Saturday, March 29, 2008

Updates for Spring Part 4

Weapon modification technology is real. Even the Air Force documents talked about it (i.e. Wired News from May 7, 2004 had an article written By Noah Shachtman about on how NASA is funding weather modification technology). Dennis Kuciunch has documented it. Now, weather modification technology is about people using machines to manipulate the weather. In some cases, they can even create snow, rain, and storms. Some believe that recent Hurricances like Hurricane Katrina is a product of man made technology. The reason is because of the huge nature of it and the scalar waves found inside of the Hurricane. This can also cause ecological disaster in the world. Gold is rising and the dollar is weakening. Alan Greenspan told Gulf States to dump the dollar. Global warming that’s man-made is being debunked by mainstream scientissts constantly in 2008. Carbon dioxide is a necessary chemcial for the stability of the atmosphere. The climate is dynamic and changes all of the time. Global Warming is promoted by elites to induce a tax in citizens’ lives. It’s also done to allow the government to micromanage lives of human beings. They talk about carbon footprints, but it’s impossible to be carbon neutral, because humans regularly breathe and exhale causing carbon to go into the atmosphere. Plants (carbon dioxide can increase the vitality of plant life. Scientific experiments have proven this time and time again) and animals need carbon to survive. The documents (from the Club of Rome and other organizations) show that the Elite acquire an almost religious furvor of the global warming myth as a tool for controlling society. For example, Aurello Paccei (the inventor of the Club of Rome) in 1991 admitted that they want the enemy of "global warming" as an excuse to blame man for all of the environmental problems of the world. He called humanity the enemy itself. He and Al Gore (who supports substainable development) endorse the anti-liberty proposals of land theft, limitations of food and water for the public, etc. That’s why Al Gore and Bill Clinton supports the UN mandated Kyoto Treaty. Some of the G-8 nations want to reduce greenhouse gases by 2012. This controlling plan relates to the wicked population control agenda. This distracts from real environmental issues like genetic engineering, rainforest depletion, aspartame, flouride being inside of our water, ocean poisoning, toxic waste, etc. Global Cooling has occured in this winter of 2007 to 2008. Many Scientists disagree with man-made global warming. Scientists show that Greenland was warmer than today about 4,000 years ago and during some period of the Middle Ages.

*What’s the endgame of all these unions and integration of nations. It’s the attempt to create a new world order or global government. What’s proof of that? The proof is that world leaders for decades have advocated a new world order and global government blatantly. That’s why you see world bodies controlling much of our politics and economics. For example in 1992, The Earth Summit was held to create the Biodiversity Treaty and Agenda 21. Michael Shaw said that sustainable development is about population control and are in risk of ruining the Middle class. Bill Clinton by executive order supported the Council of Sustainable Development. These groups (including Sustainable Development) were created to allow the United Nations to control the private property of individuals and the people in the United States of America. Typically, the UN and other such groups blame humans for all of the problems in the world for justifications of their actions. There is a State of the World Summit, the Earth Charter was created in the year of 2000, A World Criminal Court was created in 2002, etc. There is even a Constitution for the Federation Earth. There is also the promotion of the world religion. Now, if world government plans were non-existent, then why would such world organizations exist and people advocating world government exist? It’s because plans for world government made by the Elite are real. There are tons of quotations of them outlining this.

The following is extra information about Our Health. The FDA says that cloned animals are OK to eat like beef. Genetically modified foods have been exposed for a long time now. Jeffrey Smith is an author of "Seeds of Deception" making known of the significiant health dangers of genetically modified foods. The only reason that they are allowed on the market is because of certain industry and political corrupt influence that allow them to be promoted on the food shelves. Most GM foods aren’t even labeled so consumers can decipher a basic distinction between foods with or without GM foods. The FDA to this day claims that genetically modified foods are mostly safe, but this isn’t the case. For example, a 2002 report by the UK’s Royal Society said that genetic modification could lead to harmful changes in the nutrition of foods. A group named the Institute for Responsible Technology cited that inserting foreign genes can damage the structure and function of the host’s DNA. Their recommendations was that GM foods needed to be rigorously tested before given unto the elderly, pregnant or breast-feeding women, those suffering from disease, and babies. GM soy burgers and soy milkshakes regularly possesses foreign genes into the human gut bacteria. Even some British Scientists found that GM DNA material from crops is finding its way into the human gut bacteria causing serious health questions. The disruption of the DNA or the genetic code is dangerous not only for humans, but for the whole ecosystem. The Guardian In 1992, Murray Lumpkin, M.D., then director the FDA’s Division of Anti-infective Drug Products, warned that: "... "IT WOULD BE A SERIOUS HEALTH HAZARD TO INTRODUCE A GENE THAT CODES FOR ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE INTO THE NORMAL FLORA OF THE GENERAL POPULATION...." Jeffrey Smith writes more information on how Bt maize (or corn) during pollination may trigger disease in people living near the cornfield. Many corporations like Monsanto want to explain GM crops across the Earth. The good news is that organizations and groups are promoting health guides where human beings can have access to non-GM foods.

CHRISTOPHER FAHERTY from the NY Sun at Monday, on March 10, 2008 described about another serious problem. Christopher writes that New York City’s elected officials and environmental advocates are wanting to ask tough questions about trace amounts of pharmaceuticals in the local water supply. These traces include at least 15 pharmaceuticals or their byproducts like mood hormones and mood stabilizers. Upstate watersheds have found them, which provide drinking water for New York City. The New York City Department of Environmental Protection released a statement outlining their concern for this issue, but saying that it hold no immediate risk. They want to have an education program to effectively dispose medications and the like. José Serrano of the Bronx (who is a State Senator of NY and a member of the state Senate Committee on Environmental Conservation) is concerned about this problem. Drinking water should be improved upon throughout the nation. All sorts of pharmaceuticals -- including antibiotics, sex hormones, anti-convulsion drugs, psychiatric drugs, etc. painkillers,etc. have been found in drinking water supplies of at least 41 million Americans, according to a stunning investigation conducted by the Associated Press. About 67% of American water system are flouridated with industrial waste. Although, 98% of Western Europe has rejected Water Flouridation. It’s a known fact that flouride can cause bone damage, brain damage, it can lower IQ of human beings, liver cancer, teeth problems, and risks for diseases. Dr. Mullenix docmented this information, yet she was fired from Forsyth Dental Center. I saw flouride killing cows. It’s better to eliminate flouride in our water and to promote vitamins and minerals in our water supplies. Sodium flouride is a key ingredient in rat poison. It’s a very toxic molecule. It’s also found in antidepressants that can cause non-aggressive attitudes in human beings. With these poisons, isn’t it obvious that this is a way that governments and certain multinational corporation seek to promote to control citizens. Aspartame is another poison made up of methanol (it can produce blindness). This substance is found in many sodas and sugar based foods. Donald Rumsfeld (he was once a CEO of a company approving of aspartame) decades ago push this in over 5,000 foods.

