Monday, January 28, 2008

Getting rid of the Veil and accepting Truth






Barack Obama won the South Carolina primary for the Democratic Party convincingly. It was important since he fought back against the Clinton political machine. Obama expressed a stirring victory speech describing race as not a explotative tool to earn votes. Obama seeks to gain more constitutents like union members, Hispanic Americans, and white Democats. Barack is correct on some issues (like believing that all Americans should have a chance to get quality education, quality health care, and opposition to the oppressive NAFTA agreement. Although, I believe one solution to health and education is more competition and more independent prescriptions to develop of our health and education) and wrong on other issues like his support of child killing (aka abortion). It's interesting to note that he's related to Cheney and the Bush Family. Many of these Presidents are related to the Saxe Coburg Gotha and other Black Nobility families. The Saxe-Coburg Gothas member Ernst II was a protecter of Jesuit-trained Adam Weishaupt, who is a founder of the Bavarian Illuminati. To this day the Saxe-Coburg Gothas (now Windsors. Many of the Windsor are heads of English Freemasonry worldwide), the Vatican, and other groups seek a new world order. The Rothschilds are big player and they are classified as the "Keeper of the Vatican Treasury" in the Jewish Encyclopedia. One of Obama's main exhortations is the prospect of instituting a sense of real change for America. Caroline Kennedy (who is President John F. Kennedy's son. It's interesting to note that JFK wasn't perfect. Although, he was for some righteous things like being pro-Second Amendment, pro-job growth, and he spoke out against Secret Societies and secret oaths plus secret proceedings) , Patrick Kennedy (Ted Kennedy's son) and Ted Kennedy made manifest their endorsements for Obama. Barack Obama spoke eloquently today about the vision of transistion in finding solutions and common ground that can adequately develop a better future for America. Ted Kennedy spoke as well. John Edwards was third in the South Carolina primary. Edwards hopes to salvage more votes in other states for the Presidential nomination. The Republican Florida primary will exist tomorrow. The mainstream media is giving huge attention to the candidacy of CFR member John McCain. McCain commented that if Hillary is the Democratic nominee, he will treat her cordially and with respect. John McCain is very militant in his advocacy for a sustained occupation of U.S. soldiers in Iraq as long as 100 years (even with D.U. in it which is a poison). Funny how similar both human beings are on the issues. Hillary Clinton and John McCain both agree with embroynic stem cells reseach (which is less effective than adult stem cells or even cord blood cells), for gun control, each believe that some troops should remain in Iraq, and each accept the elite view of man-made global warming. Let's be real. Hillary Clinton's government-run health care plan back in 1993, which forces people via mandates (even if they don't want it) to have the government run the health care system was heavily involved with the influence of the Rockefellers (this family are globalists who endorse the United Nations and the Earth Charter). That's what socialized medicine is. It's the government controlling your health, which is immoral. The people and individual should decide their own health solutions not Big Pharma or the government. Hence, Both Hillary Clinton and John McCain are submerged by the establishment power. Other candidates in the Republican race include Mike Huckabee (his friend Chuck Norris is one of his strongest supporters. I respect and agree with many of Norris' conservative views, but Chuck fails to realize that Huckabee spoke in favor of Richard Haas. Haas is a head of the CFR), Mitt Romney, Ron Paul (his candicacy is highly popular. I saw a pro-Ron Paul Revolution sign in Norfolk, VA), and Rudy Giuliani (he had a Mafia relative and his advisors like King and Norman Podhoretz are dedicated Neo-Cons). Mitt Romney (he meet in secret in the CNP along with Richard Cheney) classified McCain as acquiring inexperience in his conception of economic issues. Economic crisis is real with the dollar currency devalues, jobs transported overseas, and America running out of money (that's why the U.S. borrows money from China and other nations to fund certain orders and programs). Because of elections problems like van problems carrying voting boxes (many of them had slits opened up), a recount will occur in New Hampshire. Bev Harris has reported on this. McCain view Romney as lacking in foreign policy deduction and intrepid analysis. Frankily, we