Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Real Power

Male, Age Private, Chicago, IL
Posted January 11, 2010

ok, I lied, I got one more thing to share with you, and it's an excerpt from Trojan Horse: Death of a Dark Nation regarding "black power"


Q: What about rich black entertainers and athletes? They don?t work for Corporate America. Isn't that "black power?"

A: All black entertainers work for Corporate America in one fashion or another. Corporate America controls everything that happens in the entertainment industry; whether it's the movie, music, television, radio, news, advertising,
publishing, or sports industry.

It is impossible to be a successful black (or white) entertainer if you do not have access to movie theaters, chain music and bookstores, comedy clubs, stadiums, ballparks, cable, radio, magazine, and television. The corporations that control the airwaves, athletic arenas, retail stores, networks, movie, and television studios, and advertisers are more powerful than all the black entertainers combined.

Money is NOT synonymous with power. Power is NOT a paycheck; even a forty-million-dollar one. The person with the most power is the one who SIGNS THE CHECK. For every black person who is paid in the millions, there are whites behind the scenes making BILLIONS.

Q: If money isn't power, what is power?

A: Power is self-evident. Power answers to no one other than God, himself. Power is the ability to determine the status quo and who sits at the top of the pecking order. Power is the ability to determine what is news and what is not.

Power is controlling the financial, political, and educational institutions so you and your kind benefit. Power is the ability to CONTROL your own images and the images of those who are less powerful than you are. Power is the ability to determine WHO goes to jail, for what crime, and for how long. Power is the ability to VOTE in an election and STILL HAVE THAT VOTE COUNTED.

even though it goes on to describe "black power," I'll end here and now, back to work I go...


Female, 41, Charlotte, NC
Posted January 12, 2010

As far as the book, I promise I'll see what I can do by the weekend. Just might blog about it. :)

But, when I hear about all the reason why we(blacks) do not and cannot do these things, I wonder if blacks ever collectively tried?

It seems that the issue always
is, the white man won't let me, and that to me is old news. Alone its hard for us to do anything, but together I believe we can do a lot if we weren't so selfish and out for ourselves.


Male, Age Private, Fort Wayne, IN
Posted January 12, 2010

I agree so ardently....and I've been fighting this fight for years....As a matter of fact..I wrote a script and tried to shop it ito various entities in the business....I got as far as the Networks....but they closed the door....If you are not in the writers guild...you cannot present anything...they won't accept your work....let me know what you think...its exciting that there are other African Americans who are progressive and are willing to speak their minds.....peace


Male, Age Private, Chicago, IL
Posted January 13, 2010

1-LL wrote: "But, when I hear about all the reason why we(blacks) do not and cannot do these things, I wonder if blacks ever collectively tried?"

ME: 1-LL, blacks have a long collective history of "trying," from slave rebellions, Civil War, Reconstruction, Black Wall Street, the Civil Rights Movement to hundreds of grass roots organizations, authors, scholars, business people, artists, and other ambitious black individuals etc, etc,

"Collective efforts" mean producing our own black films, plays, shows, books, and there is plenty of evidence that thousands of black people are making that effort...


If black people do not control the MEANS (FCC licenses, TV networks and stations, movie theater chains, distribution networks, financing, sponsors, etc) to get our products into movie theaters, on network OR cable TV, Borders Books, etc,

Our efforts will fall always short. If Bill Cosby's millions didn't mean JACK when he wanted to buy NBC, then something ELSE is going on other than black folks not trying hard enough.

Until we UNDERSTAND what it means to non-whites UNDER THE CONTROL of a white supremacy system that INTENDS to keep us UNDER ITS CONTROL, we will keep asking the same questions

The white supremacists who control the media (who are more than just "white people") know how important it is to control the images of the people they oppress

They also know that WE (the oppressed) DO NOT KNOW what is happening to us, and think that a black folk with a big title or big paycheck = power. A person getting a $40 million "paycheck" is just a well-paid EMPLOYEE.

1-LL: It seems that the issue always is, the white man won't let me, and that to me is old news. Alone its hard for us to do anything, but together I believe we can do a lot if we weren't so selfish and out for ourselves.

ME: I understand your frustration with excuses. I agree that black folk MUST overcome our selfish ways and learn to put GROUP INTERESTS ("we") above SELF INTERESTS ("just about me") -- at least some of the damn time, which is partly what my post was about.

Selfishness means we REFUSE to put our insatiable (and ridiculous) need for endless entertainment on hold and to say "NO" to humor that degrades black people.

However, in a white supremacy system RACISM is ALWAYS the issue, like it was in Katrina, our inferior black schools, Jena Six, police murders of unarmed BM & BW, etc...

