Secret Societies are a crucial part of the Nazi mystique. The occult was also a big influence in the Nazis. Ultimately, the Mystery Schools of the ancient world was progneitor of the Nazi’s paganism and occultism. For example, The Nazis embraced the swastika, which originated as a sun symbol. The word Nazi itself is similar to Nazi (a sun child from the Annuanaki in Sumerian stories). Notice how the swastika is a key symbol of the Theosophical Society.Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891) was a key figure in the group. Hitler read her writings seriously. The word Holocaust even has a Greek origin, meaning, "to be burnt whole." She believes that in 7 stages of Evolutions humans can evolve into godlike beings like the Aryans. Guido von List (1848-1919) believed that Aryans were the superior race of people. List taught that the Swastika was the symbol of creation of the Universe. Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels also influenced Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. Liebenfels thought that Atlanteans had a strict breeding control to maintain their power. He believed that Christianity destroyed the old teachings of the Aryans and these teachings must be reenacted again. He wanted occultism and a so-called pure race to rule the world again. British Freemason George Bulter Lytton Sr. was a godfather of the modern Nazi movement. He wrote a book called "Vril" (in 1871. Vril relates to the story of Altantis claiming that the Vril was a power source in Atlantis) supporting Aryanism and the Vril concept. Ironically, Vril means the Light Force. I wonder what Light Force? According to Fritz Springmeier, this Light force was the false light of Lucifer (which means "Light bearer). The following is information about 3 men named Kitchener (a Englishman), Hausofer (a German), and G. I. Gurdjeff (a German). 33° Mason Viscount Horatio Kitchener was another pro-Aryan supremacist impacting the Nazi movement. A Russian Martinist Mason named Gurdjeff contacted Hitler as well. Karl Hausofer was a pro-Nazi in the Green Dragon Society (an occult Asian-orientated group created by the Jesuits with Emperor Kang Hsi). Hausofer brought Tibetians into Germany to help the Nazis "spiritually." In other words, the Nazis viewed that the remnants of Altantis was in Tibet. Hitler and others in the Nazis were members of the occult Vril Society (The SS and the Vril Society were involved in Flying Saucer technology. This was advanced than the Allies. That’s why the U.S. used Operation Paperclip via the Knights of Malta to get this technology and ship it into the USA. Some of these same Nazi scientists worked in NASA as well) and the Thule Society (which was founded by those in the Golden Dawn. One group in the inner core of the Thule Society was the Order of the Black Sun). Hitler himself read occult and Eastern religion books at the Hofberg Library in Vienna, Austria. Hitler believed in the Spear of Destiny or the claim that the spear that hit Jesus Christ’s side bear occult powers. Hitler’s big occult teacher was Dietrich Eckhart, with whom Hitler dedicated Mein Kampf to. Himmler (a trained Roman Catholic) was an occult and read occult literature from books like Ostara. The Thule Society was the belief in the discovery of the Holy Grail, supremacy of the Aryan people, and other new age philosophies. British Royals like Prince Christop was a member of the SS (short for Schutzstaffel or Schwarze Sonne or Black Sun). Anti-Semitism is also mention in the Jesuits’ Civilta Cattolica literature.
Likewise, the Bush administration and the Presidency in General are consumed with Secret Society influences. This isn’t uncommon since more than 25% of all Presidents have connections to Secret Societies. Many Presidents are related to each other and European Royalty. Since 1968, George W. Bush was in the occult Skulls and Bones Secret Society. This is where a new member follows a coffin ritual filled with manure. At that coffin, new iniatates confess their sexual secrets and other occult rites exist in the Tomb. The Skulls and Bones have a love affair with death, which is sick. That’s why its nicknamed is the Brotherhood of Death. New members are given new names like Long Devil, Boaz (That’s short for Beelzebub. That’s a demon from Hell as found in Matthew 12:22-37), Baal, Thor, Odin (He is a false god that’s part of Norse history. I don’t know of any real born again Christian calling themselves with these degenerate nicknames at all. According to Trevor Ravenscroft’s "The Spear of Destiny", Hitler prayed to Odin daily), etc. George H. W. Bush’s Bonesman nickname was Magog (which is the war general fighting against the Messiah and his followers during the time of the latter days) and Bush 41’s new name was Temporary. Bush admitted to being a member and refused to tell its secrets. Ex-William H. Donaldson was the former chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Donaldson was elected by Bush and Donaldson is a Bonesman. In fact, CBS News reported on June 13, 2004 under their article: "Skulls and Bones: Secret yale Society Includes America’s Power Elite," tapped 5 Bonesmen into his White House. The Skulls and Bones are notorious to have links to the CIA, the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, and even the Nazis. Skulls and Bones in fact funded the Nazis in banking (i.e. Bonesmen Harriman and Prescott Bush were caught aided the Nazis as proven by researcher John Buchannan. He went into the Library of Congress to back his information up). The Nazis and the Skulls and Bones possessed the same skulls and crossbones insignia. The eagle holding a shield in the bottom is an insignia of Nazi Germany and America. European and American military insignia also have a fleu de ils logo. That’s admitted by William Cooper and even Alexandra Robbins. George W. Bush is also in the Bohemian Grove. The Grove is where many rituals exist like the Cremation of Care, which has a worship of a huge owl looking statue. Also, there is a sacrifice of a human effigy. It’s located at Monte Rio, California and Alex Jones taped it. George W. Bush called Allah the same god as the Christians worship, he said that the jury is still out on whether evolution is true, he doesn’t believe in the infallibility of God’s Word, and Bush worshipped in a Shinto shrine at Japan, which is idolatry. Homeschooling was banned in Nazi Germany and Hitler promoted this. Banning a person’s freedom choice on whether education they desire is not only fascist but anti-human. Even today, Germany has banned all forms of homeschooling. As human beings, we have a right to decide what kind of education we want for ourselves and others. A California court banned homeschooling except if it’s approved by the state. This is similar to what the Nazis did.