ought to expose corruption in government. Government should have immediate, radical reform to make it more effective unto citizens. One example of that corruption in government is how the History Channel admits that the Anthrax Attack in 2001 is very well an inside job. Additionally, we should have profound understand and concern about topics from across the Earth. That includes toxic waste problems in China, corporate corruption in America, and Christian presecution (in Pakistan, India, Sudan, etc.). The Associated Press reported on how fascist-like schools have become. It reported on at  January 17, 2008 there was an incident at PS 81 in New York City. The student was a 5 year old named Dennis Rivera. Dennis had a tatrum. Later, the police sent him in handcups to a mental ward. He had no weapons and he wasn't sent into the principals office (or even allow to let the tantrum cease). He was arrested and experienced a a psychiatric evaluation. This type of overbearing mentality is similar to Germany where some private schools like homeschooling is banned by the government. With all the money spent in schools (the USA spent some of the highest amount of money in the Western), public schools are very low in the performance list of industralized. These problems are primarily because of leadership, structural, and moral problems, which transpire in many public schools. Some public schools are improving, but there should be choice and competition in education. Education truly belongs to the parents not to the state or the government purely. This is the tip of the iceberg, because fascism is real in not only in China, but here in America. Warrantless wiretapes, free speech zones, barbwire fences in schools, police wearing black ski masks with militarized weapons, hover drones, etc. existing now in the USA is part of a growing police state. It's shown under the veil of freedom, but this isn't real freedom. The North American Union and the unConstitutional SPP is real. We should oppose these unelected bureaucrats trying to make North American integration a reality. Ashlee Vance from The Register on Monday at January 28, 2008 written that George W. Bush signed a new Directive. That Directive stipulates that the NSA can monitor government agencies in claiming to battle against "cyber-terrorism." The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) will spherehead finding these "cyber threats," while Homeland Security and the Pentagon are ordered to retailate against these problems. Some critics say it allows the NSA to monitor in secrecy. The bigger issue is that Echeleon, the NSA, and other intelligence/government agencies have illegally monitored citizens without a warrant for decades in the USA. This occurs in other nations, so America isn't totally the blame for it.



Times of India from January 25, 2008 reported on an U.S. plan to to be active militarily in Pakistan. Admiral William Fallon issued an order for the American troops to create "new approaches" in the arena of Pakistan. Fallon have been in talks with Pakistan's new army supremo Ashraf Kiyani. Musharraf opposes such direct U.S. intervention in Pakistan. Some U.S. Generals even want Musharraf to vacate his office. Why would some want U.S. involvement in Pakistan? I believe its a way for the West to be involved in the affairs of Pakistan (to try to fight against the CIA-creation called al-Qaeda). Certain elitists in the West want a more paternal and submissive Pakistan basically. There has been a lot of talk about religion. Some individuals want to demonize conservative Christians and those from the Constitution Party. I don't agree with Bushbots like Rush Limbaugh (He was the one wanting citizens with drug addictions to be locked up, but was caught being a drug addict of Oxycotin) and the Constitution Pary isn't perfect. Yet, many members of the Constitution Party have opposed Bush for a long time in its role in suppressing civil liberties, having an anti-gun gun agenda (via supporting the so-called "assault weapons" ban), and publicly exposed the Republican establishment. Many conservative Christians like Chuck Baldwin have criticized the Bush administration just as harsh if not more than many liberals. In fact, Bush is liberal on globalization, immigration, nation building, and massive spending. The reality is that we don't need a two party duopoly. We need as many parties as possible encorporating itself as posssessing national prominence, so people will have a voice to vote for. Personally, I'm an independent. I believe in civil liberties, the right to bear arms (i.e. the Second Amendment), but I'm also Pro-Life and I accept morals in society. Instead of promoting condoms for youth 24/7 (which can break 2% to 7% of