There is also the problem of MRSA Superbugs. Natural News had an article written on Monday, at March 10, 2008 by David Gutierrez. David writes that the MRSA Superbug infections are killing more Americans than AIDS. CDC or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported on this information. MRSA is an antibiotic resistant strain of the common staph bacteria. MRSA is short for Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. It’s a variant of a common bacteria used for handling staph infections. Staph infections are mostly not life-threatening. Although, if left untreated they can wound human flesh and damage lungs, bones, blood, and other organs. Researchers conclude that 31.8 out of 100,000 U.S. residents are being infected by MRSA each year, leading to 94,360 infections and 18,650 deaths across the country. The CDC says that MRSA infections are most common among children, African Americans, and the elderly. World Net Daily reported that a new study shows that homosexuals are having more than heterosexuals. This doesn’t mean that homosexuals should be demonized unfairly or dehumanized. Different groups of people have problems just like all humans do. Plagues like TB, leprosy, etc. are making a comeback, because of overuse of antibiotics, dangerous sexual lifestyles, out of control illegal immigration, and other reasons (according to the February edition of WND’s elite monthly Whistleblower magazine, titled "THE NEW PLAGUES."). Codex Alimentarius is about to restriction natural nutrients or vitamins from the common human being. The Codex Alimentarius Commission was created in 1963 by FAO (The Food and Agricultural Organization) and WHO to develop food standards, guidelines and related texts such as codes of practice under the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme. According to Dr. Rima Laibow from the Natural Solutions Foundation, the proponents of the Codex want it implemented globally by December 31, 2009. She said that the WHO and the FAO are funding Codex Alimentarius at the request of the U.N. In 1994, Codex declared nutrients toxic. Under Codex, Rima said that all cows must be treated with Monsanto’s recombinant bovine growth hormone. She said that under these guildines by 2009, Codex is in risk of causing 3 billion people to die and 1 billion via starvation (via under nutriution). Codex is bashing nutrients to promote the dangerous genetically modified foods and crops. Forced vaccinations are a serious problem as well. Those who control the food control the world. There is nothing in Constiution outlining forced vaccinations at all. MARIA CHENG from the Associated Press at March 12, 2008 wrote that in Belgium, authorities might put parents into jail if they refuse to have their children to recieve vaccinations. Belgium wants to eradicate polo. They outline a prison sentence of 2 sets of parents already for 5 months. Each parent was also fined 4,100 euros. Polio is a serious disease, but locking people up if they desire to not send a vaccine to their children is fascism plain and simple. To use coercion and threaten people against their will to not do an action (which is not immoral) is fascism. Maryland has threatened parents with truancy charges against parents who refuse vaccinations. Saudi Arabia has a rule to make sure you’re vaccinated if they are from polio-edemic countries (if they want to have their yearly Hajj pilgrimage).

A World of Mainstream Media, Propaganda, and Mind Control

VII. You don’t have to be a genius to realize that mind control is an everyday occurence. The media is some of the most powerful organs of mind control in much of the public. I’m not the type demonizing people as not knowing about the new world order. It’s our responsibility to help people to understand the new world order without calling people sheeple, since once upon a time we were ignorant about how the world really worked out. Cathy O’Brian’s book called "Trance Formation of America" believed that mind control was present among Bill Clinton and others. Cathy said that he was a victim of a mind control program from the CIA. He said that George H. W. Bush used secret handsign signals to control her sub-conscious mind. She said that Bill Clinton was under mind control. Bill Clinton’s demeanor back in the early 1990’s looks similar to one in a hynoptic trance (in old footage of him). O’Brian said that Bush and Clinton were friends, which is true even today. O’Brian said that Bill Clinton was promoted to be President in 1984. The most basic form of mind control is unnecessary repetition of words, speech, and actions. Some under mind control has their eyes not blinking in a long period of time similar to a victim of a hypnotist. The CIA and other intelligence agencies performed mind control for many decades. The most famous form of it was MK-ULTRA that use drugs and other devices in attempts to control human beings. Some in the CIA even used animals in brainwashing technique. The CIA has done surgical manipulation of the human brain as well. Wilder Penfield was a leader in CIA mind control techniques. He studied the brainwashing tools from the Nazi Josef Mengele. Wilder believes that stimulating the mind with electrical currents can make humans realize certain memories from their past. Penfield’s team also worked on the autopsy of JFK. They removed President John F. Kennedy’s brain. Some in mind control don’t look at others with eye contact. Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier discuss mind control as well. This mind control is similar to mainstream education of the youth. The mainstream education system (especially in public school) brainwash kids into see the world into they want to see them. They take many children from parents and send them to government schools and have control of their mind until 17 or 18 usually. It’s the indoctrination of people. There are 2 hempisheres of the brain. They are the Left side (which is about words, sentences, science, math, logic, analysis in this present reality and time plus space) and the Right side of the brain (This is about creativity and art, risk taking, philosophy, religion, the connection to the inspiration of our mind and thinking). We only use a small percentage of our brain. So, the elite constantly program the young to use their left brain. In other words, they promote random memomorization of subject matter as learning. Then when a test comes, you have to write everything you remember unto a piece of paper. If a student tell the teacher what the teacher told the students well enough , you will pass the test. Anyone that takes the information into the right brain and have questions about it, then it’s shunned. IF you have inquiries about the validity of so-called established facts, you might flunk the course in a classroom. Doctors, politicans, journalists, industry leaders, professionals, lawyers, etc. have gone through constantly taking information through the left brain and send it out. This system is controlled by left brain monopolists. Many elites and educators promote this concept especially in government run education faciliaties. That’s why they wish for all education to be controlled by the government, which I don’t believe in. I believe in educational freedom. That’s why we have trouble bringing in art and music to enhance creativity, because these forms of thinking focus in our right brain. Some students and educators want to fit in by reconfirming the beliefs of the heircachy. The truth is that we must embrace the components of our left and right brain thinking.

