Saturday, March 29, 2008

Updates for Spring Part 3

What does The Bible and the Spirit World? The Bible is clear on condemning witchcraft to the point that those who do these things won’t see the Kingdom of God. Galatians 5:18-21 mentioned that: "...Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God..." The ideals of the Earth being a spirit force or man having divine powers are part of the New Age belief system. The New Age is a threat not only of its false doctrines. So many of the New Age crowd subscribe to a new world order and a global government order. For example, New Ager Robert Muller who was the former Asst. Sect. General of the UN said that: "The United Nations is much more than a political organization, it is a paradigm, the expression of a deep, evolutionary change which in the long run will transform the world for the best." (New Genesis, p. 122). Robert also said that: "...’No one can stop evolution ... A new world is being born in the UN.’ (My Testament, p. 17) Ancient Babylon had these beliefs. Even Hinduism believes that we have no real self, all reality is an illusion, and that humans are divine. Hinduism and Gnosticism (which also teaches that the spirit is the only reeality and that via secret, intutitive knowledge, man can find his true self)are religious foundations of the New Age Movement. Jesuit Theilhard de Chardin was one man who is exclaimed by some to be the father of the New Age Movement. He endorsed the fraudulent Peking man and the Piltdown man. Typically, he believed in Evolution and wanted a Universial Christ to convert the world (while at the same time to satisfy the differences among the world religions). These dogmas are mentioned in Genesis 3:1-5 when Satan lied to Eve that she can be like gods if she ate the forbidden fruit. She and Adam disobeyed God’s rules and they were punished. They never achieved godhood. The usage of mediums, channeling, astrology, divination (that Nostradamus performed), necromancy (or communicating with the dead), and again witchcraft are strongly condemned in the Bible. Deut. 18:9-17, Lev. 19, and Isaiah 47:9-15 strongly forbid these actions. The New Age and numerous mystics believe that God is all and all is God (or that all humans are God). Now, this is false. The real truth is that God alone is the Creator of the Universe and humans. Humans are finite and one of God’s creation. Man can’t be like God completely. Here’s Scriptures confirming this view: Isaiah 43:10 outlines God saying that"...before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me." Isaiah 44:6,8 mentions God saying that: "...I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God...Is there a God beside me? yea, there is no God; I know not any..." Isaiah 45:21-22 comments that: " ...there is no God else beside me; a just God and a Saviour; there is none beside me. Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else. .." Isaiah 46:9 says that" ...I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me," I haven’t seen any evidence that man can be a God or perfect in the same exact way God is right now. Even occultists and New Agers say that the spirits they contact aren’t accurate completely and they lie on numerous occasions. We shouldn’t be concerned with any spirits except the Spirit of God.

Bioengineering and Technology

V. In 2008, bioengineering and technology have increased rapidly. Great Britian and America are the leaders of extreme Big Brother policies. For example, the Age reported that the FBI wants to invite Australia to join in a world crime database. said that Darren Nixon was arrested, caged, and his DNA was tested just for using his MP3 player. The armed police mistaked it for a gun supposedly. CNN’s Alina Cho reported on the FBI paying about 1 billion dollars to fund a huge database (which deals with fingerprints, palm patterns, iris scans, etc. You couldn’t make this stuff up). The UK’s Independent reported on an universal DNA database for England. Enterprise Network and Servers on May 2005 reported on IBM and National Geographic trying to map the global DNA. Some are promoting microchips in humans to help diseases despite some studies that certain biochips can create tumors in people. Many of the global elite admit their attention to use technology as a mechanism to control society. For example, Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote in his book called "Between Two Ages" that: "Technology will make available, to leaders of major nations, a variety of techniques for conducting Secret Warfare, of which only a bare minimum of the security forces need to be appraised...It is possible and tempting to exploit, for strategic political purposes, the fruits of research on the brain and on human behavior... Accurately timed, artifically excited electronic strokes could lead to a pattern of oscillations that produce relatively high power levels over certain regions of the Earth...In this way, one could develop a system that would seriously impair the Brain performance of a very large population in selected regions, over an extended period..."

