"..."If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." -2nd Chronicles 7:14..."(1 Thessalonians 5:18)
It’s on. Time is apart of the universe and it rolls down so fast. Nothing is changing with me. My great intellect is still here and my debating ability is still advanced. It’s a new era for me. It is time to go forward and move on with the next chapter of my life. Godly love is one of the goals that all humans should embrace. In our lives, we’re bound to make mistakes along the way. I’ve made mistakes. The good news is that God judges, yet he is merciful, just, and loving at the same time. If we confess our sins to God and do it no more, then Almighty God will forgive us of our sins. This is set forth in the Holy Scriptures. My main premise in my many writings is that corruption in government exists and we must expose it forthrightly. The Iraq War, regardless of the Bush administration's deception, was never justified at all. Iraq never directly threatened America, Iraq had nothing to do with the terrible events of 911, and Iraq had no massive quantities of weapons of mass destruction. House member Murtha is one brave man. He called for an exit strategy, yet House member Schmidt (from Ohio) quoted a man calling Murtha a coward. Liars call veterans cowards, yet the real cowards are the chicken hawks, who aren’t willing to admit massive mistakes or level with the American people honestly. Cindy Sheehan is also another hero for exposing and protesting against the war in Iraq. The real agenda behind the war is about building up military bases, controlling the Middle East region, and promote the New World Order (i.e. globalization. Even deceased Pope John Paul II, Henry Kissinger, and George H. W. Bush all called for the New World Order, so the N.W.O. is real). Many real conservatives are against the Iraq War and Bush as well like Ron Paul, Dr. Craig Roberts, and others. The NeoCons like Dick Cheney even want torture to be enacted secretly by the CIA in foreign nations. Many of them deny a governmental policy in favor of torture, but real evidence proves that they are just incorrect. George W. Bush said that “we do not torture,” but General Janis Karpinsky and Rick Baccus told the world that torture existed in Guamtanamo Bay and Iraq. Donald Rumsfeld’s Copper Green program had torture-like provisions in it along with Alberto Gonzales’ torture memos. Abu Ghraib is another perfect example of how torture is never justified at any circumstance. Most Americans don’t realize the real truth and it’s our responsibility is to help our neighbors out, so all of us can enact change. Occult Secret Societies, elite organizations, and evil people in government are more of a threat than “terrorists.” The reason is because evil folks in government have passed tons more unjust laws and policies that “terrorists” could ever accomplish at all. Well, I’m also tired of the staged fight between the “liberal left” [like Michael Moore and Al Franken] and “conservative right” [like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity]. The rich corporations, intelligence agencies, and other groups control both controlled sides. Therefore, all sides won’t create real solutions. We must work together on some issues. You may not agree with me on everything, but we must not be divided on everything for that would equate a house not standing. While people are each others throats, the government continues to restrict our civil liberties, have National ID cards, retina scans, cameras in many places, DNA databases, euthanasia, GPS tracking, and other vice continue to fester. Steve Watson on November 28 2005 wrote about the Royal Marines participating in abuse on naked soldiers before they went off to Iraq. I also want to say these comments. For many years, I keep hearing people bash religious people as causing terror. It’s true that many have done terror in the name of "religion," but Atheists have shed more blood in the 20th century than any religious creeds put together. For example, the Russian and Chinese atheist communists butchered over 100 million people in the 20th century. Atheistic China continues to kill people today. Secular humanists and the Freemasons in the French Revolution killed 40,000 people in the late 1700’s. I oppose illegal immigration, but I want to say this. Many Hispanics fought for Texas independence, one Hispanic signed the Texas Constitution, and many Hispanics are becoming God believers. This isn’t about race since Hispanics always have a great history and culture, but we must have legal immigration without the oppression from multinational corporations.
