Re: Ah Climate change...
Hold on... its about to get a "lot" scarier.
I know that you have something of a computer background...
do this...
use the internet...
search on solar activity and changes in the solar stream and magnetic fields in the past 30 years. Then correlate what you find with both tectonic stresses and climatic changes.
It will blow your mind.
The sun is growing both hotter and more unstable, and there is just not a lot that we can do about it.
If we put out the pollution level of the middle ages, it would not change the climate. By the way, I have a good chunk of an Environmental Science Degree under my belt... I love it! I have always been an Environmentalist (within reason) and believe that we need to take a whole lot better care of the environment than we do. We are not being good stewards of the Earth.
But we are not causing either global cooling or global warming. The sun is.
This commentary was posted this morning. I thought I'd post it as a separate topic of discussion spinning off the SWAT team discussion, since homeschooling has been mentioned by several of us as a reason Social Services has tried meddling with our families.
The same government that wants to peer into our homes to detect "abuse" can't seem to stop it from happening right under their noses in the government schools, sometimes at the hands of their own employees. Yet somehow this same bureaucracy is competent (constitutional issues aside for the moment) to invade and inspect the homes of people who are the victims of anonymous tipsters claiming "abuse and neglect".
"When Christ calls a man, He bids him come and die." -Dietrich Bonhoeffer