Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Kurt Nimmo's deception

This is a good response. It's not going to be pretty for anti-Semites, distorters, and doubters. It's the same M.O. 2tuff. 2tuff, these people have got nothing on us. Everything they show is either a blatant lie or a half-truth. Don't these people realize that we're debaters by nature. I've debated Freemasons, 7th Day Adventists, racists, and other folks that I disagree with for years and I'm only 21 years old. It's the same stuff I see all of the time by people like Daryl Bradford Smith, Kurt Nimmo and even Larry Lawson on some issues. These comments are about anti-Semites and doubters. I don't believe Larry Lawson is a shill, but he needs to learn about real facts. Here's some facts. First, Jewish people are here and I've got biblical, genetic, and historical evidence (all proven by AnswersinGenesis.org and other links) that they have a right to the land of Israel and there are real Jewish people today. (i.e. Lemba, Sephardic, Indic, Central Asian, Chinese, etc.) Second, regardless of Kurt Nimmo's deception, the rapture is mentioned by the early church and the Bible for over 2,000 years. I've got quotes of Tertullian believing what I believe about Bible prophecy (all before Darby, which Nimmo omits about).

We have nothing to do with some jihad or a crusade to kill people. Real Christians don't support unjust killings or illegal wars. Real Bible Believers and moral people don't hate Jewish people as well. The Bible says that they are the chosen people. Being chosen doens't denote racial supremacy, but chosen for a duty. That duty was to create the Bible, spread true monotheism, to live in their land called Eretz Yisrael, and to support the real God. Christians are chosen to preach the gospel, but Christians aren't racially superior to other people.No decent person, regardless of creed, want permanent tensions in the world. You know, months ago, I don't say anything about this, but now I'm calling names out. Third, real decent people expose corruption in Israel and any nation. To say that anyone who loves Israel and respect Jewish people from a prophetic and moral sense as some "Christian Zionist" is not only ignorant, but silly. These are the same people that forgotten that even the Bible said that Christ was a Jew and that salvation is of the Jews. It's funny that some of these people want to oppose the Iraq War (which is good), but want Israel to be destroyed by war if necessary. They are as just hypocritical as the Neo-Cons. As a matter of fact, the vast majority of the folks who signed the PNAC document weren't even Jewish. Most of them were members of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations).

Our foreign policy is run by the corporate elite in many organizations, not just the Zionists. Also, doubters, the far left, and other people calling Bush a conservative Christian is silly. What conservative Christian goes around into the occult Skulls and Bones and Bohemian Grove where people perform satanic rituals dating back to the Druids and Babylon. Don't you think that a man saying that Muslims and Christians worship the same god and wanting unborn babies to be killed for rape and incest isn't a real Bible Believer. Once again, I disagree with any evil Israel has done, while at the same I condemn evil done by Muslims like persecution of dissidents and Christians in Indonesia, Pakistan, Phillipines, Nigeria, Egypt, and of course Sudan where 2 million of my people were slaughtered by a bunch of terrorists. That's real terrorism. Also, it's a historical fact that Muslim radicals colloborated with Nazis and white supremacists to do evil. For example, Nimmo don't want his readers to know that Al-Husseini worked with Nazis to kill Jews during WWII. Many pro-Nazis worked with the leadership of many Muslim nations to make a police state against their own citizens. Impious Digest.org has a lot of information on this subject as well. All evil done by any people should be equally condemned, not just inside of Israel. I agree that this war on terror is based on falsehoods (Iraq is still an immoral war) and it's contrived, but we must expose real terrorism also like abortion, religious persecution, political persecutions, etc. Funny that people like Kurt Nimmo and Larry Lawson won't talk about the Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, the Jesuits, Knights of the St. John of Jerusalem, Le Cerle, European Royalty, O.T.O, Golden Dawn, Rosicuricans, Black Nobility, and tons of other real Secret Societies that are more powerful than the Zionists (many of the Zionists are under high-level Freemasonry and the CFR as proven by Barry Chamish. For example, Yitzah Rabin, Benjamin Netayahu, and the majority of Israeli Prime Ministers are Freemasons. The Rothschilds and the Knights of Malta control many businesses and areas inside Israel. There is even a Masonic symbol in a Supreme Court building in Israel. They aren't the most powerful people in the world at all). The evil Zionists support the Talmud (an addition to the Torah), Kabbala, and other occult script from non-God fearing Jews. This existed from the apostate Jewish people in the OT, the Pharisees in the NT, the inventors of the Talmud, the Sabbatean movement (they promoted a false Messiah), and others.

