Monday, January 28, 2008

Mitt Romney's Bizarre Beliefs


Mitt Romney’s Bizarre Beliefs
Ex Mormons expose the church’s deceptive doctrine and its goals for a dictatorship

Sonia Uribe
Monday January 28, 2008

Staggering revelations from ex Mormon insiders reveal the truth behind Republican presidential bidder Mitt Romney's faith and the draconian future that possibly awaits Americans if he wins the presidency.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) camouflages their strange beliefs by masquerading as wholesome Leave it to Beaver style families. A former devout member of the LDS Church, author and international speaker, William Schnoebelen, actively warns people of the dangers of Mormonism.

"The Church of Mormon is dangerous in some respects. It's even more dangerous than some of the other sinister groups," Schnoebelen states, adding: "Partially because they look so nice, but the goals of the church are in fact a benevolent dictatorship."

With Mitt Romney gaining momentum and leading the Republican Presidential Nomination alongside fellow Republican John McCain, these disclosures bring bad news to Americans who already understand the LDS Church's real teachings.

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What can Americans expect if Romney wins the election? According to Schnoebelen, "If they form a dictatorship, they would institute a United Order, which is a communistic form of government where the church owns all the property. They already own almost 90% of the farmland in Florida and they are chewing up farmland all over the U.S. They want to control the U.S. food supply."

He also warns of a mark of the beast system for non-Mormons living in this distorted LDS utopia. "You cannot buy or sell unless you have the mark and the number of the beast because there will be no way to get food since it is up to the Mormons," Schnoebelen said. "You would either have to be a Mormon or somehow be of subservience to them. They have plans and oddly and eerily enough, their plans are very akin to what you see the Antichrist in the Book of Revelation wanting to do."

This United Order and the mark of the beast system unequivocally contradicts the Christian bible, yet the LDS website claims Jesus Christ is their saviour and their website splashes Jesus' name all throughout its pages. LDS Churches employ great effort to portray itself as a Christian denomination to reel in unsuspecting and uninformed victims. Oddly enough, the Los Angeles Times reported recently that Romney "acknowledged Mormonism is not a Christian faith," but says that he does follow Jesus Christ.

Their religion just screams confusion because of the many distinct responses you receive from them. The LDS Church constantly changes their doctrine. "The Mormon Church keeps changing their scriptures. They omitted over 200 words about the actual revelation that was written by Joseph Smith. Why? Because they contain three blatantly false revelations and prophecies of Joseph Smith," states Ed Decker, a former Temple Mormon and former member of the Holy Melchizedek priesthood.

The LDS Church profoundly believes the U.S. Constitution is an anointed and inspired document much like their Book of Mormon and Bible. The LDS believe in a prophecy given by Prophet Brigham Young, which involves the American Constitution and ruling America.

"They believe that sometime in America's history, the Constitution will hang by a thread and the elders of Israel (which means Mormon elders because they believe they are Israel) will come in and save the Constitution," Schnoebelen said. This controversial prophecy is known as the 'white horse prophecy' or the 'One mighty and strong.'

This leader will become both President of the United States and Mormon Prophet at the same time. "Thus, he would wield both supreme political power of the most powerful nation on earth and also be the 'Prophet, Seer and Revelator' of the LDS Church," claims Schnoebelen. This leader will rule as an amiable dictator under the aegis of Jesus Christ, according to Mormon beliefs. The Mormon faith is one of the ultimate deceptions due to their ability to put up a fa�ade and contend that they are Christians.

Mitt Romney's religion continues to spark curiosity between the American public and international journalists wanting to find out membership numbers. LDS Newsroom reports that new memberships will rise past 13 million for the first time. Evangelicals worry that Romney will drag millions into "the Mormon cult." However, numbers reveal that the surge of new church membership in Massachusetts slowed considerably during the time Romney served as governor.

"Mormonism is growing very fast in third world countries. It is not growing very fast in America anymore. That is partly because of films like the God Makers (Jeremiah Films)," Schnoebelen explains. "Believe it or not, it is growing fast in Africa, in spite of the fact that they have this very racist history and racist theology." Africa boasts the highest membership growth rates. For example, Nigeria went from 29,500 in 2000 to almost 79,500 in 2006. African Mormons even carry their own website and if you check out their testimonies section, you will see Gladys Knight on there praising the LDS Church.

Esteemed Mormon Prophet Brigham Young declared that no follower of Joseph Smith should marry a Negro or else they would immediately be killed. He also stated that this law must never change. Brigham Young maintained this narrow-minded theory concerning Africans because of their religion's doctrine. This is just one example of how Mormons altered one of their beliefs. Why did Mormons dislike blacks so much? Why did they curse them?