Updates on Information on Secret Societies

VIII. Suddenly, Secret Societies are still talked about today in a high level. They have a huge impact in the world from back then and today. Throughout history, human beings condemned them. President John F. Kennedy at April 27th 1961 said a speech to the American Newspaper Publishers Association at Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York, NY. There, JFK condemned secret societies, secret oaths, and secret proceedings. He wanted the press and the media to inculcate the responsibility to report the facts irrespective if it reflected positive or negative toward his administration. In ancient times, they were organizations whose purpose were to guard the secrets of science, technology, math, etc. from the common man. There are many common threats in Secret Societies then and now. One is the embrace of masculine (This is represented in the phallic images. The greatest example of this is the Washington Monument in Washington D.C. It’s an obelisk which in ancient Egypt represents Ra. Dr. Cathy Burns writes that it also represents the shaft of Baal) and feminine concepts (This is expressed in dome like structures, the circle, and other images) in Nature. The Isis and Osiris story is the easiest stories to describe this concept. The story begins with Osiris being the oldest son of the Egyptian god of Geb and he is the son of the sky goddess Nut. Osiris’ wife was Horus. Osiris is depicted as a green skinned pharaoh wearing the Atef crown. Osiris was the false Egyptian god of life, death, and fertility. Osiris was loved by his people. Seth, his brother became jealous. Seth killed him and cut him up into 12 pieces. They scattered across the Nile River. Isis found 11 of the pieces except one piece, which was his phallic. The legend goes that Isis produces Horus by using a spell to bring Osiris back to life temporary to impregnate her. Osiris late exted in the underwood. This resurrection story was copied by those in the ancient Middle East. Isis is the Goddess of ancient Egypt. Sirius is important in the mysteries. Dr. Robert Hieronimus wrote and talked about Sirius. It was given a negative connotation by the ancient Egyptians, because Sirius was prominent in the sky during the midsummer. This was the time of drought and weather problems in Egypt therefore Sirius was given a evil representation. Sirius is a star and to the Egyptians he was related to the god of the Underworld. The dome, circle, and goddess images represent the feminine influence of the ancients. In numerous occultists’ mind, the masculine and feminine (or the Yoni according to Masonic author, Albert Mackey) must merge to create generation (that’s one of the interpretations of the "G" symbol in Freemasonry). Instead, they shouldn’t worship the creation, but the Creator God Almighty only. In Secret societies then and now, they formet wars and revolutions. For example, the Boston Tea Party was admittedly orchestrated by a Masonic Lodge in Boston. This lead to the Revolutionary War and the creation of America (America is composed of many Bible-Believing Christians, but occultists exploitated America’s greatness to try to invent it as a "New Atlantis"). The ancients obsess with the Heavens, the stars, planets, etc. believed they wanted to explain their origin of Humans and the Universe in the best way possible. The truth is that the heavenly bodies change and exist as a reflection of God’s Creation. They shouldn’t be worshipped or praised in an unnecessary way. There is also the Pentagram image with a multiple of meanings like Nature, the Perfected Man, Venus (since Venus forms a Pentagram like shape in its rotations around the Solar system), and the footprint of the Devil (as written in Manly P. Hall’s research). The purpose of these Mysteries is to try to "enlighten" mankind into perfection (not only control). The elite want to have supreme power in the world and to know everything in the world. The Mystery is still present today with occult symbolism and pagan items worldwide (especially in America. Even the statue of Lincoln in D.C. looks similar to the Tarot Card of the Emperor). D.C. loooks like a necropolis of occult symbolism.

I will still expose the Jesuit/Vatican connection to the new world order. There are those who refuse to do so, but I won’t It is disinformation not to expose this connection. Now, the Vatican has been exposed in much evil as many already realize. The Roman Catholic Church was invented in the 300’s A.D.with Constantine. Constatine defeated Maxetimus in a battle. Constantine brought paganism and merged it with Christianity. He united the church and the state. In 337 A.D., he was publicly baptized because he wanted to be baptized near his death. The Dark Ages came later after 476 A.D. In this time in Europe, The Roman Catholic Church ruled most of the religious and political policies there. You couldn’t even read the Bible without the church’s permission then. Many researchers who wanted debate that was contrary to church teachings could be executed back then. The good news was that the printing press was created in 1450. That allowed the Bible to be printed more rapidily. As time went on, their leadership were complicit in the death of William Tyndale, the Waldensians, the Lollards, the Hugenonts, and others. In the 1400’s, the Vatican modernized the evil international slave trade. Pope Honorious supported daming heretics to Hell and steal their property back centuries ago. The following is his quote:

"And all heretics, of both sexes and of every name, we damn [I thought that God does this] to perpetual infamy; we declare hostility against them; we account them accursed, and their goods confiscated; nor can they ever enjoy their property, or their children succeed to their inheritance [punishing the children!]; inasmuch as they grievously offend against the Eternal as well as the temporal king [the pope]."
source: Quinta Compilatio Epistolarum Decretalium Honorii III. P.M. Innocentii Cironii, Juris Utriusque Professoris, Canonici ac Ecclesiae, et Academae Tolosannae Cancellarii, Comp. v. tit. iv. cap. i. p. 200; Tolosae, 1645.

