Monday, March 24, 2008

The Saga of Life

Information floods the world. Now, Bill Richardson days ago endorsed Barack Obama in his run for President of the United States. Richardson believed that Barack has the capability to further unite the nation despite problems. He sees Obama as a person who can develop prescriptions to what's plaguing America from the health care crisis to the economic instability. Since Bill Richardson was once a high ranking official in the Clinton adminstration, some Clinton officials are upset at him. Richardson commented that he had a heated phone call with Hillary Clinton over the development. Hillary is known for her temper. James Carville went as far as comparing Bill Richardson subscribing to the Obama campaign as equivalent with Judas selling out Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. James Carville believes this was a betrayal. Hillary Clinton's communications member Howard Wolfson counters that charge that a Barack Obama ally called Bill Clinton as utilizing McCarthy-like tactics. Senator Joe McCarthy was known for his agressive, sometimes innapropriate questioning of folks accused of being Communists. McCarthy was Jesuit trained at Marquette University. He was also an ally of Jesuit Edmund Walsh. Walsh was a Jesuit who believed in promoting the contrived Cold War. Preemptive warfare was one tenet of Walsh's philosophy. He was a friend of 33rd Degree Freemason Douglas MacArthur, and other U.S. elites throughout the 20th century. I've seen pictures of Walsh and world leaders uniting together. McCarthy was right that many Communists infiltrated certain leaders of the American government after WWII. Yet, he didn't realize the bigger picture that the Communists and the cartel-capitalists are funded and controlled by the same people (who are high level Freemasons, the Pilgrim Society, the Vatican/Jesuits, and the Bilderbergers. Bloodlines like the Merovingians, the Black Nobility, Rothschild, Astor, Onassis, Collins, Rockefeller, and others headed many of these power structures as well. Fritz Springmeier and others have documented this). World elite power is like a pyramid where the top few know all of the pro-globalism agenda, while those down in the pyramid are exploited the most in large numbers. That's how the top 1% (of the most wealthy and most politically powerful) own most of the wealth in the world. They just use their underlings to execute evil policies like population control, gun bans, liberty suppression, the IMF & World Bank controlling the Third World, and the like. The Democratic campaign is still going on with Obama acquiring more popular votes. Richardson is a member of the Bohemian Grove, while the Bill Clinton administration has tons of CFR members in them. The distracting Reverend Wright controversy (since Obama repuidated his comments). His comments are similar to other preachers. Yet, I'm not a hypocrite since some of what Wright, Hagee, and the late Jerry Falwell said are true. Those things are that abortion is immoral, governments lie all of the time, the government has tested poisonous drugs on its citizens, and the government ships drugs into this nation like mercury. I don't agree with everything said by Jeremiah Wright, but he has a First Amendment right to say them. This unnecessary scrutiny of preachers is one anti-free speech tactic going on in America and other nations for thousands of years. Now, this issue could further polarize Americans of different backgrounds. Unfortunately, this issue could consume the campaign. Obama tried to project himself as the Democratic candidate who happens to be have black descent. Yet, many of his distractors want him to be just another black candidate. Also, some may vote against Barack who in fact might vote for John McCain in the general election since many dislike the personality plus policies of Hillary Clinton. BBC from Sunday, at March 23, 2008 reported on how plans to fingerpint passengers are being probed in the United Kingdom. A watchdog group is doing a probing. The UK's Information Commissioner's Office spoke that Heathrow's airport may be violating the Data Protection Act. That Act dispulates that data or prints given in the airport must be encypted and destoryed within 24 hours. The Uk wants the fingerprints in an attempt to inhibit "terrorism." Prosecution could be possible if the airport acted immorally. The reality is that Big Brother is an instrument of control now with cameras everywhere and our privacy constantly violated. Michael Backman from Global Reseearch on Monday, at March 24, 2008 described interesting information on the Tibet deal. Michael Backman wrote a stirring article on how the Dalai Lama was on the CIA payroll since the late 1950's. Therefore, the Lama is an instrument of U.S. intelligence. Is the Dalai Lama, a true man of peace or is there more to him? Since, he projects himself as a political and spiritual leader, he should be strongly questioned and held accountable as all leaders should be. When he was the leader of Tibet before his exile of 1959, Backman wrote that monks collected taxes, jailed, and tortured dissenters. According to Michael Backman, until the 1970's, the CIA gave Tibet $1.7 million per year. Many expatriate Tibetan question the economic corruption of monies collected in the name of the Dalai Lama. It's interesting and ironic that te recent Tibetan uprisisng against the dictatorship of China is just months prior to the Beijing Olympic games. Many of the Dalai Lama's relatives are in leadership positions in the Tibetan government in exile. It would be better if independent citizens have more control over the Tibetan independence movement than just the Dalai Lama. Former Chinese Communist Party official named Ruan Ming believe that China is staging riots in order to demonize Tibet. Hence, China isn't innocent in this affair as well. Jerome R. Corsi on March 18, 2008 described more about the NAU. He wrote about how Bush and U.S. officials lied about them denying that a NAFTA Superhighway existed. Although, Eduardo Aspero, who is the President of the Mexican Intermodal Association, told a recent luncheon sponsored by the Free Trade Alliance San Antonio that transportation linking the USA, Mexico, and Canada is key to the future of NAFTA. Intermodal means to the ability to carry a container by different modes of transporation like ship, truck, and railroad without having to unpack or repack the container. Terri Hall, founder of the San Antonio Toll Party attended the speech in San Antonio. Aspero talked about China (via a firm called Hutchison Ports Holdings) using areas like Lazaro Cardenas as relay areas for more intercontinential trade and highways. He said that Automated Manifest System (AMS) put in place by U.S. Customs in 2002 is a key part of North American intermodal transportation. This is related to the SPP (or Security Prosperity Partnership)'s goal of North American integration. That's nothing more than a North American Union. It's anti-Consitution because an unelected body (headed by selected bureaucrats not by the people or individuals) like the SPP is deciding much of our policies toward Mexico and Canada. The SPP isn't doing anything to stop the reducing of U.S. wages and the decreased U.S. standard of living.

