Updates for Spring 2008
An extraordinary amount of events going up in the world in general. These words of prose will manifest the complexity of life, yet the simplistic aim of goodness along with the fight for the truth. There is no escaping the future. Hope, our government, and life are issues we constantly confront in our everyday lives. The following will envelop a wide variety of matters from Secret Societies to what’s good in the planet. Overviews are essential in deciphering a clear picture of concepts. My intension isn’t just to present accurate information that’s validated by a multitude of sources Also, it’s to connect the relationships and ideals of the past to the present and the future of our human existence. Lately, there has been an awakening among many about the truth. There are still FEMA and the federal government violating Posse Comitatus by doing various exercises in communities during non-emergency times. For example, the AP reported that in Playas, New Mexico, FEMA is paying $22 million per year on a training program. This involved SWAT Teams pulling people out of homes in training. Why would this be necessary for the federal government to support training SWAT Teams to pull people out of homes? Could it be that some in the federal government view citizens as military targets not just as citizens? It could be. Homeland Security does have a program called Operation ENDGAME. That is about a plan to "remove all removable aliens," including "illegal economic migrants, aliens who have committed criminal acts, asylum-seekers (required to be retained by law) or potential terrorists." A "potential terrorist" isn’t a terrorist, so why are they required to be deported? This also relates to the concentration of concentration camps built by Halliburton and supported by the DHS across the nation. Portland Press Herald from March 26, 2008 described on how Maine is continuing to fight against the Real ID Act. Governor John Baldacci of Maine signed a law refusing Maine to comply with the Real ID Act because of too much federal government control over privacy over citizens’ privacy. This is a good thing since the Real ID is blatantly against people’s civil liberties. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has set a March 31 deadline for states to request a waiver that would give them more time to comply with the act.

The Atlantean Plan
I. Atlantis is a controversial word. Historians to this day grabble on its existence and composition. Plato popularized the story of Atlantis from "The Critias" story. I wrote about this subject on many times. I’ve learned about it in 1999. I learn of the American relationship to Atlantis in late 2001 after 9/11. It’s an interesting subject, because it relates to literature and the intensions of many Secret Societies. The Critias was a dialogue. "The Critias" (from ca. 350 B.C.) is the earliest written account about the story of Atlantis. Here’s one quotation from the Critias:
"...In the days of old, the gods had the whole earth distributed among them and there was no quarrelling. The island of Atlantis was divided into ten portions, he gave to the first-born of the eldest he named Atlas, the whole island and the Ocean, called Atlantic. To his twin brother, obtained his lot the extremity towards Asia. Many great deluges have taken place during the nine thousand years, for that is the number of years elapsed since the time of which I am speaking, since it fell...."
The story of Atlantis was that Altantis was an advanced civilization and an Empire. It existed thousands of years before the time of Plato. It was based off of the coast of North Africa in the Atlantic Ocean. The Atlanteans ruled their lands in 10 regions. Does this sound familiar? Yes, Manly P. Hall wrote these words about Atlantis: "A description of the lost Atlantis was written by Plato it introdcues the league formed by the ten benevolent kings who ruled over the lesser nations...who bound themselves by oath to obey the divine laws of enduring empire..This was the philosophic democracy, with all men having the right to become wise through self-discipline and self-improvement." (The Secret Destiny of America, pg. 56). Hall writes that the Critias described these ten kings of Atlantis in a League. Biblically, the Book of Revelation chapter 17, verses 12-13 outline the 10 horns or ten kings as giving their power and strength unto the Beast. The Beast is the symbol of the Antichrist. The Bible mentions these 10 Kings further in Revelation 17:16-17. In times past and now, a 10 group confederation are mentioned in stories and prophecies. Even today, the Club of Rome advocates 10 economic regions to control much of society according to Dr. Michael Coffman. In secret societies, it’s common to be bound by an oath as described by Hall. Now, the story mentioned that the leaders of Atlantis became corrupt. Their land was destroyed via a massive flood. The Critias story subscribes to the belief that the story of Atlantis was handed down by Solon. This dialogue has this young person named Critias telling the story. Solon was a famous Greek lawgiver. Solon lived from ca. 638 BC–558 BC. Solon made political and economic reforms in Greece. These reforms resulted in the democratic revolution in ancient Greece. He is so famous that Solon’s image is on the pediment on the reverse side of the Supreme Court building. Moses (He’s at the center holding the Ten Commandments on each side) and Confucius are there on the pediment as well to signify historical lawgivers throughout human history. In the House of Representatives Building, there is a carved bust of Solon. Why is this Solon image shown in the Supreme Court building plus the House of Representatives? Is it just to show that Solon was a impactful lawgiver or is the Atlantian philosophies told of by Plato still have huge influence in American society today? I believe both. The Critias story goes on to describe that Solon gotten his Atlantis