Newt Gingrich has been targeted by everyone. He has been targeted by his own party, the media, and other individuals. Gingrich was the U.S. Speaker of the House in the 1990’s. People don’t know something about him. In the 1960’s, Gingrich was much more liberal than today. He was known as a Rockefeller Republican even. He expressed these ideals while he was a graduate student from Tulane University in Louisiana. Ironically, Newt Gingrich condemned the Occupy Movement (as in need of getting a job or needing soap) in the sense of some wanting criticizing the counterculture. When he was in Tulane, Gingrich criticized how corrupt the New Orleans conservative elite were. He wrote about wanting the city of New Orleans to be more progressive culturally and economically in order for folks to oppose the racism of the old elite. David Kramer exposed this truth and he is Gingrich’s longtime friend. Newt’s own children were sent into Head Start at a local pre-school and he support efforts to give opportunities to the poor and minorities back then. Gingrich worked with the SDS or the Student for a Democratic Society. The SDS was a student radical group in America. The SDS opposed the Vietnam War and lead protests across America including in the city of Washington, D.C. Gingrich worked to promote nude pictures in a campus magazine in Tulane. Other demonstrations by Newt’s activist group targeted the New Orleans offices of Merrill Lynch, a department store and a local bank, all of which had executives sitting on the Tulane Board of Administrators. Got that? Newt Gingrich led a protest against a bank. A SDS activist named Eric Gordon worked with Gingrich too. Now, Gingrich is opposing the Occupy Movement when he supported radicals himself back in the late 1960’s. The group co-founded by Gingrich, known as MORTS (Mobilization of Responsible Tulane Students), went on to publish (under his leadership) to make reforms to benefit students in Tulane. Some question Newt Gingrich’s sincerity in changing his political views. Some feel that he changed his views to adjust to new political times as decades came on from the 1960’s. Newt Gingrich has been very controversial. His campaign is in the Iowa primary. Today, Newt Gingrich is not a liberal of course. He is mostly a center-right man except on economic issues & foreign policies matters (when he is a war hawk. He is as hawkish as Cheney, the PNAC crew, and yes AIPAC). No one knows who will get the Republican nomination, but Gingrich will have an influence in the election of 2012 whether he wins or loses. Ironically, the establishment media wants Mitt Romney to win the nomination, but they have a hatred of Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul.
It’s easy to see and understand that the NDAA bill is totally immoral, illegal, and unconstitutional. The NDAA bill is an affront to especially the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights was supported by the Founding Fathers and those of numerous political factions in order to prevent the federal government to get too powerful. Also, the Bill of Rights was created to give citizens legal protections that were clear, transparent, and real. The 10 Amendments to the Constitution were ratified by the states and entered into law by 1791. Many rights are found in them like the following: the freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, the right of due process, the right to protest, etc. For years, some policies by the government have violated these rights via laws and even executive orders. The courts have sometimes either protected these rights or supported the suppression of human rights. The Bill of Rights has existed for more than 220 years. The bill legalizes the indefinite detention of American citizens. The Senate passed the reconciled version of the NDAA that was passed by the House. Most of the mainstream media isn’t reporting on this law at all. President Barack Obama once threatened to veto the bill. Now, he is expecting to sign the bill. The Senate voted in favor of the bill in terms of 86 to 13. It can allow the indefinite detention and torture of Americans (it’s called the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012). Even the ACLU and Human Rights Watch groups have criticized the administration for its U-turn on vetoing the NDAA bill. This bill calls for the indefinite detention of citizens without a trial. It’s violation of U.S. law. Citizens shouldn’t be called terrorists at all without due process. The Bush administration did similar acts of detained people accused of terrorism when they haven’t experienced due process at all. It’s an evil time for America in terms of civil liberties. Congress is definitely wrong on this issue. The NDAA is treasonous as people from across the political spectrum have mentioned.
The neo-cons are hypocrites. These people include Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and others. They say that they are against government spending, but still want spending in the war on terror. Some of them still don’t want troops to come home in 2011, which has begun to occur thankfully. That's a good thing to see families reunited and troops coming home into America. Spending for war is still government spending. They claim to hate social programs, but some of them rely on Medicare and Social Security. They claim to abhor handouts, but support government handouts like corporate subsidies and tax breaks for the super rich. Many of the time, those who go into war are the middle class and the poor. On the other hand, many of the super rich escape it. The neo-cons believe that folks protesting against economic inequality and the status quo are equated to socialists and communists. Yet, the Constitution encourages protests. The philosophies from fascists like Mussolini, Franco, Hitler, and others ought to be opposed strongly. Nazism came up as a totalitarian movement that existed against the principles of the Enlightenment. So, the neo-cons favor big government when it comes to military spending for war in defense of corporate interests. They favor big government in supporting the evil, repressive Patriot Act, and the cancellation of habeas corpus by the previous Bush administration. President Barack Obama isn’t perfect and I don’t agree with him on every issues. Yet, the President has a sense of calm, a loving family, and an intellectual curiosity that ought to be respected. Conversely, the neo-cons go beyond rational critiques of the Obama Presidency and use ad hominem attacks against the brother President Barack Obama (calling him Kenyan, a Muslim, a socialist, a communist, and worse). President Barack Obama refutes the white supremacy philosophy completely among other things. Then, they oppose massive spending for health care (affordable health is not the sign of the end of Western civilization at all), education, the housing of the homeless, feeding the hungry, etc. They consider that action to be wasteful, but long term investments can cause economic development. The neo-cons wonder why a lot of people aren’t Republicans. I’m not voting against my economic interests. Few neo-cons protested in the 1980’s when Reagan began the biggest expansion of the military and military spending sense WWII. Human well being (as in promoting universal health care) is more important than war mongering. There is nothing wrong with being more up to date, cosmopolitan, and progressive in your thinking as you get older. Freedom for all is a great tenet to adhere to. We have technological advancements in the 21st century. Yet, we have the long way to go in being truly socially and politically advanced (in the world not just in the USA).