The Nazis supported abortion toward non-Aryan women. That’s a historical fact. Adolf Hitler and the Nazis supported the immorality of abortion and euthanasia. In 1933, the Nazis changed the laws to legalize abortion and make it a matter of decision by a medical review board. So, its abortion policy was left to Berlin Chamber of Physicians, the country’s most vociferous abortion advocacy group. Dr. Frederick J. Taussig wrote that abortion extended the false guise of "the health of the mother" but to racial, economic, or psychological factors, which is extremely grotesque. Taussig was a pro-abortion advocate back in the 1930’s who was an obstetrics professor at the Washington University School of Medicine [in St. Louis, Missouri]. Hitler made an October 19, 1941 decree to have abortion on demand in Poland, plus he issued the Reichskommisor Kaltenbrummer order on June 9, 1943 to have abortions for Eastern European female workers if they desired it. (Especially if they’re non-Aryan racially) Hitler only opposed abortion for Aryans.
According to Life Dynamics, a Great Pro-Life Group based in Texas, "…There were approximately 500,000 abortions annually in Germany under the Third Reich, a country of 60 to 70 million people. And, in Nazi Germany, racial stock was considered an aspect of the health of the mother. If she was from an "unhealthy" race, such as Polish, Czech or Jewish, then she was often forced to have an abortion against her will. However, race wasn’t the only consideration. Hitler actively promoted the destruction of the crippled, poor and unemployed classes, as did Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood. Abortion led to forced sterilization, which led to "euthanasia," which led to Auschwitz…" After WWII, the war crimes Tribunal indicted 10 Nazi leaders for "encouraging and compelling abortion" which is considered a "crime against humanity." (Trials of War Criminals, "Nuremberg Military Tribunal, Washington D.C. USGPO, vol. IV, p. 610).
The "culture of life" is continuing in the United States of America. George W. Bush hasn’t lifted a finger to end the innocent bloodshed by not banning the abomination of Roe v. Wade. More than 45 million unborn babies are dead by this Holocaust in America since 1973 and 4 million were slaughtered since George W. Bush first took office in 2001. The Partial birth ban was passed in November 2003, but it was a ruse for votes, because it only affects 1 % of all abortion procedures. Also, a Nebraska court struck down the law. Bush has done nothing since. Bush can easily ban abortion by using an executive order forbidding the federal government to force states to embrace abortion under the 5th Amendment as a person. Also, abortion violates the U.S. Constitution since it deprives life without the due process of law. The right to life is in the Preamble of the Constitution. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton running for President support abortion. John McCain supports the flawed research of embryonic stem cell research when alternative already exist that are better.
According to Life Dynamics, a Great Pro-Life Group based in Texas, "…There were approximately 500,000 abortions annually in Germany under the Third Reich, a country of 60 to 70 million people. And, in Nazi Germany, racial stock was considered an aspect of the health of the mother. If she was from an "unhealthy" race, such as Polish, Czech or Jewish, then she was often forced to have an abortion against her will. However, race wasn’t the only consideration. Hitler actively promoted the destruction of the crippled, poor and unemployed classes, as did Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood. Abortion led to forced sterilization, which led to "euthanasia," which led to Auschwitz…" After WWII, the war crimes Tribunal indicted 10 Nazi leaders for "encouraging and compelling abortion" which is considered a "crime against humanity." (Trials of War Criminals, "Nuremberg Military Tribunal, Washington D.C. USGPO, vol. IV, p. 610).
