Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Vatican Agenda





Col. Stefano Giovannone - Italian Military Intelligence (SISMI) Officer; P2 Member

<No Pictures; No English Profile>
1976 Arms deals between the PLO and the Red Brigades based on a secret accord between the PLO and the CIA mediated by Colonel Stefano Giovannone, an Italian SISMI (Military Security Information Service, formerly SID) officer in Beirut who collaborated with Abu Ayad in a disinformation operation about the Bologna bombing.


SMOM by mention (Italian)
http://www.strano.net/stragi/stragi/crono/crono81.htm http://www.metaforum.it/archivio/2004/inde...html?t1273.html

Practically the typical Italian 'smoke in the eyes'. The friend Giovannone was the Italian military intelligence boss in Beirut. It is claimed that Aldo Moro, kidnapped on 16th March and killed 55 days after, 30 years ago, was the warranter of a pact of Italian State and terrorist organizations of Palestina, for example the Habbash' front, a warranter whose operative logistic man in Middle East was Giovannone. The radical violent left wing extremists in Italy, belonging to the many outside the parliament political Bolshevik formations, as Pifano, Baumgartner, etc., managed the transit in Italy of weapons and ammunitions for Arafat/Habbash boys. Notice: both right radical wing and left radical wing were, from ideological opposite fronts, symphatising and supporting the Palestina's guerrilleros. Exaclty what happens today, with the NO-global and the Nazi formations hating and desiring the destruction of Israel. So, starting from the Arafat/Habbash puppets, they used them to threw sand and dust in the eyes of the people, claiming that "the bombing in Bologna station on 2nd August" was a revenge of the Arafat or Habbash boys who saw one of their man in Italy arrested and under trial by Italian judges.

To help to avoid the condemn to their guy arrested in Italy, the Habbash' front wrote to an Italian member of the Radical party (what I said about the GREEN NAZI-ISLAMIC Veltroni and the Radical founded magazine L'Espresso?.....Do you know that the electoral campaign of Veltroni party started just on....on.....on the 17th February 2008???!!, the day of creation of Nazi-Islam Vatikan protectorate of Kosovo and the 65th anniversary of Domenikon Massacre.......who do they want to fool???.....).
In the letter the Habbash' terrorists claimed that the weapons (SA 7 Strela manned antiaircratf missiles) were only 'transiting' on the Italian territory and not to be used in Italy, and claimed that they were 'property of Habbash' front'. Yes my friend, your country discover a clandestine trade of antiaircraft missiles and..... the foreign organization which uses them writes to a member of a legal party of Parliament to avoid the application of the penal law on the case!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, this is possible in Italy because.....Italy is a Vatikommunist regime, and the Vatikan always supported the Arafat, Habbash etc. Aldo Moro, leftist Christian Democrat party leader, agreed with other illustrious italians to build the basis of a nearly legal agreement with Palestinians terrorist organizations to help them in the clandestine trade of weapons in Italy!!!!!!!!!!

The other 'illustrious' Jesuits' ass**le lickers collaborators of Aldo Moro: Renato Dell’Andro, Giuseppe Manzari and, ladies and gentlemen,....Leopoldo Elia!!!. Let's read something about the friend Elia (just repeating what told dozen of times):


3 Ottobre
Nella sede romana della rivista dei gesuiti "Civiltà Cattolica", nasce "Carta '93". Si tratta di un gruppo di intellettuali cattolici di punta che si incontrano per la costituzione di "un progetto di rifondazione della politica sul quale sperimentare la capacità di rinnovamento della Dc, anche attuando momenti di raccordo con persone che hanno responsabilità istituzionali e politiche". Primi firmatari: Enzo Balboni, Enrico Berti, Giampaolo D'Andrea, Rosy Bindi, Raffaele Cananzi, Leopoldo Elia, Maria Eletta Martini, Alberto Monticone.

