Bill Clinton: Pauperize the Populace to Cure Global Warming
Kurt Nimmo
Truth News
January 31, 2008
Bill Clinton wants you to suffer. “We just have to slow down our economy and cut back our greenhouse gas emissions ’cause we have to save the planet for our grandchildren,” said Bill.
But not to despair because, as usual, all of this suffering and misery will eventually pay off, according to the Bill-miester.
During a “long, and interesting speech” in Denver, Colorado, stumping for his wife the Bilderberg Queen, writes ABC News “blogger” Jake Tapper, Clinton promised all the suffering and sacrifice “could ultimately increase jobs and raise wages with a good energy plan.”
How many times have politicians told us we must trade suffering and sacrifice for a rainbow and pot of gold down the road? Of course, the pay day never arrives and, in a few months or years, more sacrifice is demanded — ever more, endlessly. Remember back in the early 1990s when Bill told us NAFTA would result in more and better paying jobs? Of course, the exact opposite occurred, as good jobs were shipped off to Mexican maquiladoras and ultimately ended up in China where slaves labor under the sadistic whip of authoritarian bureaucrats for fifty cents an hour, if they’re lucky.
Said Clinton: “And maybe America, and Europe, and Japan, and Canada — the rich counties — would say, ‘OK, we just have to slow down our economy and cut back our greenhouse gas emissions ’cause we have to save the planet for our grandchildren.’”
Rich countries? Actually, the average American’s wage and standard of living has fallen sharply since the 1970s. According to official statistics, as of 2004 there were 37 million people living in poverty in 2004, or 12.7% of the population, up from 12.5% in 2003. “Nationally, the poverty rate leveled off last year at 12.6 percent after increasing every year since the decade began. It was a period when the country went through a recession and an uneven recovery that is still sputtering in parts of the Northeast and Midwest,” CBS reported in 2006, and the 2005 census reveals that 16 million Americans — a 32 year high — are living in extreme poverty, defined as a meager $9,903 a year.
Bill would have those grinding away in poverty earn even less and suffer more — to save the planet, of course, never mind that “global warming” is junk science at best.
But then “global warming” and “climate change” are simply the latest in a series of scams to pauperize the populace, as our rulers have long range plans to reduce the planet to a feudal plantation that will make medieval peasantry bonds of manorialism pale by way of comparison.
It makes sense to enlist Bill and his Bilderberg door-stop wife to push this plan. Strangely and yet predictably, millions of Americans listen to Bill, who is a consummate actor and accomplished liar — as most sociopaths are — and people actually like him, thanks to years of corporate media hype, including his “all too human” moment of weakness with Monica Lewinsky.
Unfortunately, as “Paper Collar Joe” Bessimer famously noted, “there’s a sucker born every minute… and two to take ‘em.”