I would mention that McCain, Obama, and Clinton are bounded by the establishment. Without their connections to the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, or the neo-cons, they wouldn't have been given a shot at the Presidency. This doesn't mean they're stupid. All 3 of them are smart, intelligent, and have drive. Abortion is an issue that comes up. I saw an editorial from the Virginian Pilot that made me shocked. It has a person saying that abortion is justified since it's part of a woman's choice and the life in the womb isn't a real life. That's a lie on both accounts. These deceptive statements are what most pro-abortionists utilize to justify the murder of abortion. The truth is that abortion eliminates the choice of the unborn human being to live. It cripples the choice of the mother to concieve the child and end the choices the unborn child has period by ending its life. The unborn child is a human being by many evidence. For example, the unborn child at conception has DNA, its grows, and it's living, therefore it's a human life. Mainstream scientists have called human life beginning at conception. This is so validated that it isn't an issue anymore. Ultrasound images prove the complex development of the unborn human being even in the First Trimester. So, I reject these disgraceful lies which try to demean the humanness of the unborn and try to justify the murder of abortion. That's what abortion is. Abortion is shedding innocent blood via murdering a human being. Abortion is a violation of the 4th Amendment depriving the right to life without due process of law. The unborn is innocent of any crime therefore it shouldn't be murdered at all. Abortion is endorsed by Planned Parenthood, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the global elite. That's why Television constantly talk about abortion being lovely and holy when it isn't. Many liberals don't comprehend this. If you want freedom, the freedom to live is key subscribing to true liberty. Paul Nowak from who is Staff Writer wrote an article on March 24, 2008. Nowak make mention on how an OB/GYN Pro-Life Dr. William Lile handles the abortion issue. Dr. Lile is not only talking about being Pro-life, but he is using his experiences to help others. His DVD presentation outline the bruality of various abortion procedures, especially partial birth abortion. Juliette Collen from
AFP at Saturday, on March 22, 2008 described Sarkozy appointed a man to monitor his name on the Internet. Sarkozy is the present French Prime Minister with connections with the European Union. Nicolas Princen is the Internet advisor of his. He wants to monitor Sarkozy in the aftermath of controversies like Sarkozy arguing with a man. That's really insecure of a man like Sarkozy to worry what folks say in the Internet. The Internet should be free and accessed by all human beings. Sarkozy and Nicolas believe that no ill intent is intented by this policy at all. Now, if you are a secured man in your life, you don't need to worry about what others say about you (whether it's in the Internet or any specific outline). The holiday of Easter/Isthar is over. It really didn't start as a holiday worshipping Jesus Christ. It's actually a day that came from the worship of Isthar (which is a false Goddess. The Druids and other pagans created other concepts in Easter like the word origin, etc.). Recently, relatives from Richmond, Virginia visited me in Norfolk, Virginia. We went to various places and other home. Great comradery transpired among me and my relatives. What was really interesting was one young kid (who was my aunt's daughter) having an extreme amount of energy running around talking to people and hugging. It was suprisingly cold in late March. It was a fun trip for them. They left to go back into Richmond yesterday. They visited a beach in Yorktown before they arrived in Richmond. Hollywood never ceases to amaze their open endorsement of elitists, utopians, and those who agree with a new world order. Leonardo DiCaprio wants to do a film based on the book a Brave New World. This book was written by Aldous Huxley. The reason is thaat DiCaprio as a child would play hide and seek in the gardens owned by the Huxley family. "The Brave New World" is a book describing an oppressive, wicked future where various types of advanced technology infringes on the basic principles of human privacy and human individuality. Aldous Huxley was the grandson of T.H. Huxley. T.H. Huxley endorsed Darwanian Evolution. T. H. Huxley mentored H.G. Wells (an ally of pro-eugenic woman Margaret Sanger). We now H. G. Wells work a book about the new world order in the early 20th century. Aldous Huxley's brother Julian Huxley was a pro-new world order extradionaire. Julian was the first Director General of UNESCO (a group of the U.N. that admittedly promotes globalism), was a founder of the modern environmental movement, and subscribed to some eugenic principles. That's a wild family tree. When you study the Huxley family, there is no doubt you have to research the Coefficent Club and the Round Table Groups (Cecil Rhodes was a founder of the Round Table system including Rhodes Scholar). He admitted that he took inspiration from the Jesuits to create his clique. These groups are Anglophile and desire an Anglo-American type new world system (with England heading it politically of course in their minds). Cecil Rhodes was a member of Freemasonry and he was pro-British imperalism. Robert Cecil , Lord Afred Milner, H. G. Wells, and others were members of Roundtable groups like the Coefficient Club. Back in the early 20th century, the British Labor Party came up (an ally of the Coefficient Club) to support the Bolshevik Revolution, which allowed the Jesuits to be readmitted by Lenin in 1922. What's the point? The point is that these Roundtable groups are part of the UK wing of the elite (or NWO) to infiltrate American society in trying to make us to embrace not only socialism, but a new world order. Some critics of Aldous believe that the Brave New World weren't legitimate warnings of a demented future (or just a expression of science fiction), but plans in favor for such a controlled, Big Brother-style future. On the other hand, much of society today in 2008 is similar to what is outlined in the Brave New World. There are centralized systems (not a true free market) that have huge control over our medical, economic, and political intrastructure like the Federal Reserve, the CIA, the FDA, etc. Biometrics and animal/human hybrids are promoted constantly. It is the technocrats (they are also classified as transhumanists) seeking a future of Singularity or nanotechnology merged with humans in an attempt for "godhood." Man trying to be gods could be one of the oldest goals of some occultists and many members of Secret Societies (and false religions like Mormonism).