Rabbi Antleman and Scalret and the Beast website recorded that information about those apostate Jewish people as not representative of all Jewish people in generals. I'm not ignorant of Middle Eastern history and I realize that both sides made terrible mistakes. The Star of David really had nothing to with David since Satanists, Theosophists, New Agers, pagan Egypt, and the occult used the Hexagram thousands of years before the time of Christ. The Jesuits not only was the inspiration of the Nazis (proven by author Edmond Paris), but they have Spiritual Exercises which are similar to the occult. The Knights of Malta not only funded Hitler, involved in assassinations, but they head corporations and many other infrastructures today. Many of the SMOM were and are involved in the Carlyle Group, NASA, Ratline, business, media, etc. Larry Lawson even said that Royalty is a distraction when Queen Elizabeth is not only the head of the Knights of St. John, she's the world patroness of Freemasonry, and hold other titles. She's the cousin to Grandmaster Bertie, who is the head of the Knights of Malta and one of the most powerful people on Earth. There are indeed good and evil Jewish people. It's ironic and it's typical by these people. This Jew hatred is Satanic and I'm a man, so I'm ready for whatever. Ignorance by these people are astounding. I love Israel, I oppose the evil leadership in Israel, I love Arabs, I oppose the evil leadership in many Muslim nations, and I believe in no unfair scapegoating of Jews, Arabs, or any other people. Some of these guys are highly pro-Vatican, which is a red flag for me. Now, Daryl not only lied about the Jesuits, but lied about Carmish. Carmish risked his life in exposing the corruption in Israel, yet he still wants Israel to improve itself. A man can still love a nation, but hate the evil in a nation.

You can still be pro-Israel and anti-dual loyality and anti-evil in Israel at the same time. That's the difference that Daryl can't comprehend. He doesn't comprehend that our real wealth is fiat money worth nothing now. Real power is political, economic, religious, and social control over the spheres of the world. Bill Gates is one of the most richest men on Earth, but he's not the most powerful. Even if you follow the money, the trail leads to European aristocrats and elite groups like the Bilderberg Group, which aren't mostly Jews. In fact, it is the Elite in America and Europe that create Israel economically. They still fund Israel to this day, not the Israelis totally. The Vatican has the most knowledge base of info, economic, religious, and social influence than any creed on the face of the Earth. These people talk there eyes out about the Mossad, but they forgot MI6 is stronger than the Mossad and Knight of Malta Reinhard Gehlen helped trained the Mossad. The Mossad has done evil and that is true, but many intelligence agencies also have done evil like CIA drug smuggling into American communities. They talk about stealing land, but people stole land for thousands of years plus there's always been a permanent Jewish presence in Israel for thousands of years. Jews were in the land during the reign of Hadrian, the Byzantium Empire, the early Arab Islamic Empire, the Crusades, and the Ottoman Empire communicating with Arabs. All of this Replacement theology false doctrine is a product of ecumencial Christianity. A lot of these real anti-Semites love the Vatican. The Vatican shed Jewish blood for centuries as well. Nimmo forgot again that the Christians he's criticizing aren't even conservative, Rapture believing, pro-Israel Christians, but are either support of, united with, or members of occult orders (plus elite groups) like the SMOM, S&B, BG, CNP, TC, CFR, Freemasonry, etc.

I don't agree with Stew Webb on everything. As for Sherman, he has exposed the New World Order since 1958. He may have done mistakes, but I don't believe that Sherman is a shill. I hear nothing by Larry Lawson on the Jesuit Order also. The ignorance by Kurt Nimmo and people like him is astounding. Kurt Nimmo cites Israeli crimes, but forgot that America and Europe has done more sin than Israel will ever do in assassinations, abortion, degenerate lifestyle promotion, tons of theft of land, real genocides, deadly wars, witchcraft, pedophilia, use of atomic weapons against innocent people, invention of tons of occult Secret Societies, etc. People like Kurt Nimmo are no different than the far left and other scoffer who demonize conservative Christians as stupid or ignorant. While people like Kurt Nimmo have a sick obession with Jewish people, we will expose evil in all nations, promote alternative medicine, oppose torture, promote real spirituality (not myths), love all men equally, hate evil, dissent with illegal wars, expose human trafficking, respect the real truth on what's behind 9/11, making people known of voting fraud, waking people up, speaking out against rendition, abhoring the soveriegnty taking United Nations [who now wants to control the Internet. I guess they don't want people to know that they support population control, abortion, anti-gun iniatatives, etc. plus they were involved in sex scandals], enjoying real liberty, and keep on debating to back up what we say. I'm not even mad. I'm great in my skin, because the truth is on our side. It's funny that these guys refuse to listen to the total truth. This is real. These people are promoting ecumencism (like Dame of Malta Phyllis Schaffly), half-truths, and compromise instead of the real total truth. I've got my ammo and if they want to bring it, then I will bring. I'm not some ignorant hick, since I know about history, mathematics, science, religion, archaelogy, and other subjects.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)