*Conrad's words are in bold.
You can redefine society to fit your thought patterns if you wish. We have the technology we have today because of individuals who made great discoveries that were built on by other individuals. Yes individuals can work together and not be collectivists. Life is a easier which means people are complacent slaves--over fed slaves.
"So, the total mass of the planet is limitless?"
You neglect that poritions of the planet are renewable. You also neglect the other planets of the universe which we'd already have colonies on by now if it weren't for NASA and other government space agencies' monopoly on space.
"The number of trees for furniture, fuel, construction.. limitless?"
Renewable in a limitless fashion. Do you think it would be economically wise for a land owner to strip mine his property and thereby destroy its value? This is why under a free market a smalltime forester will plant more trees than he cuts down.
"You can kill all the animals you want, there'll be more?"
Again limitlessly renewable. In case you have forgotten, animals reproduce in great abundance when left to their own devices. The world will never run out of chicken nuggets, even under the current neofeudalist slave grid sans free market.
"Look at the North American Bison..."
One instance of stupid unmitigated obliteration that occured because there weren't fences and property owners and bison ranchers.
"There's enough fresh water for everyone all over?"
Remember the news articles years back that suggested that today's fresh water supply consisted mainly of dinosaur urine? There is a natural filter for water, there are also great gravity water filters. So yes, water is quite abundant. You can point to third world countries that have no semblance of a free market and the commons are totally polluted like a public restroom. This is why freedom would make for cleaner water.
"Never a shortage or supply problem?"
You really underestimate human ingenuity don't you? Such problems are surmounted and always have been. New ways of using resources, new technology, etc.
"Move to the desert..."
Already have. You'd be surprised how much life there is out here in the Mojave, just as there is in all the deserts of the world.
"Enough land for every person to have 'plenty' for farming and hunting?"
Of course. Why not?
"If there's 'limitless' resources, why does the U.S. consume near 40% of what's available in the world today?"
40 percent of what's produced. Over 6000 years of recorded history and we still haven't stopped producing things in great abundance. It's not zero sum.
"It used to be more, but we're downsizing our industrial base."
Hooray for McJobs and Walmartization. Deindustrialization is another reason we're slaves. The idea that the US needs to equalize it's consumption with that of other countries is collectivistic and tyrannical--let them catch up to us. A free market would literally solve all our problems.
"The human race is doubling in size every 14 - 18 years (on average)..."
I doubt these figures. There's no way you can be sure of any global population count. But even if they're correct, poverty cause people to screw like rabbits. Free market cures poverty and hence would cure any localized over-population. Are you a Malthusian?
"Physics contradicts your 'beliefe'"
Energy is neither created nor destroyed only transformed.
"What of those who can't chase down a deer.. let them starve?"
This is what charities were for. Making government the big charity and caretaker of people is an impossibility. Government doesn't want to nor can it help people.
"What if you get a band of 10 guys.. go out and kill 30 deer and send 5 out to scare off the rest so no one else 'in that area' can get their own.. then what? should the government tell you no? but that's interfering with your 'freedom'.. and your "free market".. right?"
This is what land ownership is all about. You don't make a lot of sense to me because I'm an individualist. You're coming from a zero sum collectivistic perspective that says deers don't reproduce when history proves you wrong. Deers do reproduce.
"..we have a republic where every 4 - 6 years people VOTE on who they want to represent them in the government.."
Nobody can represent me but myself. There's a rigged system where council on foreign relations whores all get together and stage an election like the WWF stages wrestling matches and there's dumb voters who like voting themselves a new frontman for slavery. That's all it is--a total sham. In theory government exists by the consent of the governed--here's the crutch of my argument: I NEVER CONSENTED TO BE SO GOVERNED!
"And, we have 2 levels.. States, which are mostly soverign.."
No, the states are total whores to the federal government. A teeny tiny exampe of this is California's legalization of medical marijuana and the federales saying "Nope, you're our slave and you will do what you say." States' rights went out with the civil war.
"Our government is supposed to be 'chose by the people anew every so often'.. which should technically keep it honest."
How is that supposed to work? On what basis is this assumption made that the majority of the people agreeing on something makes it ok? On what basis is the assumption made that the majority of people are honest? The reality is the majority of people are degenerate scum. The idea that the act of a majority of voters legitimized anything is superstitious nonsense. The idea that a politician is transformed into something special and is granted the right to rule over other people by voters is superstitious nonsense.The problem is that the will of the people has enabled the government to do what it has. The will, or the lack thereof, of the people let Hitler do what he did. The will, or lack thereof, allowed Mao to massacre tens of millions of Chinese people. The will of the people isn't worth a bucket of pig slop.
"I agree that we have a problem with the Federal Reserve, but it's not 'our' fault.."
Oh but it is, once again the will of the people has utterly failed. Building anything on the will of the people, a vague collectivistic idea in itself, is like trying to build on quicksand.
"the Constitution had protections in place..."
The constitution is a piece of paper and as such it's a dead letter.
"we just let our "leaders" ignore them, flaunt them."
Yeah, there's your will of the people at work again.Yes the Federal Reserve System isn't federal, there are no reserves and as a system it's nothing more than a scam by the big shareholders--families like the Rockefellers, Rothschilds and the inbred European Royal clans.
"If you really don't like the way it works, head off to the jungle. No one will stop ya.."
You're missing the point entirely. Freedom means having lots of options, if my only option is to leap out into the wilderness as a survivalist, then I'm not free. I want to fix things as well, but not along collectivistic lines, because that's no solution at all.