Bush’s State of the Union: Mandate for Iran Attack
Kurt Nimmo
Truth News
January 29, 2008
If it is true Bush — or rather the neocons, using the sock puppet Bush — plan to attack Iran before the decider-commander leaves office in a little less than a year, then the State of Union address seems to send up a couple red flags in that direction.
Consider the following:
When we met last year, militia extremists — some armed and trained by Iran — were wreaking havoc in large areas of Iraq.
Of course, there is no evidence of this, same as there was no evidence Saddam and Osama hung out together and plotted to attack the United States, as the neocons insisted prior to the invasion and occupation of Iraq. It was all bull feathers, same as this claim is a calculated lie.
As should be expected with this clan of traitors and warmongers, the lies must go on, or maybe that should be “catapulted”:
Iran is funding and training militia groups in Iraq, supporting Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon, and backing Hamas’s efforts to undermine peace in the Holy Land. Tehran is also developing ballistic missiles of increasing range and continues to develop its capability to enrich uranium, which could be used to create a nuclear weapon.
Again, there is a complete paucity of evidence Iran is “training militia groups in Iraq,” a fact underscored by both Def. Sec Robert Gates and Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Peter Pace last year.
Even Anthony Cordesman, a former director of Intelligence Assessment in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, believes the neocons are full of it. “I’m not sure they understand how little credibility these statements have,” Cordesman told USA Today. “The great risk is that what may be a real issue will not be seen as real outside the United States.” Added USA Today: “Such claims, however, are being met with denials from Iran and skepticism at home. Faulty U.S. intelligence that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, which Bush used to justify in part the 2003 invasion of Iraq, has eroded much of the administration’s credibility.”
Not that it matters in the United States, where the population, tuned in and mesmerized by Faux News and the like, buy whatever transparent tripe the neocons trot out as evidence there are big bad terrorists on the hunt, hungry to slaughter grade school girls.
Since Hamas was duly elected by the Palestinian people, much to the chagrin of Israel and the United States, we can only assume Bush the neocon sock puppet is declaring the Palestinians as a whole are undermining “peace in the Holy Land” from inside their open-air prison — hemmed in by a massive “security fence,” i.e., prison wall, and surrounded by thousands of troops and a vast array of military hardware provided by the U.S. — in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. Maybe this collective plot to undermine peace is why Israel has slaughtered and tortured Palestinians for more than fifty years.
Bush tells you Iran is developing “ballistic missiles,” but this is a canard. As it now stands, Iran’s missiles can reach Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Armenia, Syria, that is to say neighboring states, none posing a threat to the regime in Tehran. It is estimated, if Iran acquires missiles from North Korea, it will be able to extend this range significantly, including Israel (see this map, provided by the Federation of American Scientists).
However, even with the Taepo Dong 2 missile, Iran will not be able to threaten the United States. In 2005, according to the authoritative Jane’s, Iran “acquired medium/ intermediate-range ballistic missiles” from North Korea with a range of approximately 2,500 kilometers.
In 2006, Iran’s army chief General Rahim Safavi declared on Iranian television that the “first and main goal” of a test of the Shahab-2 and Shahab-3 was “to demonstrate power and national determination to defend the country against any possible threat.” Of course, for Israel and the Bush neocons, this means Iran will nuke Israel, never mind this would be suicidal mental illness manifest.
In August, the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna reported that “while Iran continues to enrich uranium in violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions, its fuel enrichment plant has produced ‘well below the expected quantity for a facility of this design.’ The quality of the uranium also was lower than expected, the IAEA said.” The report “praised Iran for taking ‘a significant step forward’ by agreeing to a new work plan and timelines for resolving numerous questions about the history of its nuclear program. Separately, U.N. officials said that Iran had slowed construction of a new plutonium-fuel reactor in Arak.”
It should be noted that the Security Council resolution — UNSC Resolution 1696 — contradicts the Non-Proliferation Treaty, allowing signatories to enrich uranium. The IAEA’s El-Baradei confirmed in Paragraph 52 of his November, 2003 report that “to date, there is no evidence that the previously undeclared nuclear material and activities referred to [in the report] were related to a nuclear weapons program.” Moreover, after extensive inspections, El-Baradei wrote Paragraph 112 of his November 2004 report that “all the declared nuclear material in Iran has been accounted for, and therefore such material is not diverted to prohibited activities” (see Iran Affairs, January 22, 2008).
Michael Spies of the Lawyer’s Committee on Nuclear Policy (see previous link) notes:
The conclusion that no diversion has occurred certifies that the state in question is in compliance with its undertaking, under its safeguards agreement and Article III of the NPT, to not divert material to non-peaceful purposes. In the case of Iran, the IAEA was able to conclude in its November 2004 report that that all declared nuclear materials had been accounted for and therefore none had been diverted to military purposes. The IAEA reached this same conclusion in September 2005.
And yet Israel, stockpiling around 200 nuclear weapons, has not signed the NPT. Israel’s nuclear program is truly secret although, thanks to Mordechai Vanunu, we have an idea of its dimension. Kenneth S. Brower has estimated Israel has as many as 400 nuclear weapons, that is to say 400 more than Iran has. In 2004, Louis René Beres, a professor of Political Science at Purdue University and a one-time advisor for the now comatose Ariel Sharon, suggested Israel, under the Samson Option, use its nukes to “support conventional preemptions” against its Arab neighbors. Israel has a sordid history of launching numerous “conventional preemptions” against these neighbors, a fact revealed in a study of former Israeli PM Moshe Sharett’s personal diary by Livia Rokach (see Israel’s Sacred Terrorism, AAUG Press, Third Edition, 1986).
But never mind. Bush and the perfidious neocons are way behind schedule and they realize even flimsily crafted lies work well enough on millions of Americans who, like well-trained monkeys, jump when they are told there’s a turbaned Muslim lighting a fire under their posteriors.
Our message to the people of Iran is clear: We have no quarrel with you. We respect your traditions and your history. We look forward to the day when you have your freedom.
Sure they do, sort of like they respected the traditions of the Iraqi people by blowing them away with depleted uranium. So compassionate are the neocons, as I write this millions of Iraqis live under the internationally accepted standard of living of less than a dollar a day, a situation that did not exist until Bush Senior, Clinton, and Bush the Lesser imposed medieval sanctions, resulting in the premeditated murder of more than 500,000 Iraqi children.
As Bush reiterated in his neocon manufactured speech, Iran is next on the target list and should expect the same treatment from Bush’s Arab and Muslim hating handlers.
Considering such, if I lived in Iran I’d want a few “ballistic missiles” as well, and the sooner the better to stave off Armageddon delivered by way of countless cruise missiles, bunker busters, depleted uranium, and possibly even “min-nukes.”
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