Translation: "....3rd October.....In the Roman seat of Jesuit magazine "Civiltà Cattolica", the "Carta '93" project sees the birth. Are a group of Catholic intellectuals did a meeting to create "a project to re-build the politic and to experimentate the ability to renew the Democratic Christian party, also with links with people with institutional and political responsabilities". The one who signed: Enzo Balboni, Enrico Berti, Giampaolo D'Andrea, Rosy Bindi, Raffaele Cananzi, Leopoldo Elia, Maria Eletta Martini, Alberto Monticone.....".

For Leopolso Elia see above. For Rosy Bindi, she is a pillar of the new Democratic party of Walter Veltroni....... a party born 14 years and 11 days after the Jesuit magazine meeting in 1992, on the 780th anniversary of the purchasing of America by the pope. Amen.

HABBASH' FRONT......>>> STEFANO 'S.M.O.M.' GIOVANNONE......>>> ALDO MORO......>>> LEOPOLDO ELIA......>>> ROSY BINDI.......>>> WALTER VELTRONI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(....whose 55th stage of his electoral campaign occured just in Trieste, the Jesuit city par excellence where always the most assassin Jesuit plots for Balkans travel by, and the same day of the 30th anniversary of Aldo Moro kidnapping, the 16th March 2008, SUN-day....)

9th May 1978 - The corpse of Aldo Moro, 55 days after the kidnapping (9th May.... 9 and 5....95?).
user posted image
Aldo Moro was not only killed to destroy the previous architecture of Italian papal political system (and 14 years later you'll have, just in 1992, the judicial sub coupe which wiped away the old politic parties which were pro-lay-Arab republics...), so for an 'internal' purpose, Moro, the supporter of Arafat and Habbash terrorists (in contact with Giovannone SMOM guy) was killed as a symbolic turning point symbolizing the starting of the "Sympathy for the Islam" strategy. In fact some months later, in September, the previous 30 years cycle started with the birth of Israel state and the clash with the 'lay' Arab republics, ended: Camp David agreements. The 'secular', 'lay' Arab republics are 'sinking', so their human Italian politician symbol, Moro, is 'sinking'....With the turning point between the 70ies and the 80ies the General Superior ordered the rising of the Islam, a Venus appearing from the chaotic waters of the Middle East conflicts, a Venus blessed by the 'crimes' of the 'Jewish' nation. This global wide spin is continuing today, but as other 30 years are passed, this means that this year will be be a 'very, very special year'.... 1948....1978.....2008! But then you have another timing, in fact the fatal 17th February of this year, was also the 16th anniversary of the judicial sub-coupe in Italy called "Mani Pulite" (=Clean Hands, it recalls the Islamic punishment of Cutted Hands), performed by magistrture of Milano!!! And if you noticed it, on the same day of Kosovo Nazi-Islam protectorat birth it occured also the 5th anniversary of the kidnapping of an Islamic man, Abu Omar in..... Milano!!!!!! If you remember my posts, I recalled you that the crucial man of the kidnapping was a Carabineer (like the military with the Baal's flame on fronthead in the above picture) and the occult goal was to threw other s**t on the 'America' indicting 26 C.I.A. agents!!!!!! (and I recall to you that 17th February is 2-17 so an allusion to the fatal year of the famous 500th anniversary...maybe the 'joke' of the 9th May date is an allusion too....).
Yes, my dear friends, you must admit the it doesn't exist another similar pot in the world as Italy, where the Jesuits can cooke so well the s**t of their Lord, Satan!

So let's return to our terrorist friends of Middle East assisted in their job by col. S.MO.M. Stefano Giovannone.
Habbash in the letter to Radical party member claimed that the trade of those SA7 missiles has been agreed with his organization and the Italian embassy in Beirut!

I cut the telenovelas here, a good example you cand find on the (Italian language, sorry) page of "Area", a right wing magazine which support the Black Kommies party National Alliance, so an Itellligence/Jesuit controlled magazine, used to spread further S.M.O.M.'s dust in the eyes:

In the excerpts the mention to Moro and collaborators - I spoke to you above - who managed a nearly-legal agreement with Habbash's front:

A perfezionare i dettagli tecnici di questo gentlemen agreement tra Italia e Olp sarebbero stati gli allora collaboratori giuridici di Moro, il costituzionalista Leopoldo Elia, il giurista Renato Dell’Andro e l’avvocato generale dello Stato Giuseppe Manzari.

