Thursday, January 31, 2008

I Will not Stop




California was the location yesterday when a debate occured among 4 Republican candidates. The time now had been a highly charged political period. John Edwards and Rudy Giuliani dropped out of the race offically yesterday. Rudy lost Florida and lost to Ron Paul in almost every state. Therefore, Giuliani had a very slim chance of earning the Republican nomination. Rudy Giulinai came to endorse John McCain, because in his mind, John McCain possessed massive experience in foreign policy (plus other justifications). The debate in the Reagan Library had Mike Huckabee, Ron Paul, John McCain, and Mitt Romney. The issues discussed ranged from the economy, abortion, the Iraq War, Ronald Reagan, and others. John McCain and Mitt Romney engaged in the most contentious exchange about the Iraq War and the economy. Romney admantedly denied advocating a public, specific timeline with the withdraw of U.S. G.I.s from Iraq. Also, each disagreed on taxes. Romney said that McCain didn't vote for Bush's tax cuts and McCain countered by accusing Romney of raising taxes in his state of Massachusetts. Ron Paul wanted to make his view known that excessive spending and currency devalument has decreased American standard of living plus other economic problems. Ron Paul also criticized borrowing money from China to pay for all of these programs since that will still increase the debt and will increase the money that America still will owe to foreign nations like China. Paul also said that George W. Bush once campaigned on a honest foreign policy then went into the neo conservative route having an unConstitutional war against Iraq. Some of the candidates endorse rebates and investments in infrastructure to develop the struggling economy. Romney said immediate solutions and long terms answers are needed to help the economic challenges not just infrastrcuture. John McCain oppose Putin. I disagree strongly with many of Putin's policies, but I wouldn't provoke nations like Russia into more agressive actions. I would have voluntarily communications with these nations like Russia, Iran, and others in trying to solve problems not create them. Mike Huckabee maintained that perserving innocent unborn life is important. He said that his reason was that if all human has instrintic worth and equal value, then its protection is important from conception to death. I'm not ashamed of being Pro-Life. I think the Pro-Life has grown stronger especially in the young population. Young people in the USA are more Pro-Life than the previous generation. Also, pro-abortionists can't refute ultrasound technology showing the humanity of the unborn, side effects of abortion, the goodness of abortion, or how abortion ends the life of a fellow human being that's innocent. This debate focused on Ronald Reagan. Reagan was a NWO puppet unforunately. He was not only a honorary 33rd Degree Freemason, but he was a dedicated ally of the Papacy. This is evident of why Ronald Reagan supported the 1984 agreement of sending a diplomat to the Vatican. Also, his leaders in his administration were prominent Vatican figures and agents like William Casey (who was a Knight of Malta. He was the Director of the CIA). Reagan worked with the Pope John Paul I (a man who publicly called for a new world order) to supposedly end Communism in the Soviet Union, but Communism and cartel-capitalism (which is in favor of a monopoly system not free will. One big banker of this mode was Knight of Malta Joseph J Larkin. He was the Vice President of Chase Manhattan Bank European Affairs) was funded by the Elite (who are in the leadership of the Vatican, the City of London with Pilgrims, etc.) for decades. Ronald Reagan was a proponent of anti-gun laws like the Mulford Act of 1967 & the Brady Bill. He also increased the deficit after he left office. One other big Vatican world leader is Konrad Hermann Josef Adenauer, who is a proponent of the European Union. Also, he was awarded a Knight of Malta cross by SMOM Grand Master Prince Chigi. Ephilution from Unhived Mind listed many Vatican connections to world power and I truly respect that. John McCain is gaining support among the Republican establishment like Florida governor Charlie Chris and California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Arnold and McCain agree on being anti-gun, pro-embryonic stem cell research, and pro-man made global warming (They want environmental problems solved by forcing America to take most of the responsibility instead of just focusing on investing in alternative forms of technology plus other independent solutions). These things I don't agree with. McCain, Gore, and others want nuclear power as a solution, which requires handling nuclear waste (a known toxic substance). Also, Gore and his clique ignore real environmental issues of the honeybee dying off, flouride in our water supplies, aspartame in our foods, MSG, toxic waste, rainforest depletion, etc.  Arnold is a son of a Nazi (named Gustav Schwarzenegger) and praised Adolf Hitler in the 1970's. Arnold Schwarzenegger is one of those who are really anti-liberty. Robert Schmidt and James Rowley from Bloomberg at Thursday on  January 31, 2008 reported on warrantless wiretapping. Both men wrote that getting rid of the wall in not promoting intelligence officials from sharing evidence with prosecutors have increased criminal investigations. Some defense lawyers and civil libertarians say that intelligence search warrants approved by a secret courts and a federal judge not allowed for a defendant to see surveilance request is against privacy rights. Congress is debating this issue of secret courts to supervise surveillance. I don't agree with warantless wiretaps or intelligence agencies holding secret courts to investigate criminal activities. David Edwards from Raw Story at Thursday on , January 31, 2008 talked about Bill Clinton confronting a heckler. Clinton, the Bilderberg and Jesuit puppet, said that 9/11 wasn't an inside job. That isn't true because an inside job means select people organized and carried out a terrorist attack for a specific end. By that definition alone, 9/11 is an inside job. There has been no evidence that al-Qaeda or Osama bin Laden (a known CIA agent) carried out every aspect of 9/11. In other words Osama didn't make NORAD stand down for a time, he didn't cause Building Number Seven to collapse mysteriously, Osama never made W199I restricting investigations of suspected terrorists, or Many credible, sane leader like the former Italian President  Gladio Francesco called 9/11 an inside job. Many others think  as well. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are having a debate now about issues in California.

