Shalom Alechem
Extra Freedom Information
Let's learn the real truth and end the hate from haters and liars. This is my forte. It seems like people that disagree with me gravitate to me. I guess that's me. People either love me or hate me. New challenges and updates always exist in the world. 2005 has been a wild year, but this year must come to an end. 2006 is probably going to be just as crazy and interesting as 2005 was. It's obvious that it is bigger than the Neo Cons, but they are heavily presenting their ideology to the country and the world. Most of the signers of the PNAC document were CFR members and most of the signers weren't Jewish. Dr. Stan Monotieth made mention of this. Therefore, the Neo Cons are under the CFR and not the other way around. The CFR have been for manipulating American foreign policy to their own ends and disrupting American soverignty. One example of that is that Lou Dobbs reported on a CFR report seeking to merge the borders of Canada, Mexico, and America into one Pan American Union. have reported on this story. The Neo Cons like the rest of our enemies believe that man must be lead into a new society by preemptive wars, while our civil liberties are suppressed at home. Leo Strauss (as said by Texas Congressman Ron Paul) and other scholars created the backbone of the Neo-conservative movement. You obviously got FOX News spreadheading this propaganda and it's headed by Austrialian Rupert Murdoch.
Forever, torture is immoral and wrong at any circumstance. As for torture and rendition, David Usborne from the UK Indpedent on December 12, 2005 wrote about Poland investigating the CIA "secret prisons" in their nation. New events in Australia is about the riots between white Australians and the Arabic population. It started in Sunday when mobs attacked Arabic people in anger over 9/11, accusations of an Arab raping a woman, and the attack of Bali that killed many Australians. Sydney's Cronulla beach late Monday had violence as well. Now, Syndey and other cities are experiencing violence. Many Arabic people have also broke windows and cars in Australia. Prime MinisterJohn Howard condemned all of the rioting and the violence going on. New South Wales state Police Minister Carl Scully said the Neo-Nazis and white supremacists were involved in the attacks. The BBC reported on how the police in Australia will have new powers in the situation. It's the quid pro quo revenge type riot since both the whites and the Arabs gone evil acts to each other, then the riots came up.
The Left/Right Paradigm (i.e. Don King loves Bush Jr. and Rupert Murdoch had a meeting with Hillary Rodham Clinton. Hillary supports the Iraq War) is nothing more than a plot to keep people divided into their camps. I discuss information with liberals sometimes. Some of these liberals must understand that this isn't about left or right since the far left and the establishment right are controlled by the same corporate interests. The far left claims that they want freedom (and love The United Nations, World Court, etc), but the same corporations fund many of them just like Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell. From the Neo-Cons, I recieve similar comments on how I need to support Bush. Well dissenting with evil and supporting the truth is supporting your nation. You know what, I respect people like me. People like me admit to mistakes, but don't back down. People like me are Pro-Life and anti-torture. People like me want real moral values, but abhor Bush's anti-conservative and anti-American agenda. People like me aren't like some people who allow slander to come their way, but respond with passion and forerightness. People like me cite documents (from newspapers, authors, scholars, scientists, etc.) and real sources all day long. People like me are thankful for what we believe and won't become afraid by badgering and multiple words. People like me debated Freemasons and other folks for years and refuted them. People like me abhor all Secret Societies and people like me support real liberty not unborn baby killing, torture, deception, or illegal wars. I respect people like me. Many liberal people and Neo-Cons still refuse to expose the Secret Society connection in the world and look at evidence pointing to 9/11 as an inside job as well. I'm not intimidated by no human on this Earth. I fear God alone. Associated Press has an article written by LESLIE MILLER on December 14 2005 that new VIPER Teams are created by the federal government to monitor transportation areas in America. Of course, we shouldn't support militarized police with AK-47 guarding our domestic shores, which is a violation of the 1878 law of Posse Comitatus. I expand my mind also. I disagree with bashing the poor, human trafficking (i.e. DynCorp), depopulation agenda, etc.
The Culture of Life
For all eternity, I will Pro-Life. There has been so many news that relates to the Pro-Life Movement, that it can be overwhelming at times. Abortion is still murder. We must accept a culture of life. The truth is indeed on our side. Some good news is that the country of Colombia ruled that abortion is still banned in that nation. Some bad news is that Israel now has an enuthanasia machines to kill people to cover up the Mosaic Law's prohibitions against murder by human being. Murder of an innocent human being is still wrong. One of the most shocking anti-Life news I've seen in a long time deals with the state of far-left Hawaii. The Hawaii court lied and called the unborn as not human beings and allowed the 32 year old Tayshea Aiwohi to be let go after her own child got killed. The fact of the matter is that numerous mainstream doctors have called unborn children human life and that life begins at conception (like Dr. Hymie Gordon, Chairman, Dr. McCarthy de Mere, and Dr. Alfred Bongiovanni), the unborn has DNA, it grows, and other facts denote its personhood. They are human beings, it is a life, and we must support their right to life. The Christian Post talked about the Hawaii story.