The Council of Trent was a key document of the Vatican and the Jesuits. December 4, 1563 was the date it was finished. It condemns those who believes in salvation by faith alone, that communism is symbolic not literal, or the bishops or not chosen by the Pope (which is a man-made invention) are anathema. Anathema is a word meaning cursed by the Roman Church or damned to Hell. This extreme decree was never revoked during Vatican II, so it still stands to this day. The Vatican was also involved in the conquistador invasion and destruction of much of the Native American populations in North plus South America. These people included the likes of Almagro, Cortez, Pizarro, Valverde, de Meza, Gregory, Sepulveda, Valega and, yes, Christopher Columbus (imprisoned by Queen Isabella of Spain for his atrocities against the natives of Grenada). They robbs the wealth and enslaved the people of the Aztecs, the Incas, etc. The Jesuits was invented in 1534 at Spain by Ignatius Loyola. Loyola was a soldier fighting against the French. He was injured and permanently had a limp. He was depressed and claimed to see mystical visions. Where have I heard this before? It’s from Muhammad claiming to see a vision from the angel Gabriel to create Islam. Now, Loyola then created his Spiritual Exercises and created his Jesuit Order. The goal of the Jesuit Order has always been to destroy the Protestant Reformation and to promote the Pope as the king of the world in a new world order. The Jesuits were called a military order by Napoleon. Because of being involved in corruption and political intrigue, the Jesuits were banned in many European nations by the late 1700’s. The Vatican and the Jesuits have an anti-Jewish and anti-Semitic history. The Jesuits won’t even allowed overt Jewish people in the Jesuit Order until 1946. The Vatican murdered Jewish people and Muslims immorally spanning centuries from the Crusades, progroms, to other events. In some years in Russia, Jewish people weren’t allowed in Russia. Adam Weishaupt was an inventor of the Bavarian Illuminati. He was Jesuit trained in Ingolstadt University at Bavaria, Germany. He accepted Jesuit tactics and occult Rationalism in Europe. He united with Freemasons to form attempt to form his goal of an enlightenment empire to destroy Monarchs (religions and governments) to create a new world order in the Earth. He failed and his group was banned in Germany by 1784. Ironically, it is said that he died in good graces with the Catholic Church. Yet, his ideals didn’t die with him. Pope Clement XIV banned the Jesuit Order in July 21, 1773. Clement was mysterious poisoned later. It wasn’t banned in Prussia and Russia, so the Jesuits came into Russia and Prussia. The leader of the Jesuits is called the Black Pope. It wasn’t until 1814 when the Jesuits came back into existence with the Pope’s support. Now, the Jesuits have been involved in more evil as since. There is the Dreyfus Affair. This affair was that an innocent Jewish Captian named Afred Dreyfus was falsely accused of treason in France. He was jailed in an island for a long time and then his name was cleared. Eric Jon Phelps said that The Assumptionists and the Jesuits were involved in agitating the Dreyfus Affair to promote anti-Jewish sentiments in Europe. Now, according to Eric Jon Phelps and other sources, the Jesuits were definitely involved in the Franco-Prussian war of the 1800’s. That’s true. Since, "The Affair" deeply divided the country into Dreyfusards (supporters of Dreyfus) and anti-Dreyfusards. Generally speaking, royalists, conservatives and the Catholic Church (the "right wing") were anti-Dreyfusards, while Dreyfusards were socialists, republicans and anticlericalists, though there were exceptions. This injustice lead to the creation of the modern Zionist movement. Lenin allowed Jesuits in Russia in 1922 as proven by Priest James J. Zatko. Zatko documented this in his book called "Descent into Darkness." Bishop Edward Ropp was a key figure in the Revolution allying with the Bolsheviks to decrease the power of the Orthodox Church) and high level Freemasonry (in English Freemasonry and especially Grand Orient Masonry) to end the pro-Orthodox monarchy. Many Nazis were influenced by the Jesuits. For example, Leo Lehman writes that: "... Hitler himself admits that he was helped by the methods of the Jesuit counter-Reformation to carry on his ideological war.... [We] have witnessed Catholicism’s open support of every step taken by Nazi-Facism to impose authoritarian regimes upon all peoples." — (Leo H Lehman, Behind the Dictators, Agora Publishing, pp. 36, 38, 39).Listen to his own words as recorded in 1939 by Hermann Rauschning, former national-socialist chief of the Danzig government:

"I learned much from the Order of the Jesuits," said Hitler. "Until now there has never been anything more grandiose, on the earth, than the hierarchical organization of the Catholic Church. I transferred much of this organization into my own (Nazi) party. In my Burgs of the Order, we will raise up a youth that will make the world tremble" The Vatican has been involved in the Serbian genocide of World War II and the Vatican Ratlines (sending war criminals who included Nazis from Europe into the Americas, etc. Operation ODESSA was part of this). In the 21st century, the Roman Catholic Church is still the most powerful religious organization in the world. It has over 1 billion people worldwide. There are 70 million Roman Catholic in the USA at an American population of 303 million people. the Jesuits amount to about 19,000 members. They have the highest amount of people in a religious order related to the Vatican in the world. The Jesuits have trained and educated world leaders from Bill Clinton, Castro, to Martin Sheen, and others. Today, those in the Vatican/Jesuit network include the Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, the Knights of Columbus (it’s logo had a bundle of rods in an symbol looking like the fasces logo. The fasces is in the US Senate and originates from fascism plus ancient Rome. The fasces is also on the European Union passport. There are 1.7 million members of the K of the C inside of the United States of America. Some are united with Freemasons and are Police Officers), and other organizations. The Knights of Malta include some of the most powerful international bankers in the world. For example, Knight of Malta A. Unanue is the President of Goya Foods and on the the Advisory Board of Banco Popular of New York. Many past leaders of the Central Intelligence Agency were known to be Knights of Malta. SMOM Emilio Gonzales (a member of Homeland Security), SMOM Geoffrey T. Boisi, SMOM Richard Torrenzano (a spokesman for the NY Stock Exchange), SMOM Steven Saxton (the head of Hollywood International), Raymond Flynn (a Knight of Malta, a Knight of St. Gregory and the mayor Boston), The Knights of Malta number at about 12,500 members. THE CONSTANTINIAN ORDER is a new group that I’ve discovered in December 2007 that appears to be equal in power to the Knights of Malta. They are in European Royality. The Pope is part of the Ecumencial Movement. The Papacy is similar to the Roman Empire (i.e. there is a Senate to Elect the Pope, etc.) with spiritual and temporal power. Popes like John Paul II for a new world order. WND even reported that Steven Spielberg, John Paul II, Ted Turner, Boris Yeltsin, Bill Clinton, Dennis Hastert were among a list of attendees to the 1999 Bilderberg meeting in Portugal, Spain. Pope Benedict XVI called for humanity to unite against terrorism for a new world order.

