Friday, March 21, 2008

Eric Jon Phelps on the 21st century and War


Dear Daisy,

The Order's Vatican agenda is to continue to kill Jews, racial and religious, pursuant to Canon Law and papal bulls. Secondly, the pope's Masonic Jewish Labor Zionists will be kept in power no matter how many Jews perish. Thousands of Jews can be sacrificed, but the Black Pope's revived "Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem" (Israel) must be preserved---at all costs. Thousands of Jews are to die during the coming war in Israel, but in the end, the pope's Latin Kingdom (now turning Moslem) will be saved from destruction; the Jerusalem mosques will be dust, the US will be blamed for the downing of the mosques and the Third Hebrew Temple will begin to be built.

For the pope's "Unholy Roman" Fourteenth Amendment Corporate Fascist American Empire facilitating all of this, it will be reduced to a series of natural disasters, race war, financial destruction, the end of the dollar, the beginning of the Amero, the loss our the coming two-front war, high-level treason and finally our successful Sino-Soviet-Moslem invasion in the future. We will share the same fate as the once Protestant British Empire when it turned on the Jews during WWII and after, especially the merciless sinking the ships full of European Jews seeking to resettle in Israel.

Genesis 12:1-3 is a spiritual law of physics, for blessing and for cursing. Therefore, the American peoples are responsible for the crimes of our Jesuit-ruled, CFR controlled, Masonically-manned government in Washington, especially crimes against the Lord's beloved Hebrew/Jewish/Israelitic people seeking to live in their land promised to their fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The land was never taken away from them; but they were taken away from their land as per Deut. 28.

Therefore, do not be surprised at the continued treason by Washington (ruled by the Jesuits of Georgetown University) against your people via the CFR-directed Masonic Jews in Jerusalem. The Order will abide its course but let us continue to expose it and as Joab said,

"Be of good courage, and let us play the men for our people, and for the cities of our God; and the LORD do that which seemeth him good." II Samuel 10:12

Sincerely in faith,

Brother Eric

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