Sunday, October 25, 2015

Information on the GOP

Black unemployment reached it's peak under Ronald "I support Apartheid" Reagan...And remember Reagn supported apartheid...



Since you want to "walk down memory lane I thought you might as well take this with you....
Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote in his autobiography:
Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and
That was his description of the 1964 Republican
National Convention. He also referred to the Republican convention as "the
frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right."



Vouchers in some states are received via a lottery system therfore all the students are not given the same opportunity...Why not do something that helps all the students instead of a select few and why pay certain people in the community to push this stupid idea of vouchers...??



The GOP has a racist agenda ..I don't see democratics engaged in voter
suppression , I don't see democrats inviting white supremaicsts to speak at CPAC
events , I don't see democrats with numerous white supremacists running for
office as republicans , i don't see democrats dening healthcare to thousands of
people in red states because they do not want to expand medicare , I don't see
democrats insulting Hispanics and dragging their feet on immigration reform , I
don't see democrats cutting taxes for the rich and cutting veterans benefits , i
don't see democrats creating phony scandals that even conservatives are sick of
hearing about , I don't see democrats lying about MLK jr saying that he was a republican when it is clear that he was not a republican AND MLK Jr never voted for or endorsed any republican , I don't see democrats
comparing healthcare to slavery , I don't see democrats with a racist tea party
that tells businesses to stop hiring people to make Obama look bad , I don't see democrats making their goal as a party to make Obama a one term president and ignore the problems we have in this country...I don;t see democratics waiting until a crazy racist walks into a church and kills nine people before they return campaign money from white supremacist groups - Mia Love was one of those republicans that accepted racist money then returned after the shooting...I don't see democratics calling that shooting "an attack on religion" instead a clear racist attack...I don't see democrats defending and even applauding racist white cops that kill unarmed Black people that in most cases are not committing any crimes...I don't see democratics blaming the "out of closet acts of racism" on Obama since it is racist republicans racists can't stand the fact that a Black man is in the white house...I don't see democrats going to the white house and waving confederate flags....I don;t see democratics advising citizens to get assault weapons and armor penetrating bullets to fight an overly aggressive government - a government by the way that will be armed with tanks and bombs - I guess some republicans can't wait for another civil war...I don't see democratics with a racist political arm like the tea party who's rallies were used by white supremacist groups to recruit members ....etc etc
..Those acts of stupid racism and more are all products of the racist
GOP...That's why people of color do
not support them.....Over 70% of the
minority vote went to Obama so it's time to stop ignoring the truth and do
something about it....And here's a question that never seems to get a straight answer from republicans....
What has the GOP done for the country in the last 15 years...????



The same tea party that asked business to stop hiring people and the same tea party that wants to remove slavery from textbooks.. ????....I think I'll pass as will most Black people including some Black republicans..



