Thursday, December 08, 2005

Answering Kathelee.

This is my response Kathelee, you need to wake up. My words are in bold.

Kathelee: Hi..It's a very complicated area and I have recently found information stating the hebrews are not
all jews...the jews themselves state in their documentation which i have recently found that they
are the pharisees of old.

Response: This is sad by you Kathelee. I didn't believe you would embrace anti-Semitism, but now you have. Let's show facts, shall we. It is not a complicated area to talk about Jewish people if you have the Spirit of God within you and know the real truth. First, all Hebrews are Jews. Being Jews means you came from Abraham and Judah in the OT. After the Disapora, Jews are refered to all tribes of Israel since Paul was from the tribe of Benjamin and called a Jew in the NT. Your information is filled with distortion and half-truths. There's a difference between Jewish people who believe in Judaism and Jewish people who accept Christ. Not all Jewish people believe in the teachings of the Pharisees. This dehumanization is what the Nazis did during WWII. Many of these Nazis were baptized Roman catholics like Hitler, Goebells, etc. Millions of Jews and Gentiles (i.e. Slavs, Serbs, Gypsies, etc.) were murdered in the Holocaust. Why don't you talk about the Vatican, Knights of Malta, Order of the Garter, Le Cerle, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, St. John of Jerusalem, etc. that have more power than the Zionists? There are certainly evil Jewish people, but evil people exist in all humanity not only the Jewish people. To Single out Zionists as the most powerful people on Earth is not only false, but disingenerious. Many Jewish people worship the Messiah and they are Messanic Jews and Christians Jews. Those Jewish people don't think that they are the Pharisees of old at all. The Bible says that Christ is a Jew and that salvation is of the Jews. You need to realize that. We Gentiles were grafted into the olive branch by the grace of God and we need to respect Jewish people for not only creating most of the Bible, but many are coming to follow Jesus Christ. You can go against the Bible, but I will not fight against the word of God.

Kathelee: Most jews revere the Talmud as their holiest book. Their god is lucifer
From reading about Jews against and other sites I will forward you most Jews are
luciferians...they study and worship Lucifer although they will not make that Known ..I have saved
several articles from well known Jewish newspapers of Jews stating their support for the sanhedrin
and the Noahide laws. which reinforce the Protocols of the Elders which claims Christians are non
persons and deserve death of an amimal. If you do a google alert search for Talmud for a few weeks

Response: Just because most Jewish people accept the Talmud, doesn't mean that all Jewish people are evil with no hope of salvation. Most Muslims revere the Koran that blasphemes the Son, but that doesn't mean that all Muslims have no shot in real salvation. In fact, you don't talk about Muslim radicals killing political dissidents and Christians in Sudan, Indonesia, Sudan, Phillipines, Central Asian nations, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, etc. Most Hindus believe in the evils of reincarnation and the racist caste system, but that doesn't mean that all Hindus have no hope to worship the one true God. The Hindus' god is Vishnu and other false deities that relate to Satan, but that doesn't mean that Hindus have no oppurtunity to be saved or they are less human than the rest of us. To say that the Jewish's people's "god" is Lucifer is not only a lie, but racist and cruel. It's a fact that many Jewish people may worship Lucifer secretly, but not all. Many Jewish people who believe in Judaism abhor Lucifer. It's just that those Jewish people must realize that Jesus Christ is the Messiah for them to worship and follow. They need conversion, not lies, stereotypes, misinformation, half-truths, and racial bigotry. You're the reason why many Jews won't adhere to Christianity. As for the Talmud and Noahide laws, if you read my works, you will know full well that I disagree with them for their false teachings and additions to the Holy Bible. Though the Protocols of the Elders of Zion offer real information about the plot of global government, many historians consider it to be a notorious hoax to justify anti-Semitism.

Kathelee: I have learned the sons and daughters of Abrahim Issac and Jacob are the Israelities who are like
the sands of the earth ...the jewish are not the sands of the earth but other races...
it's a rude eye opening experience to see the truth but truth is always stranger than fiction

Response: The Bible says that the descedants of Abraham (There's a difference) shall be the sands of the earth. They are since they include the Jewish people, Arabic people, and others across the world. The Bible says that the Jewish people are small in size. The truth is stranger than fiction, but you embrace lies about Jewish people. You might even embrace British Israelism that white supremacists, racists, Nazis, and other deviants used to bash blacks, kill Jews (even if you exclude the Holocaust), support social Darwinism, support segregration, enjoy eugenics, and lie about God's Word.

Kathelee: i believe let us reason is a luciferian posing as a christian ..there are more sites like that then
true christians ...beware...

Response: Let Us Reason is not Luciferian and to mention that with no real evidence is slandering a great ministry. Many sites that support your agenda love to talk about the Edomites, but the Lemba, Sephradim, Indic, Chinese tribes, etc. have nothing to do with the Edomites or Khazars, yet these real Jewish tribes are here today. God's chosen people are still here. Being chosen doesn't denote racial supremacy, but chosen for a duty. People are chosen for being Christians, doctors, etc. but that doesn't denote racial superiority among people. I will beware of anti-Semites. Let Us Reason have expose the Passion film, apostasy in Christianity, the word-faith movement, and other things and they are real plus they aren't anti-Semitic. Since you paraded me with links, I will too. That's why I and Pam Schuffert don't got to APFN often, because they have too much Jew hatred in there, which is Satanic. Like always, I'm ready for anything and I've got documentation to back up what I saw. I'm a debater by nature. We are to love our neighbors as God's Word says. If you don't, you're a murderer as the NT warns. Beware of hating Jewish people and all people Kathelee.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)