Friday, January 14, 2011

More News on Pro-Life Issues

DOC jailed for trying to poison ex-lover to kill their unborn baby is caught plotting revenge

Daughter of Planned Parenthood nurse reveals Wiccan worship inside abortion clinics

Huffington Post uses biased reporter to attack Maafa21 which exposes a eugenics plot of black genocide from abortion


African American Pastor on the personhood of unborn children

Abortion: the Darfur of the black community


George Hanshaw   16 hours ago (12:59 AM)
In fact, the history of the 'progressi­ve' movement is NOT without a fair amount of racism, at least as far as the eugenics movement is concerned. One has only to read the Buck vs Bell opinion of Oliver Wendell Holmes:http://en.­wikipedia.­org/wiki/B­uck_v._Bel­l
and the early writings of Margaret Sanger to understand that these people truly DID believe tat the 'lesser classes' (typically colored) were less worthy of procreatio­n than the (predomina­ntly white) upper classes:http://en.­wikipedia.­org/wiki/R­acial_Inte­grity_Act_­of_1924


Whatever the CURRENT feelings about racial supremacy by the Planned Parenthood organizati­on, their early history was indisputab­ly racist.


George Hanshaw   16 hours ago (1:13 AM)
You know if I were to produce statistics that the African-Am­erican community was over-repre­sented in traffic stops or harsh jail sentences or any other adverse action, the 'progressi­ves' would be all over the statistics as proof of societal racism. But if I say that the African-Am­erican community is grossly over-repre­sented in terminatio­n of pregnancie­s, the 'progressi­ves' go, 'ho-hum.'

Why do you think that is?


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