Jobs Bills passed by ther GOP..???....That depends on who you ask and how much research you've done.....
HR 3630 - The Middle Class Tax Relief & Job Creation Act of 2011 - This bill does indeed extend the "docfix" and unemployment insurance for a year, but with a hefty price.
• freezes Federal workers pay; requires issuance of a permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline in advance of the proposed routing by Nebraska; suspends the newly-issued mercury regulations: 100% expensing of business equipment (including private jets); Another so-called "jobs bill", HR 1938, was passed giving a November 1, 2011 deadline for the Keystone pipeline.
• cuts unemployment insurance benefits from 99-week maximum down to a 59-week maximum; drug-test UI recipients; cuts funding for key provisions of the Affordable Care Act ; means-tests unemployment insurance benefits and food stamp programs and increases Federal employees' contributions to their retirement system by 1.5% while freezing pay, so their pensions take a double-whammy.
• repeals the new timing rules for estimated corporate tax payments for companies with assets of $1 billion or more
HR 1633 - Farm Dust Regulation Prevention Act of 2011
• This bill prevents the EPA from issuing or finalizing regulations revising air quality standards under the Clean Air Act
HR 10 - Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act of 2011
• Guts the regulation process; Call this one the Carte Blanche For Congress To Kill All Regulatory Authority Bill.
HR 3010 - Regulatory Accountability Act of 2011
• somewhat less onerous version of HR 10;
HR 527 - Regulatory Flexibility Improvements Act of 2011
• limit EPA, OSHA and CFPB regulations while presumably protecting "small" closely-held Subchapter S corporations like Koch Industries.
HR 3012 - Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act of 2011
• eliminating employment-based immigrant visa caps and raising the percentage of total visas granted to 15% from 7%. For this one, I'll say it IS a jobs bill, but not a jobs bill for American workers. It is the "Elite Immigration Jobs Bill of 2011".
HR 3094 - Workforce Democracy and Fairness Act
• redefines collective bargaining units; union busting
HR 2930 - Entrepreneur Access to Capital Act
• exempts startups raising less than $1 million in venture capital from small investors from SEC registration and oversight. - anti-regulatory for large corpo to splinter up and avoid oversight regulation
HR 2940 - Access to Capital for Job Creators Act
• anti-oversight - Let's call this and its evil twins HR 2930 and HR 1965 the: "Ponzi Scheme Coverup Acts of 2011"
HR 1965 - Securities Laws Amendment
• It's a "hide from the SEC" bill. Its companion, HR 1970, would exempt SEC registration of public offerings under $50 million rather than the current $5 million threshold.
Then there is Gutting of the EPA - deregulation of the pollution industries - elimination of environmental standards section
• HR 2273 removes coal ash regulation from the EPA and hands it to the states. States like North Carolina where Governor McCrory is powed by Duke energy
• HR 2681 guts cement manufacturing emission standards
• HR 2250 guts on EPA boiler MACT rules.
• HR 2401 would require analysis of all EPA regulations relating to air, waste, water and climate change. [allows republicans another lever to stop regulation]
• HR 2018 would restrict EPA from issuing any revisions to existing water standards..
• HR 2021 amends the Clean Air Act to open oil and gas exploration off the Alaska coast.
• HR 910 strips the EPA of authority to regulate greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act
• HR 872 expands the use of pesticides, fungicides and rodent without EPA approval.
Catering to Big Petrochemical corporations
• HR 1231 actually brute force legislation requiring the Administration (President) to allow offshore Oil & Gas drilling
• HR 1229 another brute force legislation bill
• HR 1230 And more brute force legislation from Big Oil; forces sales of oil leases in the Gulf of Mexico and Outer Continental Shelf of Virginia.
And on to Special Interests and General Pandering Legislation section
• HR 1904 Resolution Copper, LLC can mine copper on what is now part of the Tonto National Forest.
• HJ Res 37 GOP disapprovee of Net neutrality
• HR 2587 anti union Bil - gutting of NLRB authority to have any say in whether union jobs can be outsourced to a non-union (right to work for less) state
Since then the GOP has added more to the list of Non-job "Jobs Bills" (these links work)
The GOP more recent use of the stalled "Jobs Bill" ruse: At least 46 Bills #Stuck in the Senate March of 2013
Bills ranging from drug testing recipients of various Social programs. HR 890: drug testing and slashing social programs. More Oil and Gas tax expenditure giveaways, fighting Net Neutrality; HR 10: sucking money out of public education or ending it altogether; More EPA gutting (HR 3826: EPA green house gas rule repealed) ; HR 2824: deregulation of mining pollution of streams etc.; bypassing the Clean Water Act (HR 5078); HR 3094: union busting; HR 4453: massive corpo tax cuts; HR 4: the GOP's so-called American Jobs Act amounts to a potpourri of pollution, deregulation, privatizing public lands all in one; HR 3: Keystone XL pipeline bypassing all restrictions; HR 1406: lower pay for workers (good video) | with republicans calling it "flexibility"; HR 1613: ocean drilling expansion; more trickle down nonsense with the same goal unchanged - profit above all else
With many more Bills that have been "rebranded" from the earlier list of Bills. Vitually identical but with a new greener washyer name



Whenever I hear about republicans creating a jobs bill I always do a little research...
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and his colleague Rand Paul (R-Ky.) introduced a bill they call the “Economic Freedom Zones Act of 2013.” Among other things, the bill would exempt polluters in high-poverty regions from complying with (and would bar the U.S. EPA from enforcing) water pollution permitting requirements under Clean Water Act section 402. (Adding insult to injury, the two politicians are billing this proposal as an anti-poverty measure.)
During the last few days, residents of the nearby Charleston, WV, area have been treated to a tragic glimpse of what a life free of environmental protections might be like. For people in the Appalachian coal-bearing region, these are just the latest developments in a long-running assault on human health and the environment.
The impact of such an extreme proposal is difficult to overstate. While the Clean Water Act strictly prohibits the discharge of pollutants without a permit, it is section 402 of the Act that the EPA relies on in most cases to impose enforceable pollution controls on specific sources and discharges. The Economic Freedom Zones Act would hamstring EPA’s enforcement of water pollution restrictions and oversight of state pollution permitting activities.
Fast forward to an incident in neighboring West Virginia. Early on the morning of Jan. 9, Charleston residents reported smelling a strong licorice odor. Hours later, investigators with the state Department of Environmental Protection traced the odor to a chemical company’s storage tank located on the banks of the Elk River. An estimated 7,500 gallons were spilled.
The name of the chemical company—I am not making this up—is Freedom Industries.
News reports state that Freedom Industries did not report the spill to the DEP until just after noon on Thursday. Worse, despite the fact that its chemical holding tank is located just upriver from the drinking water intake that serves residents in nine counties, Freedom Industries apparently failed to notify the region’s water company at all. The chemical company also failed to report the specific chemical (4-methylcyclohexanemethanol, or Crude MCHM, a chemical used in processing coal) to the water company, delaying effective clean-up action for another several hours. Residents still lack access to clean tap water, and the lives of hundreds of thousands of people have been severely disrupted.
A pollution discharge of this sort is completely unacceptable. So is a world in which federal regulators might be barred by politically motivated legislation like the Economic Freedom Zones Act from using every tool they have to prevent and clean up similar spills in the future.
Rand Paul (R) wants to eliminate the taxes on capital gains and dividends. Most of the income of the very wealthy comes from capital gains and dividends.
Combine that with his 17% flat rate and, by my calculation, the 1% would have paid about $350 billion less in taxes than they did in 2012 if his code had been in place. That's about 85% less than they did. To collect the same amount of revenue, that means the 99% would have to pay $350 billion more (45% more than they did).
With 99% of the customers of business paying 45% more in taxes, demand for goods and services would fall, people would be laid off, wages would fall as a result of a looser labor market, automatic safety net spending would increase, and the deficit would rise.
This is not a jobs bill but a anti-regiulation bill aimed at the enviroment and a tax cut for the rich...More trickle down nonsense that has never worked and will never work