"...To put it in a terminology that harkens back to the more brutal age of ancient empires, the three grand imperatives of imperial geostrategy are to prevent collusion and maintain security dependence among the vassals, to keep tributaries pliant and protected, and to keep the barbarians from coming together."
"Moreover, as America becomes an increasingly multi-cultural society, it may find it more difficult to fashion a consensus on foreign policy issues, except in the circumstance of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat."
"We also need education for citizens to be more efficient in their democracies, in addition to education for politicians that will create a new network of elites based upon character and social intelligence."

Kurt Nimmo from Truth News at March 15, 2008 wrote about Alexandria, Louisiana (which is a city in Louisiana) permitting surveillance cameras in its vicinity. Some Alexandria city councilman wants to force businesses to install surveillance cameras. Some citizens like this control freak proposal like Justin Whitcher. He claims that it will make you safe, but it will make you a cog in the machine of the establishment. Alexandria councilman Myron Lawson used Orwellian doublethink (i.e. saying two contradictory statements in a tactic to formet basic deception toward people) like he wants to make people to have privacy yet he’s proposing cameras to monitor all businesses. There is resistance from the community to the city of Lafeyette, Louisiana installing red light cameras all over the city.

In a span of 10 years alone, DARPA technology have increased at an unheard of level. DARPA help create the Internet in the late 1960’s. "The Mapping Revolution" is an article that was written By Dr. Todd Hughes to describe a new device among DARPA. Hughes wrote about DAPRA being involved in a mapping Revolution. Mapping technology exist in NorthStar guides, Google Earth, and Virtual Earth. He wrote about LIDAR or the Light Detection and Ranging invention to track areas in war zones. DARPA has developed Tactical Ground Reporting System, or TIGR, which --is a map-centric application that junior officers. This about urban mapping to make accurate images of battlefields. It uses vehicles with sensors to create high resolution images of the locations in the world. IXO technology is also apart of this modeling. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (or DARPA) approved artifical technology that will automate military air traffic control. The Generalized Integrated Learning Architecture (GILA) system, developed by Lockheed Martin’s Advanced Technology Laboratories under a $22 million, 48 month contact is intended to help the Air Force to created UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) and other airborne weapons. DARPA says that artifical intelligence software will learn by assembling knowledge via reasonsing. Some in America want American citizens to have RFID chips (under a Applied Digital Solutions corporation of Palm Beach, Florida) to go to a cash machine, using a credit card, etc. Chip implants are linked to animal tumors. The FBI is building a $1 billion, 10 year contract in building a massive datase with an array of biometric information like palm prints to eye scans. The UK is proposing an universal DNA database. Maggie Fox from Reuters on Wednesday, at February 27, 2008 described a recommendation from a panel of federal advisers. This vote was from thethe Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices that said that they want children aged 6 months to 5 years to be vaccinated. Others wanted those from 50 years old onward to have a flue vaccine. Fox wrote that: "...Flu infects between 5 percent and 20 percent of the population each year and kills an estimated 36,000 Americans in an average year, most of them elderly..." The federal panel also recommendated that all U.S. children aged from 6 months to 18 should be immunized each year against influenza. Therefore, they want All U.S. kids should get a flu vaccine. The reality is that it should be a decision up to the child and the parent in these affairs. Mandatory vaccinations are not only coercion, but there is no Constitutional justification for it.

