Monday, March 17, 2008

Constant Information is a Common Occurence






Now, the Supreme Court is ready to hear about the D.C. gun ban case. See, Washington D.C. is a city that banned all handguns from its citizens with few exceptions (like police officers, the military, etc.). The controversy revolves around what constitutes the Second Amendment. The truth is that the Second Amendment refers to individual rights since its says that the right of the people to bear arms shall not be infringed. Many Founding Fathers in the Federalist Papers and other documents believe that gun rights were individual or should be possessed among the people. Historically, radical gun control claimed the lives of millions in the 20th century alone. The reasons is that gun bans against citizens occured in the dictators of Mao, Stalin, Castro, and others who committed genocide against their own people. Now, D.C. has a similar gun ban and their crime rate has been high consistently for decades. It only slightly decreased because of less cocaine usage and urban reneweal in Washington D.C. recently. Even with a little decrease, no decrease is a justification for stripping citizens of their total rights. Just because criminals exist, doesn’t mean the solution is the elimination of law abiding citiens there right to own a gun if they want to. Cory Doctorow from Boing Boing at Sunday,  on March 16, 2008  reported on an extreme form of Big Brother again. Walt Disney is having a fingerprint reader at their Walt Disney World’s turnstiles. They claim to capture the shape of your fingerprint instead of your fingerprint itself.  Disney is doing this to prevent customers from sharing or reselling their admission tickets. Although, it’s more evidence of a police state atmosphere where routine bag searches occur at each park entrance. Cory  said that this technology can be still mainpulated by a person not having to register the fingerprint  then juxtapose using the print and ID among people.  Unfortuntely, the real point is that these readers condition kids that surveillance and routine searchers plus identity checks are great to do. from Saturday, at March 15, 2008 described a Texas Child ID program. The more I look at it, the more anti-liberty Texas Governor Rick Perry is. Perry last Friday awarded more than $689,000 to the Sheriff’s Association of Texas for the giving of Child identification kits to all incoming kindergarten students in Texas public schools. This will record children their physical characteristics and fingerpris on ID cards. This grant is awarded under the federal Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act and distributed by the governor’s Criminal Justice Division. It seems this is by force. If it is, it’s blatant violations of children’s privacy. These are children and they shouldn’t be treated like criminals with ID swabs. Perry is really going forward with these extreme policy. Perry is the one supporting the Trans-Texas Corridor (he’s involved in a company supporting the Corridor in Texas), he supports the dangerous Merck funded Gardasil on girls by coercion (which has killed girls), and he once endorse the anti-gun Rudy Giuliani for President. The Euro is the most prominent economic currency since the dollar is lower in its value. Eliot Spitzer has an interesting history. He supported driver licenses for illegal immigrants. He was so abortion that he wanted to force doctors to perform abortion even if they disagreed with it. I don’t agree with him on these issues. Is there more to the man than what the mainstream media presents? Yes, there is. John Gold wrote that Spitzer (when he was the Attorney General for New York State), he rejected an independent inquiry into the events of 9/11. Spitzer link to the the cover up of 9/11 gets deeper. Larry Silverstein as many known was a benefactor of 9/11 getting a $4.5 billion insurance payout as a result of the destruction of Building Number Sevent. His allies was the Blackstone Group. Eliot Spitzer (according to Sander Hicks, who is a journalist and publisher) filled a "friend of the court" brief on Silverstein’s behalf. Building Number Seven was the NY headquarters of the CIA and the SEC office investigating Enron and it fell mysteriously. Spitzer was later connected to a Prostitution ring (in a place called the Emperor’s Club). He tried to fight prostitution and Wall Street corruption, but was caught with a Prostitute across State lines. Some speculate is there more to why he was taken down? Sorcha Faal and other writers in the Internet believe that Spitzer was beginning a new probe into Larry Silverstein (the owner of Building Number Seven) He is known to go after Wall Street. Greg Palast wrote that Spitzer’s problem was a response to his actions against members of Wall Street. Bigger issues like the subprime crisis, abortion, the new world order, the Vatican/Jesuits connection should have more important than Spitzer (although what Spitzer did was immoral). CNN from Monday, at March 17, 2008 have Alan Greenspan (the ex-Federal Reserve Chairman) saying that this economic condition is the worst U.S. economy since WWII. He said that this crisis won’t end until housing prcies stabilize, but that won’t happen for months according to Greenspan. Some believe that this is a sign of a possible depression if things like are continuing. The Federal Reserve constantly having printing currency with of little value is increasing inflation. There is a lower dollar values, banking industry consolidation, record foreclosures, and other economic crises in America and globally. There is an 1 in 25 rate of homeless citizens in New Orleans. An estimated 12,000 homeless accounts for 4% of New Orleans' estimated population of 302,000, according to the homeless advocacy group UNITY of Greater New Orleans. So, radical solutions are needed like focusing building the economy from the bottom up as much from the top bottom. No one is clear on the real future of the economy. Education, economic incentives, and other solutions are needed. Bo Deitl responded to We Are Change, which are a Pro-9/11 Truth organization. Now, Bo said that even her daughter said that 9/11 was a conspiracy, which was pleasantly suprising. Bo still believed that fire caused the Building to collapse, because in his mind the Twin Towers were constructed poorly originally. The truth is that the Twin Towers have 47 thick columns and strong construction in many places of it. Witnesses heard explosives even in the basement and much of the buildings were pulverized into dust. Planes can’t do that alone. He didn’t refute the mysterious collapse of Building Number Seven. Also, Bo admitted that the Bush/Clinton and bin Laden connection was real and that was a crime plus a disgrace. The government definitely have foreknowledge of such attacks since they were warned in the Clinton and especially the Bush administration about terrorism using planes against American buildings. Free speech is readily under threat more precipitously. Kentucky Representative Tim Couch filed a bill making it illegal to make anonymous internet posts. In other words, he wants to make a comment on a website to register their real name, address, and email address with that site. He also wants folks to mention their full name. He wants a website owner to pay a fine if someone allows a person to anonymously on their website (The fine can be as high as 500 dollars). He wants to stop online bullying. That’s a bunch of nonesense. Tim Couch should be ashamed of himself. The truth is we have a right to free speech. If human beings want to write anonymously, they have a right to do that. It’s part of the anti-net neutrality deal where select corporations are trying to own all of the Internet instead of individuals.



