freedom, the First Amendment, and school choice. This ideals ought to be promoted. Phillip and Mary Long  are the parent homeschoolers involved in the controversy. This is similar to Nazi Germany when they passed a law in 1938 banning homeschooling. Germany bans homeschooling to this day in 2008. That's why many German homeschoolers are freeing into Britian. The Home School Legal Defense Association is against this radical decision made by the California court system. Parental rights should reign in this. There are exceptions like abusive parents, but other than that the parents should have rights in determining the education of their own children.


The mainstream media is using a new tactic. Because of the John Hagee/John McCain controversy, they are trying to label any legitimate dissent with Roman Catholic doctrine as bigotry. That's horrendously false, because a man or a woman has a God given right to disagree. I have a right to disagree with the opinions that a wafer is God, a woman is an Evervirgin, that Mary is the Queen of Heaven, that venerating images is great, or a Rosary bead equals spiritual enlightenment. That's part of the freedom of speech. Never will the media or anyone else (like the Catholic League) intimidate me or prevent me from exposing the wicked leadership of the Vatican. I believe in religious freedom, so human beings have a right to believe in what they want. Not all Catholic people are involved with this (so I don't generalize anyone from any religion), but the Vatican leadership are complicit in this. Likewise, I and others have a right to peaceful disagree with many false doctrines. I also believe in religious liberty for Evangelicals in Russia, despite their suppression of some of their religious liberty rights. Think Progress from Monday, at March 3, 2008 reported that Karl Rove said that the redeployment of troops from Iraq would make oil prices to increase. Karl Rove said that oil can be as high as $200 a barrel. Although, oil prices have rapidly increased during the time of the Iraqi war and occupation. Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz cite the Iraq War as a contributing factor in the high oil prices. Obama said that the $12 billion dollars a month spent on Iraq could have a better use in rebuilding our infrastructure, building schools, and sending kids to university. He's right to a degree, because our main concern should be to America not empire building. I would say we should cut spending on things we don't need. We should use money earn through legitimate means (i.e. not by theft, stealing wages, or extremely high taxes) in order to help our nation's infrastructure. I don't agree with isolationalism, but I dispute the dogma of military interventionism as well. Doreen Carvajal from IHT at Sunday, March 2, 2008 reported on more Radio Frequency ID tag concerns. The story outlined that thousands of garments in the men's department have wireless chips in them. One location of these chips are at Essen, Germany. They have antennas in them and radio wave communication capabilities. There are concerns like linking a customer's credit card data to a RFID tag in a product. Some want more privacy protections invovled with RFID chips on clothing. Ben Bain from FCW at March 2, 2008 disclosed on how Cyber Storm II is coming to pass. Cyber Storm II is about the Department of Homeland Security uniting with foreign governments, corporations, states, and federal agencies to have a second round of cyber war games. They want to have in the second week of March. The DHS and others desire to achieve this in order to test the players' abilities on how to respond to cyberattacks. They want to have planners and players. Giant companies like Dow Chemical, Microsoft, McAfee, Cisco, and Nova Chemicals are praticipants in this Cyber affair. The bigger picture is that they want to fight against "cyber terrorism" by enacting these various cyber drills. That's why President Bush requested an additional $83.1 million for the U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team for fiscal year 2009. Bush has recently made headlines with the issuance of its classified cyber initiative. I don't trust the establishment in the government. They lie all of the time. They lied about the Great Seal and the new world order, because the All Seeing Eye is a Masonic Symbol (World leaders in America and globally called for a new world order involving the world for decades). They lie about government inside jobs since inside jobs existed for thousands of years like Operation Gleiwitz (this was when Nazis provoked war with Poland by staging a seize of a radio station plus killing a man in that area). There are news articles and documents proving that the government sprayed chemicals on unsuspecting innocent citizens all over the world (not