The "culture of life" is continuing in the United States of America. George W. Bush hasn’t lifted a finger to end the innocent bloodshed by not banning the abomination of Roe v. Wade. More than 45 million unborn babies are dead by this Holocaust in America since 1973 and 4 million were slaughtered since George W. Bush first took office in 2001. The Partial birth ban was passed in November 2003, but it was a ruse for votes, because it only affects 1 % of all abortion procedures. Also, a Nebraska court struck down the law. Bush has done nothing since. Bush can easily ban abortion by using an executive order forbidding the federal government to force states to embrace abortion under the 5th Amendment as a person. Also, abortion violates the U.S. Constitution since it deprives life without the due process of law. The right to life is in the Preamble of the Constitution. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton running for President support abortion. John McCain supports the flawed research of embryonic stem cell research when alternative already exist that are better.
The Nazis endorsed not only radical gun control, but the banning of gun ownership among innocent Jewish citizens in Germany. That isn’t a secret. That’s common knowledge. "Gun Control: Gateway to Tyranny" is a book written by Jay Simkin and Aaron Zelman describing these Nazis roots to gun bans. The Nazi Weapons Act of 1938 came along. IT made all citizens registered all citizens’ guns with a background check except for Nazis. Juveniles under 18 years old were banned from buying firearms and ammunition. The Berlin Police man Wolf Heinrich von Helldorf said in 1938 that they confiscated guns from Jewish people unfairly. On Nov. 8, 1938, the New York Times reported from Berlin, "Berlin Police Head Announces ’Disarming’ of Jews," explained that Heinrich wanted to ban Jewish of owning a gun except if they have a license. This was done in the aftermath of The Night of the Broken Glass (Kristallnacht) where Jewish people were terrorized in Germany. On November 11, 1938, Frick said that Jewish people were banned from owning firearms not just ammunition. Jewish people were banned later from owning any firearm at November 11, 1938. Hitler is quoted as saying that:
"The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that the supply of arms to the underdogs is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty. So let’s not have any native militia or native police. German troops alone will bear the sole responsibility for the maintenance of law and order throughout the occupied Russian territories, and a system of military strong-points must be evolved to cover the entire occupied country." --Adolf Hitler, dinner talk on April 11, 1942, quoted in Hitler’s Table Talk 1941-44: His Private Conversations, Second Edition (1973), Pg. 425-426. Translated by Norman Cameron and R. H. Stevens. Introduced and with a new preface by H. R. Trevor-Roper. The original German papers were known as Bormann-Vermerke.
On November 10, 1938, SS Reichsfuhrer Himmler ordered Jews to not own weapons or else face a concentration camp along with jail time for the span of 20 years. You can’t refute Holbrook’s research. There is even a poster in France calling for all firearms turned in by the Nazis. I have seen it with my own eyes. The Nazis colonized Holland by 1940 and announced bans on firearms. There is even a poster in France calling for all firearms turned in by the Nazis. I have seen it with my own eyes. Therefore, the Nazis were gungrabbers in other places. The Nazis were anti-liberty period. It wasn’t the Nazis who done immoral gun confiscation. Castro, Qaddafi, Stalin, Idi Amin, Mao Tse-tung, Pol Pot, and Kim Jong-iL are those who agreed with extreme gun control and gun banning from citizens of their own countries. America is the land of gun control. Although, historically our nation of many races and colors believed in the truth that a human being has a right of self defense. For example, George Mason and other Founding Fathers respected the Second Amendment. President John F. Kennedy and Malcolm X were known as beleving in a man or woman’s right to own a gun to protect themselves if they desire to. We in the USA have over 2000 gun control laws and still many politicans want more. The Brady bill hasn’t radically decreased crime in America or crime ridde urban locations. For example, Washington D.C. has the strictest anti-gun law in America, yet it’s crime rate is extradordinary high. D.C. bans all guns by non-police law abiding citizens in their own homes. This is so immoral that the Supreme Court is discussing this issue now. New Orleans gun seizures existed in 2005. That was when the Louisiana government supported mercancies to get rid of all guns from law abiding citizens in New Orleans. The 2008 Veterans Disarmament Act barred veterans from owning guns if they are diagnosed with PTSD. Bill Clinton added 83,000 veterans into the NICS system (or the National Criminal Information System) banning those with PTSD from purchasing firearms according to Larry Pratt. Why do you think that the United Nations and other elitists want to restrict human beings their right to own a gun. Could it be to neutralize resistance in their efforts for a new world order and leave citizens defenseless against tyranny? I believe so. This is documented in the film entitled "Armed to the Teeth" which unfairly demonize gun ownership. Now, that’s why I will always support the right of humans to own a gun if they want to and the right of self defense. The D.C. vs. Heller case is historic. It seems that Justice Kennedy is open to outline an individual right view of the Second Amendment. This is the first time that the Supreme Court will give a detailed account of the meaning of the 2nd Amendment. It is expected that the Court will give an individual right to the 2nd Amendment rather soon. The Jesuit Order has known for its opposition to people having the right to bear arms. The DC gun ban is proof that some in government are coming for people’s guns. The Founding Fathers like Noah Webster notoriously supported gun rights (they wrote of this in the Federalist Papers and other documents) as part of individual rights to be a bulwark against tryannical government. They classified the militia as the people since the National Guard never was invented until 1903. Some of the cities in the USA with the highest crime rates have the most anti-gun laws like Chicago, Washington D.C., Detriot, Los Angeles, and Baltimore. My concern is that the Supreme Court would say in a majority decision that the Second Amendment is an individual right, but restrictions are still necessary for law abiding citizens (as promoted by White House lawyer Paul Clement). That’s very slick. Larry Pratt is correct to point out that the Second Amendment is an individual right and should have no restrictions among American citizens.

