Dave von Kleist: Drop the Pods by Victor Thorn
As many people know, a 9-11 conference will be held on December 7-8 in Tampa, Florida. One of the scheduled speakers is Dave von Kleist, co-host of The Power Hour and producer of the DVD In Plane Site. One of the central themes of this video is what has become known as the “pod theory,” which has drawn quite a bit of controversy.Before confronting the pods, though, I would like to say that von Kleist has done some fantastic work on how Flight 77 could not have possibly hit the Pentagon. In fact, it’s precisely because of this research that we carry In Plane Site in our bookstore. But after studying the “pod” angle for quite some time, I realized that this issue was nothing more than a distraction at best, and a deliberate attempt to discredit the entire 9-11 truth movement at worst.As we’ve said many times before on WING TV, jetliners didn’t destroy the World Trade Center towers, nor did fire. Thus, I don’t care if elephants were strapped to the bottoms of those planes; they didn’t bring down the towers. So, why not focus our attention on the crux issue of 9-11 – controlled demolition – and quit wasting our energy on fuzzy photos and peripheral endeavors?Adding more weight to this argument is a recent 30-page report by BYU physics professor Steven E. Jones, who wrote: “The video In Plane Site promotes the theory that a “pod” holds a missile under the wing of the 757 which hit WTC 2. Careful inspection of the undercarriage of a standard 757 leads to the explanation that the so-called “pod” was merely a reflection from the bulged undercarriage. I find that the “pod theory” is very weak and distracts from central issues.”Jones further explains how these misguided notions “ridicule the whole 9-11 truth movement” and that “those espousing weak and un-testable claims should realize that they may be damaging the effort to achieve a rational debate of important issues by poisoning the process with ‘junk science’.” For further insights into this topic, please read The 9-11 Pods and Time to Denounce 9-11 Junk Science . This sentiment is shared by many others 9-11 researchers, so I’d like to take this opportunity to directly address Dave von Kleist about his presentation in Tampa. Dave, you’re going to be speaking to an audience of 9-11 truth-seekers, many of them newcomers to this field. Do us all a favor and DROP THE PODS. It’s highly questionable from a scientific aspect, and undoubtedly a distraction away from the one area where we can actually nail the perpetrators who were behind this crime – the controlled demolition. You’ve surfed this wave long enough, and certainly made enough money from your DVD. (We know this to be true from all the times Phil “Commander Pod” Jayhan bitched about you stealing his research and pocketing all the profits. He even wanted to “out” you one time on WING TV, but got cold feet at the last minute.)Anyway, Dave, it’s time to quit leading everyone astray on this “pod people” wild goose chase. Do what’s right and drop it completely – not halfway or a quarter of the way – but altogether. Then, in its place, focus your energies on a subject that truly has teeth – the controlled demolition. Professor Steven E. Jones did, as well as Morgan Reynolds, Kevin Ryan, David Ray Griffin, and many other respected members of this community. Dave, you have a responsibility not to jerk people around or have them barking up the wrong tree. So, step up to the plate and put away your “childish things” (i.e. the pods) and go for the throat with something that has teeth – specifically, how a cabal within our own government placed pre-planted explosives inside the WTC towers and deliberately caused their destruction. This isn’t about money or selling videos; it’s about the truth!
Village Voice Disinfo: An Explanationby Victor Thorn
On December 6, 2005, The Village Voice ran an article about 9-11 by Jarrett Murphy entitled, Open and Shut: Four Years Later, We Still Have Ten Big Questions. On the surface, this piece did raise a few valid points and provided at least a glimmer of “9-11 Truth”; but when I called it “disinfo” on the WING TV homepage news update section, some people inquired as to my reasoning. To them, at least from what I gather, any seemingly insightful information about 9-11 is a step in the right direction. So, they wondered, why would I cast this article in a negative light?The answer is simple; and to those who are still naïve about 9-11 and how the mainstream media portrays it, listen closely: the primary reason Jarrett Murphy’s piece falls into the category of disinfo is because it still reinforces the myth that 19 Arab cave-dwellers were ultimately behind the 9-11 terrorist attacks, and this is simply not true. Specifically, the Village Voice column speaks about Zacarias Moussaoui being the “20th hijacker,” then brings Ziad Jarrah, Mohammed Atta, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and al-Qaeda into the picture. What this tactic (albeit a sly one) does is perpetuate the Big Lie where they “assume” (just as the Kean 9-11 Whitewash Committee did) that Osama bin Laden and his rag-tag band of mischief-makers were behind the attacks.So, even though the author tosses a few legitimate morsels of truth our way (even mentioning the World Trade Center controlled demolitions), it really isn’t done in a serious manner where we truly get the impression that he wants to nail these bastards - the real perpetrators - to the wall and call for their execution. Rather, we’re simply being molly-coddled and appeased, for the underlying context is still the 19 Arab hijacker's ruse. Furthermore, if one reads closely, the Village Voice writer also plays up the “raging fire” angle, which, after four years, is inexcusable.In the end, what we’re left with is a yuppified, politically correct, corporate media-slanted piece of fluff that masquerades as “hard-nosed” journalism. In reality, if this man whole-heartedly wanted to see justice, he’d be screaming about 9-11 being an inside job that has become the biggest con-job ever laid on the American people. But he doesn’t. Rather, Murphy played a game of 9-11 tiddlywinks with us, which wasn’t even remotely good enough for me; and in all honesty, shouldn’t be good enough for you either. What we need to do is discern between that which is real, and that which perpetuates the ILLUSION.Once again, The Village Voice gave us a softball when they could have hit it out of the park.Open and Shut: Four Years Later, We Still Have Ten Big Questions