Monday, January 10, 2011

More News

SPLC blames Ayn Rand, David Icke and Others for Arizona Shooting

fadetoblack Reply:

Yea, good call birther! The scary thing is, you could be more on target than you actually realize! These SPLC people have surpassed the propaganda of the ACLU and the ADL by leaps and bounds! They’ve brought it to a new all time high.

webviewer Reply:

Ayn Rand’s was Russian and he read the Communist Manifesto — O.k. it’s Rand’s fault.
After reading some of Rand, I felt she was pitting the rich vs. poor and also fracturing taking care of family in favor of following ones dreams and personal goals. Where family was left on the back burner or out in the cold. — That is what I got from some of what I read of her writings.
There would have been no “This is a Wonderful Life”, and Mr. Potter would have won.

junkyarddog Reply:

Thanks to the folks like potok and splc we have a differing of view point. We can always expect that splc will come foreward with a theory laced with bull___ to interject non-common sense into an very unfortunate and sad incident. Know this… Americans are becoming more and more disgruntled with a congress that is out of touch with the people. It takes only a few socio/psycopaths to undo hundreds of years of freedoms that our forefathers fought for.
Can anyone, and I do mean anyone get podunk to explain how he came to his conclusions?? Better, again, thank him for showing his ignorance “in public” and thank him for his retoric of freedom of speach. Possibly, he will awaken a few once Americans and we will be able to engage in some real discourse again in our life times.

RepublicConstitution Says:

If the guy was “anti-government”, then why would he try to enlist in the military?

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