The Helegian Dialetic runs deep. It's been found that the billionaire Scaife donates cash gto both CSIS and the Reason Foundation. CSIS promotes cybernetics and Reason claims to be all about libertarian. Scaife is known to fund both the Left and Right Paradigms since he's a nexus point in exposing the left/right paradigm. Reason promotes an establishment form of libertarianism. It's feudalism. While, local, country, and state government are shrinking in extreme austerity, the federal government is expanding (in the wrong areas like the military, Homeland Security, and banker bailouts). The false solution is to blame the government for all evils in the world and privatize everything (like some Tea Party people want). If all public infrastructure was sold, all public lands were sold to the highest bitter, and if all government functions are run privately, then only big corporations like Goldman Sachs will rule most of that power base. Ironically, these bankers stole the money. This is why the Kochs and other elite bankers co-opted the Tea Party. They wanted rhetoric form the Tea Party to be utilized as an excuse for the bankers to steal public lands and infrastructure (under the guise of a free market). This is nothing more than anarcho-capitalism and Austrian economic propaganda (that include a gold standard like the people from the World Bank). The anarchists and some libertarian want private courts, private police agencies, and private prisons. The reality is that we have those things now in high measure. Corporations have huge influence in our contrary as contrary to the Constitution. The establishment allow the Mormon Glen Beck and other people in the hijacked Tea party Movement to claim that President Barack Obama is a Communist (including Stern, Ayers, van Jones, etc.). The reality is that we have a more fascist system (communism is still wrong since that involved an authoritarian centralized state that controls most facets of the economy. Individual liberties are suppressed under Communism). Here, the government are influenced by big business with bailouts and corporate welfare. The mega corporations oppress the state and use the state as an instrument of controlling the people. It's as simple as that. They use the government via lobbyists to enslave and bankrupt us. So, we don't need the Left Paradigm (using the schemes of new age religion, Agenda 21, neo-eugenics, transhumanism, abolition of all private property, ending borders, etc.) or the Right Paradigm (that is about anarchy, Austrian economics, etc. They exploit the name of God and Jesus to get brainwashed Christians not real Christians pacified) ruling us. We have to have some checks and balances as a solution. Each level of government (like the federal, state, and local branches) have functions. There is a safety net for the poor and disadvantaged in society, state banks in America (North Dakota's bank is successful now), and the use of interest free money.
I don’t agree with Texe Marrs on all issues, but he is dead on accurate in exposing the real Jared Lee Loughner to a T. He exposed some things about him that I didn’t know of at first. Jared is Jewish. There is nothing wrong with that, but that fact refutes the media lie that Jared tired to kill Giffords since she is Jewish too. He loved heavy metal rock and loved the occult. Rock and the occult though have nothing to do with his attack. This is just background on his make up. The man Jared is the person responsible for his own acts alone. He obviously had serious mental illness issues. He believed that reality was ficiticious (This is shown in his surreal books like he loved like Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland). The attacks by Jared occurred in Tuscon, Arizona. He killed 6 people and wounded 20 others. The media was wrong to blame the attack on conservatives or Tea Party people. The New York Daily news reported that Jared made a Devil-like shrine with an altar and skull on it. There were other paraphernalia in it. It was twisted. Serial killers for decades have been involved with satanic like tendencies. This is nothing new. This shrine looks similar to the Sukkot both or the booth used in the Feast of Tabernacles (although the real feast doesn’t involve death imagery of course. So, Jared’s booth was not of God). Jared loved the Wizard of Oz book, Peter Pan, Siddhartha (this book is about the story of Guatama Buddha. Buddha believed in no Heaven, and some Buddhists reject God’s existence. The Buddhists believe that man can hold to go into various cycles of life until they reach nirvana or perfection. Even Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin was a Buddhist. Lougher didn’t believe in a personal God that is common among the New Age crowd. This doesn’t mean that Buddhists are response for the chaos in Tuscon though. So, I want to make that clear), the Communist Manifesto, etc. On the same Facebook page, Loughner listed only one political columnist whose work he enjoyed reading—Ben Smith, a liberal who writes for the pro-Democrat Party Internet site, Politico. Meanwhile, a young woman named Caitie Parker who said she went to school with him reported that Loughner was “left wing, quite liberal, and oddly obsessed with the 2012 prophecy.” She also said that he was “a pothead into heavy metal rock music like Jimi Hendrix, the Doors, and Anti-Flag.” According to the Tucson Police Department, Loughner had been arrested once for possession of drug paraphernalia. So, he wasn’t a conservative or liberal (since real liberals don’t kill innocent people at all). He was an extremist plainly speaking. He hated human life and wanted a baby’s body to be exploded after he heard a poem about a baby being aborted. He was a sociopath that only cared for himself. He dropped out of school and he hated God. On a YouTube video he said that: “…Now, I will not trust in God…” The Bible from Proverbs 8:36 is clear that: “…All they who hate me love death.” It’s simple to that Jared wasn’t a liberal nor conservative, but a disturbed man that is a murderer. He should receive justice for his evil deed. I don’t have sympathy for him. I don’t have sympathy for a murderer. I wish the murderer should have gotten help and not done what he had done though. I have sympathy for the victims of the attacks.