The U.S. Air Force is wanting to weaponize PlayStation 3. Murphy’s Law from March 9, 2008 reported on the Air Force buying up 300 PlayStation 3 consoles. They want to uses its powerful processes (since it’s very cheap to create the photorealistic graphics for the Playstation games) to build faster computers for military usage. They brought Playstation 3s, because the CPU manufacturer didn’t want to sell the Playstation processor separetly. This is nothing new. Since the late 1990’s, the military used video game electronic for other purposes. For example, there are modified graphic card that can produce supercomputer like results. THe military use these PCI cards with advanced computing power to improve sonars and weapons (plus other weapons systems) in an enoromous degree. If this is done with robotic systems, they can be more smarter even if human operators control the robots. is a link describing the Air Force Cyber Command Strategic Vision Plan. What’s shocking is that they blatantly in this plan want to control cyberspace as key to national security. The 2008 National Threat Assessment delivered by the Director of National Intelligence to the Congressional Armed Services Committee recently made known of this plot. The truth is that cyberspace should be owned by individuals and the people not by the military or anyone else. The Air Force are using their Cyber Command Strategic Vision claim to have America’s best interest, but seem to advocate a monopoly control of the Internet. The Air Force Cyber Command’s (or AFCYBER Director)is Dr. Loni Cass. Here’s more news about Big Brother. Ben Bain from FCW at March 2, 2008 disclosed on how Cyber Storm II is coming to pass. Cyber Storm II is about the Department of Homeland Security uniting with foreign governments, corporations, states, and federal agencies to have a second round of cyber war games. They want to have in the second week of March. The DHS and others desire to achieve this in order to test the players’ abilities on how to respond to cyberattacks. They want to have planners and players. Giant companies like Dow Chemical, Microsoft, McAfee, Cisco, and Nova Chemicals are praticipants in this Cyber affair. The bigger picture is that they want to fight against "cyber terrorism" by enacting these various cyber drills. That’s why President Bush requested an additional $83.1 million for the U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team for fiscal year 2009. Bush has recently made headlines with the issuance of its classified cyber initiative.

*The bottom line is that those in the military industrial complex and the Elite (found in Secret Societies, the Vatican/Jesuits, the Pilgrim Society, some corporate heads, the Bilderbergers, etc.) want to utilize advanced technology to control society. Many of them believe in transhumanism (or the belief that man and machine can merge to achieve possible godhood) and focus on genetics in a means to believe in view of human betterment. It’s a sick form of utopianism. For example, prominent Transhumanist Ray Kurzweil is using over 250 supplements in trying to live forever (which is impossible). He accepts Singularity and artifical intelligence in an attempt to create the perfected man.

The Nefarious Plans for World Integration

VI. Ancient empires promoting the merging of nation states from ancient Egypt to ancient Rome and beyond. The need for a global government between nations was discussed in ancient Greek and Roman times. Dante in his book Monarchia from 1329 mentioned a global government view. Now, it’s interesting to note that Dante is a member of the Rosicurican Order. Albert Pike wrote in his Morals and Dogma book that Dante popularized the Rose and Cross symbol of the Rosicrucian order. The Rosicrucian Order to this day claims not to be a Religion, but they believe that man can increase his prominence mentally, spiritually, etc. via mediation and other techniques. Their work involved philosophies on the origin of life and metaphysics. Readily, they embrace the occult like the Kabbala. Sir Francis Bacon followed the Kabbala and he’s one of the most famous Rosicrucians in history. During the late 18th century and the early 19th century, the reign of Napeloen came about. He spread his French Empire across Europe. He even threatened Russia, but was defeated 2 times by Great Britian and its allies. The Council of Vienna signalled a new phase of proposals for European intergration. The Council of Vienna wanted to promoted more monarchial power instead of the influence of democracies in Europe. WWI was started after Princep (who was a member of the Black Hand Secret Society) murdered a monarch from the Austria-Hungary Empire. Also, European nations were competiting against each other. It was bound for a war to happen when tensions were bubbling inside of Europe. Both sides in WWI were funded by the international bankers (who were headed up by the Pilgrim Society, the Knights of Malta, and high level Freemasonry). It ended in 1918. Afterwards, the League of Nations were formed as a means to create "world Peace." Woodrow Wilson was a firm supporter of it. He tried to make the Senate to ratify the League of Nations, but thankfully he was unsuccessful. The Treaty of Versailles was done though. It was very immoral since it placed unto Germany into highly restrictive punitive reparations. These reparations were impossible to pay among Germany, because Germany’s economy was struck down via the war of World War I. The economy problems and the Versailles Treaty definitely set the stage for World War II. WWII was one of the most destructive wars in history.

