Monday, January 28, 2008

Evolution and Abortion written by a Person and Pro-Life News

Evolution justifies Abortion on Demand!
Body: Thirty-five years ago this week, America joined the ranks of nations engaging in the genocide of its own people. In 1973 the U.S. Supreme Court launched an all-out assault, this time not on a religious or ethnic group, but on victims with no voice, no defense, and no allies. It marks the day that, under the pretense of privacy, the womb became an unfair battlefield for the unborn.

The beginning of America’s toleration for abortion can be traced back to the mid-1800s. It was in 1860 that German college professor Ernst Haeckel, just finishing Darwin’s Origin of the Species, left his physician practice for the study of embryology. So convinced by what he read, Haeckel became one of the most zealous advocates of Darwinism in the nineteenth century.


Nine years later, with no real evidence for evolution, Haeckel devised sketched charts of human developmental stages. By 1875, Haeckel was convicted of fraud in a trial held by his own university. There he admitted to faking his drawings in an attempt to show similarities between the human embryo and that of animals. But today, many biology textbooks still include these charts, purposefully deceiving thousands of students, with no mention of their fraudulent history.

Despite Haeckel's conviction, his drawings paved the way for the murdering of the unborn. If a human life is nothing more than an animal, it’s no wonder the textbooks refer to the unborn as a mere “blob of tissue.” Haeckel’s sacred cow of evolution is the well-hidden and underlying missing link to abortion.

America often mourns the horror of September 11, 2001 when nearly three thousand lives were tragically taken, yet keeps silent as more than four thousand lives are stolen each day through this evolution-influenced terrorism called abortion. We protest the casualties of war—yet turn our heads away from the 50 million innocent victims of Roe v. Wade. As Christians continue to stand on the sidelines, the Bible is unwavering; God ordained each of us in the womb (Jeremiah 1:5). Christians, it’s time to take a stand –it’s time for a change.


Canada Marks 20 Years of Legalized Abortion, Pro-Life Groups Hope for Change Email this article
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by Steven Ertelt Editor
January 28, 2008

Ottawa, Canada ( -- Canada followed the United States by 15 years in allowing abortions to be done across the nation without any major restrictions. In January 1988, Canada's Supreme Court ruled Canada's abortion law was unconstitutional and allowed them to be done with even fewer limits than in the U.S.

In 1967, Canadian justice minister Pierre Trudeau presented a bill to legalize abortion and it became law in 1969.

The high court there eventually issued a ruling on an appeal abortion practitioner Henry Morgentaler filed claiming the law was unconstitutional and that abortion should be allowed without any limits.

National Post columnist Michael Coren said it "would be obscene" to call the occasion an anniversary saying the word "is indelibly linked with celebration, joy and achievement."

Coren looked back on the decision this way:

"It is 20 years since the courts bowed to Henry Morgentaler and his followers and introduced the universal right to abortion in Canada, making this country unique in the democratic world in having no law whatsoever to protect the life of an unborn child at any time during pregnancy."

He called the ruling a decision " based more on legal opinion that reflected political fashion than moral law."

Meanwhile, Peter Ryan, the director of the New Brunswick Right to Life Association, tells that nearly two million unborn children have been killed since the decision was handed down and an untold number of women have been victimized in the process.

"The supporters of abortion will be celebrating today," Ryan said. "There has been much publicity in the media surrounding this anniversary, and there will be more in the next few days."

On the anniversary, Ryan urged pro-life people in Canada to speak up and to let the media know that Canadians are not universally supportive of unlimited abortion.

"Let us mourn this immense loss of life, and pray for a new day to dawn in Canada, when every child will be welcome in life and protected in law," he said.

Looking back at the Morgentaler case, chief justice Brian Dickson wrote for the Canada Supreme Court.

"Section 251 (the old abortion law) clearly interferes with a woman's physical and bodily integrity," he claimed. "Forcing a woman, by threat of criminal sanction, to carry a fetus to term unless she meets certain criteria unrelated to her own priorities and aspirations, is a profound interference with a woman's body and thus an infringement of security of the person."

Polling data shows Canadians are pro-abortion but pro-life groups are making inroads with their educational efforts.

A November 2006 poll Environics Research Group conducted for LifeCanada found 31 percent said human life should be protected from conception.

Another 23 percent favored protecting human life after three months of pregnancy, up from 19 percent from the previous survey. Another 10 percent said to protect human life after six months of pregnancy, down from 11 percent, and 30 percent of Canadians say human life shouldn't be protected until birth, down 3 percent.

In September 2006, Pope Benedict XVI criticized Canada for its laws allowing abortion. He said they result in part because numerous pro-abortion Catholic politicians are ignoring their faith and putting their own beliefs ahead of the values of the church.
"In the name of 'freedom of choice' [Canada] is confronted with the daily destruction of unborn children," the pope said.

He added that laws allowing abortions are the result of "the exclusion of God from the public sphere."

He chided pro-abortion Catholic politicians for yielding to "ephemeral social trends and the spurious demands of opinion polls."

There were 105,154 abortions performed in Canada in 2002, according to Statistics Canada.

Related web sites:
LifeCanada -