Finally, according to Jane Macartney, China admitted to praticipating in organs transported from executed prisoners are sold to foreigners for transplants. This is proven by a wide variety of sources. This also confirms that China isn't our real ally. Not all Chinese people are evil in this fashion, but the Chinese and American government have supported this death, organ transplant culture for years and they must be condemned for that. The adulterer Michael Schiavo is forming a new PAC to promote death against terminally ill people. Tamara Lytle from the Washington Bureau Chief on December 8, 2005 reported on this. This liar called it TerriPAC. While most of the media want her to die by starvation, the truth is apparently clear. There is a Scientology connection with Terri Schiavo’s death, because the worldwide spiritual headquarters of Scientology is located at Clearwater, Florida where Terri was dehydrated to death. Pro-death advocates say that Judge Greer followed the law, but Greer not only violated tons of the law, but he lied. The murderer Judge Greer lied and said that his February 2005 decree to withhold water was from his February 2000 decree.
The truth is that February 2000 decree withheld artificial medical treatment not withdraw nutrition or hydration like food and water, so Greer lied. Terri’s starvation is a violation of many Florida statues. Florida Statue 4.765.309 forbids mercy killing of Euthanasia and no assisted Suicide. Statues 458.326 and 782.08 prohibit against assisted suicide, protecting the terminally ill, disabled, elderly, the chronically ill, and the severly handicapped. To withhold food and water by the mouth is a deliberate act to end life and is illegal by Florida statues. Again, “Helping” Terri to kill herself without her consent is assisted suicide and also prohibited in Florida Statues.
mentioned those statues as well, so this is real.
Michael Schiavo is a criminal according to Florida State law since he’s with another woman, while he’s married to Terri: “79801 Living in open adultery shall be Whoever lives in an open state of adultery shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. Where either of the parties living in an open state of adultery is married, both parties so living shall be deemed to be guilty of the offense provided for in this section. From The Geneva Convention even identifies starvation as a war crime and the Holocaust used starvation to kill millions to be placed in crematoriums. Article 54 of Protocol I and Article 14 of Protocol II forbids starvation of civilians in warfare from the Geneva Convention. Even in the International Criminal Court cites starvation as a means of killing a war crime. Why hasn’t the ACLU mentioned this and supported Terri? It is because that they are radically liberal and hypocrites for rightfully opposing torture in Iraq and Guamtanamo By, but wanted Terri to be tortured to death by starvation.
There are also some number/occult symbolism behind Terri's death as proven by Liberty to Captives Ministries. See, the date of her death was on the 13th day of the Judge Greer ordering her feeding tube to be removed. 13 is the number of destruction validated by many scholars and it’s readily in witchcraft and Masonry. Lisa and Gary Ruby proved that February 25, 1990, which is St. Valpurgis Day, a satanic high day in which dismemberment and blood communion is observed, was the time where Terri had here accident. Also, 15 years later in February 25, 2005, Judge Greer ordered her tube to be removed at March 18, 2005. The number 13 referred to rebellion against God’s delegated authority. March 13, 1911 is also the birthday of Ron Hubbard, the guy who founded the Satanic cult of Scientology. I heard of Scientology, but not of the murder supporting. In their false cult, they believe that a disabled person is in that condition because it’s there own fault. They also maintain that disabled will bring death unto others if their score is low on the emotional tone scale. March 18, 2005 was the day that Terri’s tube was removed. 6+6+6=18 relating to 666. June 18, 1990 (6+6+6=18) was when the murderer and adulterer Michael Schiavo was chosen as Terri’s legal guardian. June 18, 2001 was also when Michael filed an affidavit claiming that Terri was in a PVS, the first euthanasia case in Florida history. Satan had his hand all over this event. These sickos want death so the dignity of all human life is debased. I feel angry with the media for supporting this. Strange things are occuring in the word as well. In Europe, there was the first partially face implant that was successful.
is another good Pro-Life Blog exposing Margaret Sanger, who went into a KKK rally in 1926, her Plan of Peace called for segregation, and used deception against my people decades ago. That women ironically died in 1966. The Death culture is so bad that there are museum exhibit having the corpses of muscles, nerves, and brains of dead people all across America. This is sick.
