Compromise is a sickness in my opinion. World Net Daily reported that Richard Mellon Scaife might support Hillary Clinton. Now, Scaife was the one who promoted the adultery story against Bill Clinton. People committ adultery all of the time, but Clinton lied under oath. Now, this issue obfuscated other issues with Clinton like Chinagate and the Waco murders he was involved in. Richard was the publisher of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review and a principal owner of This isn't suprising, because the leaders of the political world are uniting in its highest level. The same political elite control both the Republicans and the Democrats. That's why made a friendly interview with Bill Clinton about his Book entitled "Giving: How Each of Us Can Change the World." Some say he's taking this turn because of his marriage problems. Richard even joined "anti-war" activism with George Soros, Murtha, and Kerry. Really, this isn't anti-war activism. The reason I mention this is because all of them want war and killing Afghanistan. Men like Murtha and Kerry just want a withdraw of troops from Iraq. Hence, the coalition Scaife is apart of isn't truly an anti-war clique. If unjustified murder and unjustified war is wrong in Iraq, then it's wrong in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is no direct threat to America and the people of Afghanistan have nothing to do with 9/11. This compromise by Richard is similar to CFR member Rick Warren yolking up with Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Obama and Clinton enthuastically support abortion (they justify this by using the Orwellian term of "choice"), which is definitely killing millions of Americans (including a lot of unborn black people). Abortion has been going on for thousands of years. It's similar to the sacrifice of babies to the false idol of Molech. On a lighter note, Barack Obama bowled in Pennslyvania to appeal to voters there. Unforunately, he scored a 37 in a total score. That score is very low even for an inexperienced bowler. Even I didn't have 37 in a bowling alley and I don't bowl that much. Spencer S. Hsu from the Washington Post on Sunday, at March 30, 2008 described a slowdown between several states refusing to accept the Real ID Act. The Department of Homeland Security want all states to comply with the oppressive law of the Real ID Act. The government granted 42 other states basic extensions of the May deadline. Montana and New Hampshire were given extensions as well. Hence, ultimately the government want all states to accept this law. The Real ID Act was passed in 2005. How is it wrong? First, the Real ID allows the federal government to centralize our private information in biometrics upon all driver licenses in America. It treats citizens as guilty until properly identified since in the future (It's an unreasonable search of citizens by the central government in real time without a warrant. This is contrary to the concept of the Fourth Amendment), you can't even go into a federal building without this biometric ID card. Basically, the Real ID Act turns out state driver's licenses into a national identity card system. This will cost possibly billions of dollars in money to fully implement this program. Montana's Brian Schweitzer who is a Democrat opposes the Real ID Act. Many states are legitimately and courageous expressing their abhorence of the Real ID Act. IBNLive from March 29, 2008 reported that Tibetan leader the Dalai Lama accused Chinese soldiers as disguising as monks to instigate riots in Tibet. The Dalai Lama now lives in India at exile along with ca. 100,000 other Tibetan exiles. This isn't out of the ordinary, because China is known for nefarious activites. One example is its grosteque one child policy or it's organ harvesting program where citizens are executed for their own body parts. That's still going on today, yet David Rockefeller is quoted as praising the Chinese Revolution. The Dalai Lama said that he wants "meaningful autonomy" not independence. He called China a being a police state with a rule of terror, which are accurate descriptions of China. China has a right to their national sovereignity (as all nations do), but they should be criticized when they suppress the human rights of Tibetans.
