Friday is here. Some interviewers came and interviewed Tom Ridge. Gary Franchi and others from came to talk to him. Ridge was at a rally supporting John McCain. Tom Ridge called McCain as a man who is a straight talker. Is he? John McCain supports the dangerous and illegal Iraq War. He speculated on allowing the Iraq War to occur for 100 years. He agrees with embryonic stem cell research. Even Tom Ridge is pro-abortion. John McCain has supported anti-gun laws and he promotes Campaign Finance Reform (which even the ACLU condemned as sponsoring anti-First Amendment components). Bill Clinton called John McCain a moderate for opposing torture. That's silly, because many conservatives oppose torture including the policies of the Bush administration on torture. Therefore,individuals from across the political spectrum oppose torture. Bill is advocating Hillary Clinton for President of course. Hillary is a person who constantly obsesses with political agitation. To her, Republicans are the enemy solely politically. The reality is that the Democrats and the Republicans (whose leadership are funded by the same corporate elite. That's why Papal Knight of St. Gregory Rupert Murdoch funds Hillary's campaign. John Raskob was another famous international banker and a Knight of St. Gregory. Raskob was a Knight of Malta who was pro-fascist during WWII. Conrad Black is another Knight of St. Gregory member. Therefore, the Knights of Malta and the Knights of St. Gregory make up a large portion of the real international bankers and power elite) have nefarious characters in them. It's better for us to be independent thinking and not be swayed by the Democrats or the Republicans. Franchi asked Tom Ridge about 9/11. Ridge denied any conspiracy involved with 9/11. He's refuted by the simple fact that a conspiracy is defined as more than one person organizing an event for a nefarious purpose. By definition, 9/11 was a conspiracy. The signs of explosives in the Twin Towers (within witnesses and squids in the Towers below the impact points), the mysterious collapse of Building Number Seven, the wargames created by the government, etc. prove that al-Qaeda never made all of 9/11 a reality. He was asked about the Council on Foreign Relations. Ridge said that he recieved advice from the CFR, but he isn't a member. The CFR is a group I would never recieve advice since from their own website, they mention their goal as wanting a new world order. Tom Ridge only oppose the Real ID Act, because it was an unfunded mandate by the federal government. Ridge still supported biometrics, Tom Ridge agrees with implementing a new, world international standard for putting biometric data such as fingerprints on passports, and a nationalized identification system in America. These proposals are just as evil as the Real ID Act. Tom Ridge had no desire to be part of the Bohemian Grove as being for the eagles not the sparrows. The Grove is a sick group with mock-human sacrifice (as apart of the Cremation of Care), male and female prositutes servicing males, and other rituals. Tom Ridge is a man who was slick in the interview, but sponsors many tenets of the new world order agenda. Also, Tom Ridge is a member of the Knights of Columbus (whose goal is to make the Papacy the authority in the world). New evidence is coming out about the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy. The BBC from March 27, 2008 described how 3 major senior CIA operatives were at the scene of RFK's assassination. Some believe this and other evidence make manifest a CIA role in RFK's death. There were also 4 unidentified associates at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles at June 5, 1968. His anti-war platform projected Robert Kennedy to win the California Democratic primary. People were coming together in support of RFK. The Palestinian Sirhan Sirhan was accused and convicted of killing RFK. New researchers believe that Kennedy was shot from behind, while Sirhan was in front of Robert making him impossible for Sirhan to shoot at RFK. Dr. Herbert Spiegel (a world authority on hypnosis at Columbia University) commented that Sirhan might of been hypnotically programmed to act as decoy for the real assassin. The BBC wrote that the CIA operatives worked together at JMWAVE (or the CIA's secret Miami base for fighting Castro, who himself was Jesuit trained and originally funded by the CIA). Castro's brother was also educated by the Jesuits. The Jesuits are the largest religious order related to the Catholic Church. They were banished even by European nations in the 1700's for their corruption. Today, the Jesuits are trainers of world leaders and involved in the Ecumencial Movement (Freemasons are proponents of the Ecumencial Movement and are pro-Jesuit like 33rd Degree Robert Schuller). David Morales was the Chief of Operations who said he was in Dallas and Los Angeles when JFK and RFK died. A new investigation is needed to find the truth about this. Thane Eugene Cesar gave testimony about his gun. He was directly behind RFK. It's interesting to note that Robert Kennedy began to believe that his brother John F. Kennedy's death was a product of a conspiracy (John Talbot from wrote about this in an article). Robert Kennedy wanted the archives open to attempt to figure out the total truth revolving around the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Also, JFK Jr. hosted articles in favor of a conspiracy involving the death of JFK. JFK Jr. unfortunately was killed in an airplane "accident" in 1999. I was in high school at the time. described on how the dollar experienced its biggest weekly drop against the euro in a month. The dollar problems exist