MTV and Satanism
MTV and Satanism, the signs are clear by John, CA) A spin-off of MTV’s infamous ’Jackass’ featuring Bam Margera titled ’Viva La Bam’ makes Satan smile while monkeys see and monkeys do, all the while flashing Satan signs into the living rooms of millions. The show is a series of destructive and even cruel pranks done by Bam and his friends on each other and on Bam’s family and is an MTV favorite for many viewers. The logo for the show ‘Viva La Bam features the satanic hand sign ‘el Diablo’ of raising the index and pinky fingers, which has been drawn in as the letter I, complete with illuminating rays coming from behind it. While this sign of the Devil is popular with many practicing Satanists, it has also been popular within rock and roll and heavy metal bands that proudly worship Satan, and can be seen often given by adoring fans as they worship their false idols in concerts. A quick glance at any concert crowd usually shows someone giving the hand sign. The first thing one notices when they visit Bam’s web page,, is a close up of him giving the Satan sign as he proudly salutes Lucifer. Several views from within Bam’s home reveal a large symbol resembling an upside down satanic pentagram within a circle, called a ‘heart o gram’ which is supposed to represent both good and evil. One large ‘heart o gram’ adorns a wall in the Margera home. This pentagram is also used as a hood ornament on Bam’s Mercedes. It’s also interesting to note that fellow ’Jackass, Steve O has a tattoo on his right arm of the so called ’Jesus fish’ only inside the outline of the fish is the word ‘Satan’ in bold letters. In the MTV Cribs episode featuring cast members of Jackass, Steve O picks up the kitten at his apartment and introduces it to the camera as ‘Lucifer’ It is clear that Satan has granted Bam Margera and the Jackass crew material wealth and fame in exchange for their souls as they continue to be some of the worst role models ever to have made it on television thanks to the Illuminati masters who are in control of the mass media, the military industrial complex, and the New World Order.
Jessica Simpson Divorced
Jessica Simpson’s new divorced image causes concern ‘Fallen role model’ could become ‘Satan’s pawn’ says Christian group (Hollywood, CA) The California based Christian group ‘The Resistance’ which received international attention for criticizing Jessica Simpson’s slutty music video ‘These Boots are Made for Walking’ preceding the release of the Dukes of Hazard are now concerned about Simpson’s new image as a divorced party girl, her hooking up with P. Diddy, and the effects on impressionable young fans. “It would be really sad to see Jessica turn into someone like Paris Hilton or Pamela Anderson” explains John Conner. “It’s just tragic to see her go from a perfect marriage in MTV’s Newlyweds just a few years ago, to a party animal hanging out with Jackass Johnny Knoxville and Satanist Bam Margera. Once a wholesome role model in a sex saturated culture, and a shining jewel of beauty and abstinence, Simpson has now jointed the ranks of the singing strippers such as Brittany Spears and Christiana Aguilera on MTV and in pop culture. “Her husband seemed like a pretty normal guy, and I’m afraid Jessica’s going to hook up with someone like P. Diddy, or Tommy Lee” laments Conner.All this news comes on the heels of the DVD release of the Dukes of Hazard uncensored version, which includes gratuitous nudity, now sealing Simpson as an actress in a skin flick. Conner’s advice to Simpson is simple. “The Devil has you in his grip, Jessica, and the decisions you make now, will affect millions of fans around the world in how they mimic and follow you. I hope and pray that Jessica doesn‘t flush her career down the toilet by doing a movie like Showgirls 2 or putting out anymore slutty music videos”
Copyright © by The Resistance Manifesto All Right Reserved.
Published on: 2005-12-29 (20 reads)
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