Raw Story from Monday, on March 31, 2008 reported on an interesting story. Former Deputy House Chief of Staff Karl Rove was making a speech at George Washington University. Protestors later came holding up a sign reading "War Criminal." They have a right to do this as it's part of the protestors' First Amendment right of the freedom of speech. The crowd clapped and booed. They were escorted out with some of the crowd yelling "Tase 'em!" Rove wonders why people criticize him. The truth is that Karl Rove is an architect of the many mistakes in the Bush Administration from the Iraq War to other policies. Also, a real question is why would numerous people in the crowd yell for tasering peaceful protestors? That isn't right since now, tasers have so many risk factors against human beings. Tasers have even killed people on certain circumstances. Many of those who said this aren't really conservative. Some of them are anti-Second Amendment. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson made a speech. Paulson commented that he desired the Federal Reserve into controlling the economic system of banks. Does this sound similar to nationalization of banks? It does to me. Paulson's plan could be in the risk of making the Federal Reserve to control the activities of all big banks and even smaller banks in America. This is ironic since it was the Federal Reserve that is part of the economic problem in the first place since they constant cut intrest rates devaluing the currency of the U.S. dollar. The Federal Reserve via Jekyl Island was created by the Big Elite (found in the Pilgrim Society) to centralize wealth unto the Fed plus various central banks in America. Now, the Federal Reserve is trying to encorporate a more intervening role in the administration of economic systems in America as a means to try to "solve" the economic crisis. Fingerprinting children in schools is commonplace now in America. Some classify this anti-individual, anti-privacy action as brainwashing. They are right, because these procedures try to educate children that biometrics is a great thing even to recieve lunch when the opposite is true. There is nothing wrong with legitimate uses of technology. Although, technology should never become a crutch to mainpulate citizens or control citizens at all. Today is the 3rd Years Anniversary of Terri Schiavo's immoral starvation to death. Back in 2005 when it happened, few in the media support Terri's right to live of course. There were protests and anger. I was angry at the lies the media presented like how she was motionless or nothing can be done to help her. The truth is that she was alive and her parents were willing to take care of her. This was euthanasia, which was done by the Nazis during WWII. Also, It was done by doctors in the time of Hurricane Katrina. Real pro-life people were on the front lines to denounce the murder of Terri. Numerous brainwashed liberals supported this inhumane action and others didn't like even Jesse Jackson. Being Pro-Life is believing that all humans at all stages of development should have a right to live. They ought not to be be murdered period. Terri's murder violated Florida Statues and the Geneva Convention, which forbids starvation of human beings. If there is any good news to this tragedy, many pro-lifers are embracing the elderly, the infirm, and the disabled. Those people ought to have protection from being abusesd or killed. Wesley J. Smith, Mary Jane Owen, and other pro-lifers respect the disabled. Therefore, not only is abortion is immoral and murder. Euthanasia and assisted suicide are murder as well. I will write that Liberty to Captive Ministries (run by Gary and Lisa Ruby) have been one of the best sites on the Internet telling what really happened to Terri. They also exposed Scientology conclusively. That means we should unite with real disability rights groups to promote the culture of life. We should honor Terri's memory, because we should never take a blind eye to the oppression of any human being. Oppression is wrong from slavery, the genocide of Native Americans, the Holocaust, and abortion.
I've learned about this issue, but haven't written about this issue that much. There is the issue of water and oil. Now, the nations and political entities that control most of the oil and water in the world control much of the policies of the water. That's a historical fact. One easy example proving it is how during the 1950's, Britian wanted to control the Suez Canal in Egypt in order to effectively flow goods and services in the Middle East. In fact, European Powers controlled Middle Easterner lands in the early 20st century. Even France had colonies in Lebanon and Algeria. After WWII, Arabic nationalist movements in Egypt and Algeria propelled Egypt and Algeria to achieve their basic indepedence. President John F. Kennedy supported Algeria's independence, because he was a proponent of Arabic nationalism. Kennedy disapproved of French colonalism. Even today in the 21st century, hegemons like Russia, America, China, and Britian are competing for oil supplies in Central Asia and the Middle East. Water crisis of course are present in the Third World. Some believe that over industralization is causing resources to be gone. To me, it's bigger than that. Industralization done the right way can cause great benefit to many nations globally including the Third World. One example is the expansion of electricity, real water supplies, and true modernization can really alleviate those horrific realities in numerous poor locations globally. Other problems are the suppression of alternative energy, the suppression of oil discoveries, nutritution and the dependency of many nations unto the IMF and World Bank. This causes more debt, more control of the Third World by the Western Elite, and other issues. Geoffrey Lean from The Independent at March 30, 2008 reported on how mobile phones are more dangerous than smoking. Lean wrote that the brain expert Dr. Vini Khurana warns of huge rise in tumors and calls to get immediate steps to reduce radiation. He's an expert since he's a top neurosurgeon. Also, Dr. Khurana recieved 14 awards over the past 16 years. Hence, he knows what he is talking about. Of course, the Mobile Operations Association dismissed Khurana's research as bias and unbalanced. Although, mobile phones do have radiation. Common