story from the ancient Egyptian high priests. What is the truth of these dynamic claims? The truth is that Secret Societies like the Rosicurcians and Freemasons use the story of Atlantis as a template to sponsor an agenda of a new age in the world. Sir Francis Bacon of Great Britian modernized the Altantean plan of believing that man can be restored to his state before the fall of Adam and Eve by a Six Days Works (since Genesis outlines the story of God creating the modern world in Six Days). He was a Rosicrucian. Rosicrucianism is a belief system that believes it originated from ancient Egypt. It believes that the Mysteries can unlock man’s potential to improve his mind, body, and spirit. They accept many religions like Christianity, Islam, Judaism, the occult, etc. This is similar to Bacon since he accepted Pallas Athena, Zeus, and Jesus. Yet, the Bible is clear that you can’t mix the good and the evil. Sir Francis Bacon used cyphers and embraced hidden codes in his literature, etc. Bacon invented the modern scientific method. He died in 1626 and in 1627, his Baconian Circle followers published the book entitled "The New Atlantis." This was his final work. The New Atlantis builds up to a climax and stops. It’s about Christians sailors being lost in sea. Later, they found a new land called Benselaw. They encounter an advanced culture. The explorers went to see one of the leaders of Benselaw at a place called the House of Solomon. Baconian scholars believe that Solomon in the story is a code name for Sir Francis Bacon. Bacon in his writings desired to intimidate King Solomon. He took that idea also from the verse of the Bible talking about to concealing things and the duty of a king to search out a matter.
The story of Atlantis was that Altantis was an advanced civilization and an Empire. It existed thousands of years before the time of Plato. It was based off of the coast of North Africa in the Atlantic Ocean. The Atlanteans ruled their lands in 10 regions. Does this sound familiar? Yes, Manly P. Hall wrote these words about Atlantis: "A description of the lost Atlantis was written by Plato it introdcues the league formed by the ten benevolent kings who ruled over the lesser nations...who bound themselves by oath to obey the divine laws of enduring empire..This was the philosophic democracy, with all men having the right to become wise through self-discipline and self-improvement." (The Secret Destiny of America, pg. 56). Hall writes that the Critias described these ten kings of Atlantis in a League. Biblically, the Book of Revelation chapter 17, verses 12-13 outline the 10 horns or ten kings as giving their power and strength unto the Beast. The Beast is the symbol of the Antichrist. The Bible mentions these 10 Kings further in Revelation 17:16-17. In times past and now, a 10 group confederation are mentioned in stories and prophecies. Even today, the Club of Rome advocates 10 economic regions to control much of society according to Dr. Michael Coffman. In secret societies, it’s common to be bound by an oath as described by Hall. Now, the story mentioned that the leaders of Atlantis became corrupt. Their land was destroyed via a massive flood. The Critias story subscribes to the belief that the story of Atlantis was handed down by Solon. This dialogue has this young person named Critias telling the story. Solon was a famous Greek lawgiver. Solon lived from ca. 638 BC–558 BC. Solon made political and economic reforms in Greece. These reforms resulted in the democratic revolution in ancient Greece. He is so famous that Solon’s image is on the pediment on the reverse side of the Supreme Court building. Moses (He’s at the center holding the Ten Commandments on each side) and Confucius are there on the pediment as well to signify historical lawgivers throughout human history. In the House of Representatives Building, there is a carved bust of Solon. Why is this Solon image shown in the Supreme Court building plus the House of Representatives? Is it just to show that Solon was a impactful lawgiver or is the Atlantian philosophies told of by Plato still have huge influence in American society today? I believe both. The Critias story goes on to describe that Solon gotten his Atlantis story from the ancient Egyptian high priests. What is the truth of these dynamic claims? The truth is that Secret Societies like the Rosicurcians and Freemasons use the story of Atlantis as a template to sponsor an agenda of a new age in the world. Sir Francis Bacon of Great Britian modernized the Altantean plan of believing that man can be restored to his state before the fall of Adam and Eve by a Six Days Works (since Genesis outlines the story of God creating the modern world in Six Days). He was a Rosicrucian. Rosicrucianism is a belief system that believes it originated from ancient Egypt. It believes that the Mysteries can unlock man’s potential to improve his mind, body, and spirit. They accept many religions like Christianity, Islam, Judaism, the occult, etc. This is similar to Bacon since he accepted Pallas Athena, Zeus, and Jesus. Yet, the Bible is clear that you can’t mix the good and the evil. Sir Francis Bacon used cyphers and embraced hidden codes in his literature, etc. Bacon invented the modern scientific method. He died in 1626 and in 1627, his Baconian Circle followers published the book entitled "The New Atlantis." This was his final work. The New Atlantis builds up to a climax and stops. It’s about Christians sailors being lost in sea. Later, they found a new land called Benselaw. They encounter an advanced culture. The explorers went to see one of the leaders of Benselaw at a place called the House of Solomon. Baconian scholars believe that Solomon in the story is a code name for Sir Francis Bacon. Bacon in his writings desired to intimidate King Solomon. He took that idea also from the verse of the Bible talking about to concealing things and the duty of a king to search out a matter.