The United Nations is the perfect foundational organization of a global government body. As far back as 1994, the Dumbarton Oaks Conference officially proposed the idea of a United Nations. The February 1945 Yalta Conference made an agreement to establish the United Nations (32nd Degree Freemason Roosevelt, Druid Wintson Churchill, and Joseph Stalin supported the Agreement. This agreement allowed about half of Europe to be controlled mainly by the Soviets. The international bankers funded both the West and the Communists in this affair). It was once created in San Francisco in 1945. The San Francisco Conference was attened by 50 nations. Later, its headquarters were moved into New York City onto Rockefeller owned property. It’s interesting to note that Rockefeller Plaza has a statue of the false Greek god of Prometheus. In Greeco-Roman pagan mythology, he is the benefactor of mankind and the giver of "light." Where have I heard this before? It’s similar to Lucifer who is falsely claimed to be the giver of "light." The United Nations was created by globalists like CFR member Alger Hiss. Hiss was a Trustee of the Woodrow Wilson Foundation, and the President of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. The land in NYC where the U.N. resides was given unto them by the Rockefellers. John D. Rockefeller III donated the 18 acre tract of land in Manhattan (he purchased the land for $8.5 million with NYC contributing the remaining $4.25 million). John Foster Dulles (a CFR member) was a founding delegate to the United Nations. Many U.N. Secretary Generals (and other leaders of the U.N.) were notorious Soviets or Communists (or Marxists) like Trygve Lie, U Thant, and others. The U.N. promotes population control, abortion, and other wicked policies for decades.

Here’s a easy history of the European Union. When did this begin? For centuries, many wanted an unified Europe. The French philsopher Montesquieu envisioned an unified Europe along with Victor Hugo in 1871. In 1922, Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi founded the Pan European Union. The Count is the godfather of the EU. The Pan European concept was easily embraced by the Habsburgs, the Vatican, and the Opus Dei. Otto von Habsburg loved the idea. The reasons was that these factors hope that this plan would create a firmer Roman Catholic religious hegemony in Europe. Kalergi was a Roman Catholic trained in Vienna at the Jesuits’ "Theresian Academy." Some say he joined a Masonic Lodge at Vienna. Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi is a son of an Austro-Hungarian diplomat (He also has Cretan and other European blood). What makes him interesting is that in 1926 he had the first Congress of the Pan European Union. They met in Vienna. Back in 1926, he planned to divide the world into 5 parts (which was the United States of Europe linking French colonial areas in Africa, a Pan American Union encompassing Norh and South Americas, the British Commonwealth having its grib across the world, a Pan Asian Union spreading into China, Japan, the Pacific, etc.). Is this similar to today’s unions? Yes it is. He predicted the European Union way before its time. Joseph Retinger was another founder of the European Union ideal. He was born in 1888 from a strict Roman Catholic family. He agreed with Jesuit General Ledochowski’s plan of a federated European continent. Retinger also help create the Bilderberg Group, which is a strong ally of the EU in the future (the Nazi Prince Bernard of the Netherlands was a founder of the Bilderbergers as well). In 1949, The Council of Europe was created being the first pan-European organization after WWII. By 1957, various groups were formed like the the European Economic Community (EEC). It was until 1992, that a treaty was created to institute the Modern EU. That treaty was called the Maastricht Treaty. the Maastricht Treaty created the European Union from the EEC. It was effective in November 1, 1993. The euro or the first European currency came about in 1999. On 03-17-2008 at EU Observer described a 7 page reported submitted to EU leaders at a summit in Brussels. This talk about energy problems. EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana and external relations commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner supported a policy paper calling for a build up of the European Union’s civil and military forces to handle so-called security risks (like "climate change"). The EU is gaining more power in Europe and that is way Russia is trying to be a counterweight politically against the EU (since the EU recently has tried to court Eastern European nations to join and these nations were once Soviet satellite states).