Right now one of the most popular circles in the world is the John Birch Society (or the JBS). Unfortunately, the JBS has been infiltrated by the Jesuits. There is even a video with Ron Paul and agent of the Vatican Cornelia Ferreira to praise the work of the JBS. Ron Paul himself not only praised John Paul II (who calls for a new world order, was a leading figure in the Ecumencial Movement, and promotes false doctrines), but he approves of the John Birch Society. Ron Paul has been endorsed by Knight of Malta Pat Buchanan, Alex Jones, and anti-gun proponent Roman Catholic Dennis Kucinich. The current President of the JBS is named John F. McManus. He is an ally with JBS founder Robert Welch. Welch is suspected of being a Freemason. Also, John F. McManus was Jesuit trained from Holy Cross University (just like MSNBC news host Chris Matthews). One of the John Birch Society’s main focuses was to stir Protestants/Baptists (who legitimately oppose the new world order) to shift their explosure from the Vatican to Communism. The truth is that Communism is wicked and evil. It should be exposed. Yet, Communism is just one offshoot of a bigger plan among those who rule the world (since Communism was funded by the cartel-capitalists for decades includes those bankers from America plus Europe). For example, monopoly capitalist not a real free market capitalist 33rd Degree Freemason Henry Ford allowed Ford to build factories in Nazi Germany, America, and the Soviet Union. His son married into the Roman Catholic MacDonald family. Even FDR recongized formerly the Soviet Union in 1933. Communist like areas called communes were created by the Jesuits in Paraguay as early as the 1600’s. The JBS began in a high level when Jesuit trained (he was educated at Jesuit Marquette University) and ally of Jesuit Edmond Walsh SJ Senator Joe McCarthy went on his crusade against Communists. One of their past directors was the father of Knight of Malta Joseph E. Schmitz (he’s part of the Blackwater security team, which was complicit in the murder of innocent Iraqi and militarized New Orleans during the Hurricane Katrina aftermath). THe Jesuits use these fronts to not only infiltrate those who aren’t Catholics, but to try to destroy the influence of the Protestant Reformation in America (and omit the Vatican/Jesuit connection to the new world order. Thomas Richards wrote of this JBS/Jesuit information in an elaborate way. That’s why you see an increase of those who want to unfairly blame Jewish people for everything under the sun). That’s why many Jesuits now are in the John Birch Society. So, we need to be careful to not get caught up into disinformation organizations like the John Birch Society.

Freemasonry was formed in the Modern Era during 1717 at the Grand Lodge of Great Britian. Freemasonry is actually a group with according to Manly P. Hall mad up of an outer group then an inner core of elites (who embrace the tenets of the Mysteries in the venere of the belief of one God). Many Masons (especially in the Royal Arch Degree) praise JAH-BUL-ON, which is a pagan false deity that mixes many gods from the ancient world. Freemasonry has one of the highest numbers in membership of any Secret Societies in the world. The Knights Templar were a Roman Catholic order. It was created in 1118 with 9 men. They were the first international banking of Europe. They were involved in the Crusades. The Crusades was a terror campaign created by the Roman Catholic Church that did more than just repel the advance of Muslim armies. The Vatican warriors including the Crusaders killed innocent people, sacked Constantinople, raped people, murdered Jewish people, and committed other atrocities. Their wealth was so great that their influence spread across the Continent of Europe. The Pope and the King of France named Philip banished them for accusations of sexual degenerate acts, worshipping Bapomet, and acquiring corruption. There is controversy to this day on whether this is true or not. Many confessions admit to sick rituals. According to Chris Everard, black magic objects were confiscated in castles owned by the Knights Templar. These objects included silver caskets with heads (according to Chris they are called Baphomets) and skulls. The Templar logo is related to the Knights of Malta logo, the Skulls and Bones emblem, and the insigina of Phi Kappa Sigma (which is a powerful fraternity in the USA. The logo is found in Phi Beta Kappa as well. In the Skulls and Bones rituals, members are dressed as the Pope and the Devil. Some are heard saying "The Devil equals Death! and "Death equals Death!"). The Ordo Templi Orientis or the O.T.O. have anti-Christian rituals to this day. Some Knights Templar escaped into Scotland and Malta. Some created trade route to North American long before Christopher Columbus’ journeys. The Knights Templar are related to Freemasonry also. In fact, Freemasonry, Rosicrucians, the Skulls and Bones, the pyladian Rite Freemasonry, and the OTO have similarities with the Kabbala and the Knights Templar. In the 1940’s, Jack Parsons was part of the OTO. He created advanced rocket technology like rocket pulposion systems. At night, Parsons had sex magic rituals in his home in Pasadena, California. Parsons did a ritual with Frater H. In 1948, Jack Parsons undertook a ritual called Babalon Working (others involved were the Manhattan Project Scientists). This said to have the iniatate to visualize the Tree of Life. They wanted to place their astral bodies into the Abyss. Parsons hated Christianity and viewed Christians as the enemy in need of being destroyed. Who was Frater H? He was the inventor of the cult religion of Scientology L. Ron Hubbard. He wrote Diantecs. L. Ron Hubbard was a follower of black magician Aliester Crowley. Hubbard had sex rituals similar to the movie "Rosemary’s Baby" where a woman was impreganted with the Antichrist’s baby. Rosemary’s Baby describes a golem being created. The Devil played in Rosemary’s Baby is played by Anton LaVey being ironically the founder of the American Church of Satan. Aliester Crowley is a member of the OTO. He word perform his disgusting rituals at the Temple of Thelema (a Greek word meaning will power) at Cefalu near Sicily, Italy at 1921. Crowley called himself the Beast 666 (similar to the Beast found in the book of Revelations). Crowley proclaimed that: "After I am Dead...People will Say...That I Gave Birth to the Twentieth Century..." in 1921. The same mentality for violence and sickening behavior is exemplified in today’s culture of unnecessary militarism, violence, torture, etc. The USA are sacrificing American troops in wars for oil and the development of a new world order. There is also the Bohemian Grove. It’s a Secret Society where men perform rituals in the Summer. One of their ones is called the Cremation of Care worshipping a huge statue. There is an image of a man resting on the ground with candles around him. This and the Cremation of Care is simialr to the Masonic coffin ritual and the Babylonian Mysteries involving human sacrifice. The Cremation of Care ceremony burns a human in an effigy. There are male and female prostitutes there for the men. That’s why many pro-homosexual images are pictured in the Bohemian Grove. One old picture has the Hangman’s Noose which is heavily featured in Masonic rituals. The Manhattan Project and the Star Wars missile defense shield had influence by the Bohemian Grove. For example, the S1 Committee of the Manhattan Project met in the Bohemian Grove.

