George W. Bush spoke of his State of the Union Address. The crowd greeted him with applause on many occasions. Bush shook hands and signed autographs in the mayhew. His speech was a combination of domestic and foreign policy proclamations. This was his last State of the Union Address. Bush justified his educational policies by citing improvements in the learning development of African Americans and Hispanic Americans. Folks from the across the political spectrum though subscibe to the belief of more improvement being crucial in education. He wanted to do something about "climate change," despite the fact that climate is dynamic. Humans now can create weather, but man has no control over the sun, which is one of the dominant factors in determining the result of the climate worldwide. Global warming that's man-made has been debunked now by hundreds of scientists because of the fact CO2 is a bigger of plant life not a poison necessarily. He talked of immigration reform. He wants the border to be secured, yet barriers were not being built on schedule. Bush talked about the need of compassion to illegal immigration and I would agree with that. Yet, illegal immigrants will have to face strong punishments if they seek to be an American citizen. Bush said that he was opposed of embryonic stem cell research for its destruction of human life. Now, there are pluripotent stem that are embryonic-like which ends the need to destroy embryos to get stem cells. The debate should be over, but some want to kill humans to try to save humans. I'm Pro-Life and believe in ethical research to allievate individuals' diseases and malades. On foreign policy, George W. Bush exclaimed that the Iraqi surge is working. Bush also proclaimed that Iran ought to be dealt with in its nuclear controversy. I oppose a preemptive strike against Iran for Iran (whose funded by GE and Western corporations for decades I might add) is no direct threat to America. Its leader is a puppet calling for a new world order and global government. Paul Craig Roberts is at it again. In his article ( from Global Research at January 28, 2008), he basically blamed Israel for almost everything wrong in the Middle East and classified it as a terrorist state. Israel like America may have done terrorist actions, but all people in both nations aren't terrorists. Also, Saudi Arabia, Syria, etc. have done terrorism before as well. Roberts also praised the United Nations in his articles recently, which is highly an incorrect route for him to go. What's the truth? Here's the truth. Jewish people, Arabic people, and any other people have a right to live in any country they wish including Israel (The British restricted Jewish immigration into Israel after WWI. The British colonized Arabic regions as well. Western power agitated much of the conflict in the Middle East since both Jews and Arabic people live in mostly harmony for a time after WWI). Jewish people lived in the land continiously in the time of the Romans, Byzantinum, the era of the Persians, the time of the Arabic Muslim empire, the time of the Crusades, the Ottoman Empire (i.e.Ibn Khaldun, one of the most creditable Arab historians, in 1377 wrote of Jewish sovereignity in the land of Israel) , and the time British Empire ruling the Middle Eastern region. Therefore, Jewish people have a historical link to land. Arabic people have a link to the land also, but the Jewish people lived there longer. Most Jewish people didn't steal land in Israel. Also, I reject the Khazar disinformation. Jewish Ashenazi tribes lived in Europe (at 200 and 300 A.D. during the Roman Empire era) before the Khazar were in Europe. DNA tests prove that the Ashenazi have origin from the Fertile Crescent. Also, Mizrahim, Yemeni, Lemba, and other non-Ashkenazi Jewish tribes exist in Israel and they aren't Khazars at all. Some of them have olive to dark skinned complexion. Most Jewish settlers coming into Israel payed money to settle in Israel (many Jewish individuals were already in Israel in the 1700's and 1800's before any Zionist settlers). Palestine itself is a name originated from the Roman Emperor Hadrian. Palestinians are a recently coined people who are actually mostly Arabic people. ( Syrian dictator Hafez Assad to the PLO leader Yassir Arafat even said that Palestinians "You do not represent Palestine as much as we do. Never forget this one point: There is no such thing as a Palestinian people, there is no Palestinian entity, there is only Syria. You are an integral part of the Syrian people." Many writers and historians like Mark Twain, William Thackeray, and Finn classified Israel in the early 1800's as desolate and with litte people. Paul Craig Roberts also disrespects many Americans as ignorant of foreign policy. Let's gets one thing clear. Some Americans may have been feed false information about the complexities of the Middle East or foreign policy. Yet, Many Americans realize the problems of foreign policy in the USA and other nations. Many of us aren't ignorant, but smart and willing to expose all evil despite what Roberts say. I expose all of it not just a limited amount of it like Roberts seems to do. You know what. I respect many Americans opposing the new world order. I respect many worldwide who make a distinction between the good folks in Israel and the Middle East and the bad people. I respect the good contributions Israel, Jordan, Saudia Arabia, and other nations made in the world. Like usual, Roberts refuse to expose the Vatican/Jesuits, high level Freemasonry (in Masonry there is a praise of King Solomon's Temple), or the City of London for some reason. I wonder why?