just in America). Yet, some in the government deny that 9/11 could be an inside job? It doesn't make any sense. Additionally, Weather modification technology is a reality. Even Dennis Kucinich has exposed that. They lie about global warming when some want to have taxes on toll roads to fight against global warming. The truth is that we're having record cold weather in China, South America, and other locations globally. The Hiberian Maximum (about 6,000-8,000 years ago) was over 10 degrees warmer than today. Some portions in the Middle Ages had higher temperature than now with vineards flourishing in Greenland. Michael Graham from the Boston Herald at Monday, on March 3, 2008 exposed the fraudulent "green" CFL light bulbs. The truth is that CFL light bulbs are dangerous which are filled with mercury. This doesn't mean real environmental issues are non-existent. They do exist like rainforests, GM foods, toxic waste, etc. Yet, we should never embrace hysteria. Those who promote global warming like the Club of Rome, certain foundations, etc. admit they exploit global warming as a way to use government to control as many aspect of citizens' lives as possible (That's admitted in Club of Rome member Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider's book called "The First Global Revolution: A Report by the council of The Club of Rome" on pp. 115). There is climate change, but according to a growing list of scientists, global warming isn't man-made. The government especially lie on chemicals like how mercury should be on vaccines. The truth is that mercury is a notorious poisonous toxin that can ruin your brain cells. There is the quasi-covert war in Colombia. Jim Hankey have written hard articles against Barack Obama, but he's right. Obama has a execellent God-given oratory ability. Barack Obama is exceptional intelligent and you have to acknowledge that. There's no doubt about it, but he's unfortunately bounded by Establishment forces. He supports a global tax and force citizens to have health care even if they don't want it. He's in favor of gun control against law abiding citizens. Hillary Clinton is worse even wanting to steal wages possibly to fund her health care problem. Hillary supported Walter Cronkite wanting a global government in a speech and he welcomes Satan if he wants a global government. Cronkite is a Bohemian Grove member and a Demolay. Both Hillary and Obama agree with the murder of abortion. I don't want to heard about choice and abortion anymore. Abortion eliminates the choices that unborn babies have. It's eugenics in that it values life in a scale from conception to death and killing is justified in the pro-abortionists mind toward the unborn. Abortion in America was promoted by eugenicists (who are some of the original founders plus early members of Planned Parenthood. Here's more. Margaret Sanger went into a KKK rally in 1926 and wrote about it. Planned Parenthood is biggest funder of abortion on planet Earth. The destructive risk factors of abortion is ever abundant) since the early 20th century. It's part of the new world order agenda. Obama even agreed to kill a baby that survived abortions, which Jill Stankek wrote about. So much more secrets about Hillary are regularly withheld from some in the public. John McCain is a bigger warmonger than both candidates combined by agreeing to speak provocative language in possible invading Iran plus McCain commented on letting US forces staying in Iraq as high as 100 years. It's kind to be hardcore in our essential goal of exposing the new world order. I will never trust the establishment. The real globalists (found in the City of London, the Vatican/Jesuits, the Bilderbergers, the Pilgrims, etc.) are responsible for selling out U.S. infrastructure to foreign interest (like in Latin America, Europe, and the Middle East) are the same ones allowing our borders to be opened up. They are the ones endorsing our Second Amendment rights diminishing. They are the same ones promoting paranoia about terrorism when they originally funded the pro-Sunni Wahabi terrorists. They are the same ones funding dictators like Mao, the Shah of Iran (Mohammed Mossadegh was invaded by the CIA and MI6 using Wahabbis, because Mohammed rejected a monopoly of Iran's oil by Western interests. Norman Schwarkopf Sr. was one of the pro-CIA leaders involved in the invasion of Iran. His son was one of the major Generals involved in the Operation Desert Storm in 1990. The Wahhabis are puppets exploited for agitation in wars and playing Sunnis and Shias off each other), Stalin, and even Hitler. It's important to speak the truth and do action in a peaceful manner to expose this evil. All human beings ought to have their intelligent mind conceptualizing the truth.


By Timothy

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