Hence, Bacon created a bunch of works in secret. This was during the Elizabeathan Era. Under King James, he was the Keeper of the Great Seal. Bacon was accused of taking a bribe and he was deposed. He paid a fine and was released after spending days in a Tower. In Bacon’s time, Europeans visited America already. Sir Francis Bacon allowed many Rosicrucians to travel into America to promote America as a new Atlantean empire. It is believed that some representatives of Bacon came into the Jamestown colony in Virginia. One easy example is the Rosicrucian Ephrata, PA colony (near Lancester, Pennslyvania), which was formed in America back in the 1600’s. Occultists and Freemasons (like Manly P. Hall) in various forms of literature envision a Lost Altantis realized in a new form. Hall wrote that: "...The English program was under the direction of Sir Francis Bacon, and it was his genius that gave purpose to the enterprise. Bacon quickly realized that here in the new world was the proper environment for the accomphlishment of his great dream, the establishment of the philosophic empire." (Hall, the Secret Desntiny of America, pgs. 128-129). Sir Francis Bacon wrote of America as a literature Atlantis: "And the great Atlantis (that you call America)...Of all this there is with you sparing memory, or none’ but we have large knowledge therefore." (The New Atlantis, by Sir Francis Bacon; Francis Bacon: The Major Works, Oxford World’s Classics, pg. 467). This quote is about the Temple of Solomon in the New Atlantis book. He wrote in his book called "The New Atlantis" of tall ships, underground vehicles, advanced scientists, and flying machines. This describes America today in the 21st century. Benjamin Franklin was a high level Freemason in America (John Paul Jones was a Mason in the same Lodge as Franklin was) and France. Also, Benjamin Franklin was a member of the Hells Fire Club. This Club performed evil rituals which are similar to the Bohemian Club. Franklin was a friend of Sir Francis Dashwood (who founded the Hells Fire Club). Dashwood’s motto "Do what thou will shall be the whole of the Law" way before Crowley took it. Hall believed that Franklin agreed and followed the plan for America invented by Sir Francis Bacon.
Is the agenda of some Secret Orders is to use America as a new Altantis to promote world democracy (and to forge a new order of the ages)? Yes and that’s proven by the literature of the Secret Society members themselves. Many P. Hall wrote that ".. World democracy was the secret dream of the great classical philosophers...The brilliant plan of the Ancients has survived our time...and it continue to function until the great work is accomphlished..." (The Secret Destiny of America, pg. 15). Hall also wrote that: "...It must be remembered that Bacon did not play a lone hand, he was the head of a secret society including in its membership the most brilliant intellectuals of his day. All these men were bound together by a common oath to labor in the cause of a world democracy. Bacon’s society of the unknown philosophers included men of high rank and broad influence. Together with Bacon, they devised the colonization scheme." (ibid, pg. 129). It’s interesting to note the colonization scheme, because an old Newfoundland Stamp existed. It praised the colonization scheme of Bacon. This stamp has the anniversary from 1610 to 1910 (It has an image of Sir Francis Bacon on it). That’s why President George W. Bush called for a new order of the ages (which originated from "an ancient hope" that must be fulfilled in his 2005 Inaugural Address). What is this "ancient hope?" Is this hope a universal democratic system patterned after Sir Francis Bacon’s vision? In Secret Societies for thousands of years, there is a view that America must be utilized to resurrect Lost Atlantis. One of the folks who endorsed an American/Atlantis connection was 33rd Degree Freemason Manly P. Hall. Hall wrote that: "...Thousands of years ago...these mystical order were aware of the existence of the western hemisphere and the great continent which we call America. The bold resolution was made that this western continent should become the site of the philosophic empire." (Manly P. Hall from "The Secret Destiny of America, on pg. 25). Manly P. Hall is referred to as "Masonry’s Greatest Philosopher" as written by the Scottish Rite Journal from September 1990. Hall is one of the leading occult, esoteric writers in the 20th century by creating his book "The Secret Teachings of All Ages." In this book, Hall admits that those in Freemasonry who understand his Craft can feel the energies of Lucifer in his Hands. Lucifer is Satan and I can’t believe he blatantly wrote that in his book. This book was a cummulation of his occult research. This literature is considered his magnum opus. Manly P. Hall founded the Philosophical Research Society in the 1930’s. Many of the New Agers have a bitterness of Christianity, because real Christians not only worship the Creator God, but deny that other religions are comptable to Christianity. There is more information on what does Altantis means to the occult. HP Blavatsky wrote the book called "The Secret Doctrine." She wrote