This is after the 5th Anniversary of the beginning of the Iraq War. As a result of this, many complications still exist. They include violence, especially in the Baghdad region, the war cost tax payers billions of dollars. infrastructure not being completely built in some sectors of Iraq, and still political development problems in Iraq. This doesn’t mean Iraq is over. Human beings still reside in Iraq trying to do what it is best for their families. The truth is that a real solution requires a strong political solution. The leadership of Iraq (made up of mostly Sunnis) will have to be encourage to create an independent nation of their own without U.S. occupation. Also, we have to have a new mindset in the Middle East of more cooperation with Middle Eastern nations. This doesn’t mean we compromise or support all of the evil in the Middle East. Yet, preemptive warfare should be exited from the equation. Free speech suppression is still going on in the United States of America. The Columbus Despatch had an article about this issue. It appeared on Saturday, at March 15, 2008 during 3:17 AM which was created By Jodi Andes. World Net Daily has also wrote information about this issue. Scott Savage was a former Ohio State University librarian. He was accused of sexual harassment after recommending a conservative book entitled "The Marketing of Evil" for freshmen. This book legitimately exposed the excessive filth promoted by some of the culture in society. It further proves the corporate exploitation of problems in certain sectors of society and promoting what is bad as good like recreational sex for the young, drug abuse, etc. The good news was that this unfounded 2006 complaint was dismissed. Savage suffered personal and professional attacks. He resigned as a result. Now, he wants his job back. Scott Savage said that OSU is a hostile environment against traditional Christian beliefs and morality. This is a free speech issue. The truth is that liberal, libertarian, conservative, or independent political beliefs ought to be legitimately shown in any University. Savage is now pursuing a federal lawsuit against Ohio State University citing a violation of his First and 14th Amednment rights. Notice how Scott Savage’s lawyer named Tom Condit said that he never threw his religion onto people. An university should be a place where peaceful dissent on controversial issues ought to be expressed without intimidation from the establishment. One disinformation promoted by the mainstream media is that the government never ships drugs into America. They especially promoted this lie in the aftermath of the Reverend Jeremiah Wright and Barack Obama controversy. There are plenty of legitimate disagreements I have with Wright. Yet, Jeremiah Wright is 100% correct that the government ships drugs into America that are harmful not only to black Americans, but all Americans. The government ship drugs into countries for thousands of years. For example, Gary Webb provided documentated in book and lectures on how the CIA (who have many Jesuit-trained folks and Knights of Malta in it or connected to it) worked with the fascist Contra shipping drugs into America. Others have written books on this subject outlining similar conclusions. The Tuskegee Experiment which harmed African American giving them syphilis in a deceptive way was done by the government (via the the U.S. Public Health Service or the PHS). Even President Bill Clinton had to apologize for it in May 16, 1997. Rev. Jeremiah Wright is right on that issue. The government also actively promotes poisons on human beings like sodium flouride, aspartame, dangerous vaccines, etc. The ideal that the government can never do any wrong is a lie. The Eugenics movement for example inflitrated many sciences. Even ancient Greece in Sparta had eugenics processes. It modernized by the beginning of the 20th century copying the philosophies of Francis Galton and others. The Nazis copied these sick things from American eugenics (that’s why over a dozen states had eugenic laws before WWII). After WWII, Western governments like Britian and America got Nazi scientists and researchers to build up Western intelligence agencies and create more technologies. This