Exposing left wing gatekeepers is fine with me. Ishmael Reed (a real liberal ironically) have exposed Left Gatekeepers and neo-cons for years. There are agents of the establishment or the 2 party system like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Joe Scarborough (a man who was accused of adultery and a woman was found dead in his office), Amy Holmes (a former speechwriter for Senator Bill Frist), Joe Watkins (a former aide to ex-Vice President Dick Cheney), Newt Gingrich, and others. The Tea Party Movement has even been sponsored and aided by the mainstream media. The old left gatekeeper and feminist Susan Estrich once made the inaccurate remark that the incarceration of black men have more to do with behavior than racism in the criminal justice system (like longer sentences for blacks and whites, police corruption, disparities of sentencing, etc.). You wonder why Susan was on FOX all of the time. FOX’s head and Knight of St. Gregory Rupert Murdoch is something else. Murdoch allows his network to preach about family values, but he abandoned his wife and kids of 35 years to marry a young woman. The feminist Susan Brownmiller wrote that Emmett Till got what was coming to him. She still thinks that Till was guilty when the real perpetrator made a confession of the incident and DNA evidence exonerated Emmett Till. This is how these people think. It doesn’t matter if they show a left face or a right face. It’s still the same corporate image. One person of the newer generation of Left Gatekeepers is a person named Martin Bashir. He is the one that blasted Cain for his charges of alleged adultery. Although, he was rewarded with a show on MSNBC because he displayed ambush journalism about Michael Jackson (in a sinister fashion). Bashir is known for making sexist jokes to the Asian American Journalist Association. In other words, he had to apologize to some Asian American female journalists for making sick, sexually charged jokes in a conference. It’s ironic that the mainstream media has their fair share of hypocrites and they won’t defend Carole Simpson, Mara Liasson, and other real female journalists who suffered unjust sexual harassment. Now, there is no justification for Herman Cain’s actions and some of his reactionary policies. So, I want to make perfectly clear. Even Henry Louis Gates Jr. sold his soul. He once charged that blacks are the last remnants of the anti-Semites, which is a lie. There are interesting pieces of information about reparations. Some Holocaust survivors still receive reparations. Norman Finkelstein in his “The Holocaust Industry” mentions that the middle persons get most of the cash. In today’s time, reactionaries and other people blame the victim instead of the oppressor. Personal responsibility has been used a code word to blame the poor when the corporate elite lacked personal responsibility in their plunger of the peoples' financies (and their pollution of the Earth). It’s the same people promoting this personal responsibility propaganda that falsely blame black dysfunctional families for all of America’s social problems. These reactionaries omit the suburbanites going into the city to get drugs. When you blame the victim, you act as an agent of the oppressor whether directly or indirectly. Some of the bashing of the poor and people of color in today’s world (and in the past) is equivalent to Der Stumer & The Birth of a Nation. Yes, I’m taking it there. We should never blame victims period for poverty, homelessness, or injustice. Either we fight back or we bow down. That's the choice.
It’s time to expose more groups. The Manhattan Institute has been linked to the neo Nazi race science movement. One of its sponsors is the Chase Manhattan Bank, which is part of the military industrial complex. One of the Manhattan Institute’s agents is John McWhorter. When I first heard of him on TV during the late 1990’s, I knew something was wrong ideologically with the man. MacWhorter said that a person is insecure if a person accurately points out racism in banking and the criminal justice system. The Manhattan Institute was created by William Casey. Casey was a Knight of Malta and Reagan’s CIA chief. He might have been indicted for the Iran Contra scandal, but he died before it would occur. So, the elite are connected and they get away with murder literally. Some of the men who killed Amadou Diallo are still with us without prison time at all. Some crooked police officers act as a gang of criminals. The banks have a role even in exporting drugs into America. The Justice Department years ago said that Americans banks take in $100 billion a year in dirty money from the international drug trade. Still there are great writers and scholars in the world like Joyce Ann Joyce. She criticized some extremists that use media coverage as a means to bash other human beings. There is a threat on the Internet. This new bill is trying to censor free speech and it’s a new proposed Copyright treaty. Even Senator Joe Lieberman wants draconian legislation that would give President Barack Obama a figurative kill switch to shut down parts of the Internet indefinitely. There are attacks on whole food producers and attacks on free speech. The DHS wants telescreens in places talking about not trusting neighbors. There is a huge debt and some people are using this debt as an excuse to promote the new world order. The elite are trying to engage in new wars possibly in Iran. We don’t need authoritarian tyranny at all.
By Timothy