about Atlantis was an ancient Empire spreading globally. The Secret Doctrine outline the ideal that man can evolve into a superhuman, even into a godlike race. The book is Gnostic in hating the Creator God of the Bible (Albert Pike in his Morals and Dogma book even teaches the Gnostic view that the Creator God was wrong to restrict Adam and Eve from eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. This is ultimately the hatred of Christianity, and the real God of the Universe. They know much of what they’re doing). She believed that the Aryan race was the Master race. Her literature said that being involved with spirits or demons can ascend man into a godlike state. HP Blavatsky believed that the Aryan race originated from Atlantis. Hitler read the Secret Doctrine and believed that the Aryan race ruled Atlantis. It’s ironic that Iran means the Land of the Aryans. Therefore, Aryan isn’t necessarily about the blond haired blue eyed white people as Hitler described it. According to Christian researcher Christian Pinto, Those in the occult like Blavatsky relate Aryans to all of the different peoples and races. Aryan means high and noble one.

Sir Francis Bacon believed that America was the site of Lost Atlantis just like Dr. Robert Hieronimus (he also subscribes to the belief that certain occult inspired images of Washington D.C. was formed to allow spiritual energies to flow. He said this in Christian Pinto’s film entitled "Riddles in Stone"). Bacon wrote of America in these words: "At that time, this land was known and frequently by the ships and vessesl of all the nations before named." (i.e. Phoenicians, Tyrians, Cathaginians, Egyptians, Chinese, Palestinians) (The New Atlantis by Sir Francis Bacon from the Major Works, Oxford World’s Classics, pg. 467). Robert is the author of America’s Secret Destiny. He is considered the greatest expert on the meaning of the Great Seal on the One Dollar Bill. Benjamin Creme has this view. Creme is part of Share International. Creme believes that Maitreya is the Christ or the New Age Messiah. Maitreya is a false prophet which has close characteristics to the real Antichrist. Christian Pinto proved that Creme went on a diatribe against Israel and he praised the Leader of Iran named Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (Recently Mahmoud endorsed the creation of a global government. Elite groups have called for this for centuries). Mahmoud hates Israel and wants to bring back the Iman Mahdi (or the Islamic Messiah which is again similar to the Antichrist. In fact, Creme believes that Maitreya and the Mahdi are one and the same person). The point I’m trying to make that some Secret orders want an evil goal of pointing a false Christ figure to rule the world under the guise of peace and security. Bacon and occultists believed the first King of Atlantis was Enoch (some occultists view him as the first great initiator of the Mystery Religions. Today, the Mysteries are nothing more than the New Age Movement). In the Bible, Enoch lived for 365 years and then God took him into Heaven. Pagans and occultists distort the Biblical Enoch and transformed him into a synthesis of pagan philosophies and religions. They view him living in the times of Atlantis, because to them Atlantis was during the time of the Antediluvian world. Some viewed Atlantis of real or fake. Ignatius Donnelly, a Congressman and researcher wrote in his Atlantis book that: "...the story of the Deluge painly refers to the destruction of Atlantis, and that it agrees in many important particulars with the account given by Plato. The people destroyed there were the ancient race that had created civilization, they had formerly been in a happy and sinless condition, they had become great and wicked, they were destroyed by water." (Igantius Donnelly, Atlantis, pg. 192). Luke 17:26 mentions the prophecy that: "...And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the son of Man." This means that Noah’s time will be like the time of the end of this age (with wickedness, etc.) before the arrival of the real Messiah. If some Secret Orders want Lost Atlantis revitilized and Atlantis was similar to the times of Noah then it rings a prophetic connection between the past and the future. Many Christians also believe that Atlantis existed before the Great Flood of Noah. Hall wrote that "All of these groups belong to what is called The Order of the Quest. All were searching for one and the same thing...That one thing was a perfected social order...the government of the philosopher king."(Manly P. hall, The Secret Destiny of America, pg. 79). George W. Bush himself is a member of the Skulls and Bones Secret Society (It’s based in Yale University and its founders used the Bavarian Illuminati as inspiration to create the S& B in 1832). That is why Bush is so firm in wanting Iraq and Afghanistan to be free for "democracy." Yet, true democracy is mob rule and doesn’t legitimately protect against restricting the rights of the minority. This outlook is global and that is why world leaders called for a one world global state or a new world order. It’s our duty to expose this utopianism and help our fellow man in real ways.