Until we stop denying that there are powerful forces OUTSIDE our own personal control that affect our lives as black people, we will NOT be able to DEFEAT those forces.

It's like a person locked up in a concentration camp who keeps telling themselves, "I ain't locked up, I'm in control of this! I can leave anytime I want!"

Does that make sense OR is it better to ADMIT you are locked up THEN plan a way to get out?Admitting you are locked up (being mistreated) is NOT the same as making excuses, that's accepting your REALITY so you can do something about it (like get the hell out of jail)
(dag, you know how to make a bro work for his, 1-LL....lol)


Male, Age Private, Chicago, IL
Posted January 13, 2010

214444 wrote: "I agree so ardently....and I've been fighting this fight for years...I wrote a script and tried to shop it to various entities in the business....I got as far as the Networks....but they closed the door....If you are not in the writers guild...you cannot present anything...they won't accept your work...."

ME: That's exactly what I've heard from aspiring TV writer friends of mine. Here's one of the stories told to me (no names given for obvious reasons)

My friend had a meeting with some studio and network execs because he was up for a writing assignment for a comedy feature. The meeting had been set up by his agent/manager, and the execs had read his spec script and were aware of his produced credits.

When he arrived, the assistant looked at him and said, "You wrote that script?" because they weren't expecting to see a black man. Things went downhill from there.

When he got into the room, the execs were waiting for him with fake pleasant expressions on their faces. He was supposed to be there to share his ideas on how he would write the script for a particular story idea they wanted developed. But now that he was there in person, things had changed.

They told him that they had decided to go in a "different direction" from what they had told his agent when the meeting was set up. He said that wasn't a problem, just tell him what they wanted and he would adjust.

They hemmed and hawed and then said that they didn't really want an "urban" treatment. Remember, "urban" is code for "black." Mind you, my friend hadn't yet said a word about his ideas, and they had had no idea he was black from his written work. At that point, he knew he wasn't getting the job.

The problem is black folks are always playing on someone else's game board by THEIR rules (which they constantly change at a moment's notice).

We want to be part of "their thing" because we think it's the only game in town BUT black folks spend too much money on "entertainment" to have to be on ANYBODY'S game board, but like 1-LL says, we are too selfish to come together collectively and do what needs to be done.

It's easier just to flip a DVD into the player and sit back with a bag of microwave popcorn...

Likewise, it's good to hear from black folk like yourself who are thinking on a progressive level...

We talk about "Hollywood" in our book, Trojan Horse: Death of a Dark Nation" and in our upcoming book, we will cover it in full depth.

when u get time check out:

Amazon link:
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obi dos/tg/detail/-/0982206100/ref =ord_cart_shr?_encoding=UTF8&a mp;m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&v=glanc e


Male, Age Private, Chicago, IL
Posted January 13, 2010

Roc5577 said: "This is a good topic and should be discussed more. I agree with you crammaster good black shows are always placed in bad time slots,canceled,hard to find on any channel, or dumbed down so there can be a young audience to watch it. If no one in hollywood ever question this and bring this out in the open, it will continue to be ignored."

ME: Right, right,

even though good black shows make money (hell, black folk watch more TV percentage wise than any damn body), it's like TV networks are allergic to intelligent black folk acting intelligent with other intelligent black folk...

I remember that TV show, Roc, with Charles Dutton who played a garbage man, and it was alright as long as they were cute and funny, but the second Roc got serious with his, and confronted some drug dealer in his neighborhood and STOOD HIM DOWN like a MAN, the show was history...

I remember thinking, aw hell naw, what if Roc gives us BM watching some funny ideas, like STANDING UP LIKE A MAN and putting our lives on the line to protect our communities, women and children? And I thought to myself, this show ain't got long to be on the air -- and sure enough, a few weeks later Roc got CANCELLED

I've watched good black shows that showed black people as FULLY HUMAN bite the dust, while Tyler Perry's BUFOON-MEDY (buffoon comedy) is on 5, 6 days a week, 2 or 3 times a day, and I know what time it is...

So, my short term solution is to TURN THE TV OFF and tell my kids to pick up a book and make sure they see my a____ reading, and if they watch something, we watching it in the same room and if I see something, i'm gonna level with them about what I'm seeing and ask them what they're seeing

now, don't get me wrong, I can't watch them 24-7 and I ain't trying to cause I don't want them sheltered,

but I also let them know what is happening with our images and why it's happening (a baby-sized explanation)

and sometimes, they come back and say,

"Daddy! Did you see that? They trying to make black folk look stupid!"

and I say, "yeah, baby, that's right, and we ain't falling for that sh___ (oops), are we?"