New Millennium Developments
Plenty of events are happening in this new millennium. Recently, Prison Planet reported on Virginian Pat Robertson using the "El Didalo" devil hand sign and saying that accepting biometrics is a good thing to do, but biometrics is anti-Constitution. It’s similar to the Mark of the Beast [where the Antichrist forces everyone to take a mark in the head and hand as mentioned in Bible prophecy from the Book of Revelations]. Pat Robertson is an establishment billionaire guy. He invested millions of dollars in Red China and supports the policy of forced abortion in China now. Therefore, he’s only pretending to “pro-life,” while Pat Robertson wants babies to die in China, he denied the Bible’s irrerancy, and subscribes to the false Dominionist theology (all proven by Cutting Edge Ministries and Biblical Discernment Ministries). Real Christians should oppose Pat by these facts alone. There are some good news in the 9/11 Truth Movement. Now, Steven E. Jones, Professor of Physics at Brigham Young University disagrees with the official story behind 9/11. He wrote an essay describing his dissent and he put forth the view that explosives is a possible explanation for the collapse of the Twin Towers and Building Number Seven (no aircraft hit building #7. Photographic evidence proves that a controlled demolition brought the building down). He cites mathematical formulas and physics to make his point as well. The turning of the concrete into fine dust powder, the temperature of the fires being below 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit, witnesses hearing explosives in the Twin Towers [like firemen, reporters, and other individuals], molten metal, and no investigation immediately after the collapse makes a legitimate case for a controlled demolition in the attacks of 9/11. BYU is distancing themselves against Jones, but tons of authors and researchers have made a strong case for 9/11 being an inside job. Tons of nations like Pakistan, England, Israel warned America of a terror attack in America using planes. George W. Bush signed the executive order W199I preventing the FBI to investigate some members of al-Qaeda. Pentagon officals and Mayor of SF Willie Brown were warned not to fly. Drills occured on 9/11.
Now onto the Anti-Defamation League. The ADL supported federal hate bill hate bill S.1145 failed, which was a good thing. Never forget that the real hate crime agenda is never about preventing violence against people. It’s really about preventing people from dissenting with lifestyles and other things that are immoral and inappropriate. Ted Pike is one of those men on the forefront exposing this threat to our liberty and our right to dissent publicly. It extends beyond homosexuality, but to anti-Semitism. People have a right to have stupid anti-Semitic beliefs as long as people aren’t threatening or doing violence to people. Many of the pro-ADL “hate crime” criminalize dissent with Israel or advocate Holocaust revisionism. Personally, I don’t agree with Holocaust revisionism, but people shouldn’t go to jail if they speak about it in a peaceful way. On November 10, 2005, Abe Foxman (the leader of the ADL) blamed the “Christian Right” for the failures they have received. He lies and said that the "Christian Right" wants create a theocracy in American society. They talk about separation of church and state (when it doesn’t appear in the Constitution. This "separation" was solely about preventing an established national church with no unity of the institutions of church and state. The establishment clause never prevented people to have religious expression in the public square at all), but the Noahide Laws was passed by George H. W. Bush. These laws are theocratic in nature, yet the ADL hypocritically isn’t talking about it. The Global Anti-Semitism Review Act was also passed to stifle dissent when both Jews and Gentiles had responsibility in the death of Jesus Christ. Ted Pike listed more examples of the ADL’s corruption also. While I respect the B’nai B’rith and ADL ‘s fight against Nazis and racism, I can’t respect their censorship agenda. A great writer named Anton Chaitkan prove the B'nai B'rith history as being pro-Confederacy, pro-Nazi temporary, and other evil deeds. Now, Miami police are starting to use random searches, checks of IDs, and patrol all around bus stations and trains. This definitely violates the Fourth Amendment. The ACLU supports this and this is confirmation of the ACLU being a front group for the Elite. Not only are its founders pro-socialists and pro-Communists, but many of its leadership are in the Council on Foreign Relations today.