Yes...the GOP is engaged in voter suppression....
Wayne Bertsch, a veteran GOP consultant told the Tampa Bay Times that targeting
Democrats was always the goal in curbing early voting. "In the races I was
involved in in 2008, when we started seeing the increase of turnout and the
turnout operations that the Democrats were doing in early voting, it certainly
sent a chill down our spines."
Another tactic, favored in Texas and Florida,
is to target nonprofit groups that conduct voter-registration drives (the League
of Women Voters, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored
People). This is achieved by imposing onerous new training, registration and/or
liability burdens on the groups' volunteers. The proportion of African-American
and Latino voters who register through third-party drives is about twice what it
is for whites.
Republican campaign consultant Scott Tranter
"A lot of us
are campaign officials -- or campaign professionals -- and we want to do
everything we can to help our side. Sometimes we think that's voter ID,
sometimes we think that's longer lines -- whatever it may be," Tranter said with
a laugh.
Franklin County (Columbus) GOP Chair Doug Preisse.. "I guess I
really actually feel we shouldn't contort the voting process to accommodate the
urban—read African-American—voter-turnout machine." Preisse is not some rogue
operative but the chairman of the Republican Party in Ohio's second-largest
county and a close adviser to Ohio Governor John Kasich.
Pa House majority
leader Mike Turzai, said his state's voter ID law "is gonna allow Governor
Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania,"
U.S. District Judge Stephen J.
Murphy ordered Michigan election officials to immediately halt and attempt to
rectify one of the two practices -- canceling voter registrations for those
whose voter identification card is returned as undeliverable. Murphy ordered the
state to remove the "rejected" marking in the qualified voter file for all
persons whose original voter ID cards have been returned to the state as
undeliverable since Jan. 1, 2006. About 1,500 people have been removed from the
voter list in that manner this year, according to evidence presented in the
Voter hours were extended in white distrcits of Ohio while voting hours
were cut in the Black districts....
In September 2014, Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp expressed concern that too
many minority voters were registering to vote for the November midterms and so
he found it necessary to subpoena the records of at least one group working to
register more Black and Latino voters.
Now he has gone and "lost" 40,000
voter registration forms handed in by one group.
The Root:
to an Al-Jazeera report, it’s a sentiment that the staffers at Third Sector
Development are expressing. The nonprofit organization was on a mission to
register as many black and Hispanic people in the state of Georgia as possible
so that voter turnout for the upcoming midterm elections in November would be
high. And they were successful at it, until they received word that about half
of the applications they submitted for processing have gone missing in
“Over the last few months, the group submitted some 80,000
voter-registration forms to the Georgia secretary of state’s office—but as of
last week, about half those new registrants, more than 40,000 Georgians, were
still not listed on preliminary voter rolls. And there is no public record of
those 40,000-plus applications, according to state Rep. Stacey Adams, a
Democrat,” Al-Jazeera explained.
But Secretary Kemp says, hey, we're not
doing anything differently. Sure they're not.
Georgia Secretary of State
Brain Kemp explained that his office is not doing anything differently from how
it usually processes applications. But some people aren’t buying his story,
seeing as how he’s a Republican, and black and Hispanic people tend to vote for
Georgia Republicans have been raising eyebrows for some time
now with regard to early voting and voter-ID issues. One state Republican didn’t
like how black and Hispanic voters had easy access to early-voting
They cut early voting, they've got horrible Voter ID laws,
and now the Secretary of State has 40,000 less voter registration forms than
were submitted. Jim Crow is alive and well in Georgia and surrounds, isn't it?

