Which Will It Be?
United States is overflowing with mind bending assertions and unreasonable procedures. Aberrant pronouncements and nonsensical explanations are so common the people have begun to accept them as normal and, since there is no truth available from the sources they are using, they believe the lies.
The foremost current aberration involves the War in Iraq.
President George W. Bush recently claimed that our military forces have laid the foundation for peace in Iraq and vowed that so long as he is president he will make sure the troops that have died will not have died in vain.
It is appalling that our citizens believe this propaganda. Some years ago the Black community succeeded in reversing the meaning of “good” and “bad” making bad mean good, now our government would have us believe that war means peace. The ugly crooked parts people put in their hair seem to create disorder in the underlying tissue causing them to believe anything!
Nine/eleven was fortuitous and intrinsic to the agenda of the Bush regime. It awakened the pugnacity of the American people and like obedient zombies they transferred their ire from the designated 9/11 culprit, Osama Bin Laden, to the hated regime of Saddam Hussein and from Saddam to the entire Arab race – with a little help from the government propaganda machine.
As the puppeteers manipulated their puppet, Osama and the puppet’s vow to bring him to justice were forgotten and replaced by a massive campaign supporting an invasion of Iraq.
Some of the propaganda that preceded the war involved freeing the citizens and creating a Democratic government. It was also said that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction and posed an imminent threat to the United States.
The war is now five years old and there are two conflicting stories. One story comes from the hands-on reports of soldiers and investigative reporters and the other comes from government officials who are involved in supporting the Bush regime. The reports are exact opposites. Hands on reports tell of religious strife, intermittent electrical power, widespread guerrilla warfare, and tyranny as bad as or worse than Saddam’s. Still, the official line is that things are improving.
Iraqi casualties resulting from the war are not published but they are estimated at between one and two million.
The Bush regime maintains our intentions in Iraq are to bring Democracy. In a Democracy the people hold the ruling power. While all this fancy rhetoric is foisted on U. S. citizens, the same government that claims to be establishing Democracy in Iraq is in the process of squelching Democracy in the United States by surreptitiously creating regional government.
To my surprise and delight our monopolistic, New York Times owned fourth estate just published an essay written by Jacob Hornberger listing the following government atrocities: “torture, snitches, military tribunals, warrantless searches, immunity from crimes, denial of due process, denial of trial by jury, cancellation of habeas corpus, NSA spying on Americans, and other infringements of civil liberties.”
If those atrocities had been headlined covering the entire front page of the paper, proper outrage might be forthcoming.
Other serious aberrations:
Though it is obvious that President George W. Bush’s meetings with President Vicente Fox of Mexico and Stephen Harper of Canada were used to implement open borders and a North American Union, there is no public discussion of this treachery.
After listening to mendacious campaign rhetoric in election after election most of our citizens continue to lend credence to the bogus promised and vote for the candidate that lied most effectively.
The Christian electorate in the United States and its leaders have not yet come to an understanding that if they vote for the candidates of either major political party they will continue to be subjected to the same illegal, immoral, and treasonous activities they have been complaining about for decades.
Fictitious propaganda involving Iran has been in full swing for the past several months and there are rumors of an impending attack.
Every citizen is now screened before being allowed to board an airplane but Tazers which would fortify the cockpit against attack have never been authorized.
While the Bush regime allows our Southern borders to remain open to any and all comers it claims to be restricting the freedom of our citizens to prevent terrorism.
Congress has been cowed into accepting the status quo and never questions the origin of 9/11, the role of the Federal Reserve, the massive federal debt, the denigration of the Constitution, the disintegration of the nation, or the treasonous progress of world government.
Our Army Generals including the Chiefs of Staff fail to support the fact that women are weaker and less effective as soldiers than men.
David Rockefeller writes in his book “Memoires” that he supports a new world order and is proud of it but our pulpits fail to mention this affront to the sovereignty of God.
Most citizens do not know that United States has a larger percentage of its citizens held captive in jails than any other nation in the world – including China and Russia. Neither do they understand that the hidden powers are in the process of jailing another large segment of our population under the label of “sexual predators”.
Our government schools can teach grade school students the validity of homosexuality and lesbianism but they cannot teach God’s Law or the Christian religion.