It isn’t uncommon to witness that the real global elite controlling a huge amount of political policies are related to each other. One example of proving this is looking at the relationships among American Presidents. For example, Jimmy Carter is the ninth cousin of Warren Harding, he is the sixth cousin of Richard Nixon. William Taft is the fourth cousin five times removed of John Adams, and the fifth cousin four times removed of John Quincy Adams. Ulyssess S. Grant was the Union commander of the Union Army. When he was President, he had 8 Freemasons in his cabinent (including Alfonso Taft, the father of William Taft. Taft is an ancestor of Bill Clinton. Another Grant cabinent member Columbus Delano was FDR’s grandfather). Franklin Delano Roosvelt wrote that: "...The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson..." Another George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush are related to Queen Elizabeth II and are descendants of Edward I of England and Alphonso I of Portugal. George H. W. Bush was Knighted by Queen Elizabeth II as part of the Order of the Bath for his participation in the Persian Gulf War (He kneeled before the Queen of England). George W. Bush is also directly descended from descended from Godfroi de Bouillon. Godfroi de Bouillon himself was a Knight Templar. de Bouillon was a servant of Pope Gregory VII to lead a Crusade to conquer the Holy Land (especially Jerusalem from the Muslims. He became a King of Jerusalem and Lorraine, France. Lorraine is a fountainhead of the Merovingian bloodline). The New England Historical Genealogical Society and Burkes Peerage, have shown that 33 of the 42 presidents to Clinton are related to Charlemagne and 19 are related to England’s Edward III, both of whom are of this bloodline. The Bush family are also related to the Merovingians. Now, the Merovingians are a family tree of the Elite interrelated to those who ruled the ancient world from ancient Egypt to today. Researchers like David Icke claim this bloodline was present in Egypt in the Egyptian Pharaoh of Rameses II (who lived from 1295-1228 B.C.). As time went on another link in the bloodline was Philip of Macedonia who married Olympias. Their son was of course Alexander the Great. The bloodline came done to also Cleopatra who married Roman dictator Julius Caesar. As time went on Philip of Macendonia’s descendants became part of the Roman Piso family. The Piso family later became related to the Emperor Constantine of the Roman Empire. He was the one that merged church and state in the Roman Empire. This bloodline moved into France and North European to merge with the Germanic Merovingian family. They were family for being bringing up Charlemagne (742-814), , who was a famous Middle Age king. He promoted education and development within the European continent. The Merovingians also were related to the Holy Roman Empire’s kings. Louis XVI is related to Charlemagne. He and Marie Antoinette were beheaded (their son Daniel Payseur though became a huge leader over the Morgan and Carnegies’ empires in lands, banking, real estate, industry, etc.). The Habsburgs, the Saxe-Coburg Gothas, the Black Nobility, Spanish Royality, and Dutch Royality are related to each other. The Saxe-Coburg Gotha families are Germanic and changed their names into the Windsors. They are known to have some of its members to fund the Nazis during WWII.

There is the issue of the Kabbala. The Kabbala is basically a combination of apostate Judaism, Gnosticism, and the Babylonian Mystery Religion (plus in ancient Egypt). Really, the Kabbala existed from the Babylonian/Egyptian Mystery Schools, which were created by Gentiles. It assigns values to all letters of the Hebrew Alphabet. It believes that God didn’t directly create the Universe, but he used his 10 Sopiroth or beings to do so. There are rituals involved in the Kabbala. Its popularity is spread globally. The common logo of the Kabbala is the Tree of Life with 10 circles in it. The Tree of Life is a way magicians use to contact with spirits. The Kabbala is also readily embraced as a magical text the dealt with communication with fallen angels like Raziel. Raziel is one of fallen angel servicing Lucifer according to the occult world. The Kabbala in its modern form never reached Europe until the 11th and 12th centuries in written form. The Kabbala in written form only has a few thousand of words long, but it talks about a spherical Earth. Some believe that the Kabbala shows the atomic nature of matter. Some believe that the Kabbala is written in codes to conceal complex information. This was studied by alchemists. Sir Isaac Newton was one famous scientist who studied the Kabala. This was not too long after when science and the occult was merged in research by some. Some occultists believe in the evil eye or en hara. Aliester Crowley said en hara in his Satanic ceremonies. In 1921, this British MI5 Intelligence agent tried to say en hara in invoking the fallen angel Raiziel. Chris Everard from Enigmatv believe that those involved in the Kabbala believe that this evil eye can kill a person with one look. Isaac the Blind was one Middle Age Jewish mystic who modernized the Kabbala. The Evil Eye is similar to the All Seeing Eye. Chris Everad believed that the Knights Templar accepted the Kabbala teaching. They called themselves the Poor Knights of Christ, but they were far from poor and far from representing the tenets of Jesus Christ. Chris Everard said they perform disgusting occult ceremonies. The Knights Templar planned their evil, bloody Crusade. They entered Israel to go to see religious sites especially the Temple of Solomon. Jewish historians believe that Solomon once was a good man, then apostatized heavily. Solomon merged pagan ideals with Judaism to form Kabbala-like tenets. The Knights Templars didn’t want the Muslims to gain control of occult secrets or rule in Israel. Archaelogists have found tunnels in Jerusalem of Knights Templar origin. Chris Everard said that the Knights Templar found the Holy Grail (or a piece of information that is Kabalic in nature. Chris said that one secret of this information is that physical matter can be transformed by molecule by molecule into another form of life. This is done via incantations through Hebrew alphabets and numbers). That’s why many occultists and New Agers believe that the nature of reality is an illusion. That’s a fundamentally Gnostic teaching you know.