The North American Union has a long history. As far back as the late 1500’s, Sir Francis Bacon advocated a New Atlantis on the North American continent. Now, others have supported it in times past. As far back as Novemeber 13, 1979, then Presidential candidate, Ronald Reagan proposes a "North American Agreement" which will produce "a North American continent in which the goods and people of the three countries will cross boundaries more freely." On January 1, 1989, The Canada US Free Trade Agreement (CUSFTA or FTA) goes into effect. On January 1, 1994, NAFTA goes into effect replacing CUSFTA. The Fraser Institute publishes a paper by Herbert G. Grubel titled "The Case for the Amero: The Economics and Politics of a North American Monetary Union". In the paper Grubel argues that a common currency is not inevitable but it is desirable. NAFTA was a law signed by Bill Clinton which was promoted in a claim that it was necessary to improve trade among the nations of America, Canada, and Mexico. On the other hand, NAFTA has caused problems in America. There is the open trucking part of NAFTA (allowing Mexicans trucks to roam America while competing with American unions. In 2007, the U.S. trade deficit with Mexico soared 16 percent to $73 billion, which a record. The U.S. trade deficit with China shot up 10 percent to $256 billion, which is the largest trade deficit ever between any two countries. The 2 previous sentences outline the dire consequences of the NAFTA agreement). Protectionism made America’s economic growth extremely high in the late 1800’s. Legitimate tariffs have brought a boon to American society. North American integration has been endorsed strongly for years. For example, Robert Pastor wrote a book entitled "Toward a North American Community," a book promoting the development of a North American union as a regional government. The book called for the adoption of the amero as a common monetary currency to replace the dollar and the peso. Pastor was even vice chairman of the May 2005 Council on Foreign Relations task force entitled "Building a North American Community. It wants a North American security perimeter by 2010, a North American biometric passport, and other forms of North American integration. One big part of that is a planned superhighway spanning Mexico, the US, and Canada. Later in September 13, 2006, there was another secret North American integration meeting at Banff, Canada. It was so secret that Judicial Watch had to use a FOIA to get documents on the events. In that meeting they had a North American Forum. Suprisingly, at least one attendee of the conference said the the meeting was intended to subvert the democratic process. Mel Hurtig, a Canadian author and publisher elected as the leader of the National Party of Canada, told WND last fall the idea of the North American Forum is to move the countries toward integration without public consent or even their knowledge. There are also Corridors like CANAMEX across America into Canadian as a proposed part of NAFTA Superhighways. According to the CANAMEX Corridor Coalition website:

Since its inception in 1995, the CANAMEX Corridor has grown to become the cornerstone for the seamless and efficient transportation of goods, services, people and information between Canada, Mexico and the United States. As the implementation of NAFTA moves toward fruition, the CANAMEX Corridor will broaden its initiatives to harvest the benefits of increased trade, tourism and economic activity within the region.

Therefore, these superhighways are complex. In the process, American sovereignity is futher lowered. The Gazette on February 17, 2008 on how CANADACOM is To Assist U.S. In Emergencies via an agreement. The pact allows Canada and America to protect each other in cases of emergencies. Northcom was created in October 1, 2002 and Canada Command was created in February 1, 2006. This agreement was signed in Houston Texas at February 14, 2008 (in Fort Sam Houston). U.S. Air Force General Gene Renuart is pictured shaking hands with Candaian Air Force Force Lt. General Marc Dumais. This is treasonous since no nation has a right to interfere domestically with the affiars of another nation even in times of emergencies. Even the Constitution doesn’t mention this. This agreement wasn’t approved by Congress at all making this illegal. This goes into secret military operations around the nations and Blackwater acting in 14 murders (yet, they acted domestically in New Orleans during the Hurricane Katrina disaster. Many Blackwater leaders like Erik Prince and SMOM & Opus Dei member Schmitz are Papal agents). On another level Lee Rogers wrote about the Vision 2020 plan. The Vision 2020 document outlines plans for USNORTHCOM to seek closer ties with various military institutions, government bodies and private entities in the U.S., Canada and Mexico leading up until the year 2020. This agreement could be a prelude to the real North American Army. This agreement is definitely against the national sovereignities of Canada and the United States of America. The mainstream media isn’t reporting on Vision 2020 or especially the agreement between Canada and the USA.