The Relationships between Ancient Rome, Nazi Germany, and America
II. You don’t have to be a rocket science to realize the relationships between the ancient Roman Empire and America in the 21st century. Ancient Rome became a Republic by ca. 509 B.C. A transformation came with Julius Caesar. Julius wanted an Empire and expanded Roman territories in Gaul (or France) and as far as Britian. Numerous Senates viewed him as a threat to the Roman society. Hence, some of them conspired to murder him. Afterwards, competiton occured among some on who would rule the Roman landscape. Augustus (a relative of Julius Caesar) utlimately won the competition and became the first Emperor of the Roman Empire at 27 B.C. He died at 14 A.D. Likewise America was instituted as a Republic, which was a basic definition of the United States of America. Later, America has military bases globally, wars went forward, and America is a nation possessing international, superpower status. Therefore, America is turned into a more powerful Empire than ancient Rome was. Even some neo-conservatives are admitting to this. For example, In a Christian Science Monitor op-ed of April 26, titled "In Praise of American Empire," neoconservative author Dinesh D’Souza writes, "America has become an empire, a fact that Americans are reluctant to admit and that critics of the United States regard with great alarm." The Roman Empire had an Eagle as one of its famous logos just the the USA. The eagle represents strength and power. Eagle images existed for thousands of years even going back as far as the Sumerians and the Hittities. The ancient Persians were one of the first to have an eagle as a standard. For the Romans, it also represented Jupiter. In their old Greco-Roman mythological stories, Jupiter wanted Ganymede (who was a son of Tros) so badly. Jupiter then turned into an eagle to get Ganymede into the location of Mount Olympus. In the occult, the eagle was an emblem associated with the sun, sky, or etheric powers. A derivative of the eagle is the double-headed eagle. It was popularized in the image of the Byzantine Empire (although the Hittites had it before the Byzantines). It’s easily representative of the Eastern and Western parts of Roman Empire. The Holy Roman Empire had it and other nations to this day. Even the Russian Empire adopted the double headed eagle on its coat of arms. It’s famous in America as apart of the symbol for the 33rd Degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Manly P. Hall believes that the double headed eagle represents an alchemical symbol of he union between the masculine and feminine principles in the individual. For example, Hall wrote that:
"...the Master of the double Holy Empire of the superior and the inferior universes.The ancient emblem of equilibrium consisted of an androgynous body surmounted by two heads, one male and the other female, wearing a single imperial crown. That being alone is perfect in which all opposites are reconciled, and this state of perfection is appropriately typified by the two heads of equal dignity. Hence the double-headed eagle is reserved as the emblem of completion, for it signifies the Philosopher’s Stone, the ultimate soul condition, and that absolute and transcendent perfection which arises only from the fullest unfoldment of the latent potentialitieswithin the individual..."

Freemason W. J. Chetwode Crawley in his Transactions, Quatuor Coronati Lodge, on pages 214, volume xxiv, at 1911 wrote of the double headed eagle that:
"...The most ornamental, not to say the most ostentatious feature of the insignia of the Supreme Council, 33, of the Ancient and Accepted (Scottish) Rite, is the double-headed eagle, surmounted by an imperial crown. This device seems to have been adopted some time after 1758 by the grade known as the Emperors of the East and West; a sufficiently pretentious title. This seems to have been its first appearance in connection with Freemasonry, but history of the high grades has been subjected to such distortion that it is difficult to accept unreservedly any assertion put forward regarding them. From this imperial grade, the double-headed eagle came to the "Sovereign Prince Masons" of the Rite of Perfection. The Rite of Perfection with its twenty-five Degrees was amplified in 1801, at Charleston, United States of America, into the Ancient and Accepted Rite of 33 , with the double-headed eagle for its most distinctive emblem. When this emblem was first adopted by the high grades it had been in use as a symbol of power for 5000 years, or so. No heraldic bearing, no emblematic device anywhere today can boast such antiquity. It was in use a thousand years before the Exodus from Egypt, and more than 2000 years before the building of King Solomon’s Temple...."
