Wednesday, January 30, 2008

January 2008: Two 9/11 Drama Movies Premiering


January 2008: Two 9/11 Drama Movies Premiering
Daan de Witt

American Free Press

January 29, 2008
Able Danger and The Reflecting Pool, two separate motion pictures based on the non-official version of what happened on 9/11, will be premiering this January. The two independently made drama films confront the viewer with the facts that 9/11 could not have been perpetrated by the 19 hijackers and deal with the question who might be behind the crime of the century. Able Danger premiers Monday 28 January at the Rotterdam Film Festival in the Netherlands. The Reflecting Pool will premiere on 31 January in the Aero Theatre in Santa Monica, USA. - Watch the trailers at the bottom of this article.
Able Danger

Able Danger is a movie based on the fact of an official unit called Able Danger, comprised of United States intelligence personnel. The unit observed ringleader Mohammed Atta and his hijackers, but was not allowed to provide the FBI and later the 9/11 Commission with their data. More than a year before the attacks on 11 September 2001 it destroyed the gathered information, worth 2,5 terabytes, equal to one fourth of the printed books in the Library of Congress. In reality, says Webster Tarpley, author of Synthetic Terror - Made in USA, Able Danger took care of the hijackers in order for the group to be the real life cover story for 9/11. Watch Tarpley explain the system behind the hijackers and the controllers. Watch news clips about Able Danger.

In a reaction Tarpley writes to me: ‘In my analysis, Able Danger were terrorist controllers and terrorist monitors who observed carefully what the various patsies were doing in order to check up on them and make sure they were following orders and conforming to the strateghy set by the rogue network. The obvious problem of Agentenfuehrung is to make sure such criminal types do what you want, not what they may want. They have to be supervised by case officers directly, and also constantly observed. Able Danger did the observing part. Door Hop Galley is another unit inside Able Danger which has never been explained. Congressman Weldon thought he could use Able Danger against the Kean-Hamilton commission and the Democrats, but he was meddling in something much more explosive, so he was politically and personally destroyed’.
Eventhough the voice of Tarpley features prominently in the trailer (see below) of the movie Able Danger, he is not part of it. The movie is about a character called Thomas Flynn, who is the quixotic publisher of a hard-hitting 9/11 conspiracy expose, implicated in the murder of his friend and employee. At the same time he finds himself entangled with a mysterious Eastern European beauty, Kasia. As it turns out, Kasia possesses the smoking gun that proves the identities and methods of the real architects of 9/11, and Thomas willing to risk everything to expose the truth.
Movie director Paul Krik writes: ‘DeepJournal, it seems to me, lives in the film noir perspective. You look at the news events and see beyond its news spin to its true cause. My story is about someone like you, who lives in Brooklyn and runs a cafe and publishes alternative media. But the movie begins when a femme fatale out of a 40s noir movie who works for the ’shadow government’ enters his cafe … The movie is fiction!’
Able Danger premiers Monday 28 January at the Rotterdam Film Festival in the Netherlands, (Pathé 7, 21.45 hrs). Writer/director Paul Krik will be present and lead actress Elina Löwensohn. Press and industry can watch it the previous day, (Cinerama 2, 22.30 hrs). Additional public screenings on Tuesday 29 (Cinerama 7, 20.00 hrs) and on Friday 1 February (Pathé 7, 19.15 hrs).

The Reflecting Pool

The fictional movie The Reflecting Pool, announced earlier by DeepJournal, is about a successful journalist called Alex Prokop, who receives a rare 9/11 videotape revealing new information on the attacks. The footage was sent by a driven researcher by the name of Paul Cooper, whose daughter died on 9/11. Sensing a good story, Prokop travels with Cooper to New York and Washington, DC, where they uncover suppressed information about the attacks. As Cooper introduces Prokop to key eyewitnesses, the façade of the "official story" begins to crumble.
Prokop hears accounts of underground explosions in the Twin Towers moments before their collapse, and discovers that a firm run by the President’s brother provided security for WTC.
We follow Alex and Cooper as they investigate the inexplicable collapse of the 47-story WTC Building Seven, disprove the implausible airliner "attack" on the Pentagon, and uncover the illegal destruction of physical evidence from Ground Zero. Alex’s search for the truth leads to a dangerous and shocking realization.

The Reflecting Pool premiers Thursday 31 January at the Aero Theatre in Santa Monica, California, USA (19.30 hrs), followed by a Q&A with the filmmakers. Next is the opening on Saturday 2 February in the Laemmle’s Monica 4-plex, Santa Monica Sphere: Related Content