Male, Age Private, Chicago, IL
Posted January 28, 2010

No, we're not defeated -- but we will lose the war by default if we continue on our present path

I got a question for you.

Black folk have spent the last 40, 50 years, marching, begging, protesting, and asking for acceptance (on our knees) trying to assimilate (convince whites to love and accept us).

How well has that worked out?

The consequences of black folk NOT being able to feed, clothe, house, employ, educate, or protect ourselves are all around us

YET too many of us STILL think IR relationships, assimilation, kissing white a__, disrespecting and abandoning each other is the answer.

No, that is admitting DEFEAT

I just got an email from a young BM I mentored at work (who got laid off a year ago). He can't find a job and I had to tell him, brother, we?re going to have to CREATE our own jobs. If this economy falls, the only options will be the military, the prison, or the cemetery for black males

Unless we shake off these mental chains, take control of our minds and bodies, and work with OUR women to build our communities, businesses, and families

And that starts with the BM providing for AND protecting the children WE ALREADY HAVE


For those brothers who squirm and protest what I am saying, who want to point the finger at our women, let me say this

Are we MEN who can determine for OURSELVES what a man is?

Or do we allow the females to define MANHOOD?

If they are out of order, does that mean we have to be? Can we honestly say that the condition of our women is not a direct reflection of us NOT BEING FATHERS, HUSBANDS, PROVIDERS AND PROTECTORS? Can we honestly look at our communities and say the women are mainly to blame?

Come on now...

The man is the HEAD, the LEADER, the one who determines the quality of life for the women and children. Once we change, the UNIVERSE (God) will respond in kind -- that's what I believe (since I can't and won't talk for God)

I told the young BM to get back into school, focus on getting a REAL trade or skill, not a degree, even if that means taking one class at a time. He's got to stay busy, and focus on a goal.

I didn't tell him this, that if I see that he's SERIOUS about doing what he needs to do, I'm going to find a way to help pay for those classes, God willing...

The reason I didn't make that offer upfront is he hasn't shown ME that he's serious about getting his sh*t together, and I'm not investing one dime if he isn't. Show me...

In my blogs I promote black unity 24-7. Some black folks don't like that. Some are scared of it because somebody white might hear us. Some have no idea what I'm talking about and won't ask. Some think they don't need other black folk UNTIL the white boot reaches that black a__ and they lose their jobs, homes, and even their lives.

Let me repeat for the last time, Black unity is NOT anti-white or anti-Asian, etc, it's PRO-SURVIVAL. Given our critical black mass situation, BM have no business whatsoever talking about love is color blind -- at least NOT TO ME --

NOT when black folks are falling behind every group in the nation, being murdered by cop, driving while black, being undereducated, miseducated, unemployed, and financially and psychologically destroyed because of COLOR.
Non-black females have other options for survival (called non-black men), they are NOT interested in our survival as a race, they know nothing about raising sane black kids, and so offer little or nothing to our chances of survival.

The book my partners and I wrote offers info and solutions that will start us on the road to overcoming our oppression. There are no magical overnight solutions to something that took 500 YEARS to create so we offer no Barack-like fairy tales.

That's why as bad as it seems right now, we're not giving up. We might not be successful, we might not reach enough people, most black folk might reject what I'm saying here, but at least, at the end of the days (and my life) I can say we TRIED.


Male, Age Private, Chicago, IL
Posted January 31, 2010

One last thing...

I hear this theme over and over:

if black men or women have treated me wrong, that's the whole world

that's a flawed way of thinking. Our problems are bigger than that. We have to see a bigger picture and take our own personal issues and hangups out of that picture.

Otherwise, all you have a narrow, myopic and FALSE view of the world and that won't lead to any solutions.


ME: I never denied that we have ATTEMPTED to assimilate. However, we have not been successful because we are NOT accepted, only TOLERATED. That is not integration or assimilation

That would more accurately describe what we have been doing here in America. If you doubt this, look at our situation right now. The highest unemployment rate, including those of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. We don't control our schools, our neighborhoods, the stores in our communities, we can't feed, house, clothe, employ, educate OR protect ourselves...

we don't even control our own images....

so more attempts to "assimilate" are economically, and psychologically SUICIDAL

because we control nothing, we cannot easily choose to not obey laws unless we are willing and prepared for the consequences. It makes no sense to do what we are NOT prepared to do unless we have other alternatives for survival.

This is why I promote BLACK UNITY. But folks have got to be willing to do their part, make sacrifices, and educate ourselves

I haven't accepted defeat, but I understand it's easy to assume it's a done deal.

Like the Bible says, "My people perish for lack of knowledge."



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