and obviously this is a symptom of a large economic problem. Houses are foreclosed, jobs are being shipped overseas, and the Federal Reserve is a centralized banking organization (which was created by international bankers in the 1920's. Many of the founders were members of the CFR and the Pilgrim Society. It's not really a free market since it's a select group of people controlling most of our economic policies in America). Folks wants solutions and they are entitled to it. Paul Craig Roberts made an interesting stance. He wants the the mark-to-market rule suspended until a market forms to handle the economic crisis. He is right to write that the FED must stop constantly cutting interest rates since doing that only lowers the value of the U.S. dollar. There ought to be a curtailing of unnecessary over spending in the war on terror (which amounts to billions spent some of which are borrowed from foreign nations like China). There should be economic changes to help the bottom up and the top bottom. For example, there should be a lower tax rate on US companies who still exist in America along with US companies that increase their US workforce relative to overseas workforce. Now, this is response to many transnational corporations going overseas to benefit their own profits at the expense of the economy here in America. Therefore, US GDP is in risk of going downward in that affair over driving jobs overseas. These transnationals just believe in globalization. Globalization is nothing more than globalism or allowing multinational corporations to use cheap labor in the Third World (then sell those products created in the exploitated Third World here in Western nations with not being bounded too much by national sovereignity and tariffs). These international corporations are controlled by the Knights of Malta, the Pilgrim Society, various elite bloodlines like the Black Nobility, the Bilderbergers, and other powerful groups. Multinational corporations dictate a lot of our trade policies at the expense our national sovereignity. There should be economic freedom and free market. Yet, monopolies and centralized wealth is antithetical to economic freedom and truly free markets. The government shouldn't control every aspect of our lives which amounts to socialism neither should multinational corporations control every aspect of our lives as well. Ralph Gomory, one of America's most distinguished mathematicians and co-author with William Baumol, past president of the American Economics Association proposed that the US corporate income tax be replaced with a tax based on value added of a corporation's US workforce compared to its industry. In other words, lower tax rates are given to corporations who keep high productivity, high valued added jobs in the U.S. along with increases in those jobs. There should be investments in creating jobs here (including work on alternative energy), education among the people about finances, and negiotations between bankers and consumers on better ways to improve the economy. There is nothing wrong with rebates per se, but rebates have to be part of the solution. It can't be all of it. These problems do require multifaceted answers.
The Green Zone is having more attacks from militia groups. The reason for this is because of conflicts between the leadership of the Iraq government and certain militias like the Mahdi Army for control of the nation. Even the U.S. Embassy was attacked. Some places like Northern Iraq and the Anbar Province are more peaceful, but Iraq has a long way to go before it becomes a really tranquil country. Margaret Cho talked about 9/11. She mainly questioned about the Pentagon. She said that many her Arabic American friends doubted the official story. The reason is that her friends said that al-Qaeda didn't have the organization skills to pull off this complex terrorist attack. Cho is a liberal and supports the Barack Obama campaign. Me personally, I don't support Obama, Hillary, or McCain. Each are funded by the establishment. All of them believe that even law abiding citizens should be resticted in their right to bear arms. Obama and Hillary are both pro-abortion. Abortion is wrong and murder. McCain said in a speech recently that he wants an utopian New Global Compact which includes A “League of Democracies.” As real historians realize, America wasn't formed as a democracy. We were created as a republic or the concept that the people elect representatives to execute specific policies in government. If these elected representatives are corrupt, we have a right to get them out of the office by voting them out, etc. The reality is that we should encourage freedom in the world, fight against tyranny, and promote righteousness. Yet, it isn't our right nor responsibility to force freedom onto other nations via the barrel of a gun or unConsitutional wars at all. Utopian concepts about globalism and fighting a war on terror globally are endorsed by elitists like Zbigniew Brzezinski. He's the founder of the Trilateral Commission. We are Change confronted him on his quote of him saying that: "National sovereignity is no longer a viable concept." He's responsible for the U.S. funding Muslim radicals in Afghanistan. He is pictured with the Taliban. His daughter Mika is a familiar voice on Joe in Morning. That's a morning show hosted by Joe Scarborough. Joe is a blatantly compromising figure. Zbigniew Brzezinski is even Obama's foreign policy adviser. Hillary isn't blameless since she made false statements her plane being fired at in Bosnia. Additionally, Hillary Clinton has proposed stealing citizens' wages in order to solve health care complications. Even liberals like