Tuesday, December 27, 2005

New Years


New Years is coming on. 2005 is one of the most incredible years in terms of all of the political developments, turmoil, and other interesting events. Before going forward, Zionism must be explained briefly. I'm a man and I don't smokescreen anything. There are good people who are Zionists (mostly those who just want Israel to be a nation again) and evil Elite Zionists (who are our enemies indeed). Evil Zionists are trying to oppress people, don't have the interests of Jewish people at all, some of them follow the Talmud, Kabbala, and Zohar, many are in the Likud party like Ariel Sharon, and some are in the Labor Party like Shimon Peres. Not all Jews and Israelis are apart of the evil Zionist movement. The elite running the world hold no alliegeance totally to any nation (since many elites promote one world government. That disregards any interests of the people to hold onto national soveriegnty). The Elite use America and Israel as tools to promote their agenda. Good folks like Barry Chamish live in Israel today and they oppose the evil Zionists.

Those Israelis ought to be respected and commended for their acts, not demonized by people spewing half-truths like Daryl Bradford Smith. Where did this come from? All of these evil, occult groups whether the S&B, occult Zionism, Bohemian Grove, Freemasonry, etc. originated from the Ancient Mystery Schools and Religions of Babylon and Egypt. So, while we must expose evil Zionists in the world, we must not embrace racism against Jewish or Arabic people. Blaming all Jewish people in general for all of the problems in the world is just a pure 100% lie. I just disagree with Holocaust Revisionism. Gentlemen can agree to disagree on that issue. I will never ever somkescreen anything and I will expose all evil groups like just evil Zionists. Just for the record, the Sephradi, Yemeni, Lemba, Ethoipic, Indic, and other Jewish people exist today and their ancestors were the ancient Hebrews. I love Eretz Yisrael. Recently, Russia economic minister resigned from Putin, because he felt that Russia isn't free. All of the corruption and criminal acts (i.e. biomtrics, anti-Second Amendment policies, surviellance, illegal wars, abortion, evil corporation, euthanasia, the pharmaceutical industry's suppression of real medicine, etc.) existing in the Bush administration and other groups is something that I will never forget. There's no question that we're living in a time of deception and As for me, I still believe in the rule of law, protection of civil liberties, and the monitoring of the executive branch of government.

Even recently a man was shot in an airplane by a marshall when the man solely said that he had a bomb. There is a mystery on whether Samuel Alito will be the next Supreme Court Justice, but I want to know his opinions of the Pro-Life Truth and the power of the executive branch, since the executive branch has too much power as it is now. Regardless of the spin that you see, there are many alternative news outlets that are giving people the real truth on society. For example, James Northstar, Wes Penre, and other folks have websites on what I'm talking about and more. While people like Bill O'Reilly and Chris Matthews ignore the obvious controlled demolitions of WTCs #1, 2, and 7 (many new researchers and scholars are pointing this out) and the Council on Foreign Relations control of the media, I will keep on creating works and speaking the truth. Recently, fire aggrivated by the wind continue to spread into Torrent County, Arlington Texas and parts of Central Oklahoma. These are grass fires. Recently not only was Unhived Mind Forum was gone for an unknown reason, but BushRevealed Forum was hacked by apparently Muslims. This tells me that I'm on the right track. Yesterday, I seen MSNBC CounterTerrorism Analyist Roger Cressey support the CFR-infested 9/11 Commission when the Commission ignored W199I, Building #7, the U.S. funding Al-Qaeda, Operation Northwoods, and other issues that detail that 9/11 was an inside job. Also, on MSNBC I saw a Minutemen refute a pro-Bush supporter about the evil of illegal immigration. You know what's a real smokescreen? A real smokescreen are people obessesing over Zionists, but won't expose the Jesuits, Knights of Malta (Rick Sanctorum is a member. Rick is right about abortion, but he's a members of a Secret Elite group), Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Club of Rome, Pilgrim Society, Rhodes Scholar, O.T.O., Golden Dawn, Theosophical Society, Order of the Garter, Freemasonry (Jesse Jackson, Robert Byrd, Al Sharpton, and other prominent men are Freemasons), and other powerful, global organizations equally. Oh yeah, from the AAP on December 27, 2005, Pope Benedict called for a "new world order" like John Paul II did years ago. The London Evening Standard on December 28 2005 reported that Scientists believe that Vitamin D can cut cancer by 50%, which is good news.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)