Social Issues
III. Some question the purpose of mentioning social issues. Here’s the reason why displaying certain details on it are important. The reason is that social issues relate to our humanity. If we are humans, we should be bounded in our actions. Laws exists even in the Bill of Rights that legitimately create boundaries on human behavior. In other words, fraud, murder, perjurty, and theif. Now, if social issues aren’t important, moral relativism comes into play. Moral relativism believes that cultures and ideals are universial. In other words, murder and all sorts of evil actions can be justified in the moral relativist framework. No, I will write, talk, and learn about such social issues. The things that we see on the TV screen today is definitely a product in large measure as an outcome of the 1960’s Cultural Revolution. Since the 1960’s, a high level of overt witchcraft, drug abuse, moral relativism acceptance, heinous murders in a high level (like the murder of 8 nurses in Chicago at July 14, 1966. Ironically, 1966 was a watershed year. 1966 was the year when an epidemic of LSD occured. Additionally on April 30, 1966, the Chuch of Satan was created by Anton LaVey. April 30th is the 1st day of the Pagan day of Beltaine), recreational sexual activity all increased. Many in the 1960’s protested legitimately against evils in courage, but the morality of society decreased in other areas. That’s wrong of course. One of the most important social issues of our time is dealing with abortion. Historically, prominent Americans took a Pro-Life stand. For example, early feminists Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were Pro-Life individuals. Each condemned abortion as throwing away life and being infanticide. Some say that Dr. Martin Luther King was pro-abortion, but he really wasn’t. He of course accepted the Margaret Sanger award in 1966. I don’t agree with that since Sanger in the 1920’s went into a Klan rally, called human beings weeds, and advocated the Plan for Peace (which called for forced segregation and sterilization of those deemed "unfit." In my eyes, no human being are unfit). Lifelines had a , Winter edition at 1997, from p.14 online reported that Dr. King denounced abortion as a form of genocide in many speeches. Of course I don’t agree with King on every issue neither do I subscribe to him getting an award from Planned Parenthood. King’s friend Dr. Ralph David Abernathy was Pro-Life from the 1950’s to the day he died. Even Jesse Jackson used to be pro-life in the 1960’s. Icon Fannie Lou Hammer promoted equal rights for black Americans. She was pro-Life. She said that: "..."The methods used to take human lives, such as abortion, the pill, the ring, etc., amount to genocide. I believe that legal abortion is legal murder." (Similar Principles, p.6 online) Many black People protested Planned Parenthood in 1967 and successful allowed Planned Parenthood in that time in Pittsburgh to stop building their clinic.
In this generation, the young are more and more Pro-Life than in over 20 years. Also, many more African Americans are waking up about the destructive nature of abortion. Djana Milton on March 2, 2008 wrote about the need of black Americans to boycott or protest companies that fund abortions or Planned Parenthood. Boycott have worked for black Americans from the boycott of Adam Mark’s hotel chain to the Montgomery bus boycott. The essence of abortion is eugenics, which is a belief that unfit and fit humans exist (therefore eliminating the unfit is justified). Those who support abortion view unborn as unfit to live in some cases therefore this outlines an eugenics connection. With the right to life for the unborn, equal rights, equal access, and equal treatment under the law is non-existent. Life Decisions International (LDI), a pro-life group that monitors the activities of the abortion and birth control provider Planned Parenthood, found that Planned Parenthood is at least a $700 million dollar empire. LDI President Douglas Scott says that their boycott cost Planned Parenthood $40 million. So far, about 14 million black unborn Americans have been murdered by abortion. Abortion is wicked and it’s an evil sacrifice. Blood is shed and the unborn baby is treated like trash making it an evil sacrifice. The reality is that all human life from the unborn and beyond should be treated with honor, compassion, and respect.
