Thursday, March 06, 2008




The year is 2008. China has its coldest winter in 100 years. Baghdad sees its first snow in all recorded history. North America has the most snowcover in 50 years, with places like Wisconsin the deepest since record-keeping began. Record levels of Antarctic sea ice, record cold in Minnesota, Texas, Florida, Mexico, Australia, Iran, Greece, South Africa, Greenland, Argentina, Chile -- the list goes on and on. All four major global temperature tracking outlets (Hadley, NASA's GISS, UAH, RSS) have released data and all of it shows that global temperatures have dropped precipitously. The Global temperature drop has now eliminated the one degree Celsius warming that had previously occurred over the last 100 years. Hundreds of climate scientists have warned that there is no such thing as man-made global warming.
Despite all of these FACTS, all of the major candidates for president in the 2008 election promised massive new regulations that will cost trillions of dollars to combat global warming. McCain says that it will be his first task if he wins the presidency. After consulting with Al Gore, Obama feels the problem is so imminent that it is not even really possible to wait until he becomes president. Yet, we just keep on piling on more and more regulations without asking hard questions about whether they are justified. New mileage per gallon regulations were signed into law last year that will mandate cars get 35 MPG. The rules will make us poorer, forcing people to buy products that aren’t otherwise the best suited for them. More people will die because lighter cars are less safe, but we are told this is all worth it largely because of global warming.

The fact of the matter is that global warming is a lie propagated by the communist inspired, anti-God, feminist, socialist cabal that controls everything through both major political parties, and their unacknowledged partner in crime: the Korporate Media. All of the temperature estimates of past climates are just that, estimates. And they have been computed by scientists trying to prove that global warming exists. You cannot accurately determine what the temperature was 100, 200, or 500 years ago. There just was not the widespread accurate weather monitoring that we have today. Anyone that tries to use the temperature change argument has an agenda. You must note that all of these treaties supposedly created to prevent global warming always give nations like China, Russia, and India, the world's worst polluters, a free pass. Why? Because the real objective behind this LIE is to destroy the United States and it's people. The United States is still the most widely prosperous, and it's people are still the most free on earth, despite the work of our "leaders" to destroy that. Many people in powerful positions throughout the world, who run the global economy, hate this fact. Global warming is just another conspiracy to try to bring us down to the same level as the rest of the world.

Many politicians and elitists have received global warming as "sound science". Joseph Goebells would be proud at the effectivness of the propaganda from the establishment about this issue. Climate Changes are invevitable, cyclical, recurrent, and unpreventable. Long before man could have possibly had any measurable impact upon the earth's environment, The Middle Ages hosted a Warm Trend far greater than our current trend. Global Warming is bad science, worse politics and catastrophic for economics. One of the biggest spreaders of this LIE, Al Gore made a movie about this called An Inconvenient Truth. Marlo Lewis is a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a Washington, D.C., think tank. He specializes in environmental policy and questions Gore’s global warming claims. Marlo says An Inconvenient Truth makes it seem like we can reasonably expect the sea level to rise 20 feet in our lifetime or the lifetime of our children. “This is science fiction,” he says. Instead of refuting what Mr. Lewis had to say, Gore could only say, “They crank out so-called studies that are designed to make people think, ‘Hey, there’s no problem. Just let us keep on putting as much pollution up there as we want. Don’t make us be responsible,’”. These global warming advocates make it sound like we’re recklessly belching filth into the atmosphere. Never mind that even today's coal fired power plants are cleaner than ever, and a modern SUV polutes much less than a 1971 Vega.

Also, the fact of the matter is that cold is more damaging than heat. The mean temperature of the planet is about 54 degrees. Humans -- and most of the crops and animals we depend on -- prefer a temperature closer to 70. Historically, the warm periods such as the Medieval Climate Optimum were beneficial for civilization. Corresponding cooling events such as the Little Ice Age, though, were uniformly bad news. University of Oklahoma professor David Deming says, “There is an overwhelming bias today in the media regarding the issue of global warming. In the past two years, this bias has bloomed into an irrational hysteria. Every natural disaster that occurs is now linked with global warming, no matter how tenuous or impossible the connection. As a result, the public has become vastly misinformed.”
Global warming is the most exaggerated, and poorly substantiated theory we’ve had shoved down our throats…since at least the New Ice Age scare of the ’70s. Global Warming is one of the biggest and most succesful lies believed by more Americans and Europeans than practically any piece of political propaganda ever. From pre-school on, children in America are brainwashed with this. The media is awash in this false orthodoxy which is believed by "educated" and ignorant persons alike. The Earth Summits, the man-made global warming hypothesis, and the Kyoto Accords are all politically-motivated from far left, anti-God, anti-American communists. Marxist South American Reds generally became "greens" with the collapse of the USSR. They are anti-population (pro-abortion), believe in redistributon of world's wealth, and are anti-private property which, if implemented, would, ironically lead to the most horrific environmental catastrophes ever! Why? Because, abolishing private property and rights to use private property, the true agenda of environmental extremists, has brought about the mass destruction of the enviromnment in Russia and China, the very same Communist nations behind this hoax!

Where you have no private property, you have no accountability and you have a systematic criminal disregard for the future. When The State owns all of the property, no one cares for it. Stewardship and conservation are grounded in the universal human aspiration toward ownership. The powers behind the lie of global warming are hard core globalist communists, and they are trying to destroy what little is left of the American economy. They are responsible for the environmental disasters and enormous crimes of the command economies of Russia and China, such as the massive enviro-crimes in the Russian Siberian oilfields, and the horrific condition of the air and rivers in China, which has 8 of the 10 most polluted cities in the WORLD. All of this contrasts starkly to the pristine environmentalist free-market practices in the North Slope, Alaska.

The treasonous traitorous "leaders" of America, from both parties, are globalists at heart. And they are always looking for new ways to destroy America, such as the open borders and unrestricted immigration, sending our jobs overseas, flooding our market with Chinese products made mostly in slave labor camps, and starting costly, hopeless and unessesary wars like Iraq. Now you can add the myth of Global Warming as a tool to be used against us. The American people have been conned into feeling guilty and embracing their own destruction. It will take a massive campaign by the truth seekers to counter the mainsream propaganda surrounding all of these issues, and to change the the path of self destruction that we are on.

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