Wednesday, January 30, 2008

NAU’s North American Leader’s Summit to be Held in New Orleans


NAU’s North American Leader’s Summit to be Held in New Orleans
WDSUJanuary 28, 2008
President George W. Bush failed to mention the plight of New Orleans in his previous State of the Union addresss and has overseen what some call more than two years of neglect since Hurricane Katrina.
During his address Monday, however, he was applauded for his plans to bring a high-profile summit to the business-hungry town.

Bush announced during the address that he, the Prime Minister of Canada, and the President of Mexico will visit New Orleans in April for the fourth annual North American Leader’s Summit.
Last year’s meeting took place in Quebec, Canada, and drew more than 1,000 labor and environmental activists who did not agree with the policies of North America’s political leaders.
But even Bush’s most vocal critics said the event, and the forums and seminars expected to be organized around its periphery, will be a benefit to New Orleans.
U.S. Sen. Mary Landrieu said the meeting will be a great opportunity to showcase that the Gulf Coast is coming back.