Masonic author, R. Swinburne Clymer, writing in The Mysteries of Osiris , 1951, explains that: "When they [pagans] desired to express the renewal, or beginning, of the year, they represented it in the form of a door-keeper. It could easily be distinguished by the attributes of a key ... At times, they gave it two heads, back to back ... In time, this [back-to-back key symbol] became the double-headed Eagle of symbolic Masonry." [p. 42]
The Roman Empire legalized abortion and even infanticide in its shores. Aulus Cornelius Celsus, a 1st century Roman encyclopedist, offers an extremely detailed account of a procedure to extract an already dead fetus in his only surviving work, De Medicina. Early Christians then rightfully opposed infanticide and abortion as murder like Barnabas, the work of the Didache, Mark Felix, Athenagoras, Tertullian, Minucius Felix, Hippolytus, Diogentus, Lactantius, and many others. Minucius Felix wrote that: "... "There are some [pagan] women who, by drinking medical preparations, extinguish the source of the future man in their very bowels and thus commit a parricide before they bring forth. And these things assuredly come down from the teaching of your [false] gods. . . . To us [Christians] it is not lawful either to see or hear of homicide" (Octavius 30). The Roman Empire had a sordid history of slavery just like in America. The Roman Empire was a melting pot of the world like the United States is today. Rome even had a 2 major party system of Optimates and Populares. In the United States of America, we have the 2 major parties of Republicans and Democrats. Both America and the ancient Roman Empire occupied the Middle East. They each dealt with Jewish people and both have a national anthem. Both America and the American Roman Empire had a Capitol plus a Senate. The Roman Empire and America have Greek/Roman architecture in its capital cities (whether its Rome or Washington D.C). The fasces of Ancient Rome is present in the US Senate and the Dime of the USA. Ancient Rome has mace emblems as a badge of authority. The Chamber of the House in America has a mace symbol with an eagle on top of it.. Rome fell by corrupting itself primarily (along with other factors like Germanic tribes ruling much of the Empire. The family was disintegrating via divorce, etc. There was an obsession with brutal sports games as well. The social mores became more corrupt. Like today and in ancient Rome, pedastry was a problem. Pedastry is another word for pedophilia involving a man and a boy). Edward Gibbon’s book entitled "The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire", Six Volumes, which was published between 1776-1788 outline this fact conclusively. America could fall within its own self with political agitation, tensions, economic problems, social mores going downward (i.e. morality issues), and a possible foreign invasion. The ancient Roman Empire held an infrastructure which the Papacy not only mimicked (like the Senate in election of the Pope, the Jupiter images looking similar to the Statue of Peter, the Obelisk in Vatican City, etc.), but the Papacy control the much of the land of Europe after the Roman Empire fell in the West at 476 A.D. Paganism from the Roman Empire is implanted in the Papacy and is a serious problem in America today. The good news is that holy men, women, and children lived in the times of the Roman Empire and America (in the 1700’s and today) plus holy people are fighting against the nefarious evils plaguing societies spanning thousands of years.
Many years ago, I’ve written the similarities between the present atmosphere of America and Nazi Germany. It was very popular in the Internet because of its accuracy and bluntness. It’s taboo to even talk about this in the mainstream media. Here’s a recap of it. The Nazis were more mechanized and methodically in their deeds of genocide than even the ancient Romans were. The burning of the Reichstag Parliament building propelled the Nazis to earn a huge power lift in the German Parliament. The night of February 27, 1933 was the date of the burning of that building. Immediately, Marinus van der Lubbe (who was 24 at the time with a history of mental illness) was found near the building. He was tried and executed. There is no doubt that someone started the fire, but the question is whether it was a conspiracy or not (and who was involved). Kate Connolly in Berlin from The Guardian, at Saturday on January 12 2008 reported that he recieved a pardon. It’s the truth that the Nazis worked in a conspiracy to exploit this tradegy to blame Communists, Jewish people, etc. Likewise, Hitler and the Nazis made this event as a catalyst to formet the deadly war of World War Two. Nazi Germany was funded and help to be created by the global elite (found in the City of London, high level Freemasonry, various Secret Society members, and the Pilgrim Society. Kingpins of the world like Rockefeller, Onassis, the King of Sweden, and others traded with the Nazis). Similar to this, the Nazis made anti-liberty laws. One was called the Enabling Act or Ermächtigungsgesetz in German. It was passed by the German Parliament or the Reichstag on March 23, 1933. This allowed Hitler to have dictatorial powers. The Nazis passed the The Reichstag Fire Decree doing the same thing as well. It like the Enabling Act was composed of many articles. Article 1 of the Reichstag Fire Decree suspended most civil liberties set forth in the Weimar Constitution like the freedom of the person, the freedom of the press, the freedom of expression, etc. It included draconian punishments like the death penalty for arson of public buildings. This also enabled the Nazis to jail Communists, Social Democrats, and others who disagreed with the policies of Adolf Hitler. The Nazis even in the 1930’s organized concentration camps to jail dissidents and especially Jewish people. The Nazi formented strong propaganda tactics like signs, speeches, movies, and the distribution of extremist literature to advance their wicked agenda. The Nazis created wicked torture into a fine art. Jose Mengele was one of the most degenerate torturers in history. Mengele performed perverted experiments not only of adults, but children in reaction time, mind control, and including those of a sexual nature. According to Fritz Springmeier’s research, Mengele was intereted in the correlation of blood types to psychic abilities. Militarized police was a crucial component of the Nazi empire. Also, the SA (Stormtroopers), and SS (Special Security) federal police agencies were created by a supplemental decree.