Cho are right on some issues like the civil liberty problems in America, the dangerous toxic chemicals in American waters (that has been reported by the Internet occuring grealty in New York state), and the negative impact the consequences of the Iraq War has in the United States of America. James Kanter from IHT on March 27, 2008 reported on Romania. Romania is reconsidering its welcome of biotech corn. This is suprising since Romania is one of the most receptive nations to accept genetically modified crops in Europe. Europe is known for being extremely skeptical of GM crops. Romania's environmental minister Attila Korodi said he would form a commitee of experts to reevaluate MON810 or the gene altered version of corn. Ironically, Monsanto (a big company created GM foods) produces MON810. Some claim that GM crops are easier and healthier to produce. Although, authors dispute that notion and have written books on the risk factors of GM foods. For example, Jeffrey Smith is an author who wrote a book entitled "Genetic Roulette." It's a book that described nearly 65 risk factors of certain foods Americans eat every day. Smith also refutes the notion that genetically modified foods are primarily safe. That's why an increase amount of citizens are embracing organic foods and supplements plus vitamins. That's why I'm against Codex, since it over regulates and in some cases bans vitamins and supplement. America, especially the Third World, and other locations worldwide need legitimate nutritution to build up the health of societies be apart of legitimate industralization or development. I believe in heath freedom (i.e. individuals should rule over their own health) and the existence of real competition without the control of Big Pharma or the government most of the time.
Big Brother going into extreme overload is real. Reuters from Thursday, at March 27, 2008 described how NYC's JFK Airport requires 10 fingerprints from foreign visitors. Their justification for this is always for the sake of "security." This is a violation of our privacy, beacuse places innocent people in the mode of criminals. They sacrifice their privacy without any due process or trial at all. They have been charged with nothing even. The Presidential race is a long process. Bob Casey from Pennslyvania is supporting Barack Obama. One factor is his decision is that Bob Casey's father was refused to speak at the 1992 Democratic convention, because he was Pro-Life. There has been an increased awareness of Secret Societies and fraternities like the Jesuits, the Freemasons, Greek Letter Fraternities, Rosicrucians, and other organizations. Minister Fred Hatchett have been exposing Greek Letter Societies for many years. It's the truth that some of these fraternities are entry level organizations into Freemasonry and other Secret Societies. Many of these groups especially Freemasonry have secret oaths (Masonry has death oaths), yet even Jesus Christ forbid us swear any oaths at all: "...Again, ye have heard that it hath been said by them of old time, Thou shalt not forswear thyself, but shalt perform unto the Lord thine oaths: But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God's throne: Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King. Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black. But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil." (Matthew 5:33-37). Now, one purpose of these groups is the have secrecy (the occult means secret and that's why Masonic follows occult teachings) in order to promote control over citizens' lives. In actuality, there should be no secrecy with any human being. We should straight forward in our belief system completely. I will be straightforward in what I think. Famous Freemasons include Al Sharpton, Bob Dole, and others. Many of these occult groups embrace occult symbolism. One easy symbolism is generation (this concept believes that the male represented by the male organ and the female combined equals completion). Construction of this symbols exist globally like the Washington Monument (It's an Obelisk. An obelisk in Egypt represents the false Egyptian gods of Osiris and Ra relating to the phallus or the sun. Numerous major buildings in Washington, D.C. have Masonic cornerstones built on them. The great filmmaker Christian Pinto created a video on this subject entitled "The New Atlantis"). Goddess images are found everywhere as well like the Great Seal of Virginia and upon the top of the Capitol Building in D.C. Symbols (like the Hexagram, the Pythagorean Theorem, the Triangle, the Pentagram), colors, and numbers (like the square root of 2) are embraced by many occultists in rituals and it's found in many architecture. I believe in the First Amendment and free speech. If you think, our free speech rights are badly protected in America (and they are badly protected), it’s worse in Europe. In some European countries, if you question the Holocaust, you could be arrested and sent to prison. I don't agree with Holocaust denial, but citizens and human beings have a right to express their free speech. The Holocaust was nothing more than genocide against Jewish people and others was wrong plus evil of course. I disagree strongly with Ed Koch on the issue of free speech. Koch is hypocritical in wanting us Americans to say what we want, but supporting the gross limitations of free speech in Europe. Europeans and Americans equally have a right to say what they want representing the essence of the freedom of speech. We should wake up, follow God, follow his commandments, and live holy lives. We have to use our God-given mind to not only know the real truth, but help other human beings.
By Timothy