was during the Cold War, which was contrived (since both sides were funded by the same people in the Vatican/Jesuits, the City of London, high level Freemasonry, and the Pilgrim Society). Some promote disinformation and won’t discuss the Vatican/Jesuit connection to the new world order like John Perna. Perna forgets that the leadership of the Vatican and Freemasonry have worked together for a long time. For example, Jesuit Priest Edmund Walsh is a friend of 33rd Degree Freemason Douglas MacArthur especially during WWII. 33rd Freemason Robert Schuller is a promoter of the Ecumencial Movement and praised John Paul II. If all Masons were anti-Catholic as John Perna lies about, would 33rd Degree Freemason Schuller condemn the Vatican? He would, but he doesn’t making Perna false. The Knights of Columbus are known for peacefully colloborating with Freemasons (even pro-Masonic propaganda sites admit to this). Then Perna lectures on Zionism. Zionism isn’t monolithic since many sincere good Zionists believe Jewish people should live in Israel (without oppressing Arabic people). Perna forgot that leading elite evil pro-Socialist, Labor Zionists like Chaim Weizman was a high level Freemason, he was supported by Cardinal Spellman into getting Isreal supported by the United Nations. That simple example is the Labor Zionist, Freemasonry, and Vatican colloboration to get Israel approved by the U.N. That alone refutes Perna’s arguments. I feel like I’m giving a history lesson. There are low-level Masons and low level Jesuits fighting, but the top levels of these groups want a new world order as mentioned in their own writings and speeches. Perna is angry that scholar exposed the leadership of the JBS as having nefarious ties. Some low-level JBS members sincerely want patriotic, but their leadership has been Elite controlled and sponsored since its invention. Therefore, Perna is refuted. Today, it’s still going on, but with more slick packaging like thimersol-vaccines, starving Terri Schiavo to death, abortion, population control, the promotion of killing the elderly by doctors, etc. Today, there are those who want Transhumanism endorsed. Transhumanism is the sick ideal that man can be like unto a god if properly merged with machines. One are exploiting nano-technology as a means to attempt to fulfill that goal. Certian segments of the government are evil period. This doesn’t mean all in government should be abolished. It should mean that government should be monitored and limited in what it can and can’t do. Power should exist among citizens and the people in America, not a select group of bureaucrats promoting globalism in an attempt to control Americans plus the world. I will always disagree with the new world order. That’s why I will expand my mind and expose abortion, believe in health freedom (without the oppressive Codex), love the environment (but won’t believe in extremism,  but alternative energies ought to be invested and subscribed to. There are even cars that now can run on air and water), have a belief against poverty, go out and believe in the Second Amendment, etc. I haven’t changed my core convictions at all. Today is St. Patrick’s Day. It’s a holiday celebrated here in America, Ireland, and across the world. It commenerates the Patriot St. Patrick. He was born in British who was ensalved. While in Ireland, he was inspired to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ into Ireland. He’s a reperesentative as a role model for Irish people and all people. The Election is still going on. Unfortunately, it is the superdelegates not the votes of the people that seem to have a big authority in the outcome of the Presidential races on both Parties. John McCain is anticipating the Democratic candidate he is expected to face. While, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are campaigning in Pennslyvania. I do appreciate all of those visiting my Blog from California, Virginia, New Jersey, the UK, Colorado, Missouri, the United Kingdom, those in Canada, Texas, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Florida, Georgia, and around the world. Constant informaiton is common occurence.


By Timothy

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