the time), we should practice what we preach and encourage sexual respect for our own bodies. Plus, people should encourage young people to reject risky, sexual actions that are recreational. There is nothing wrong with sex, but certain risky sexual acts can increase your risk of catching an STDs or HIV. Additionally, I reject poisons like aspartame, flouride (recently more doctors on TV have spoken out against flouride), MSG, etc. Many states are trying to get rid of these toxins from their own water system. The Nazis and Soviet terrorists put flouride into the water to punish and lower the intelligence of its victims. Flouride gravely damage peoples' brains to decrease their basic inherit IQ. Mainstream Scientific studies from America, Mexico, and across the world found that flouride is a neuro-toxin that can disrupt the mental capability and IQ of people, their kidneys, and forment other sinister dangers. Now, since this is the case, some authentic banning of flouride and other toxins should exist. One other problem is that voting fraud is so rampant (not only in America, but globally), that it's hard to determine if you're vote has been counted. The better option is pretty much independent iniatatives on your own and with others to help your community. That's great since at you realize benefits are coming from your own deeds and you can monitor it more effectively. Tonight, President & Knight of the Virgin Bonesman George W. Bush (his relatives are pro-Vatican like Knight of Columbus Jeb Bush and Knight of Malta Prescott Bush Jr. The Vatican was wicked and very compromised before Vatican II despite what individuals like MostHolyMonastery says. Just look at the Inquistion, the Bartholomew Massacre, the murder of the hero William Tyndale, the conquisdators, the Irish Massarce of the 1600's, and their Mystery Religion doctrines) will talk about his State of the Union Address. Typical, Bush will comment on the economy, terrorism, and other subjects. It's kind of wild that Daniel Taylor wrote an article describing that certain members of Davos meeting called for a global society and sovereignity must decrease (Prime Minister Gordon Brown ordered a more strengthened United Nations when the U.N. is at the heart of globalization and population control agenda). The Vatican and Jesuits always seek religious control of the Earth and they made strives via their invented Ecumencial Movement. Also, technocrats and eugenicists (found in the Club of Rome, various Foundations, and the Bilderberg Group) since the 19th century desired transhumanism and the psychological control of population as a means to control society. Dr. Richard Lynn, emeritus professor at the University of Ulster wants to phase out certain people because of their so-called inferiority. I may disagree with certain people's culture, but I don't believe in an inferior human being. All humans have equal value and should be given the exact same concern and respect as we would want ourselves to be treated. It's also about control. The globalists want control of land and resoucres via select multinational corporations and other political groups. Frankily the top 3 biggest wealthiest landowners in the world is Queen Elizabeth II (whose land is worth over $33 trillion), King Abdullah of Saudia Arabia (who land in acres is worth over $2.9 trillion), and the Pope (who land is worth over $1.7 trillion). I will expose the Jesuits and Freemasonry. Many some pro-Masons have baseless ad-hominem attacks against me. Like usual I refute them with ease since I know Freemasonry for years. These deceptives hate the truth of Masonic involvement in the Murder of William Morgan, the disgusting death oaths to get into Freemasonry, the unscriptural concepts of Freemasonry (which Masons like Albert Pike admit to be a descendant of the Ancient Mystery Religion of Babylon and Egypt), and how some promote lying and deception in their degrees (especially in the lower levels). They are embracing of the Kabbala. The Kabbala is a form of apostate Jewish mysticism that believes that God didn't directly create the Universe. Also, they follow occult principles and even that every Hebrew alphabet has some spiritual significance which isn't mentioned in the Torah at all. It's man-made occult inspired tradition. I figured all of this out from quotes from Freemasons themselves so this isn't a lie. Now, I like to thank all of the visitors to my sites and blog from America (in Rhode Island, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, Alabama, Minnesota, Missouri, California, etc.), Canada, Europe, Saudi Arabia, Asia, New Zealand, and Australia. I appreciate all of you. I will always promote life and oppose the new world order. The veil is gone.


By Timothy