The Population Control agenda is real (despite the Conservation International’s own study revealed that 46% of the earth’s surface was an untouched wilderness, that is land areas not including sea.). NSM 200 was a depopulation blueprint document&183; This was supported by Henry Kissinger, who called for a new world order and agrees with population control. In essence, NSM 200 agrees with abortion against the Third World. They want indoctrination of children and blatant population control of the Third World (i.e. via abortion, sterilization even forced in some cases, contraception, etc.) to control their resources. The memo calls for withholding disaster and food aid unless an LDC implements population control programs. Genocide inspired by the U.N. and Western governments have been going on for many decades. One example of this was in Timor. This occured during the Carter administration. December 7, 1975 had bombs in Dili, East Timor. Troops invaded Dili (who almost outnumbered the residents of Dili) and for 2 weeks people were indiscriminately killed for no reason. The Timor tribes came into the jungles to escape the murders by the thousands. By 1977 to 1978, Indonesian set up retrieving centers for the Timorese escaping the jungle, to kill them. The Indonesian troops killed children and babies. They also starved them to death. The USA backed this genocide in the late 1970’s and the Carter administration increased arms sales to Indonesia. Wicked leaders readily kill independent nations that seek to live their own lives refusing to be control by globalists. China is a superpower with a one child policy. The deal is that in China, you have only one child by force. If you don’t, you can be fined or go into jail. Steven Ertelt from LifeNews.com at February 28, 2008 reported on the non-effectiveness of this radical procedure. For example, the result of this police has created a gender imbalance of millions more men in China than women in China. Also, infanticides are going on as well. Even China’s Family Planning Association reported that China’s gender imbalances are higher than the recommendations of the United Nations. The population of China has never radically increased recently at all. It remained the same at about 1.1 billion. Beijing, China is hosting the 2008 Summer Olympics. Many Chinese people are patriotic, love freedom, and love truth. Although, some of the leadership of China have followed immoral policies of censorhip of the Internet, torture, oppressing Tibet, having forced abortions, organ harvesting, civil liberty violations, religious suppression of unregistered Christians, Buddhists, etc. and the list goes on an on. Some in Australia even want to tax babies in response to paranoia over global warming. In the 21st century, more sterilization is promoted. Fay Weldon from Daily Mail at February 15, 2008 reported that UK government minister Dawn Primarolo is proposing sterilizing teenage girls "short term." There is technology to do this with contraceptive jabs and implants. They want to decrease the pregnancy rate, yet the UK and Europe has some of the lowest birthrates in the world. It doesn’t make any sense that they would promote this when their population isn’t growing rapidly at all around Western Europe. In fact, worldwide, birthrates have declined by 50% in the last half-century. What would happen if the intention were to make the sterilization short term, but accidently permanently sterilize the women? They haven’t thought about that. Dawn doesn’t classify if this plan is forced or not. If it’s forced, then it’s blatantly immoral since the state has no right to force sterilization on anybody. There are many other options like adoption to compensate so-called "unwanted babies." Me personally, I believe no babies are unwarranted. Babies have a plan and purpose. Many great leaders throughout history were nearly aborted or demonized as "unwarranted."
Over political correctness is an epidemic in the world not only in the United States of America. KPHO.com had an article entitled "School Bans Hugs Over 2 Seconds." Sherpherd Junio High School in east Mesa, Arizona had a policy banning hugs among students. A 14 year old girl from the school got detention for hugging her friend after school. There are groups like the ADL, B’nai B’nai, etc. promoting censorship of ideals. Nations in Europe and Canada jail people for expressing dissent with lifestyles or expressing peacefully certain opinions. I never agree with because it’s against the concepts of free speech. Suppressing free speech is dangerous. Suppressing free inquiry on issues or investigating subjects is an extremist, dangerous tactic that is antitethical to the truth of the human right to legitimate liberty. Families and real American history have been bashed or obfuscated. Even many Youngsters are ignorant of basic historical facts dealing with America. For example, A recent USA Today report on February 26, 2008 showed that about half of 17 year old can’t identify the book or historical events associated with them. This generation is more historically challenged than any previous generation. Why is that? One part of the reason for this is the political correctness of numerous public schools solely focusing on the negative history (which should be shown). Yet, they omit many righteous leaders accurately like John Jay, John Wilberforce, Frederick Douglass and others trying to fight for legitimate causes. Another reason is that the coarsening of society. Public schools are a laboratory ground for the promotion of recreational sex, the epidemic of violence, readily over exaggerated anti-American views promotion, and globalism is promoted. Many public schools are trying their best, but a solution to this is more independence among public schools, more competition (even homeschooling can be a legitimate way in education), and ways to improve all forms of schooling. There should be a focus on problem solving, art, music, giving teachers more independence in their teaching procedures, creating smaller class sizes, and not basing all achievements from studenets on standardized tests (which taken too far can cripple schools without giving them the oppurtunities for improvement). Finland has success using some of these techniques. That’s why Finland’s 15 year olds were placed Number 1 in math and science according to the Program for Internaitonal Student Assessment. Ultimately, parents should be the decision makers in what education their child ought to recieve not the federal government. Gloria Steniem admitted that the CIA funded her Ms. Magazine. There is nothing wrong with real women’s rights or a women recieveing the same pay as a man. I have no problem with that but folks like Steniem used it as an excuse to demonize mothers working at home plus destabilize the family structure. Yet, these "feminists" seem to forget that the leadership of their own movement have been funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, CFR, and other interests. Communism is taught in many schools as a legitimate system.

