Friday, March 07, 2008

Information that isn't presented by the Mainstream Media



As for life, it's consistently composed of ups and downs. There are those who believe that solely changing structures in society can make changes. Others claims that solely changing a person's behavior can make a positive impact in the world. What's the truth? I thought about this issue for a long time. I've look at arguments from both sides of the coin. The truth is that you need systems to changes to help those disadvantaged, oppressed, poor, and hurting. Also, you need to encourage individuals and people to change their way of life in development and improvement of the lives plus their communities. You will never see authentic development among American culture without structural problems and behavior addressed in succesful harmony. For example, immoral laws and immoral systems dealing with prisons, the Drug War, and our civil liberties need to be eliminated. That's why there is nothing wrong with discussing about edcuation, health care, urban areas, rural areas, poverty, foreign policy, etc. Likewise, disccusing about social issues is also vital. Without understanding our social lives, you can't accurately figure out key reasons for the problems in the countries worldwide (not just in the United States of America). These social problems include family problems, abortion (abortion is proven to be murder and infanticide time and time again), the influence of sexual exploitation, Television, etc. Everyone is discussing about the bombing in New York City. The situation is that an explosion occured at a New York City military recruiting center. Early Thursday morning is the time of the explosive occurence. The FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, and other federal agencies were at the scene in Times Square. The newsmedia showed the coverage of the cloud of smoke ascending into the air. Some of the mainstream media propelled up it as almost as big as 9/11 for a temporary period of time. Authorities have widen their investigation into the Times Square bombing. Also, Senator Diane Feinstein said that she recieved a letter saying that "we did it." Although, we have to outline critical thinking here. Just because a Senator found a note saying we did it doesn't necessarily mean that letter is somehow connected to the excruciating bombing in Times Square. NBC reported that law enforcement officials found no connection between that letter and the bombing.  There is no evidence on who did it right now. Terry Leighton, who is 48 years old and is from London was a witness to some of the disaster. Terry was staying on the 21st floor of the Marriot and he said that he heard thunder. Yet, later he saw smoke outside and witness the after effects of the explosions in Times Square. Some Neo-Cons of course are over exaggerating the occurence and blaming the anti-war movement as provoking this event. For example, Michelle Malkin demonize people demonstrating in front of military recruitment centers across the nation. You may agree or disagree with that, but doing demonstrations is part of the First Amendment right of free speech period, end of story. Suppressing that right, ultimately suppresses the rest of our rights. I rather see protests peacefully in America than neo cons bombing innocent third world nations and occupying those nations. The truth is that the anti-war movement in general has always been peaceful. In the late 1960's and the early 1970's, the federal government created COINTELPRO and Operation Choas to infiltrate many peaceful protestors in other to promote violence and rabble-rousing. Robert O'Harrow Jr. and Ellen Nakashima from the Washington Post at March 6, 2008 reported on a new federal government plan. This plan revolves around several thousand law enforcement agencies creating a foundation of domestic intelligence system via computer networks. As a result, it will analyze tons of information to "fight crime" and get rid of terror plots. They want to merge information into data warehouses. The government hopes that this network will be part of a fledgling Justice Department system called the National Data Exchange, or N-DEx. Even now, advanced systems exist called Coplink. Coplink is a commercial data mining system invovling about 1,600 law enforcement agencies. Coplink can find nicknames, height, wieght, color of hair, etc. of certain people in a matter of seconds. What's the purpose of this. Thomas McNamara, chief of the federal Information Sharing Environment office, said he wants regional systems to share information. This is of course the truth. This is about the integration of systems into a centralized database (i.e. Much of the advanced Big Brother are controlled and integrated into the Pentagon and its DARPA-like systems facilitating the military industrial complex). Some like Thomas may claim it doesn't infringe on our privacy, but our privacy is infringed all of the time with cameras everywhere, the Real ID Act, free speech zones, RFID chips in our vehicles and even our clothes, etc. Press TV from Friday, at March 7, 2008 talked about a National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq making it public in jeopardy to a certain degree. These U.S. Intelligence officials making up of 16 intelligence agencies and Mike McConnell (the Director of National Intelligence) are fighting on whether to get the estimate on Iraq to the public. The release of the assessment was scheduled to be delivered by Army General Jesuit-trained David H. Patraeus to the Congress in early April. McConnell, in internal guidance issued in October, said that the intelligence policy shouldn't be declassified. The reality is that disclosure and transparency is the essence of true government. All of the intelligence report pertaining to Iraq and Iran ought to be made known to the public. Some of the information shown here is very unpopular. I know it, but popularity doesn't matter. The truth matters the most.