".....To develop the technical details of the gentlemen agreement, the juridicial collaborators of Moro, the costitutionalist lawman Leopoldo Elia, the general lawyer of the state Giuseppe Manzari, the law man Renato Dell'Andro....".

Fu proprio Aldo Moro, ministro degli Esteri dal 7 luglio 1973 al 23 novembre 1974, che si fece promotore e portatore di questo nuovo indirizzo di politica estera, inteso a trovare la possibilità giuridica di “non trattenere” in carceri italiane estremisti arabi eventualmente arrestati e che proprio per questo avrebbero provocato o giustificato ulteriori attacchi terroristici nel nostro Paese o contro interessi italiani.

".....Was just Aldo Moro, foreign minister from 7th July 1973 to 23rd November 1974, the one who promoted the new address in the foreign policy, aimed to find the jurisdictional possibility to "not keep in Italian jails" Arab far wing extremists eventually arrested and who just for this reason would have provoked terrorist attacks to our Country or against Italian targets abroad.....".


It is worth a minute to expose the strategy. To do a similar operation (linked with the shoting of DC9 Itavia on 27th June 1980 - see my posts of Dec 26 2007, 02:37 PM on Carabineers' low intensity coup thread) you can't take some agents or militants and to explain what do you want. You have to move your idiot puppets supplying them other goals, other purposes, other plans, which are very very very at the opposite of yours, but whose final result will coincide with the ones you have in mind. So meanwhile your puppets will act thinking to help their 'Palestine', etc., they'll move - without realizing it - for other occult purposes. To cover this occult purposes, the destruction of the secular society and the restoration of the feudal Catholic dictatorship in the world - NWO - you'll find useful to utilize their motivations. After the massacres only the partial strumental motivations would remain, like a smoke to hide the true goals. So you can engineer a Massacre whose real purposes are different of the ones of the executioners. Probably is true that Arafat boys putted the bomb in the Bologna station to do a 'revenge' against the Italian Intelligence which betrayed them. They thought to do a revenge. But what they will never tell to you is that the Italian Intelligence, obeying the order of the Italian Provincial, purposely betrayed OLP.....because what all they need was a terrible massacre. (And it is credible that Giovannone SMOM guy was the-mail pigeon not only carrying messages among Rome and Habbash but also manipulating them....in order to assure a 'well calibrated betrayal'.....)

WHAT TELLS YOU THE LOKI MHYTOS? It is the same of Longine's story: a blind god was invited to threw an arrow to a target. But his hand was helped by another god who aimed the arch against a man.... the blind one then was not aware to have killed a man, just thought to have hit a piece of wood.... Yes, this is the reason for which today you have a chaos in the world, it doesn't matter what intention you have, what matter is: can it serves the Jesuits goals? So it works for aliens, chemtrails, etc....

Best regards from a North Adriatic Anti-catholic and Anti-islamic isolationist

“We don’t teach to honour and venerate the virgin Mary and the saints…Or to make out of them images of idols and gods, to pray them for clemency and mercy for the sins in every disgrace, to build them churches, donation offer, all that God, angels and saints severely forbid.
But demons, which assume the image of angels, goddess virgin Mary and saints and appear to ignorant popes, bishops, parishes and monks, to old witches and to the prostitute of the parishes and of the monks, impose them to be bigot, to torment themselves, to fall to the ground,… and to all these people the demons announce that now on this, now on a different mountain, on the field, or in the forest, churches have to be built, in order to bring there donations and to celebrate masses, in order to bring there wealth from everywhere, and every kind of cattle; and if they don’t do that, the goddess Mary and the saints will destroy with lightning all the corn-fields and the vineyards and will kill them with the plague.”

Brother Primoz Trubar (father of the modern Slovenia definitively expired on 17ht February 2008 and founder of the Slovenian Protestant Church, 1508 - 1586).



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