Spiritually and Religion
IV. Exploitation of spirituality and religion is not a new phenomenom. For thousands of years that has transpired. In the twenty-first century, more curtefuge and deception is more of a common item. Disinformation and lies from the Da Vinci Code, Holy Blood Holy Grail, Harry Potter, and the Secret gives numerous human beings a false sense of their inherit identity. It’s interesting to note that Freemasons Michael Baigent and Robert Lomas were critical authors of the Holy Blood, Holy Grail. Dan Brown readily writes about Freemasonry. lt oaths of iniatation, their involvement in various crimes like the death of William Morgan, etc. aren’t shown in Dan Brown’s literature or Holy Blood, Holy Grail). In the 20th century, Robert Schuller, Billy Graham, Kenneth Copeland, and others have recieved prominent praise of the world. Billy Graham could be the most famous preacher in the world in the 20th century and even today. In my opinion, Fritz Springmeier, Dr. Cathy Burns (she wrote the classic book called "Billy Graham and His Friends. I recommend it since he cited hundreds of sources and this book can’t be refuted), and Ed Parker created the most accurate exposes on Billy Graham. Graham is a key player in the Ecumencial Movement. The Ecumencial Movement in a nutshell believes that all Christian demoninations (even 7th Day Adventists, Jehovah Witnesses, Mormons, Catholics, etc.) should unite into one Christian Church basically. It existed for centuries, but it occured in the Modern Era by the Vatican II Council (which was supported by the Jesuits and Freemasons). Billy Graham said that: "...I’ve found that my beliefs are essentially the same as those of Orthodox Roman Catholics." (McCall’s Janurary 1978, as quoted by Dave Hunt in "A Woman Rides the Beast," pg. 388).
Billy Graham called the Pope John Paul II the greatest religious leader of the 20th century. Yet, John Paul II publicly called for a new world order. In his meeting at Assissi during the 1980’s, he recieved a mark from the Shiva priest in Rome. This meeting has many representatives of the world’s religions calling for "peace." Graham recieved the Templeton Award. Now, one way Billy Graham became so popular was that William Randolph Hearst and Henry Luce (both of whom are global elites, Luce was a Bonesman and accused of being a Knight of Malta, Luce’s wife was a Dame of Malta. Hearst created yellow or phony journalism to agitate the Spanish, American War). Hearst ordered his editors to Puff or praise Billy Graham. Robert Schuller (who is a 33rd Degree Freemason) admits to have be given international prominence with the assistance of Billy Graham from the late 1960’s. Schuller is known to deny the core tenets of Christianity like the Jesus is only for salvation, the virgin birth, his resurrection, etc. for many decades. His theology emphasized "self-esteem" and many New Age concepts like TM mediation. Robert Schuller believes that Christians and Muslims worship the same God. This Ecumencial Movement (which is supported by the Vatican, the Freemasons, The World Council of the Churches, etc.) is agreed upon by Pat Robertson, Bill Bright, Charles Colson, and even John Hagee (don’t believe the hype. On his own website, he praises John Paul II and the Catholic Church repeatedly. Yet, the mainstream media is lying about him on the John McCain issue). In today’s world of the 21st century, new ecumencials have taken on their role. They include Rick Warren, Joel Osteen, TD Jakes, Creflo Dollar, and others. Rick Warren is very famous now in 2008. Warren was author of the book entitled "The Purpose Driven Life." It outlined a blueprint of religious living. That book became extremely popular in America. This is the time when Christian apostacy and perverseness is an epidemic. There is still a remnant of believers today though. Also, gimmicks like the Vatican/Jesuit project of "The Passion of the Christ" film and the Masonic "Promise Keepers" are ever abunbant. The Purpose Driven Life (it sold 20 million copies making at least $400 milllion in sales) is no exception. Rick Warren’s Church is named Saddlebakc Church in Lake Forest, California. It has a budget of 90 million dollars per year. Rick Warren acts like a salesman and admits that he never preaches against homosexuality or even abortion (though he believes it to be wrong). Should we be driven to have a purpose? No, we should be led by the Spirit of God to fulfill our purpose. Luke 4:1 which says, "And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness." On page 325 of his book the Purpose Driven Life, Warren says, "First, no matter how wonderful a translation is, it has limitations." So, he believes that there is no true accurate translation. The Bible says that God’s Word is Truth and it’s the true Word of God. Warren also said on page 325, "English-speaking people should thank God that we have so many different versions to use for devotional reading." From my research and others, the Authorized King James Bible and those in the Textus Receptus Stream are part of the Word of God. Even those who hate the KJV mention that many modern versions omit whole words and all translations aren’t equivalent to each other. On pg. 104, he admits to paraphases. It’s better to use the Textus Receptus, the KJV, and real Greek plus Hebrew concordances to get the real meanings of the original texts of the Bible instead. On page 104 of his book, Warren writes: "....Warren write that We can’t say amen or praise in praising God. Sorry, Rick is just wrong since ge 104 of this book, we read, "Try praising God without using the words ’praise, hallelujah, thanks, or amen.’" I think you