Jerome Corsi wrote about the North American Union agenda again. Corsi wrote of the increased tactic that members and proponents of the SPP (or the Security Properity and Partnership. It’s made up of unelected bureaucrats from heads of state to cabinet members) are trying to lie and deny it’s trying to create a North American Union. Corsi found this out from an internal memo from Canada’s Foreign Affairs and Internal Trade ministry. The memo is an internal government description of the third SPP summit. That was held in Montebello, Quebec in August 20-21st 2007. In that place, folks’ rights were restricted with barriers, etc. Additionally, the North American Competitiveness Council or the NACC played a big role in the North American integration agenda. In fact, NACC was the only group meeting behind closed doors with the SPP in the Canadian meeting. US, Mexico, and Canada officials are involved in this endeavor. The memo admits that: "In closing, all leaders expressed a desire for the NACC to play a role in articulating publicly the benefits of greater collaboration in North America..."and "...In terms of building public support, President Bush suggested engaging the support of those who had benefited from NAFTA and from North American integration (including small business owners) to tell their stories and humanize the impressive results..." They deny a North American integration plan, but CFR member Robert Pastor called for a North American biometric boundary plus Pastor called for North American highways in 2005. The SPP Documents outline a harmonization of laws within America, Mexico, and Canada. Now, this proves that the North American trilateral integration agenda exists. These development are eerily similar to the European Union development (which has enormous Bilderberg Group/Vatican influence). Hence, it’s important to expose the North American Union and oppose it. Jerome wrote more on the North American subject. Corsi wrote that President George W. Bush signed an agreement that allowed the World Health Organization and the U.N. complete control over response procedures in the event of a pandemic outbreak in the U.S (This was reported by Paul Joseph Watson at Prison Planet at Sunday, on September 2, 2007). Before that back in 2005, President Bush announced a new International Partnership on Avian and Pandemic Influenza to a High-Level Plenary Meeting of the U.N. General Assembly, in New York. Corsi wrote that the SPP meeting in Monebello, Canada an agreement was created that U.N. law along with regulations from the WHO was supreme over U.S. law during a pandemic. Corsi calls this: "...the stage for militarizing the management of continental health emergencies." Dr. David Nabarro have called for the U.N. to have full control of health emergencies. Corsi exposed Nabarro many false virus predictions. Dr. Jerome Corsi doesn’t ignore the possibility that the U.N. or the WHO could release viruses. Additionally, it’s vital for us to refute the disinformation coming out from the SPP denying North America integration plans. Jerome Corsi from World Net Daily reported on yet another pro-North American integration meeting. It happened at the State Department in Washington D.C. It primarily dealt with linking the North American community with the European Union. For months, the alternative media have strongly reported on this issue or the Transatlantic Union. The Advisory Committee on International Economic Policy, or ACIEP supported such a meeting. It was held in "Chatham House" rules that prohibit reporters from attributing specific comments to individual participants. Now if this SPP/Transatlantic Union meeting was so peaceful and isn’t a threat, why have so much secrecy in this circumstance? It doesn’t make sense unless the people organizing this affair wanted to withhold the truth from the public. The meeting talked about the SPP (or the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America. It has 20 trilateral bureaucratic working groups that seek to "integrate and harmonize" administrative rules and regulations on a continental basis. ) and the US-EU Transatlantic Economic Council or TEC. The TEC endorses the merging or convergence of administrative rules and regulations between Europe and North America to possibly form a "Tranatlantic Economic Union" between the EU and North America. The Transatlantic Economic Council, or TEC, was created by President Bush at an April 30 summit meeting at the White House with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the current president of the European Council, and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso. Corsi wrote that those in the meeting wanted to seek a Transatlantic outlook or market. Corsi also wrote that those in the affair wanted standarization, open borders, and other means for integration. Sen. Robert Bennett, R-Utah wanted a Transatlantic Common Market with the US and the EU united economically by 2015.