The White House administration made 9/11 as a pure justification to execute preemptive wars. Civil liberties radically decreased domestically in America as a result of 9/11 (this is documentated by Bob Barr, and so many others). Now, we have FISA courts being undermined for the sake of NSA wiretap spying and the USA Military Commissions Act passed. The 911 Truth Movement has courageously risen up to refute the deception and lies of the 9/11 official story. Other speakers from across the political spectrum have spoken about this issue from Cynthia McKinney to Paul Craig Roberts. McKinney was the first Congresswomen to quiz then War Secretary Donald Rumsfeld about the 9/11 war games, the missing trillions of dollars, and military contractors engaged in child prostitution. A clearer picture of what really happened in 9/11 is ever more apparent. 9/11 was an inside job, because select human beings made it happen in order to promote a foreign policy of war, oil extraction, and the development of a new world order. Conclusive evidence documenting this is that the neo conservatives express this intension in their Project for a New American Century document&183; Just look at these quotations:
"While the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification, the need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein ..."
"the process of [military] transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor ..."
"... advanced forms of biological warfare that can "target" specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool."
-- Rebuilding America’s Defenses, September 2000, Project for a New American Century

There are definitely an US, Saudi Arabian, Pakistani,Taliban, and al-Qaeda covert connections. For example, the US and ISI funded the al-Qaeda network (with Saudi funding). America once supported the Taliban as a buffer against the Soviet Union. Polls shows that at least 1/3 of all Americans view 9/11 as an inside job. NORAD led 5 wargames in 9/11. These wargames crippled much of the aircraft response to the hijacked aircraft during 9/11. Condoleeza Rice said that: "...I don’t think anybody could have predicted that these people would take an airplane and slam it into the World Trade Center, take another one and slam it into the Pentagon, that they would try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile." (at a May 16 2002 Press Conference). The following refutes her claims. Over a dozen warnings came from numerous nations detaling 9/11 style attacks came into America. These nations include Egypt, Israel, England, Germany, and many other countries. Yet, the USA didn’t response adequately enough. Bush supported the W199I document preventing the investigations of suspected terrorists in America. Bush’s brother Marvin Bush was apart of a company that handled Security for the Twin Towers until the year of 2000. Larry Silverstein has won nearly $4.6 billion in insurance payments after the collapse of Building Number Seven. Witness after witness heard explosives below the impact zones of the Twin Towers like William Rodriguez when he was in the basement of the Twin Towers. Professor Steven Jones found thermate at the bottom of the Twin Towers debris. His research claims that certain explosives facilitated the collapse of the Twin Towers. Squid points in the Twin Towers are found in photographic footage as well. Building Number Seven fell symmetrical when no plane hit it. Also, even NIST found no conclusive reason for the collapse of Building Number Seven. On 9/11 NORAD stood down. Norman Mineta in sworn testimony to Congress admitted that Dick Cheney refused to allow the intercept of a plan hitting the Pentagon. There were also 5 wargames occuring during 9/11 via the U.S. military and the CIA. Even the National Reconnaissance Office had to "plane into building" exercise on 9/11. These wargames paralyzed much of the Air Force to have Standard Operation Procedure in the case of hijacked aircraft. Webster Tarpley wrote a book entitled "9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA" documenting this information. Certain members of NORAD, the CIA, and other agencies are involved in 9/11 because of the standdown, the collapses, and other reasons. Osama bin Laden was never involved because there is no evidence he was in the crafts, there is no evidence that bin Laden caused Building Number Seven to collapse or that he made NORAD to standdown. The FBI found no evidence to convict Osama. It’s interesting that many claim to have predict 9/11. The reality is that William Cooper spoke of Osama bin Laden being placed a patsy for the attack of America in his Hour of the Time Broadcast at June 28, 2001, which is months before 9/11. He was shot dead at his home by the Eager County Police on November 5th, 2001. Bill Doyle, who is a representative of 9/11 families believe (along with other victims’ families) that 9/11 was an inside job. Therefore, 9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB.