need to read this again. You couldn’t make this stuff up. Rick, verses in the OT and NT outline us to say these words to praise God all of the time. On page 160 we find the new-age unity theme as Warren writes, "Unity in the church is so important that the New Testament gives more attention to it than either heaven or hell." That’s a lie since even Jesus Christ took great emphasis on Heaven and Hell in the Scriptures. Now, as expected the Ecumencial/apostate Christian crowd supports this book like Billy and Franklin Graham, Lee Strobel, etc. Rick claims that on pg. 11, that ""Real spiritual growth is never an isolated, individualistic pursuit. Maturity is produced through relationships and community." There is nothing wrong with working in a legitimate community, but spiritual growth has developed individually before. For example, Noah, Joseph, John the Baptist, Paul, and other were individualistic in their training. Therefore, the Purpose Driven Life is a deceptive piece of literature. Warren is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations whose members call for a new world order blatantly and openly. Rick Warren is the perfect example of a 21 century worldly individual. He claims to be a conservative, but he’s a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Warren compared conservative Christians (or Fundamental Christians, which are people solely wanting to embrace the basics of Christianity nothing more or less) to Muslim jihadists wanted to kill people. Joseph Farah from World Net Daily even exposed him lying about Syria having a tolerant attitude toward Jewish people and Christians when Jewish people are treated as second class citizens. People like Warren act like they want to give people what they want to hear. That is why they are popular and praised by FOX and even CNN has given him nice coverage. That’s why A non-compromising Christian would never recieve that coverage since the mainstream media are of the world (They usual accept the status quo). Some megachurch preachers outline the importance of money. While, it is true that earning money legitimately is no sin or vice. Yet, some of them like Creflo Dollar equate earning money with spiritual development while I don’t agree with. A rich righteous man is in the same boat as a poor righteous man in my eyes. A common feature among numerous modern megachurch "preacher" is the obfuscation or refusal to take a stand on serious issues one way or another way. That’s why I give the far left preachers some credit because they at least take a stand (although I don’t agree with them on doctrinal views). Megachurches on many times express an extreme conformity to the world’s standards of life in general. The Bible in the New Testament is rather clear that we shouldn’t be conformed to this world, but renewed in our mind in following the commandments of God: "...And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." (Romans 12:2).
The spirit world is mentioned in the Bible. Tons of other research and literature outline this issue. The network of Secret Societies and elite groups exploit the spirit world for evil purposes. This royal/religious/occult/political elite control numerous corporations that regularly spray chemicals into the sky like chemtrails and test atomspheric, secret technology to wage destruction of the planet itself like HAARP. This can cause ecological disasters in the world. Wicked corporations (not all companies) are funding situations in which oceans are poisoned with toxic chemicals (like nerve gas) in the oceans destroying the biodiversity of planet Earth. Some skeptics want human beings to deny a spirit world and our spiritual selves. Some of these evil corporations have ruined rainforests especially in South America. Some of The most abundant amount of plant life are in the South American rainforest. Rainforests of the world are being destroyed at a rate of 80 acres per minute, day and night. In 1971, about ca. 9 millions tribal peoples lived in the Amazon. Now, just only about 11,000 tribal people are surviving in the Amazon. Some believe that Planet Earth is actually a living entity. In truth, The Earth is composed of carbon and many atoms making it living. Carbon is on all living things. I don’t agree with the New Agers (who believe that the Earth’s Spirit is crucial to mankind’s survival) that the Earth has a spirit or that the Earth or the planets are gods though. Sir Isaac Newton (who lived from 1643-1727) and Sir Oliver Lodge believed in a spirit domain surrounding the planet Earth called the Ether. The Earth does have energy and electromagnetism plus vibrations. Sir Isaac Newton went into Trinity College. He wrote of the spiritual domain called Heaven. Psychics believes that the Psychic Ether is a spiritual location which can permeate all matter in the Universe. Some spiritualists play with the Ouija. It is rumored that evil spirits are involved in the Ouija Board. Some believe that the Ouija Board is a gateway to the spirit world. Some countries have banned its use. French travelers in Morroco say spiritualists using an alphabet scratched on the ground to allow a snake to "supposedly" answer questions. The French spread this Ouija Board into Europe, then America, and then globally. Some people claim to see bad spirits from a Ouija Board. Psychic and spiritual phenomena existed for thousands of years. Spirits existed as concepts in some of the world’s religion. Socrates and Joan of Arc have claimed to have heard spirits. The Old and New Testaments of the Bible outline prophets and spiritual connections with God Almighty. Trinity College in Cambridge is place filled with