Debbie Nathan from the New York Magazine reports on this new New York City Underground for abortion. Abortion is more common in New York State than in any place in the United States of America. New York City is the abortion capital of America. Debbie writes that thousands of women come to New York for "late term" abortion, which is nothing more than infanticide. Stem cell research has always been on side since embryonic stem cells can cause tumors and other problems. Recently, Scientists at the University of Louisville found adult mice stem cells that can turn into brain, nerve, heart muscle and pancreatic cells. These cells can overcome the problems with embroyonic stem cells and you don't have to kill embryos in the process. Pro-Life groups are Protesting American Girl doll company , because they support Girls Inc. Pro-abortion agenda. Australia now is having a debate on whether to legalize the RU-486 abortion pill. Life Dynamics and other sites prove that RU-486 has a sinister origin.
Here's Life's explosure of RU-486: "...When the Nazis switched from machine-gunning their victims in large mass graves to marching their victims through gas chambers at Auschwitz, the gas that they employed was a chemical called Zyklon-B. Zyklon-B was developed by a small chemical company owned by IG Farben, a major supplier for Auschwitz and other death camps that funded many of the experiments undertaken by Mengele and other SS doctors. IG Farben profited handsomely because of the increased use of Zyklon-B. IG Farben's name became virtually synonymous with the holocaust and unethical medical experimentation. So, after the war, this company underwent a name change and it became Hoechst AG. However, a Nazi by another name is still the same and, today, a subsidiary company of Hoeschst AG is the developer and main producer of RU-486, the so-called 'abortion pill'. The ghost of IG Farben is still haunting us by allowing killers to again distance themselves from their deeds. But Hoechst AG is not the only chemical profiteer in the abortion industry.
Borrowing from the IG Farben playbook, Upjohn Pharmaceuticals stock prices doubled when it announced the development of a vaginal prostaglandin-suppository marketed specifically for abortion. (It is no longer on the market, because it turned out to be quite dangerous - not only for the babies it was designed to kill, but also for the women who used it.) Searle, the producer of Cytotec, also saw its stock values surge after its product began to be used as an abortifecient. Using chemicals to kill has become big business for pharmaceutical companies -both during the Nazi holocaust and during the abortion holocaust..."
Stanley Tookie Williams is dead. He denied any crime committed unto the police officer. He wrote books detailing that gang banging isn't the way to go. He repented of his ways and really helped the youth, especially minorities living in the ghettos. The Terminator son of a Nazi Arnold Schwarzenegger terminated his life. Over the years, I've grown less and less apt to support the death penalty because of the unfairness to minorities and other people but this corrupt government has no right to immediately kill a man without another hearing to see new evidence that could expose proof of his innocene. Even the Bible forbids the death penalty unless by 2-3 creditable witnesses and without circumstantial evidence. I feel weird by this. I believe in the death penalty in certain circumstaneces since the OT (Genesis 9:8,9,12 and Exodus 21:12) and NT condones it. There are numerous people who are innocent that have died in the death penalty. The Holy Scriptures says 2-3 witness above circumstantial evidence, but this government still executes people with circumstantial evidence alone. That is immoral. One example is Scott Peterson. He was convicted, but there were no witnesses witnessing him killing Laci Peterson and her unborn child. There is no justification for Scott Peterson's death sentence at all. He should of got life without parole. DNA tests have saved many lives. In cases of circumtantial evidence where a man is convicted of a capital crime, the moral and biblical penalty is life in prisonment without the possibility of parole.
I agree that victims must recieve respect and justice, but not at the expense of innocents dying. This nation imprisoning more people than any nation on Earth. Jesus Christ was in favor of the death penalty since he said kill the child if a child disrespects his parents (Matt 15:3-4) [Jesus was obviously following the Old Covenant since he's the Messiah] and he said that whosoever kills with the sword must be killed with the sword in the book of Revelation 13:10 as well. Paul said that "For if I be an offender, or have committed any thing worthy of death, I refuse not to die: but if there be none of these things whereof these accuse me, no man may deliver me unto them. I appeal unto Caesar." (Acts 25:11). I believe Tookie should have a final hearing and if the evidence by real witnesses (not snitch testimony) and other evidence points to his guilt, then he must have capital punishment. Actors and musicians like Jamie Foxx and ex-Crip rapper Snoop Dogg came up to try to preserve Tokie's life. Prince Hall Freemasons Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton supported Tookie as well. When you look at both sides, his guilt is established. It isn't hypocritical to be Pro-Life and Pro-Death Penalty since you're promoting innocent life while punishment is met to those who take life. Many people are hypocrites by wanting no death penalty (even to those who are guilty), but wanting to kill people who seem "terminally ill," who are innocent. is a good Pro-Life site as well.
By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)