Friday, December 23, 2005

Answering Jaryla

Jaryla: What is it with you Americans and the Jews?

Response: What's with us. Some of us Americans respect the Jewish's people contributions in history, science, religion, etc. We respect them unlike real anti-Semites in Europe. I'm just not going to hate Jewish people or Arabic people period.

Jaryla: About 95% of people in the current land of Israel were of Arab origin until the state of Israel was formed. During the creation of the 'Israeli state', many native Palestinians were displaced and forced off their land. Now they remain under illegal occupation by Israel in the West Bank and Gaza following the 1967 conflict. In addition, Jewish settlements continue to be built in these areas and the Palestinian refugees have not been allowed to return home. How can people possibly pass off all this behaviour as the 'will of God'?

Response: You actually believe that. Jewish people were in the land since Biblical days. The Greeks and the Romans stole the land thousands of years ago. Also, after the Disapora, there was always a permanent presence of Jewish people in the land from 70-1948 A.D. Many historians have proven this since the Yemeni, Sephradic, Ethoipic, and other Hebrew tribes communicated with the Arabic people during the 600's A.D. The Palestinians for the most part originated from Muslim Arabs migrated into the land at the 600's A.D. Jewish people and Arabic people were peacefully co-existing with each other. The land was further stolen by the Byzantium and Ottoman Empires. The British defeated the Ottoman Empire after WWI and caused the Mid East strife today. Me and little brother personally blame the Brits since the Brits funded both radical Muslim and radical Jewish groups to try to kill each other. In fact, according to some scholars, if the Jews and Arabs were not infringed upon by the Brits, they would of made up their own solution easily. The land therefore belonged to the Jewish people for centuries before any massive immigration of Arabs in the land. I don't agree with displacement or oppression unto the Palestinians (done by Zionist extremists not holy Jewish people), but they weren't the first people there. Even the refugee situation isn't totally controlled by the Israelis, but by the U.N. The U.N. is also making the refugees stagnant in their own condition. People stole land for thousands of years. America is the perfect example of that. The Gaza Strip recently in 2005 have been given to the Palestinian leadership. Also, it is just for the Palestinians to recieve just compensation for their land taken from them, but that doesn't disregard the Jews presence in the land as well. Not to mention that Palestine was a term coined by the Romans in a bigoted guesture to restrict the Jews to inhabit Jerusalem. Palestine existed from the word Philistine as well, but the Palestinians aren't originated from the Philistines at all, but from the Arabic people.

Jaryla: Terrorism is a problem which has to be dealt with, but you have to look at what fuels it, and the oppression of the Palestinian people certainly isn't helping. By continuing to exhibit a rabid pro-Israeli bias, America will become more and more isolated in the world and continue to fuel the hatred of the Arab people.

Response: I think this "War on Terror" is a farce. Many of the Muslim international terrorism are funded or controlled by intelligence agencies and government. 9/11 being an inside job (i.e. controlled demolition, stand down by NORAD, goverment foreknowledge, training of "hijackers", some of the "hijackers being alive after 9/11, etc.) is admitted by more of the public. Real terrorism deal with abortion, political persecutions, religious persecutions, and other things. I never support any oppression against Palestinian people. Supporting that and being a real religious person is an oxymoron. Just like I don't support oppression against Jewish people as well. I think Real Americans should care less what the world thinks. We should care what God thinks and follow his will. I follow my Creator and we should treat all of our neighbors equally regardless of creed, color, or nationality. I don't believe in Israel's foreign interests superceding our own since Israel ought to handle their own business. I think the main problem is corrupt leadership among both sides. If real leadership existed among the Israelis and Palestinians, change will occur. Also, the average Jew or Arab in the Middle East doesn't want them to be scapegoated all of the time anyway. Low-level Jews and Arabs aren't to be blamed for this mess at all.

Jaryla: In fact, you could almost call Israel the 51st state of America.

Response: Israel is not the 51st state and Christians don't believe. Anti-Semites want Israel to not exist and I don't believe that as well. It may not be God's will to oppress Palestinians (That displacement was obviously wrong), but it is not God's will for us to curse Israel and claim that Jewish people are to be blamed for all problems in the world. America and Europe have more evil, dirt, and sin than Israel will ever recieve. Like always, I don't consider you an anti-Semite at all. As for us American Christians, the Bible clearly states that Jesus was a Jew, salvation is of the Jews, Israel is the apple of God's eye, and God will have a New Jerusalem filled with both Jews and Gentiles. So, I believe that Israel should exist, I believe in no oppression of Arabs and Jews, and I don't accept dual loyalty as well.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)


Here's another debate:

Tommy D. Kuzdas : Gee Wiz, maybe Milinda Gates believes that women, just like men, have the right to decide their own destinys. Maybe she believes that WOMEN, not the state, not the church, have the right to decide for themselves when they will have children. Oh my god, what an incredible concept! Women are human beings, not slaves, not incubators, which by the way is what you seek to make them.

Response: I have to response about this issue. Any rational human being believes that a woman has a right to fulfill their own destiny. This pro-abort propaganda is getting old Tommy. No one is even supporting to restrict women on when they have children. We want no murder of unborn children. There's a difference. Always, why don't you guys discuss the possible hardcore side effects like depression and sterility that can come as a result of abortion, the new evidence of the personhood of the unborn by 3-D ultrasound devices, many mainstream scientists calling life as beginning in conception, and Margaret Sanger's meeting with the KKK in 1926 plus her Plan of Peace proposal calling for the segregation of what she calls the "unfit." We Pro-Lifers don't deny women their humanity. We love women, but you deny the unborn their humanity. I find it hypocritical when you support the women, but want unborn babies to be killed. Shedding innocent blood is morally wrong for me. Also, laws exist restricting obsence human behavior, so just because we are restricted on what we do to our bodies, doesn't mean that we want women to be placed as second class citizens. Citizenship to the unborn is just. Abortion is a violation of the Constitution being cruel and unusual punishment and it's murder without the due process of law. We Pro-Lifers will fight and I'm not intimidated, because stats, history, and facts are on our side.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)