I think that President Bush is losing a real opportunity with the environment. I never advocate Gaia worship or stealing private property, but there is nothing wrong with wanting a clean environment through legitimate ways. If cold fusion, hemp, solar energy, free energy, clean diesel fuel, vegetable oil, and other technologies were utilized in a mighty way years ago, this Oil “crisis” would cease to exist. Peak Oil is supported by the Elite like the Club of Rome and even WINGTV, Dave McGowan, Alex Jones, etc. is rightfully opposing the Peak Oil agenda. Many folks who believe in Peak Oil endorse the depopulation agenda. Real alternative energy, hybrid cars, and other procedures can save the day, but Bush doesn’t want to go there. I think that Hillary Clinton is smart. She’s now trying to quiet down her pro-abortion record and supporting this bad Iraq war to receive more support from “Middle America.” She could run for President in 2008. Hillary is a made woman who contacted a shaman to conduct a ritual (I've seen the image on CuttingEdge.org) and proposed tons of controversial measures. 2005 has got to be one of the most new development years in a long time from Terri, Iraq, Katrina, a new Pope, a new election, scandals, etc.
Another video game called "Shattered Union" for X Box talks about destruction of the United States and chaos. In it they promote EU occupies America, a nuclear blast destroys Washington D.C. after 2008, and a civil comes on. A lot of these games promote global government and demonize Patriots and the militia as “terrorists.”
The Culture of Death
Things have deteriorated so bad in the world that a culture of death is spreading like a virus. This is very similar to Nazi Germany when the Nazis enjoyed the murder of innocent people because of their age, skin color, or physical condition. This is the essence of eugenics, because eugenics believes that humanity has no equal value from conception, birth, and to death. The supporters of the pro-death crowd see life as acquiring value over time from 0% to 100%, therefore life can be destroyed when it’s unborn or even in old age. This is not what God condones or want. God sees life as his gift and his creation. All life from conception to death has equal value. Life should be treated equal as we would treat our neighbor equally. George W. Bush even gave Planned Parenthood (or Murder hood) $288,000,000 in 2003. Now, David Stewart (from www.Jesus-Is-Savior.com) and others have exposed the sick use of aborted fetus material in vaccines for children in America. This is truly an abomination unto Almighty God. Now, let’s look at Planned Parenthood’s evil founder Margaret Sanger and the Nazi’s support of abortion. Sanger promoted eugenics. She instituted the Negro Project in promoting African Americans to have birth control and abortions in a way to stabilize the black population, but the black population have being around 12-14% for more than 100 years.
There was never a massive population growth among the black community in the 20th century at all. LEARN’s blackgenocide.org exposed Sanger’s agenda as well. Planned Parenthood supported racists and pro-Nazis on her staff like Lothrop Stoddard, Dr. S. Adolphus Knopf (who talked about the menace posed by black and yellow people, which was racist garbage), etc. Margaret Sanger’s Plan for Peace in 1932 advocated sterilization, segregation, and the monitoring of people deemed “unfit” to society. She is quoted as opposing organized charity like the population control extremist Anglican Thomas Robert Malthus in the 1800’s. Sanger’s “The Pivot of Civilization” (Brentano’s Press, NY, 1922) on pgs. 263 advocated sterilization and that parenthood should be banned from the “feeble minded.” In 1933, Sanger’s Birth Control Review mentioned an article by Dr. Ernst Rudin in support of the segregation of the “feeble minded” women. Rudin was Hitler’s director of genetic sterilization and a Founder of the Nazi Society for Racial Hygiene. The Pivot of Civilization exposed all of Sanger’s disgusting, bigoted, and hateful quotations. It’s similar to Mien Kampf. Planned Parenthood started in 1923. It was once called the American Birth Control League (ABCL) until 1942.