The FBI are visiting people for some having dissent in the aftermath of the Tucson shooting. The FBI visited conservative bloggers. This comes after some want to investigate people for criticizing the government. Even though, Jared Loughner wasn’t politically motivated. The FBI are visiting people’s homes if they criticized their representative. This meeting occurred on an Ozark man who ran a blog last year. The blog was critical of Republican Congressman Billy Long. He was shocked that the FBI agent was on his doorstep to ask him questions. The agent was with the Green County Sheriff Jim Arnott. He stepped outside of his jurisdiction to become involved in the act of political repression directed against Clay Bowler or the resident of Christian County. The FBI agent wanted to figure out if Bowler was a threat to Long. The reason is that he used an Internet blog to expose the claims of cronyism and corruption involving the Congressional figure before the southwest Missouri election in November. This was when Long defeated Democrat Scott Eckersley to replace outgoing Rep. Roy Blunt. Bowler had a heated confrontation with Long. Bowler asked him a question about political donations Long had made. The video clip of the incident shows Bowler calmly asking Long a question as the Congressman walks away. He ran a website. The name of it is called “Long is wrong” in an attempt to prevent Long from being elected last year. The website is now discontinued. Bowler hasn’t had any contact with Long since September. The FBI agent who visited Bowler had to agree that his actions represented no kind of threat whatsoever. Bowler said that he wasn’t a threat to Billy Long. He finds it’s funny since he supports constitutional rights and won’t try to put them into jeopardy like the 2nd Amendment. After the Tucson tragedy, the father of Christina Green (or the 9 year old girl killed in the massacre) said that the nation shouldn’t exploit his daughter’s death to be exploited to crush constitutional rights. This is right since Jared Loughner wasn’t motivated by politics. Earlier this week one of his closest high school friends told ABC News that Loughner, “Did not watch TV. He disliked the news. He didn’t listen to political radio. He didn’t take sides. He wasn’t on the left. He wasn’t on the right.” Green County Sheriff Jim Arnott’s justification that it’s best to “err on the side of caution” in targeting critics of government with home visits has no place in a free country. Perhaps Arnott would feel more at home in the former East Germany or the Soviet Union. Arnott admitted to KSPR News that Bowler isn’t the only person who’s been scrutinized in the wake of the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Gifford (D-AZ) during a meeting with constituents in Tucson, Arizona. Bowler said that the authorities are compiling new lists of Americans who are now considered to be potentially violent threats for the crime of asking their own public servants uncomfortable questions. When the FBI visits an innocent man without a warrant that just is expressing his grievances against local representatives (that serve people), then it can chill free speech. It can also discourage people from speaking out against the government. There is nothing abnormal about peacefully dissenting with a government official. Authoritarianism is wrong and anti-American. Dissent is the highest form of patriotism. This policy of immoral laws, TSA officials abusing people, snitch squads, and Homeland Security have exist in America in the 21st century. We don’t need a police state control grid, but a real society where compassion and freedom reigns in it. We should be more vocal about dissent while we have some free speech rights left.
Secret Societies are in existence now. William Schaw was claimed to be an important figure in the development of Freemasonry. He was an informant as a follower of Esme Stewart or the 1st Duke of Lennox. He made the Schaw Statues about Masonry. He died in 1602. This was nearly 2 years before King James formal, physical accession to the throne. He was a Roman Catholic. This history is covered up apparently to not allow people to know about the Bible of the Reformation called the Geneva Bible. Also, this time in the 1600's, the elite allowed the crypto-Catholic Church (or the Anglican Church) to have a monopoly on ecclesiastical issues. This Anglican elite also use tactics to suppress efforts of anti-Jesuitism and destroy much of UK sovereignty. Many of these Anglicans back then persecuted Reformers and Baptists in England. That is why the Reformers and Baptists fled the UK into America to possess religious liberty. The Anglican Royals allied with the Papacy to support the Jesuit-influenced European Union too. Today, the Anglican Royals from the UK marry into the Catholics and have meetings with each other. This Ecumenical tie refutes the disinformation that there is no Masonic & Jesuit links of collaboration in history. Troy was right to expose this stuff. I don't totally agree with him on King James though. King James wasn't perfect, but he expelled the Order in 1604, he burned the works of the Jesuit Francisco Suarez justifying regicide, and he explicitly condemned witchcraft. Troy is right to give a special respect for the Geneva Bible for without the Geneva Bible and the Tyndale Bible, the King James Bible wouldn't exist. I do believe that the King James Bible is a very accurate translation from the Textus Receptus line. So, I believe that the Geneva Bible and the KJV are apart of the Word of God. The KJV wasn't a product of inspiration, but preservation of the Scriptures.
By Timothy