Harry S. Truman was a 33rd Degree Freemason and he was the 33rd President of the United States of America. He allowed the bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima to occur. These resulted in the death of thousands of people. He had help from many quarters like the Bohemian Grove and from some Jewish Nuclear Phycisists (Like Edward Teller and Robert Oppenheimer. Oppenheimer was a fan of ancient Indian mantras and literature. He quoted the Gita that: "Now, I am become death the destroyer of the worlds." The First Atomic bomb was named Trinity) related to Kabbalic principles. This began the modern nuclear age. The Movie called "The Omen" described about the fiction about a future relating to the Book of Revelations. Robert was one of the inventors of the atomic bomb. On the 33rd Degree Parellel, the Atom Bomb was tested in America. Some in Secret Societies and the occult believe in the existence of Golems. A golem is the belief of an artifically created humaniod that is derived from dead human body parts created via incantantions (Tlilight language is what Kabbalists call the strange sounds in incantations). Isaac Bashevis Singer was a Nobel Prize winner author. He said that the Kabbala teaches that dead matter isn’t really dead, but life can be brought back to life by canting mantras. The Golem is talked about in the Talmud.

*There are other information that much of the public doesn’t realize. Secret Societies who have world impact are a combinations of Freemasons, other Secret Societies worldwide, the Jesuits/Vatican, witch covens, some high level Satanists, black magicians in a network. They use numbers and words to communicate their messages and signal things. They perform rituals in Parliament buildings, Lodges, Temples, Groves (like the Bohemian Grove) globally. They want to rule the world. There is something called a Sigil. Now, symbols are utilized by Masonic Lodges, witch covens, alchemists, Satanists, etc. to have access to parts of the brain that responds to strong shapes and colors. A simple analogy is the abundance of corporate logo is colors (Like fast food chain using the colors of red, yellow, and white to inspire a hurry or hunger in people) and shapes to try to instill a positive response among citizens to buy a product or support its businesses. To those in the occult, symbols can protray a power impact in the brain. Some utilize symbols in the brain as possible commands unto human beings. Sigil Magick then is using symbol utilized by magicians to try to instil a response or command unto people. To make a Sigil you write a desire, and move the vowels to consonant letters. Then you merge the letters into an easy to read symbol or sigil. Sigils are prominently found in company logos found in commercial to promote people to buy their products. The subconscious reads these sigils and symbols in Television constantly. Manly P. Hall wrote his book "The Secret Teachings of All Ages." He states (according to Chris Everard) that the radiation symbol is a Masonic sigil of Freemasonry that represents the combined plan for world domination.

The Good News in the World

IX. With so much bad news in the world, it’s becomes typical among many to ignore the good things happening. One is the waking about of tons of human beings about the new world order. For example, the Internet daily gives information about the evil in the new world order to millions from across backgrounds and across the globe. For example, independent researchers are getting into the faces of elitists and those in support of the new world order from David Rockefeller to Tom Ridge. David Rockefeller and others are quoted as wanting a globalized system. Real issues are being promoted from the explosure to the honey bee problems to the issue of eugenics plus the North American Union. Citizens and human beings in general are sick of tired of the media promoting sodium flouride and mercury in our vaccines and water supply. The government sells poisons all of the time. Even an Assistant Secretary of Defense pleading with the Defense Subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee, in 1969, to please give the government $10 Million so they can use recombinant DNA technology to create a dandy new bug to destroy the human immune system. "Was the AIDS Virus tested on Expendable People" was an article written By Harry V. Martin in 1995 that this July 1, 1969 Congressional testimony. The testimony said that: "..."Within the next 5 to 10 years, it would probably be possible to make a new infective microorganism which could differ in certain important aspects from any known disease causing organisms. Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon when we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease." There are many doctors who don’t believe that HIV causes AIDS. For example, Mohammed Ali Al-Bayati, Ph.D., and other credible doctors dispute that HIV creates AIDS in his research. Mohammed wrote that AIDS is caused by the heavy use of corticosteroids and/or cytotoxic drugs to treat many health problems (including poor nutrition, and bad chemicals in the environment) resulted from the use of illicit drugs. This drugs damage the immune system. Regardless of the truth, the World Bank and other global institutions (like the Club of Rome) in "trying" to stop this illness promote population control measures against the Third World. Even Erik Pianka says he wants 90% of the world population to die. He’s from the University of Texas. Bill Clinton has been questioned by We Are Change and other independent people in the crowd about NAFTA, 911 Truth, the Bilderberg Group, and the new world order. Bill Clinton couldn’t refute people criticism about how he went into the Bilderberg Group, she passed NAFTA (which decreased manufacturing jobs in America), etc. The world is still here. Plant life is abundant. Flauna and flora is the greatest variety and species in the Universe.


X. The End is an interesting concept. Many Christians and Bible-believers have rightfully exposed Greek fraternities for a variety of reasons. Now, when did these groups originate from? Back in the times of ancient Eypt and Babylon, guilds or clique were formed to guard secrets and deal with the occult. Today, some of these same rituals are related to the GLOs or the Greek Letter Organizaitons. These tenets or rituals include secrecy, binding oaths, a view of darkness being lead out of ignorance, and an obsession with either Greek letters or Greeks false gods. What are examples or any proof of this? According to Minister Fred Hatchett, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity says in an oath that "Without faith it is also impossible to please man." This is in contradiction to the Bible, which says that we shouldn’t please other men. Galatians 1:10 says that "...For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? If I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ..." Psalms 52:6 teaches that: "...They have not called upon God: there have they trembled for fear, where there was no fear. For God hath scattered the bones of them that please men: they have been confounded, because God hath despised them..." Acts 5:29 says that: "We must obey God as ruler rather than men." Therefore, we as human beings should be God pleasers not man pleasers. In Delta Sigma Sorority Inc., they had a Grand Chapter Candidate Syllabus in 1987 from pg. 38 saying that: "...A woman who becomes a Candidate is under the shadow of Minerva, and in no way could we offend one who is under her grace!" Now, this is a blatant praise of Minerva. Now, Minerva is a false Goddess of ancient Greece. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority praised Minerva as this: "That is why Minerva, the Goddess of Wisdom, is our Sorority mentor." (DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC., GRAND CHAPTER, MEMBERSHIP INTAKE PROGRAM, 1987, p.106.). The Scriptures are clear that we aren’t to worship or praise false gods. In many Delta’s Mediation, it reads:

"...Though I speak with the tongues of the learned and profound, and have no love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging symbol, And though I prophesy, know all Delta laws, ritual, traditions and secrets, and can recite them glibly;...When I was a pyramid, I talked as a Pyramid, I understood as a Pyramid, I thought as a Pyramid, but now that I have become a Delta, I am done with the ways of those intending to be Deltas. At present we see only the great potentialities of a Sisterhood founded on Christian principles, but some day we shall know that its realization rests upon the quality of our lives in fellowship one with the other. At present I am learning bit by bit, but then shall understand as all along the Creator of all has understood the dignity and the worth of every individual. Thus faith, and hope and love last on, these three, but in Delta Sigma Theta, the greatest of these is love." (The Official Ritual of the Grand Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., p.79-80, 1996)

It’s kind of strange of them to claim to have Christian principles when they talk about them being a Pryamid and having rituals and keeping secrets. The Bible states we say nothing in secret. In other words, everything should be out in the open. In some of these groups are hazing when Jesus said do no violence unto no man. According to religious preachers, Alpha Phi Alpha make their new members to act as a monkey to join for a week. This degrading treatment is totally uncalled for any human being. They must pledge Big Brothers and communicate in monkey talk not in English. They hunch like apes and eat bananas. There is a Masonic connection to many of these groups since many leaders of Greek Lettered Organizations are Freemasons. That’s why some of these people actually support immorality like abortion, the war on terror, and the status quo basically. Unnecessary confirmity occurs their. We confirm to God Alone and His Word not occult-inspired organizations like the GLOs. Other groups like the Boule (which are funded by the Rockefellers) infiltrate much of the leadership of the Black community. The good news is that more and more Blacks and others are exposing the Boule. There has been an increase of Fraternities in the world. Readily, Fraternities (especially Greek fraterinities) have huge power. Some are entry level point into Secret Societies such as Freemasonry. Pacal Votan wrote that: "...If humanity wishes to save itself from biospheric destruction, it must return to living in natural time..." Votan believed that the future would witness advanced technology and more acceptance of materialism. Some believe that 2012 is the year of the end of the age or even the end of time. I don’t believe in that. I don’t except date setting. I do believe that 2012 could be a new era of time where things will happen though. There is paranoia about it.

The Future will definitely involve a new President. That field includes Barack Obama, John McCain, and Hillary Clinton. John McCain is someone who is for the Iraq war and is considering bombing Iran as a viable option. He is anti-gun, agrees with Campaign Finance Reform (whose compositions had so many anti-First Amendment propositions in them that the Supreme Court stuck down some of it), and his pro-Bush attitude. Henry Kissinger have donated to John McCain’s campaign. Hillary Clinton is even in agreement with John McCain in fighting the war on terror (except for Iraq). She is funded by Papal Knight of St. Gregory Rupert Murdoch (he’s the owner of News Corporations and FOX News Network), Wendy Rockefeller, Diana Rockefeller, and David Rockefeller (a co-creation of the Trilateral Commission and one of the most powerful political figures in North America). Hillary has even been caught promoting a socialized medicine program discussing about stealing citizens’ wages to fund it. Even Obama oppose that part of Hillary’s plan. She is pro-abortion and anti-gun. Hillary Clinton on a regularly expesses vitriol against those that she disagrees with. She constantly baggers about a Republican conspiracy to subvert America when the leadership of Republicans and Democrats are funded and controlled by the same people. Barack Obama is a new face. Some even assign a "Messanic quality" to him. At least Obama opposed the Iraq War in 2002. This doesn’t mean that he’s a perfect man. Obama is anti-gun and agrees with abortion. He even agrees with partial birth abortion and aborting babies that has survived abortion (which was reported by Jill Stanek). Zbigniew Brzezinski (the ex-national security adviser to President Jimmy Carter) is the foreign policy advisor of Barack Obama. Bzezinski was the co-founder of the Trilateral Commission, he accepts Marxist thought, and he’s one supporter of the present war on terror/new world order system that’s growing today in the 21st century. Zbigniew Brzezinski’s book from "Between Two Ages" wrote that: "...Marxism represents a further vital and creative stage in the maturing of man’s universal vision...Marxism is simultaneously a victory of the external, active man over the inner, passive man and a victory of reason over belief...Marxism, disseminated on the poular level in the form of communism, represents a mjor advance in man’s ability to conceptualize his relationship to the world." THEYLIVE2012 from Youtube has a video about this. He showed a picture of Zbigniew Brzezinksi with Osama bin Laden in 1981. Bin Laden was funded by the CIA to fight against the Soviets in Afghanistan. Obama subscribes to a global tax to handle the climate change situation and world poverty. It’s fine to try to fight against world poverty.

Yet, Obama want $845 billion to do so costing about 0.7% of the gross national product. Barack’s economic advisor is Austan Goolsbee, who is a member of the Skulls and Bones. Some demonize people who outline legitimate dissent with Obama as being racist. That has happened to me when I’m black. As for Ferraro’s comments, I don’t don’t agree with her. Whether you agree or disagree with Obama, he has plenty of qualifications to be President. Bush, Obama (his distant cousin is Cheney), and Cheney are all related to each other. Globalists have funded each 3 of the Presidential candidates as the previous words prove. Barack Obama have made the mistake by saying that Lou Dobbs want mass deportation of all illegal immigrants, which Dobbs didn’t say. Although, Dobbs is wrong to support the Real ID Act, which is anti-civil liberties. All of these terrible events of terrorism, wars, etc. have the results of the promotion of fear and anger along with the government expanding its power result in the destruction of our constitutional law. It happens most of the time from the OKC bombing (that’s why Bill passed the Anti-Terrorism Bill. Even the ACLU opposed this law because of wiretaps issues, executive orders, and other propositions in it), to 9/11. Bible Prophecy in the book of Revelations describes a temporary reign of the Antichrist or the Beast. During this time of Tribulation, the Rapture comes to send believes out of Earth into the hands of the Lord. The real lesson that we must understand is not have pride. Don’t obsess with being some enlightened one because you understand some of the puzzle or scream out in an annoying fashion. Do you own independent research to prove not only to others, but to others that you comprehend what’s going on. True leadership is to never be a follower, but to be a leader. You must understand our rights and our freedoms (especially in the Bill of Rights). Never trust a single human being 100% except for God Almighty alone.

By Timothy