Other information is coming out. Bob Unruh from WorldNet Daily wrote that a Credit Card Company will not allow a gun dealer to purchase a gun because of concerns of not being sold in a face to face environment in other states. The National Shooting Sports Foundation responds that it's perfectly legal to sell a firearm to a non-license (consumer) from another state. This red tape in gun purchases has definitely decreased the effectiveness of the Second Amendment. Some of the biggest organization in support of getting rid of the right to bear arms are the Jesuits and the United Nations. Gun control is always a new world order tenet. That's why Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Idi Amin, and other dictators enacted these fascist radical gun banning policies in suppressing individual liberty. For thousands of years, leaders from Cicero (an ancient Roman major political figure), Jesus Christ, and even some of the Founding Fathers advanced the view of self defense and a right to own weapons. WDSU from January 28, 2008 talked about a North American summit meeting in New Orleans. Included in that city are leaders of Canada (Harper) and Mexico (Calderon). They will discuss North American issues and critics call this meeting similar to the Montebello one is Canada, which was about North American integration. I strongly disagree with North American integration or a creation of a North American Union. That's why we should have our national sovereignity entacted and our private property rights preserved. There has been a controversy about John McCain and his agenda. McCain voted in favor of McCain-Feingold, which even the Supreme Court cited areas of it that are against the First Amendment. Even the ACLU opposed it which is telling something. McCain also supported the amnesty bill. McCain exhorted to people that he heard the American people and wants the borders secured first. Juan Hernandez supports McCain and he's a dual American-Mexican citizen. Jerome Corsi criticized him as advocating a Mexico first philosophy (for example,in ABC's Nightline in 2001 Juan said that Mexican immigrants should think Mexico first). On the other hand, many patriotic Hispanic Americans oppose illegal immigration and want the best for America. I want to make that clear. Jeremy Scahill from AlterNet on January 29, 2008 reported on Blackwater protestors. Jeremy reported on how Blackwater protestors had a secret trial and conviction when they were disruptive in the courtroom. Blackwater has many Knight of Malta control and was involved in killing many innocent civilians many months ago. They appealed their convictions. This presents many challenges in reforming radically our legal system. Some who are innocent have been unfairly convicted for eons across the world not just in America. Now, Montell Williams wants to report on politics more. Montel Williams recently came on the Fox News in the Morning Show to express his opposition to the Iraq War. Montell wanted more crucial reporting on the deaths of American servicemen and women, which is a right position to take.  While, I respect his courage handling MS, he lost some credibility with his continued support of Sylvia Browne. Sylvia is a Gnostic psychic who made numerous false predictions like the West Virginia miners being alive. In truth, the miners died in that tragedy. It just shows you that you can't trust anyone 100%. Only trust God Almighty 100% of the time and investigate what I say for I'm fallible not infallible. Hypocrispy ought to be exposed. Many hypocritically claim to support the environment. Yet, some of them want to Criminalize the ownership of incandescent light bulbs, despite the fact that "energy saving light bulbs" are loaded with toxic waste that's already banned under EU regulations. They also contain deadly Mercury which will end up in our land fills and our water supply once use of the new CFL bulbs becomes mandatory.  CNN reported on toxic trailers in this after of the Hurricane Katrina disaster. We have huge challenges. Google Video on January 30, 2008  reported on DARPA's new advanced technology. These technologies relates to Big Brother. They includes A.I., "NBIC", the "Global Information Grid", nanotechnology, biotechnology, autonomous drones, "naval sea-bases", etc. Many of these programs are controlled by the Pentagon and relates to the transhumanist agenda among some technocrats. It's also an extreme violation of our personal liberty and privacy. One way for us to live our lives more effectively is trying to get rid of monopolies. Those who endorse a new world order usual want centralized control, bureaucrats instead of the people controlling society (and some of them wanting to exploit America to try to create a "New Atlantis" utopia endorsed by Francis Bacon who was a Rosicrucian), and a monopoly of life in general. We can have change with an independent mind. Also, we need not to promote violence, but peaceful means to find answers in our lives. Individuals should independence. That's why I won't stop. I will expose the Vatican, Masonry, occult Secret Societies, false religions, and any evil. I love liberty. I will the courage of my own convictions and I will not back down.


By Timothy