We cannot speak about the diseases involved in the homosexual life and it is accepted as truth that homosexuality is as normal as heterosexuality.
The Holocaust, sacrosanct to the exclusion of free speech and legally supported with dissenters facing jail in some countries, is being used as an excuse to continue the illegal acquisition of land and the extermination of its owners by an illegitimate neo-Israel.
This list could go on for several pages.
My wife and I recently stopped attending a local Reformed Christian Church. Though the sermons were long and often boring they were expository and accurate. The preacher himself is hardworking and dedicated but made no effort to connect the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the horrendous deterioration in our government and culture. When the overarching evils of our generation are not addressed with God’s Truth it is a dangerous and grievous sin of omission.
Dr. Jeremiah Wright, Barak Obama’s preacher, has been soundly castigated in our press and media. Obama has been forced to separate himself from the positions his preacher has taken. I do not support Barak Obama or of his candidacy for president. However, I am delighted to hear a message from the pulpit of Dr. Jeremiah Wright that I have never heard from any other pulpit. Take a few minutes and listen to a bit of the preaching of Dr. Wright here. You may not like what he says but he preaches the truth. Yes, there is racism and his theological underpinnings are questionable but this is a preaching all Americans need to hear and understand. We have sinned and are in need of repentance.
When truth is scarce chaos is abundant.
I was recently a guest on a radio program where I mentioned that society cannot maintain order without a stable legal code. The moderator maintained our Founders had written the Constitution for that reason. He was correct, but the Constitution is a man-made document and man-made documents can be reversed by other man-makers. Man was not created to subject his fate to the anarchy of the human mind no matter how brilliant it may be. Without wide acceptance of the Law of God as an eternal unchanging standard we expose ourselves to constant chaos.
Dr. Wright speaks about the need to examine his personal relationship with God. Prayer and intimate fellowship are needed but we are involved in a battle that the devil is winning by default. First, we must repent, turn about, and begin to obey God. Most Christians are familiar with the “Sword of the Spirit” and the “Breastplate of Righteousness” but few could provide a workable definition of either. Wars require suitable weapons.
It is not enough to know about the hidden evils that threaten to overtake us. Knowing what is happening and not being able to win a battle against it is useless.
The Sword of the Spirit is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Spirit of Our Lord imbues the chosen Christian with a Spiritual boldness that cuts keenly through the error of secularism. Jesus died that those God chooses might come before His throne without sin; clean and white as new fallen snow. God’s Law is arguably superior to human law and every Christian pulpit should be lifting it up and pointing to its superiority. It is God’s Law that sets the platform for justice and order. Human law is not only tyrannical and evil but chaotic and unable to provide a just foundation. Without the sword of God’s Law Christians cannot win the battle for control of His creation.
The Breastplate of Righteousness is obedience. Christian soldiers are required to follow God’s commandments in all of their actions. They are to be of one mind seeking dominion for The Creator over all of creation. Obedience must be their primary concern not the progress of the battle. Their Breastplate is obedience and the goal is a God controlled victory.
Imagine dear Christian worker what would happen in our culture if every church pulpit took up the Sword of the Spirit and the Breastplate of Righteousness and Sunday after Sunday taught their members how to be in the very center of God’s perfect Will in the fight against the wiles of Satan.
An obedient Christian army properly equipped could win the battle even in this dying culture! It is our battle and we were chosen by God Himself and equipped to fight it.
Failure to keep God’s Commandments brought defeat to God’s people all through the Old Testament. Christians, leaders and laypersons, need to read through the Bible to get an understanding of God’s Will for His people. Christians in United States are so badly deceived they do not understand either the necessity for obedience or what obedience requires.
As a humanistic document the Constitution and Bill of Rights are sterling examples but they are of human origin and are unable to provide a proper foundation for a righteous culture. Our Constitution was written by humans and is being ignored by humans. God’s Law was written by God and given to Moses, it will endure forever; it cannot be amended!
Obedience is the key to victory and victory brings peace and order. Attempting to fight the battle against evil with pragmatic weapons will always end in defeat and defeat will bring satanic chaos and tyranny. Which will it be, righteous order or evil chaos?
Al Cronkrite is a free-lance writer from Florida.
Published originally at EtherZone.com
He can be reached at fmsinfla@hotmail.com
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