There are those who seek a future where humans are in a dictatorship where humans are forced to where biochips. The book of Revelations mentions a time when the Beast or Antichrist forces the world to accept the Mark or they can't eat, buy, or sell. The good news is that the book of Revelations outline the defeat of the Antichrist and the return of the Kingdom of God. It is true that Aldous experimented with drugs like LSD. The CIA took hold of this drug and did research on it. The CIA even released it in the Western part of America like California. The rest is history. He was one of the influences of the development of the present drug culture since many proponents of the recreational use of drugs (like Timothy Leary) followed Aldous' dogmas. He wanted to find drugs to find his self, yet drugs alone can never develop a person spiritually. To spiritually develop yourself, you need to connect with God and follow morality. This war on terror is a degenerate reality in not only killing people in wars, but advocate false-flag terrorism by the government. For example, CFR member Gary Hart said that governments stage terrorism. He also said after 9/11 that he wants a new world order and biological terrorism is a possibility in America. That's why about 917,500 people are on the U.S. terrorist watch list (It has been the case that many on the list are innocent) and al-Qaeda is a creation of the CIA/ISI. There is the Patriot Act, the unfair War on Drugs (which has resulted in non-violent drug offenders unfairly arrested, SWAT Teams pracitipating in some corrupt acts, the bashing of marijuana but not the bashing of antidrepressants which have contributed to the acts of real serial killers. I don't agree with using marijuana, but a non-violent person shouldn't be placed in prison. Not to mention that hemp is banned greatly in the USA when its has tons of benefits in industrial usage). That's why I don't trust the government all of the time. Many of them promote torture (like Alberto Gonzales and John Yoo), they promote poisons (like the brian damaging mercury & sodium flouride plus aspartame), and they kill people all of the time (Just look to Mao's and Stalin's histories for evidence). Now, the solution isn't more government, but limited government including a reformation on how government should act. Life is similar to a saga. There are stories, experiences, and different stages of life.

By Timothy

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