sense tells you that too much radiation will increase the risk of brain tumors and other complications among human beings. That's why people shouldn't use cell phones in general for an extreme period of time. Japanese member of Parliament Yukihisa Fujita is calling for an investigation on what really happened in 9/11. Fujita said that this investigation should be researched by a global team or even by the United Nations. Fujita is a member of the Japanese Democratic Party and a member of the House of Councillors in the Diet (or national legislature). You have to give him credit for presenting evidence that contradicted the official 9/11 story during a Japanese Defense and Foreign Affairs Committee meeting in January of 2008. Later, Yukihisa Fujita took part in a 9/11 Truth conference at the EU Parliament in Brussels on February 26. The Italian MEP Guillietto Chiesa hosted the event. The truth is that real questions about Building Number Seven, the standdown of NORAD, and the collapse of the Twin Towers should be investigated. ROB BRADLEY from the Houton Chronicle at Monday, on March 31, 2008 described about climate false predictions. Spanning a long time, predictions of disaster from either humans or the climate have been baseless. One example is how Thomas Malthus falsely said that a food crisis would ensue as a result of the increasing rates of human population growth. This was promoted again by the Club of Rome who believes that minerals would run out in a short period of time and a population bomb (as talked about by Paul Ehrlich)would persist in the world. This is inspite of the fact that global population growth as a percentage has been going down since 1960. In Census Bureau's report entitled, "Global Population Profile: 2002," the Census Bureau notes that the 74 million people added to the world's population in 2002 were significantly fewer than the high of 87 million people added in 1989-1990. The growth rate was a meager 1.2 percent, down from the high of 2.2 percent in 1963-64. This is real. In the 1970's, scientists said that a new Ice Age would ravage the Earth, but this didn't occur. Now, some researchers say that global warming will ruin the entire Earth. Yet, climate change is dynamic and there is no consensus among all scientists believing in permanent man-made global warming at all. There was EL Nino in 1998 that raised temperatures. Yet, since then, temperature have level off in 10 years. Some places have recieved record cold winters in the 2007-2008 season like in China. There is a new threat going on called corporate socialism. An example of this is that Warner Music Group wants citizens to pay for the kid on the street downloading illegal MP3s. This plan is being proposed in hotels and other locations. They want to do this to compensate the low record sales in the 21st century. This isn't the fault of consumers. There are plenty of reasons for it like less talent, more outlets for buying music, and other reasons. Now, this involved corporate socialism, because it allows corporations to be monopolies, have governmental powers, and control as much as industry plus music as possible.
We are Change Colorado confronted ex-Senator Gary Hart (he's a CFR member who called for a new world after 9/11. He proposed the "The Global Democracy Security Organization" or the GDSO. The GDSO is a pro-NWO agenda. Hart wants it under the UN and NATO to combine all intelligence agencies and give them police power over the Earth. He's backed and funded personally by David Rockefeller). He ran for President and his campaign was cut short via an adultery scandal. According to We are Change Colorado, Hart proposes a new 4th branch called the international government (with a complete database on all individuals). Hart wants the integration of all military and police in fighting "stateless nations" (or groups not recongnized by the GDSO). We are change asked Gary Hart about 9/11 and the North American Union. Hart said that he never heard of the NAU when the SPP agreement was signed by George W. Bush, Vicente Fox, and Paul Martin to promote North American integration. Michael S. Rozeff from the LRC Blog on March 30, 2008 had written about the present Iraqi violence in central Iraq. The deal is that elections prevented the Shia to have adequate political power, because they make up the majority of the country. The Shia and the present Iraqi government have been in conflict, therefore some Shia militias (like those in favor of al-Maliki al-Sadr) have perform attacks in Baghdad, the Green Zone, Basra, and other locations. American troops are trying to repel the militias attacks via air support and other tactics. Rozeff wrote that al-Sadr is using attacks a specific attacks that aren't full scale. He also writes that al-Sadr is a de-centralist in constrast to the Iraq centralizers like al-Maliki. George W. Bush is still stuck in the philosophy of a firm occupation of Iraq. The truth is that leaving isn't a bad solution, because it will gives the Iraqis the oppurtunity to fix their own nation. I have to give Ephilution from Unhived Mind Forum. He has given great information in exposing the Jesuits and the Knights of Malta. He tied these groups to world power and many important personages in the world stage. Some of the information that he presented in the Forum I knew and other was definitely new to me. He's doing the right thing since far too often the alternative media either omits or intentionally disregard any mention of the Vatican/Jesuits and Knights of Malta connections to the new world order. George W. Bush (who is a Knight of Eugolia of a Bonesman) got booed at the Washington Nationals game. It shows that Bush is very unpopular among the American people. This doesn't mean that Bush is to be blamed for everything under the sun. Bush is just one man, therefore we have a responsibility to make the world a better place. John McCain said a speech about his military service. His grandfather and father was part of the military. At first, I thought John McCain would be a easier opponent for the Democratic candidates. Yet, now I don't see it that way because he's popular among independents and moderates. Our lives shouldn't be consumed with paranoia or being naive. We should do what is right, live our lives holy, treat all human beings with respect, and have honor of God.
By Timothy