Torture is reality committed and approved by members of the American government (including Western nations plus others across the Earth, so it isn’t just America). The documentation is so vast of this that books can be written about this. One example is Abu Ghraib which the military was torturing and killing innocent human beings. Also, there is White House official John Yoo called for torturing children testicles if necessary. Torture is never justified at any circumstance. Civil liberties in America have dramatically gone down. Even some on Morning Joe in March of 2008 called for camps for members of the 911 Truth Movement without due process or nothing. One host in Morning Joe also promoting tasering peaceful protestors saying that 9/11 is an inside job. Preemptive war was an aspect of the Nazi War machine. Hitler invaded Poland after breaking his agreement with Chamberlain. He invaded across Europe via his blitzkreig actions. Blitzkreig is a military tactic in utilizing fast action tanks and manpower to overwhelm a target or an enemy. This goes back thousands of years to the times of Alexander the Great and before him. This rapid response team propelled the Nazi Empire to conquer much of European territory. They unsuccessfully attacked Britian. Hitler didn’t take Britian seriously since he view the British as brothers. Preemptive war among the White House was more slick and deceptive. Bush went into the pro-population control United Nations to advocate a war with Iraq. Colin Powell tried to show evidence that Saddam reinvested a nuclear program in certain portions of Iraq. That was soon to be discovered to be inaccurate. The Iraq and Afghanistan wars were perfect examples of preemptive warfare. The reasons is that both nations weren’t a direct, immediate threat to our land. There was no formal Congressional Declaration of war especially in the case of Iraq. The Iraq War overtly happened on March 20, 2003. The mainstream media called this the beginning of "Shock and Awe." This time was known as the eve of Ostara. Numerous Occultists worship the false goddess Gaia (or Mother Earth) on this day. March 21st was the Spring Vernal Equionix. The pagan Druids celebrate this day as a time of fertility or a day of feast. The first phrase of the war ended on May 1, 2003, which is the beginning of the pagan holiday of Beltaine. Beltaine was about sheeding blood to give fertility to the Earth. Other grave events occur strangely on pagan dates. For example, the Waco genocide and the Oklahoma City bombing happened at April 19th. April 19th is the day where human sacrifice is made by fire according to the Circle of Intrigue, book written byTexe Marrs, on p. 230 . Also, April 19th (which is the time when courageous Jewish freedom fighters were incinerated for resisting the Holocaust in the Warsaw Ghetto) is only 13 days away form Beltaine in May 1. September 11th of 2001 accorded on the Mayan calendar of 6 Emochs which represents large scale change. The beginning of the Afghanistan invasion occured on the Mayan calendar of 6K meaning balancing (also, like the present Crusade against Islam, the attack into Afghanistan commenced on the anniversary of the naval Battle of Lepanto when the Armada of the Pope’s Knights of Malta destroyed the Armada of the Islamic Ottoman Turks on October 7, 1571). What’s the point? The point is that key moments of world history occured on pagan days. As a result of the war, American G.I.s and Iraqis have been murdered, more depleted uranium is there, and other problems persist in Afghanistan and Iraq. There is also a video of American Marines throwing a puppy off a cliff killing it (It was reported on ABC KITV 4 at March 3, 2008). Neo Cons (or phony conservatives) like those among Michelle Malkin’s Hot Air blog claim that it wasn’t a real puppy. Although, they aren’t expert vetanarian to make such an assumption. The Marines in general deplore the video and found out that even after one of the Marines in the clip was identified by his Marine corps base in Hawaii. The man who threw the puppy is named David Motari (Motari is a Lance corporal, 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, stationed at Haqlaniyah, Iraq, and based out of the Marine Corps Base at Kaneohe, Hawaii. He is from Seattle, Washington) The video is real and it’s deplorable for numerous neo-cons to lie about it. This signifies that unfair torture occured not only among human beings, but animals as well.
By Timothy