occultism, rituals, and espoinage. Students and professions have been deeply been involved in spiritism at this college. Aliester Crowley was part of Trinity College being later a British spy. Crowley was involved in the Golden Dawn. Scientific investigation of the spirit world have been done in Trinity College and other locations since the 1400’s. Dr. John Dee was an Elizabethian Rosicrucian and magician who used a polished Black obisidian stone called the Dark Mirror (this was utilized as early as ancient Egyptian Magicians). He wanted this mirror to communicate with so-called angelic spirits. He used these messages to develop Enochian magic. The Enochian magic gives instructions on how to communicate with spirits, which is unscriptural. Later in the 1800’s, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn came around. They utilized Dee’s Enochian magic to have spirit communicate in combination with the Dark Mirror. Dr. John Dee was also a personal spy for Queen Elizabeth I. He signed his name 007 because agents wanted to kill the Queen. Dee inspired the James Bond series as Bond being created after Dr. John Dee. Dee ironically studied at Trinity College, Cambridge. Occultists, and alchemists followed in Dee’s footsteps. In 1909, Sir Oliver Lodge wrote "the Ether of Space," which was a companion to The book called "The Survival of Man." Lodge believed that no element could exist without a relationship of the Ether (the supposed domain of spirits). Nostradamus used a similar way of trying to contacting spirit in a action called scrying. He used a bowl of water in a cup to claim to see visions of the future. British occultist Aleister Crowley attended Trinity College in the late 1800’s. There 3 Trinity dons existed to investigate the spirit world. In 1882, Edwin Gurney, Frederick William Henry Myers, and Henry Swick founded the SPR or the Society for Psychical Research.
For years, the SPR and the Golden Dawn invested thousands of hours of research and money in researching the spirit world. The Golden Dawn used Enochian magic to invoke demons. The SPR would do scences to make spirits manifest and speak with the living. In the Golden Dawn, they promote phrases such as Primeumation (a divine Greek name in the Triangle of Art. The Triangle of Art is the figure of circle surrounded with name. This is done when the Golden Dawn performs occult invocations in their claim of witnessing non-physical entities. This is strange, but that’s their belief system), Anaphaxeton (to those of the Dawn this was one of the Greek divine names that surround the Triangle of Art. The occult readily loves triangle symbolism), and Tetragrammaton (It’s a Greek word meaning Four lettered name. The Golden Dawn and occultists falsely equate this word to the short form of the Hebrew name for God or YHVH. Some of the Dawn uses the phrase EL, CHA, and MI in their rituals). Golden Dawn was created in March 1, 1888 by Wyn Wescott, MacGregors, and other Freemasons. The Golden Dawn was a dispository of occult knowledge. WB Yates was a member. They were influenced by the writings of Helena Blavatsky. She was outed as a fake psychic by the SPR. Rituals involving the Dark Mirror was done in a regular basis. The Dark Mirror was placed in the magic circle like a crystal ball to invoke a spirit. In the mirror has a cabalic design. It is said that the magician’s face would morph into the image of a spirit in the mirror for communication with it. In 1921, Aleister Crowley (who called himself the King of the Knights Templar, He was once the Grand Master of the Royal Alpha Masonic Lodge orginally formed at Kensington Palace in London) would have a ritual called the Calling of the Second Aethyr. This was performed in Enochian magic. Crowley would have opium as part of his daily diet in other to free himself from everyday life and to claim to speak to spirits. Many Plants like DMT are known to have hallinougenic qualities to them. Shamans believed that these plants open humans up to the spirit world. Television was partly invented with influence from occultists. Sir William Crookes was a respected scientists in the Victorian era. Crookes attended rituals of the Golden Dawn. He was also a leading member of the SPR. He invented devices to measure tiny particles like electrons. He believed that spirits in the Ether can move electrons and protons. He invented the Cathode ray Tube, which is the foundational aspect of the invention of the Television. This ray tube can firing billions of electrons into a glass screen covered in phosphorus. This produced a fuzzy screen. Crookes believed that spirits can move these electrons into images of the spirit world. Crookes experienced with a cathode rade tube. He used a Maltese cross inside of it. He showed a stream of electrons in it. The Maltese cross is used by the Knights of Malta, the Nazis, and other evil groups. Crookes made to project to create an image. This was the first electrically created image known to mankind. In his memoirs Crookes said that it’s possible for spirits to influence particles. Crookes became President of the SPR and inspired Sir William Lodge. Television would be created by a group of developers like John Logie Baird, who was a Scottish engineer and entrepreneur. Television is a device that can even inspire young children on a subconscious level. Even scientific studies show that the right sonic vibration or classical music can improve the development of young children and plant vegetation. Some believe that Thomas Edison created an uncompleted instrument to talk to the spirits of dead people. Some believe in Mojos or Lost spirits that refuse to go into the other side.
By Timothy