Now, I oppose the bad policies of many Middle Eastern governments from Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, etc. Israel's leadership have made many errors on the part of the Palestinians. That can't be justified from Israeli bombings, checkpoints, bulldozing of homes, etc. Yet, Roberts seems to omit Muslim mistakes in the Middle East. These mistakes include Sudan killing millions of black Christians, black aminists, and black Muslims in Darfur, Syria discriminating against Christians and Jewish people, Saudi Arabia banning religious freedom, some Pakistanis killing Christians, Dubai banning any Jewish person to come into the nation, etc. No mention of that, yet Roberts wants to use the U.N. as a crutch. The U.N. is known to make tons of errors like its support of the anti-sovereignity LOST Treaty. As for Palestinian refugees many were encouraged to leave by many Arabic leaders. The refugees though should be treated fairly and be given just compensation though. Also, Roberts doesn't care about 800,000 Jewish refugees who were oppressed and forced out of Middle Eastern nations of North Africa and Iraq after WWII (even before that for centuries). Now you don't see Roberts or the U.N. calling for Middle Eastern nations to compensate them at all. Roberts is acting like a hypocrite rightfully making known of Palestinian suffering, but omit radical Muslim errors in history. One solution to this Middle Eastern problem is to allow the Muslims and Jewish people there to solve their own problems and let the America (not interfere in the Middle East in interventionalism) build up its own nation. We can trade with Middle Eastern nations and communicate, but ultimately they (all Middle Eastern nations) have to be responsible to solving the critical issues of peace. I support the good people in Israel and Middle Eastern nations, but I don't 100% support the policies of the Middle Eastern nations. Do I believe Palestinians should have legitimate freedoms and a nation somewhere in the Middle East? Yes. Do I believe Israel should cease to exist? No, because using that standard America should cease to exist (since America on many occasions stole tons of land which is much larger than the size of Israel). Israel should have end excessive actions against the Palestinians (the leadership of Isreal is working with the Neo Cons agitating for war in Iran. I don't agree with that. Additionally, I don't agree with any dual loyality. That rhetoric should be condemned and stopped. I believe the leadership in all Middle Eastern nations should end like the Masonic Sunni leaders plus the Labor Zionists {some of whom worked with the Nazis like some Sunni Muslims did as well like Amin al-Hussieni, who is an inspiration of puppet Yassir Arafat} and let independent, patriotic leaders take over their own nations. The West also has too much influence over there like the U.S., the EU, and Russia), while at the same time there is no justification for suicide bombings in Israel or anywhere. I don't care if you're treated like a dog. You're a coward if you commit suicide in an attempt to harm fellow human beings. No Muslim population should be bombed in immoral wars at all, yet I don't believe in condemning all people in a nation of Israel for the wicked policies of the leadership in Israel. Criticizing legitimately the bad policies of Israel isn't anti-Semitism. Criticizing radical Muslim people legitimately likewise isn't Islamophobia either. Paul Craig Roberts wants to trust the pro-new world order, pro-one world, pro-abortion, and pro-population control U.N. for neutrality on this issue? He's naive. It was the U.N. that supported the sanctions in Iraq. It was the U.N. that tried to ofuscate on condemning genocide occuring in Sudan. The U.N. did nothing to avert the genocide in Rwanda. The U.N. has no right to be a moral barometer on anything of substance in my mind. The Middle East is readily infiltrated and manipulated by Western powers (like the City of London, the Vatican/Jesuits, etc.). The Florida Primary will occur today. John McCain and Mitt Romney are attacking each other as the true Presidential candidate. Each call each other liberal for their political positions. David Edwards and Muriel Kane from Raw Story at Tuesday on January 29, 2008 show Knight of Malta Patrick Buchannan saying that if John McCain is President, there is going to be a war in Iran. He could be right since McCain and Giuliani are the most hawkish of the Presidential candidates of each major parties. One of John McCain's favorite Presidents is Theodore Roosevelt. Roosevelt was an interventionalist who made war with nations across the globe. Ron Paul, Mike Huckabee, and Rudy Giuliani are still in the race competing as well. Some speculate that Rudy will quit the Republican race if a strong showing won't result in the Florida primary. The Democratic aren't allowed to campaign in Florida for a primary, but Hillary wants to make a speech there after the primary is completed. Gina Mangieri from KHON 2 atJanuary 28, 2008 reported on a bill that will ban aspartame in foods. Now, aspartame is obviously a neuro-toxin and can create many side effects negatively unto human beings. This substance is present in soda, snacks, and other variety of foods. Multiple subjects being explained is my M.O.
By Timothy