Friday, March 28, 2008

Ed Koch and Brzezinski


Further Reading for Ed Koch

Kurt Nimmo
Truth News
March 28, 2008

Fastfood worker
It is interesting Koch more or less admitted to We Are Change (see video) mayor Giuliani destroyed the 9/11 crime scene evidence but refuses to believe the macabre and documented fact the pulverized bodies of the victims were used to fill potholes.

Not surprisingly, former New York mayor Ed Koch denied and dismissed as “conspiracy theory” nearly all the points Alex made on his show earlier today. From the well documented fact the supposed 9/11 hijackers trained at U.S. military bases to the undisputed fact remains of bodies from the World Trade Center attack site were used by city workers to fill ruts and potholes, Koch refused to believe, preferring instead the manufactured fairy tale that is the self-serving government version of events.

Moreover, Koch seems to believe censoring free speech is acceptable, so long as it occurs in Europe. He asserts such will never happen in America, even as Congress continually attempts to pass “hate speech” legislation, as it tried to do with H.R. 254, titled, “The David Ray Hate Crimes Prevention Act.”

In fact, America has a long and sordid history of censoring books and speech deemed either unpatriotic, politically incorrect, or a threat to “national security,” that is to say if it reveals too much about the criminal operation of government and corporations. In essence, Koch’s acceptance of “hate crime” laws in Europe probably means he would accept likewise here, so long as it is framed with political correctness.

In regard to “conspiracy theories,” Koch should read the following:

“The pulverized remains of bodies from the World Trade Center disaster site were used by city workers to fill ruts and potholes, a city contractor says in a sworn affidavit filed yesterday in Manhattan Federal Court,” the New York Daily News reported almost exactly a year ago. “Eric Beck says debris powders - known as fines - were put in a pothole-fill mixture by crews at the Fresh Kills landfill on Staten Island, where more than 1.65 million tons of World Trade Center debris were deposited after the Sept. 11 attacks.”

But then maybe Mr. Koch does not read the New York Daily News. It was also reported by Reuters, usually not earmarked as a conspiracy nut news outlet. Maybe Koch was giving a speech or cutting a ribbon somewhere when the news was reported.

It is interesting Koch more or less admitted to We Are Change (see video) mayor Giuliani destroyed the 9/11 crime scene evidence but refuses to believe the macabre and documented fact the pulverized bodies of the victims were used to fill potholes. But then admitting this would put Koch on the slippery slope to truth, a place a person of his stature cannot go without repercussion.

Koch also said it was a conspiracy theory that the supposed hijackers spent time on U.S. military bases, even though this inconvenient truth was reported by Newsweek on September 15, 2001. “U.S. military sources have given the FBI information that suggests five of the alleged hijackers of the planes that were used in Tuesday’s terror attacks received training at secure U.S. military installations in the 1990s,” write George Wehrfritz, Catharine Skipp and John Barry.

“Three of the alleged hijackers listed their address on drivers licenses and car registrations as the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Fla. — known as the ‘Cradle of U.S. Navy Aviation,’ according to a high-ranking U.S. Navy source…. Another of the alleged hijackers may have been trained in strategy and tactics at the Air War College in Montgomery, Ala., said another high-ranking Pentagon official. The fifth man may have received language instruction at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Tex.”

However, now that the story has more or less found its way to the memory hole, Ed Koch and other hucksters of the official Brothers Grimm version of events can ignore it and claim it is simply a zany conspiracy theory. Out of sight, out of mind. And you’re a mental case if you believe otherwise — in other words, a possible candidate for tasering, beating to a pulp, and incarceration in a government re-education camp, at least according to certain high profile members of the corporate media.

Of course, the bare naked truth will not make Ed Koch a believer. As documented by We Are Change, Koch has very little patience for 9/11 truth activists and intolerantly demands they shut up when they ask questions. Obviously, as the video here demonstrates, Koch is more interested in attacking Arabs and Muslims and thus continuing the neocon crusade, promised to last over a hundred years.

Finally, it is nothing short of amazing Ed Koch consented to come on the Alex Jones Show, leading us to conclude he did not do his homework before the appearance, same as he is reluctant to investigate the truth behind the events surrounding September 11, 2001, and would rather come off as an ignoramus.



Brzezinski Mocks Questions Concerned with Bilderberg Secrecy

About a dozen members of We Are Change confronted Zbigniew Brzezinksi, former National Security Advisor under Carter, with questions about the secretive Bilderberg group, the consequences of setting up the Mujahideen and other questions which were largely ridiculed and rejected by Brzezinski as the queries of ‘conspiracy theorists.’

Luke Rudkowski previously confronted Brzezinski in an encounter that ended with him being ejected from the building for asking a pointed question.

Brzezinksi even commented sarcastically that the Bilderberg group indulges in "drinking the blood of the poor"– a comment which may illustrate the underlying disconnect between elites who wield extremely concentrated power and the effect of their policies on the remainder of the world, who largely have no power to control factors that affect them.

Brzezinski ignored the issues raised, including the pattern of false-flag provocation to start conflicts– instead taking the opportunity to belittle those who dared to ask such questions. He was obviously irritated that the sycophants did not turn out in droves for his talk at Columbia University in the same numbers that concerned members of We Are Change did.

The University ejected at least one member and deflected several other questions.