Margaret Sanger also went into a KKK rally in NJ at 1926. This fact is confirmed in Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography on pgs. 366-367 (made in 1971) by her own words. I’ve read the quotes. She also supported the racist Immigration Restriction Act of 1924 restricting foreigners into America. Dan Flynn’s book “Intellectual Morons” document Sanger’s extremism as well. She died a Demerol drug addict in 1966. George Grant’s “Killer Angel” and Linda Gordon also exposed this adulterer and drug addict. Margaret Sanger followed mediums, the occult, was in the New Age group called the Unity, was into theosophy, and openingly opposed Christianity. All of this is documented by Dr. Cathy Burns and Dr. Stan Monheith. Case closed on that witch. Prescott was a member of Planned Parenthood and wasn’t some right wing Christian. Prescott aided the Nazi empire. This is confirmed by a Planned Parenthood fundraising letter of January 8, 1947. It listed Prescott S. Bush as treasurer of Margaret Sanger’s first national fundraising drive. It’s a historical fact that Adolf Hitler and the Nazis supported abortion. Pro-Life groups and researchers like Mike W. Perry have mentioned this. Adolf Hitler himself said in September 1934 to Dr. Wagner (Reich Physicians' Leader) that "pregnancies could be terminated in the case of hereditary ill women, or women who had become pregnant by a hereditary ill partner." (Michael Burleigh and Wolfgang Wipperman, _The Racial State: Germany 1933-1945_ (Cambridge, 1991), 140.) The Nazis the passed law Reichskommisar Kaltenbrunner on June 9, 1943, which permitted abortion for Eastern Europeans (mentioned in Abortionfacts.com). Michael Perry proved that the Nazi SS RKFDV group issued Poland to have legal abortions on November 25, 1939. Perry also mentioned a Nazi court decision in November 10, 1938 allowing Jewish women to have abortions in the city of Lenerberg. Professor William Brennan, Pro-Lifer Mike Richmond, and even Pro-choice advocate Dr. Frederick J. Taussig agrees with me as well. Hitler only opposed abortion for Aryans.
One of the most disgusting dehumanization that is taking place in human history is located in China. I’ve give PrisonPlanet.com credit for exposing China’s crimes against humanity as well. The Age news service reported on China having mobile death vans where people are tortured to death sometimes. Forced abortions unto women and sterilizations exist there as well with support from the evil UNESCO. The London Guardian proved that the skins of executed Chinese prisoners are used for beauty products in Europe. Organ harvesting and transplantation is so real that Professor J. Rothman exposed it in a lengthy report. There is still the one child Chinese sterilization program. This is no surprise since many globalists and public figures actually advocate the agenda of depopulation like Prince Philip, Ted Turner, Henry Kissinger, Jacques Cousteau, microbiologist Sir MacFarlane Burnet, etc. I have their quotes to back myself up. The evil abortion industry is the source of babies’ body parts being sold for money in America. Hundreds of fetuses (tiny human babies), and still born were discovered at a Paris hospital just in 2005. The media and the establishment are pro-euthanasia. The murder of Terri Schiavo proved this 100% completely. To starve deliberately an innocent woman to death is evil and wicked, yet most Americans are evil and wicked, yet most Americans wanted her to die. Regardless of the euthanasia spin, Terri’s death violated Florida Statues that forbid euthanasia and starving people to death. Her parents wanted to help her, some doctors said that she was responsive, no one knows why her heart stopped conclusively, and killing people unjustly is wrong period. Peter Singer is a prominent member of the death movement, yet he wants to equate animal life with human life.
Groups like the Club of Rome plotted depopulation for decades, but the Georgia Guidestones is the perfect representation of the evil population control agenda. It was proposed in 1979 by a guy named R.C. Christian. It was finished in the 1980’s looking like Stonehenge. It had 10 Commandments (mocking the real 10 Commandments in the OT) describing how man must harmonize with “Nature.” The first one reads like this: “…Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature…” These ten 'commandments' are written in twelve languages (Sanskrit, Babylonian Cuneiform, Egyptian Hieroglyphics, Classical Greek, English, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic, Hindi, Chinese, Spanish and Swahili. This is the essence of what we’re dealing with. Population is beauty not a menace to intentionally destroy for people’s pleasure, which is sick. We’re dealing with extremists here. The overpopulation lie is refuting by the fact that the world's total population growth is decreasing, Europe is having almost 0% growth, and decreases of birth rate have happened in the Third World (proven by Dr. Jacequline Kasun's research).
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