Jerome Corsi wrote about the North American Union agenda again. Corsi wrote of the increased tactic that members and proponents of the SPP (or the Security Properity and Partnership. It's made up of unelected bureaucrats from heads of state to cabinet members) are trying to lie and deny it's trying to create a North American Union. Corsi found this out from an internal memo from Canada's Foreign Affairs and Internal Trade ministry. The memo is an internal government description of the third SPP summit. That was held in Montebello, Quebec in August 20-21st 2007. In that place, folks' rights were restricted with barriers, etc. Additionally,  the North American Competitiveness Council or the NACC played a big role in the North American integration agenda. In fact, NACC was the only group meeting behind closed doors with the SPP in the Canadian meeting. US, Mexico, and Canada officials are involved in this endeavor. The memo admits that:  "In closing, all leaders expressed a desire for the NACC to play a role in articulating publicly the benefits of greater collaboration in North America..."and "...In terms of building public support, President Bush suggested engaging the support of those who had benefited from NAFTA and from North American integration (including small business owners) to tell their stories and humanize the impressive results..." They deny a North American integration plan, but CFR member Robert Pastor called for a North American biometric boundary plus Pastor called for North American highways in 2005.   The SPP Documents outline a harmonization of laws within America, Mexico, and Canada. Now, this proves that the North American trilateral integration agenda exists. These development are eerily similar to the European Union development (which has enormous Bilderberg Group/Vatican influence). Hence, it's important to expose the North American Union and oppose it. Additionally, it's vital for us to refute the disinformation coming out from the SPP denying North America integration plans. NAFTA has caused problems in America. There is the open trucking part of NAFTA (allowing Mexicans trucks to roam America while competing with American unions. In 2007, the U.S. trade deficit with Mexico soared 16 percent to $73 billion, which a record. The U.S. trade deficit with China shot up 10 percent to $256 billion, which is the largest trade deficit ever between any two countries. The 2 previous sentences outline the dire consequences of the NAFTA agreement). Protectionism made America's economic growth extremely high in the late 1800's.  Legitimate tariffs have brought a bone to American society. Now, a sinking dollar and lost of our sovereignity is here. What can we do? We can give tax incentives to companies that maintain their businesses here, we should have tariffs in some circumstances, we should reform our economic system to benefit the poor and the middle class, and we ought to institute any prohibitons against threats to our national sovereignity. We should eliminate the Federal Reserve bank (which constantly spew out fiat, low valued currency), and other actions.  There is a disinformation campaign out there in the alternative media. One is the concerted effort to omit the Vatican/Jesuit connection to the new world order while constantly talking about the Labor Zionists. There is nothing wrong exposing evil Labor Zionists. Yet, some still refuse to expose the leadership of the Vatican, the Jesuits, the Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, the Knights of Columbus, etc. If they continue to do that, they're  only getting some of the truth. The Vatican/Jesuit connection to the new world order is a large component of the new world order plan. For example, The CIA was created with help from the Vatican is the first easy point. The CIA came from the OSS (After World War Two, the Vatican praticipated in the Ratline to send war criminals into America, South America, etc). One inventor of the CIA was Reinhard Gehlen. He was a Roman Catholic and was awarded the cross of the Knights of Malta. For decades, many Knights of Malta have members of the CIA from Colby to others. In the 1980's, the Vatican and the CIA (plus working with Honorary 33rd Degree Freemason) admitted to work together to end the fraudulent Cold War (resulting in unleashing a new era in global government planning). That's recorded in TIME Magazine. Now, some anti-Semites and others say that the Jesuits don't rule anything. That's just false. One reason is that the Jesuit control dozens of Universities globally training world leaders for centuries from Lyndon Johnson, Bill Clinton, and others. The Jesuits and the Vatican are the biggest supporters of illegal immigration in America. That's a historical fact. Many Jesuits are leaders in the Ecumencial Movement and have high political power like Mr. Hesburgh. Also, many Knights of Malta are heads of many international power. They include Geoffrey Boisi, Lord Guthrie, Steven Saxton (the head of Hollywood International), and other corporate chieftains globally. The Papal Knight of St. Gregory and multibillionare Rupert Murdoch is the biggest media mogul in the world. Numerous Popes supported genocide in the Crusades, Inquistion, the Ustashi Massacres, and other disasters. Many Popes have called for the new world order like Pope John Paul II and Benedict XIV (not all Catholics are involved with, but their leadership are). Pope Paul VI (Montini)  stated that the United Nations was "the last great hope for mankind."To omit the Vatican/Jesuit influence to me is just as much disinformation as to omit the Labor Zionist connection to world events. Mexican Military Incursions coming into America have been documented all over the place.  Sara Cater wrote of these circumstances. Carter is a National Security and Pentagon reporter for the Washington Times. Unfortunately, most of the mainstream media isn't reporting this subject. It's almost taboo to them. The deal is that Mexican  troops are coming into America illegally to aide illegal smugglers. Sara Carter is known for her reporting on the border and recieved awards as well. Therefore she has a lot of credibility on this issue. Ms. Carter exposed how the Border Patrol is telling the Mexican government on the location of the Minutemen and other civilian border patrol groups praticipating in apphrending illegal immigrants. It's no secret that in Border town cities like Nuevo Laredo possess super amounts of violence occuring there. The violence is readily involving drug cartels (like Los Zetas performing corruption). Kidnapping of Americans citizens occur at the border and innocent Mexican have been murdered by drug gangs. A Former DEA Agent named Celerino "Cele" Castillo III said that Mexican Commandos are performing Killings In the South West region of the US To Protect the Bush Drug Cartel.  Castillo said that some of these Los Zetas criminals was trained by the US Government to monitor the controlled narcotis operations. The drug commando group Los Zetas is a real terrorist organization. Now, if you juxtaposed al-Qaeda with Los Zetas, mainstream media coverage would be off the chart. It's not shown since the media don't want to see real solutions to illegal immigration created immediately (That would be security first, deporting felons, and punishment for illegal immigrants who want to have citizenship). Now, not all Mexicans or Hispanic people are involved with this situation. So, I want to make that perfectly clear. It's like many Americans were involved in the coup at Chile at 1973, but not all Americans should be blamed for that. There is a story of Hazel McCallion. She first elected Mayor of Mississauga in 1978 and she is the longest serving mayor in its history. She recieved many titles and honors signifying that she has some power. Her titles includes being a Honorary international member of Beta Sigma Phi, being a honorary member of the Rotary Club, and named as Dame in the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta, the Hereditary Order. Therefore, the Knights of Malta and the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem have their influence globally to this day. The mainstream media don't report much of the previous information. The good news is that the real alternative media is showing the total truth and we don't need deception anymore. Weather modification technology is being exposed also by many. I still believe in gun rights as found in the Second Amendment. I don't give in and I don't give up. I am an independent thinking man who understands what's going on.




By Timothy




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