According to ex Mormons, the Mormon God (Elohim) summoned a celestial gathering in their planet near a mysterious star called Kolob for all of his goddess wives, their spirit children, and his eldest sons: Jesus and Lucifer. Yes, Mormons believe Jesus and Lucifer are brothers. They discussed a plan for creating Earth - a residence for their spirit children and a place where they can inhabit mortal bodies.

Before getting into why blacks received a "curse," it's also important to note that when husbands and wives die and achieve godhood, they are required to populate their own planet. This is not very good news for women. Imagine being eternally pregnant and living only to produce spirit babies one after the other!

Lucifer aspired to become saviour of planet Earth. He wanted everyone to be gods on the new planet; however, the Mormon Jesus proposed everyone should have free will. Evidently, the Mormon Jesus beat Lucifer and the spirit children who followed Jesus became light skinned or white and were born into Mormon families on Earth. Those who followed Lucifer, who later became the devil, became the demons. The spirit children who remained neutral were "cursed" with being born with black skin (See What Mormon is About Short Video). Mormons also believe their Jesus had at least three wives: Mary, Mary Magdalene and Martha. Their Mormon Jesus also fathered a number of children on Earth. This is similar to Dan Brown's book.

When Republican presidential contender Mike Huckabee published an article in Sunday's New York Times Magazine asking, "Don't Mormons believe that Jesus and the devil are brothers?" Governor Romney's spokesman replied that he does not debate candidates about their faith. On the other hand, according to Kim Farah, a spokeswoman for the LDS Church, "We believe, as other Christians believe and as Paul wrote, that God is the father of all. That means that all beings were created by God and are his spirit children..."

In order to conform to modern times and society, the Mormon Church lifted their ridiculous 'curse' over the African race. Up until 1978, the LDS Church taught that black people were 'loathsome, filthy, and lazy.' (Those words come from Mormon Scripture and the Mormon Prophets) They also taught that no black could ever gain the priesthood except until all white men had acquired it.

"In the 1970's, with the dawn of the Civil Rights Movement, the IRS began leaning on the Mormon Church telling them that they cannot be a non profit and tax exempt organization with their discriminatory policy," Schnoebelen said. "Guess what happened? The Mormon Prophet and seer, Spencer W. Kimball, had a revelation in 1978. He said it is now okay for black people to come into the Temple. The Mormon god changes his mind more than he changes his underwear."

To appreciate the Mormon faith better, it is a good idea to study the life of their adored founder and Prophet Joseph Smith. After all, Joseph Smith, their God (Elohim) and the Mormon Jesus will judge them when they die. Ed Decker argues how Mormonism is based on a belief of extraterrestrial humanoids from a distant place called Kolob who visited 14-year-old Joseph Smith and shared their revelations and visions to him.

Joseph Smith's first vision is the key element of the Mormon Church, yet there are nine versions, which contradict each other. "Mormon leaders are deliberately keeping from you the true history of their religion because they will know that you will have a hard time believing it is from God," states Sandra Tanner, great great granddaughter of Brigham Young and former Mormon. Perhaps Joseph Smith's love for Freemasonry, fondness of tale bearing and the occult caused his forgetfulness and inability to remember his first vision.

Mormon historians and professors at Brigham Young University claim that Joseph Smith immersed himself into the occult. "Joseph Smith was heavily involved in the occult," said Decker. "He kept a seer stone that he used as a crystal ball to divine the location of hidden treasures�" Smith tried everything from sorcery and necromancy to trying to raise the dead. Their faith is rooted in the esoteric realm and occult symbols lavish their Temples. No crosses adorn any of their Temples, but they do contain dozens of inverted pentagrams. Schnoebelen claims that Mormon Temples are full of Masonic witchcraft and occult symbols.

If you open up Anton LaVey's Satanic Bible and flip to the section titled "Infernal Names," you will notice something bizarre. The Mormon god "Mormo" is listed under there. He is known as the god of the living dead and the king of the ghouls. Guess what you call his followers? Mormons!

If these ideologies and prophecies are true, America is in deep trouble. Let us just hope and pray Ron Paul wins the Republican Presidential Nomination and knocks the others off their spots. It will be a nightmare and a catastrophe if the final two are Hillary Clinton and Mitt Romney.

I'll finish this up with a quote that will hopefully motivate you to warn everyone you know about the realities and dangers of Mormonism. According to William Schnoebelen, this is exactly what most Mormons are thinking:

"Most Mormons believe with all their heart that someday it is their destiny for a Mormon to become President of the USA and he will rule and bring in a United Order."