The World Federalist Society was created in February 22, 1947 by Norman Cousins and James P. Warburg. Both of them are CFR members. Therir goal was to subscribe to the tenets of: "..."the efforts of the United Nations to bring about a world community favorable to peace ... (and) to strengthen the United Nations into a world government of limited powers adequate to prevent a war and having direct jurisdiction over the individual." Walter Cronkite is a supporter of the World Federalist Society. Food Rationing and predictions of food disaster are readily talked about by the UN: "The window of oppurtunity to avert famine is rapidly closing and could already have closed. The real issue facing us is not whether there will be famine bu how many people will actually die..." (Catherine Berini, a Former Executive Director of the U.N. World Food Programme said these word). "Food is power. We use it to change behavior. Some may call that briberty. We do not apologize." Who is responsible for the global food crisis? It isn’t just poverty. See, many U.S. freight rail system have broken down in not fully sending grain into American locations. Globally, grain production have decreased from 1.9 billion tons in 1990 to lower amounts in years later. Also, food tonnages have grown, but in the last decades agricultural output has decreased (and the ratios of infrastructure like water, chemicals, quality seeds, stock, transport, and electricity have gone down). Why? It is because mobilizations to improve agriculture after (WWII like the Common Agriculture Policy in Western Europe, Atoms for Peace in Africa that made electrification of Africa possible, etc.) have been selved to a degree since about 1975. The IMF enforced free trade demands and other post industrial policies. Some nations were from self sufficient to be dependent on groups like the IMF and GATT for food imports. Not to mention that as time goes on, the IMF and other globalist groups have started to hoard food supply in a means to control the Third World especially (i.e. dependency on the elite equals little independence, little independence equal little development which results in control). That’s why then U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in 1974 called to use food control as a weapon as a target against Third World nations (because he doesn’t want to see the Third World radical developed their nations on a level to Western development). Food control is also a gateway into the evil method of population control. For example, Lester Brown, of Worldwatch Institute, who spoke at the U.N. FAO 50th anniversary, called for population control of the world since the world can’t be all fed. That’s sick. These globalists and the new world order are monopoly men. That’s why they use monopoly to not only conrol the food supply, but lands, our political systems and our animals. That’s why NAIS is promoted. What is the NAIS? NAIS stands for National Animal Identification System. It was created to protect exporters of beef from cattle disease by tagging all of cattle in all farms in a state or it might be across the nation. Later, all farm animals under NAIS could possibly be tagged with biochips. It’s "voluntary" at this point, but the federal government is attempting to encourage states to make it compulsory. Wisconsin even requires diary farmers to register their farms with a ID number linked to a GPS monitoring sytem. If they fail to register, they could lose their farms. In effect, these proposals could centralize farm animals into control into fewer hands limiting competition. That’s why Big food companies (i.e. Big Agri Business groups) like Cargill Meat Solutions, Monsanto, and Schering-Plough support the NAIS. Katherine Albrecht opposes this and wrote of the Texas citizens’ vibrant and potent resistence to the NAIS program. These pro-NAIS actions are occuring by the USDA without any real Congressional review. This also inhibits the rights of traditional farmers who reject this immoral oversight and control of their farm animals. That’s why I oppose NAIS totally..

By Timothy